



1、2021-2022学年湖北省武汉市汉南区纱帽中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Daniel has great interest in China, especially in history of the Tang Dynasty.A. a; the B. a; 不填 C. 不填; the D. 不填; a参考答案:A 2. “Must”_ be used to express necessity or strong recommendation,although native speakers prefer. the form ”have to”. A. would B. mig

2、ht C. need D. can参考答案:D3. -Excuse me, is this the way to China Pavilion? -Sorry, I am not sure. But it _.A. must be B. should have been C. should be D. might have been参考答案:C略4. I couldnt help feeling greatI put on the parachute and was pulled off the beach.A. even thoughB. whetherC. while D. the mom

3、ent参考答案:D5. All the students who would like to visit the Province Museum, _ down names here.A. writing B. to write C. write D. wrote参考答案:C6. He is a foreigner and he is not accustomed _like that while he i8 tn ChinaAtreating Bto be treated Cto being treated Dto treat 参考答案:C7. Old Richard, ill so lon

4、g ,is losing his memory and needs to be attended toAto be Bbeing Chaving been Dto have been参考答案:C8. Yin used her interest in the teenage wizard to set up a Harry Potter Club at her university, _ attracting over 400 members and introducing her to a whole new circle of friends Aeventually B. efficient

5、ly C. evidently Dextremely参考答案:A9. As a student in _Foreign Language College, I have to learn_second foreign language.A.the;a B.the ;the C.the ;/ D.a ;the参考答案:A10. It was cold, but the trip was and people were enjoying themselves. AcheerfulBglad Cpleasant Djoyful参考答案:C11. Its too complex, I think_.

6、So wed better make it easier for students to get involvedA. Thats ridiculousB. Thats the pointC. Thats settledD. Thats all right参考答案:B【详解】考查情景交际。句意:那太复杂了,我认为。那正是问题的关键。因此我们最好让学生更容易参与。Its ridiculous那太荒谬了;Thats the point那正是问题的关键;Thats settled那就解决了;Thats all right没关系。根据“Its too complex, I think”可知,复杂是问题

7、的关键所在。B项符合语境。12. I really dont know how to thank you , but for your help, I _ my lost necklaceA.couldnt have found B.mustnt have found C.couldnt find D.wouldnt find参考答案:A13. He back to work without the doctors permissionNow, he has to stay in bed for a couple of days Awouldnt have gone Bcouldnt have

8、 gone Cneednt have gone Dshouldnt have gone参考答案:D14. Little about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger as well . A. did Rose care B. Rose did care C. Rose does care D. does Rose care 参考答案:A15. To improve spoken English, Lucy _ at least one hour each day to recite English texts.A. s

9、ets off B. sets aside C. sets forth D. sets by 参考答案:B16. _ students are required to take part in the boat race.A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong youngC. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese参考答案:A二、 填空17. Teamwork is very important nowadays. We know that 61 tasks your

10、group is given, a few rules need to be followed, according to some experts, 62 (ensure) a productive and successful experience. What comes first is to take everyones ideas into 63 (consider), because each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, if you dont want to waste time, di

11、vide the group task among all group members to make the job 64 (easy). Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another when 65 (discourage), and it can never make 66 difference. Keep these rules in mind. In addition, it is always

12、 wise to compare your results with 67 of other group members, and to keep records of the sources used by each person, without 68 you cant trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen 69 (unexpected). In brief, when the time comes to make a decision and take a position on an issue, rememb

13、er what a group can achieve 70 (lie) in each members contribution.参考答案:61whatever62to ensure63consideration64easier65discouraged66no 67those68which69unexpectedly70lies61考查连词。让步状语从句缺少引导词,同时该引导词又修饰名词tasks,故用whatever。62考查非谓语动词。ensure a productive and successful experience是谓语need to be followed的目的,故用不定式

14、作目的状语。63考查固定短语。take into consideration是固定短语,表“考虑”。64考查形容词。将大任务分给组内成员以使工作更简单,故用比较级easier。65考查非谓语动词。作时间状语的动词discourage与句子主语是逻辑上的被动关系,故用其过去分词discouraged。66考查固定短语。make no difference是固定短语,表“不起作用,没有影响”。67考查代词。名词the results前面已经出现过,为避免重复,此处用those代替。68考察定语从句的引导词。you cant trace back to the origin of the probl

15、ems是“without + 关系代词”引导的定语从句,指代主句中的一部分“to keep records of the sources used by each person”,应用关系代词which。69考查副词。修饰动词happen应用副词形式unexpectedly。70考查时态。lie是remember后宾语从句的谓语动词,该句叙述一般情况切lie的主语是what a group can achieve,故用lies。【备注】团队合作很重要。要想取得成功,就要遵守一些规则。18. “Whatever your job is, the chances are that one of t

16、hese machines can do it faster or better than you can.”As innovation accelerates, thousands of jobs will disappear, just as it has happened in the previous cycles of industrial revolutions. Machines powered by narrow AI algorithms can already perform certain 3-D tasks (“dull, dirty and dangerous”) m

17、uch better than humans. This may create enormous pain for those who are losing their jobs over the next few years, particularly if they dont acquire the computer-related skills that would enable them to find more creative opportunities. We must learn from the previous waves of creative destruction i

18、f we are to lessen human suffering and increasing inequality.For example, some statistics indicate that as much as 3% of the population in developed countries work as drivers. When automated cars become a reality in the next 15 to 25 years, we must offer people who will be “structurally unemployed”

19、some sort of compensation income, training and re-positioning opportunities.Fortunately, the Schumpeterian waves of destructive innovation also create jobs. History has shown disruptive innovations are not always a zero-sum game. In the long run, the loss of low-added-value jobs to machines can have

20、 a positive impact in the overall quality of life of most workers.The ATM paradox is a good example of this. As the use of automatic teller machines spread in the 1980s and 90s, many predicted massive unemployment in the banking sector. Instead, ATMs created more jobs as the cost of opening new agen

21、cies decreased. The number of agencies multiplied, as did the portfolio of banking products. Thanks to automation, going to the bank offers a much better customer experience than in previous decades. And the jobs in the industry became better paid and were of better quality.This optimist scenario as

22、sumes, however, that education systems will do a better job of preparing our children to become good at what humans do best: creative and critical thinking. Less learning-by-heart and more learning-by-doing. Fewer clerical skills and more philosophical insights about human nature and how to cater to

23、 its infinite needs for art and culture.To become creative and critical thinkers, our children will need knowledge and wisdom more than raw data points. They need to ask “why?”, “how?” and “what if?” more often than “what?”, “who?” and “when?” And they must construct this knowledge by relying on dat

24、abases as cognitive partners as soon as they learn how to read and write.Thus, the future of human-machine cooperation looks less like the scenario in the Terminator movies and more like a Minority Report-style of “augmented intelligence”. There will be jobs if we adapt the education system to equip

25、 our children to do what humans are good at: to think critically and creatively, to develop knowledge and wisdom, to appreciate and create beautiful works of art. That does not mean it will be a painless transition. Machines and automation will likely take away millions of low-quality jobs as it has

26、 happened in the past. But better-quality jobs will likely replace them, requiring less physical effort and shorter hours to deliver better results.No, artificial intelligence wont _51_ your childrens jobsPassage outlineSupporting detailsA _52_ phenomenonWith the rise of AI, machines _53_ threaten t

27、he security of peoples current jobs, making the future of the workforce look rather dark and gloomy.An objective analysisThose not skilled in computer using need to plan _54_, for they are at a higher risk of losing their jobs to machines.Drivers, faced with the increasing popularity of automated ca

28、rs, need to be compensated, _55_ for re-employment.ATMs, though, create well-paid jobs as well as increase customers _56_.A practical solutionAdjustments need to be made to education systems by _57_ our children for the jobs _58_ creative and critical thinking._59_ of learning philosophy and change

29、in the way of learning styles will be introduced for developing critical thinkers.A safe conclusionAI wont cost your children their jobs. Instead, it will make them more creative and _60_.参考答案:51. steal / take 52. worrying 53. seemingly 54. ahead / earlier 55. trained/retrained 56. satisfaction 57.

30、equipping / preparing 58. involving 59. Transition 60. productive / fruitful本文是一篇说明文,是科普类的文章。机器和自动化可能会像过去一样,夺走数百万低质量的工作岗位。但是高质量的工作很可能会取代它们,需要更少的体力劳动和更短的时间来产生更好的结果。人工智能不会让你的孩子失去工作。相反,它将使他们更有创造力和成果。【51题详解】根据第一段“Whatever your job is, the chances are that one of these machines can do it faster or better

31、 than you can.”(不管你的工作是什么,这些机器都有可能比你做得更快或更好。)和最后一段中根据最后一段中Machines and automation will likely take away millions of low-quality jobs as it has happened in the past. But better-quality jobs will likely replace them, requiring less physical effort and shorter hours to deliver better results.(机器和自动化可能会

32、像过去一样,夺走数百万低质量的工作岗位。但是高质量的工作很可能会取代它们,需要更少的体力劳动和更短的时间来产生更好的结果。)可知,人工智能不会取代你孩子的工作。故答案为steal / take。【52题详解】根据第二段中As innovation accelerates, thousands of jobs will disappear, just as it has happened in the previous cycles of industrial revolutions.可知,这是一个令人担忧的现象。故答案为worrying。【53题详解】根据第二段中Machines powere

33、d by narrow AI algorithms can already perform certain 3-D tasks (“dull, dirty and dangerous”) much better than humans. This may create enormous pain for those who are losing their jobs over the next few years, particularly if they dont acquire the computer-related skills that would enable them to fi

34、nd more creative opportunities.可知,随着人工智能的崛起,机器似乎威胁着人们当前工作的安全,使得劳动力的未来看起来相当灰暗。故答案为seemingly。【54题详解】根据第二段中This may create enormous pain for those who are losing their jobs over the next few years, particularly if they dont acquire the computer-related skills that would enable them to find more creativ

35、e opportunities.可知,那些不熟练使用计算机的人需要提前计划,因为他们面临着被机器抢走工作的更高风险。故答案为ahead / earlier。【55题详解】根据第三段中When automated cars become a reality in the next 15 to 25 years, we must offer people who will be “structurally unemployed” some sort of compensation income, training and re-positioning opportunities.可知,面对日益普及

36、的自动化汽车,司机们需要得到补偿,接受再就业培训。故答案为trained/retrained。【56题详解】根据第五段中Instead, ATMs created more jobs as the cost of opening new agencies decreased. The number of agencies multiplied, as did the portfolio of banking products. Thanks to automation, going to the bank offers a much better customer experience tha

37、n in previous decades. And the jobs in the industry became better paid and were of better quality.可知,然而,自动取款机不仅能创造高薪工作,还能提高顾客的满意度。故答案为satisfaction。【57题详解】根据第六段中This optimist scenario assumes, however, that education systems will do a better job of preparing our children to become good at what humans

38、 do best: creative and critical thinking.可知,我们需要调整教育体制,使我们的孩子能够从事创造性和批判性思维的工作。故答案为equipping / preparing。【58题详解】根据第六段中This optimist scenario assumes, however, that education systems will do a better job of preparing our children to become good at what humans do best: creative and critical thinking.可知

39、,我们需要调整教育体制,使我们的孩子能够从事创造性和批判性思维的工作。故答案为involving。【59题详解】根据第七段中To become creative and critical thinkers, our children will need knowledge and wisdom more than raw data points.可知,介绍学习哲学的转变和学习方式的变化,以培养批判性思考者。故答案为Transition。【60题详解】根据最后一段中Machines and automation will likely take away millions of low-qual

40、ity jobs as it has happened in the past. But better-quality jobs will likely replace them, requiring less physical effort and shorter hours to deliver better results.可知,人工智能不会让你的孩子失去工作。相反,它将使他们更有创造力和成果。故答案为productive / fruitful。三、 阅读理解19. Traditional fairytales are being abandoned by parents because

41、 they are too scary for their young children, a study found.Research revealed one in five parents has ditched old classics such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Rapunzel in favour of more modern books. One third of parents said their children have been left in tears after hearing the horrible

42、 details of Little Red Riding Hood. And nearly half of mothers and fathers refuse to read Rumplestiltskin to their kids as the themes of the story are kidnapping and execution. Similarly, Goldilocks and the Three Bears was also a tale likely to be left on the book shelf as parents felt it forgives s

43、tealing.The survey of 2,000 adults was conducted to mark the launch of the hit US drama GRIMM, which starts tonight at 9pm on Watch, and sees six episodes based on traditional fairytales. The poll found a quarter of parents polled wouldnt consider reading a fairytale to their child until they had re

44、ached the age of five, as they prompt too many awkward questions from their offspring. Steve Hornsey, General Manager ofWatch, said: “Bedtime stories are supposed to soothe children and send them off to sleep soundly. But as we see in GRIMM, fairytales can be dark and dramatic tales so its understandable that par


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