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1、CapitaLand Retail Limiteds Requirement嘉德商用产业有限公司S NoSystem / Area系统 / 区域Mechanical and Electrical Installations附件五:精装修标准之机电设施1Airconditioning system空调通风系统Temperature设置温度冬季: 18oC 20oC (除广东、广西、福建、海南、云南外)Design for 18 - 20oC (winter except GuangDong, GuangXi, FuJian, HaiNan, YunNan)夏季: 24oC - 26oC24 26

2、oC (summer)2Relative Humidity相对湿度相对湿度 65%Relative humidity 65%3Noise Criteria噪音控制室内噪音(DBA) Noise Criteria (NC) level餐厅 55Restaurant/F&B 50美食阁/快餐店 55Food Court/Fast Food 50商场 55Retail Shop 50洗手间 55Toilet 50公共走廊 55Lobby & Corridor 50停车场 70Carpark - 654Airlock room寒冷地区主入口增设门斗在以下地区的项目的主入口位置,必须设双道玻璃门。 第一

3、和第二道门不能同时打开,并达到节能防寒的效果:Provide airlock room with double doors at following region:a. 温和地区(日平均温度低于5oC的天数有0至90天)a. Temperate Region (Region with average temperature below 5oC for not more than 90 days)b. 夏热冬冷的地区(日平均温度低于5oC的天数有0至90天)b. Region with average temperature below 5oC for not more than 90 days

4、c.寒冷地区(日平均温度低于5oC的天数有90至145天)c. Region with average temperature below 5oC for more than 90 days to 145daysd.严冬地区(平均温度低于5oC的天数超过145天)c. Region with average temperature below 5oC for more than 145days第1道和第2道门的自动感应器不能同时启动。第1道玻 门和第2道玻璃门开启位置应错开避免风可以直接进入。Double doors of airlock room shall not activate sim

5、ultaneously第1道玻璃门和第2道玻璃门的总宽度必须一致;Door width of the double door shall be the same室内第1道玻璃门上方要有电热风幕机(寒冷、严寒)普通风幕(其它区域)Provide Air curtain with heating capability5ventilation system通风系统地下车库、变配电室、水泵房、制冷机房、锅炉房、发电机房等设置机械通风系统Provide mechanical ventilation system in underground car park, electrical room, pump

6、 room, chiller room, boiler room, generator room弱电间(弱电井除外)、卫生间及垃圾房等设置机械排风系统Provide exhaust ventilator in the electrical room room (low voltage), toilets and bin center餐厅、快餐店、咖啡厅、美食阁、小吃店等厨房设置排风及送风系统,包括风机(但不包括油烟处理)Provide mechanical ventilation system for restaurants, fast food, caf , food court and s

7、nack shop, including ventilation fans but excludes kitchen exhaust air treatment system卫生间及垃圾房等设置机械排风系统Provide Mechanical Ventilation system to Bin center and Toilet洗手间 15次换气/小时Toilet 15 air change/hour地下车库 6 次换气/小时Basement car park 6 change/hour变配电室 至少8-15次换气/小时,必须参考设备发热量核对,若有需要可适当增加)Electrical roo

8、m 8-15 change/hour (to consider heat ejection by equipment, add if necessary)制冷机房 4-6 次换气/小时Chiller room 4-6 change/hour水泵房 4-6 次换气/小时Pump room 4-6 change/hour6Kitchen Exhuast System厨房排烟系统小吃/咖啡厅/餐厅/快餐/美食阁(按商铺租赁面积确定其厨房排风量):Kitchen Based on following lease area to provide kitchen exhaust system:20S m

9、1000CMH20S m 1000CMH20S40m 3000CMH 20S40m 3000CMH 40S80m 6000CMH 40S80m 6000CMH 80S160m 12000CMH 80S160m 12000CMH 160S240m 16000CMH 160S240m 16000CMH 240S320m 20000CMH 240S320m 20000CMH 320S1000m 25000CMH 320S1000m 25000CMH 1000S1200m 60000CMH 1000S1200m 60000CMH S1200m 120000CMHS1200m 120000CMH建议如上

10、,送风在80 90%的排风量。Fresh air or replacement air shall design at 80 to 90 % of exhaust-air capacity7HVAC system空调系统Shopping Mall商场内商场租户区、办公室、卫生间 (包括男、女、残疾人卫生间、婴儿房)、一层消防通道、客梯厅、自动坡道、中庭、商场公共区域及物业管理办公室等均应设置中央空调系统Central air-conditioning shall also be provided to the toilets, handicapped toilet, baby room, ma

11、lls common corridor, tenants area, office area.物业管理办公室应采用风机盘管或吊装式空调机组加独立新风系统。由于员工能在商场非营业时间办公,空调系统必须是独立式分体机系统。室外机应设在屋面。如物业管理办公室在负一楼,室外机又无法达到美观的情况下,室外机可以设在负一楼All other tenants return air louver shall be located in public common area. The fan coil unit or hoisting type air handling unit shall be locate

12、d in public common area美食阁或面积1000m2商铺可采用一次回风全空气系统(必须有双方认可)。卫生间应采用风机盘管系统。除上述区域外的其他区域应采用吊装式空调机组加独立新风系统Air-conditioning shall be hanging-type air handling unit or fan coil unit unless specified. Food court or restaurant exceeding 1000m2 can be floor-mounted air conditioning unit shall be placed in AHU

13、room.每台空调箱冷冻回水管上设置比例积分电动阀。每台风机盘管冷冻回水管上设置电动二通阀.温控方式采用就地控制。Provide proportional integral valve in each AHU chilled water return pipe. Provide two ways electronic valve in each FCU chilled water return pipe. Provide local temperature sensors8M&E Rooms机房空调系统电梯机房,变压器室 、高/低配电机房提供空调和排风和新风系统.在严寒及寒冷地区,空调系统可免

14、。lift motor room, transformer rooms, high/low tension room shall be installed with split unit system9Chiller空调冷水机空调冷水机组至少配置2台,冷水机组采用环保冷媒Provide at least 2 sets of water cooled chiller and environmentally friendly10Chilled Water and Condenser Pumps冷冻及冷却水泵冷冻及冷却水泵应各设置一台备用泵One spare water pump is requir

15、ed for each chilled water pump and condenser water pump11Ductworks凤管空调风管采用镀锌钢板制作加铝箔贴面玻璃棉保温(保护层为铝箔),或采用复合风管Air conditioning duct shall be made with galvanized steel plate with aluminum foiled glass12Insulation保温材料空调冷冻水管、冷凝水管保温材料采用橡塑闭孔发泡材料或PEF聚乙烯材料。The insulating materials used in air-conditioning chi

16、lled water pipe, condenser water pipe shall be rubber and plastic close hole foam material13Heating System采暖系统除广东、广西、海南、福建、云南五省不提供采暖系统外,所有商场均应设置冷暖型中央空调系统Heating system shall be provided in all cities with the exception of those located in GuangDong, GuangXi, HaiNan, FuJian, YunNan有集中供暖管网的地区,应设热交换站供暖

17、Provide heat exchanger station in the district with heating supply network无集中供暖管网的地区,应设置常压、负压热水锅炉或其它国家规范允许的供热设备供暖Provide normal pressure and negative pressure hot water boiler or any other approved equipment by the code of practice in other countries in the district without heating supplynetwork寒冷地区

18、必须设冷暖分体空调包括消防控制中心Split unit system in cold areas shall complete with heating system eg. Fireman Control Center, etc空调系统冷/热采用人工转换,转换阀门设置于安全及易操作处The manual cold/warm control and valve control shall be easy to use and installed at a safe place14CMO Computer Room电脑机房物业管理电脑机房设机械排风系统加独立式分体空调,该 空调连接到发电机。当停

19、电发电机开动时,空调必须自动起动。The air-conditioning design intent of the server room in CMO is to use MV cum split unit system and connected to the emergency generator. The split unit must be able to auto start during emergency mode14aTenant Areas交房时应具备的条件1.当管道从商铺租赁线中间穿越时,在空间高度允许的条件下,控制区域(租赁线以内1.0m区域)必须预留550mm高度作

20、为防盗卷帘安装的高度。1.Services install across at center of lease line shall not below4.35m. It is to cater for the installation of tenants security roller shutter (550mm height)2.如果设计标高在不允许的条件下,所有机电设施空调风机设备安装建议/要求如下:2.If the above is not achievable, following methods (Option 1) is preferable:a.空调机回风口在店铺外,离租赁

21、线区域至少300mm。a. Return grille is outside of tenant areas by 300mmb.管道与空调通风 设施最宜在30%L门面设计区域,不会影响防盗卷帘的安装见建筑交楼标准,示意图(一);b. Reference to Sketch 1, services shall install within 30% of tenant shop front3.当无法满足以上的条件下或符合空调系统第7条相关要求,空调设备应设置在商铺内, 设备安装见示意图(二);3. If the above is not achievable, following methods

22、 (Option 2) is preferable, see sketch 24.店铺内喷淋、烟感、出风口等设施应统一标高并与公共吊顶齐平 , 标高施工误差应减小到最低3mm/2m;4. Sprinklers head, smoke detectors, and air-conditioning outlets shall same with the corresponding ceiling height in common corridor5.控制区域(租赁线以内1.0m区域)不应有任何机电设备出现如:喷淋头、烟感等且喷淋头距离1.0m (即门头内侧)应该满足国家规范要求;5. No ex

23、posed services shall within 1000mm of lease line within tenant space6.租赁线外侧300mm之内不允许有任何设备如:灯具、自动喷淋系统、烟感、扬声器、回风、出风口等;6. No exposed services at common corridor shall within 300mm of tenant shop front7.风机盘管的温控器,应设置在商铺内距离租赁线1.0m1.5m 处在天花下, 距天花标高下返150mm 位置处,吊装式空调机组的温控器应设置在设备的面板上,立柜式空调机组的温控器设置在机房内, 由商场统一

24、控制:7. Air-conditioning sensor shall install under ceiling level by 150mm, around 1m to 1.5m from lease line. Temperature controller for FCU and AHU, shall install at equipment. On-off controls shall be centralized at every floor or in fireman control room.15FIRE PROTECTIONSYSTEM消防系统Sprinklers System

25、喷淋系统根据商铺布置,商铺墙断形式及平面图,公共区域、走廊、洗手间以及每个新租赁单位有吊顶部位,按照消防规范要求设喷淋器吊顶夹层高800mm,并有易燃物的吊顶内应设喷淋(除洗手间外)Based on the layout of the shop units and tenancy walls, provide 2nd layer of sprinkler point for all common area, corridor, toilets, and tenants with false ceiling in compliance with code of practice. For fal

26、se ceiling above 800mm and consists of combustible material, concealed sprinklers shall also be provided (except toilets)在消防局同意下,在竣工验收前商铺内均按假设没有吊顶考虑设置下喷喷头,喷头标高根据临近公共区域吊顶标高一致。Upon mutual agreement with Fire Department, sprinklers within tenant units shall install downwards. Height of downwards sprink

27、lers head shall same as ceiling height at corridor16Fire Zoning防火间隔在竣工验收前,根据最后的用户设计重新对防火分区进行布局设计(以当地政府批文为准)To re-zone fire compartmentation based on latest tenants layout, subjected to approval of local authority.17ExtinguisherFire hosereel system消防栓系统灭火器尽量将消火栓布置在公共区域,消除不必要的字体,由于美观的原因,要凹进墙体里面To ensu

28、re locations of hosereel are along common area and remove unnecessary wordings from the hosereel. Must be recessed onto the wall for aesthetic reason租户商铺内应避免供任何公共区域使用的消火栓和灭火器及非租户使用的机电控制和监督设备No hose reel within tenant space, unless required by code必须提供整个商场内灭火器Provide extinguisher within the shopping

29、mall提供气体灭火系统在物业电脑机房、不需要喷淋头Provide gas suppression system at CMO computer room. No Sprinklers消火栓和灭火器在有装饰材料位置处不必订购外门,消火栓和灭火器需设暗门,材料与装饰完成面一致Hose reel and extinguisher shall conceal behind a finished door, using same material as ID material18Exit Signage安全出口灯箱安全出口灯箱按照最新租区分布图来迁移装在吊顶下Exit sign to relocate

30、 to suit latest tenants unit layout suspended from false ceilingTenant Areas交房时应具备的条件店铺内喷淋、烟感、出风口等设施应统一标高并与公共吊顶齐平 ,标高施工误差应减小到最低3mm/2m;Sprinklers head, smoke detectors, and air-conditioning outlets shall same with the corresponding ceiling height in common corridor控制区域(租赁线以内1.0m区域)不应有设施、风口、喷淋头、烟感等且喷淋

31、头距离1.0m(即门头内侧)应该满足国家规范要求;No exposed services shall within 1000mm of lease line within tenant space租赁线外侧300mm之内不允许有设施、灯具、自动喷淋系统、烟感、扬声器、回风、出风口等;No exposed services at common corridor shall within 300mm of tenant shop front19Cold Water DistributionSystem给水系统Water meter and pipe size给水表和管经给水管道布置到所有商铺包括餐

32、饮提供水点,并在吊顶内安装普通水表Water supply pipe shall be catered to all tenants including F&B outlets with water meter installed above ceiling and the requirement are:-美食广场80mm水表、100mm给水接口Food court water meter at 80mm with water pipe at 100mm餐厅/快餐/咖啡厅/美容院40mm水表、50mm给水接口Restaurant/fast food/caf/beauty spa/fitnes

33、s water meter at 40mm with water pipe at 50mm其他商店20mm水表、25mm给水接口The rest of retails water meter at 20mm with water pipe at 25mm20CMO Pantry物业办公室茶水区提供给水点Provide 1 water point21Water point forMaintenance给水点供保修提供给水点在垃圾房、停车库和屋面方便保洁Provide water point at strategic locations in the bin centre, car park an

34、d roof etc for general cleaning purposes给水点应安装在,远离停车位,不阻碍停车柱体一侧,以免刮坏车体并应上锁。Location of the water tap shall not hinder parking, and will not damage the car during parking. Water tap shall complete with cap-lock.22Tenant Areas交房时应具备的条件中岛小吃餐饮部分地漏不应设在靠近走廊通道位置的区域,最好设在隔墙角落位置,并应与电源线集中布置,不应分散布置(因为通常厨房地漏与电源在

35、设计时就统一考虑,避免明线出现的问题);钢套管的电源线也最好靠近隔墙位置Floor trap at open-concept tenant unit shall install away from lease lineLandscape Water Point给水点供绿化提供给水点在室外给予清理和绿化的要求Provide water point at strategic locations outdoor for general cleaning and landscape used23Sanitary System排水系统Grease Trap隔油池给污水系统连接所有商铺包括餐饮提供水点和地

36、漏并通往隔油池。隔油池的容数量按整个项目排水量的50%考虑Provide water point and floor trap to all retail shops including F&B outlets connected to grease traps. However, the numbersof grease traps to size to 50% of the discharge from the entire development24Floor Traps地漏餐饮业租户排水总管必须是150mm,地漏100mm设计时排水接通。其他商铺排水总管至少是DN150,地漏为DN75

37、设计时排水接通,但在地漏上方设铁板封闭Discharge stack and main discharge pipe diamete for F&B and retail is 150mm. Floor trap diameter shall be 100mm for F&B, and the rest 75mm diameter floor trap. All pipes shall be connected. Provide metal plate or capping for all unused floor traps (retail).地漏数量(按租赁面积, S)为:Number o

38、f floor traps (based on area) are:S 50 m 1个S 50 m 1no.50S200m 2个50S200m 2no.200S300m 3 200S300m 3no.每100m 加1个Every100m add 1no如地下一层是人防区域,在相关一楼的商铺地漏数量(按租赁面积, S)为:If the basement 1 is civil defense shelter, the number of floor traps at the corresponding areas at level 1 are:50S m 2个50 S m 2no.50S200m

39、3个50S200m 3no.200S300m 4个200S300m 4no. 每100m 加1个Every100m add 1no商场餐饮类排水管道有结露可能,影响WM或其他区域的,应作防结露保温Provide insulation to all sanitary pipes serving F&B outlets include those serving Wal-Mart.所有同一个商铺里的地漏距离必须相距3-5米。地漏位置应设在商铺后区,不应靠近走廊通道Spacing between floor traps within a tenant leasable area shall be 3

40、 to 5 meters apart. Floor traps shall away from lease line25Carpark Drainage停车库提供排水点在停车库,方便车库保洁Provide scrubber drain with floor trap at strategic locations within the carpark for general cleaning purposes.26CMO Pantry物业办公室茶水区提供1个地漏在CMO的茶水间, 位置在洗手盆下Provide 1 Floor trap at CMO pantry, under the sink2

41、7Bin Center垃圾房提供排水点在垃圾房,地漏为DN100,方便保洁Provide floor trap at strategic locations in the bin centre for general cleaning purposes28Material给排水管材室外消防生活合用给水管:承插式球墨铸铁给水管或同类产品The outdoor fire service and main water pipe : cast iron pipe室内生活给水管:给水干管和立管用钢塑给水管或同类产品,管径DN50给水支管用PPR生活给水管或同类产品或同类产品Indoor main wat

42、er pipe (inlet): Main pipe and vertical pipe shall be steel/plastic composite pipe or equivalent, the pipe diameter shall not be more than 50mm and the branch-pipe shall be PPR water pipe or equivalent室内消火栓管和喷淋管:热镀锌钢管Water pipe of indoor fire hydrant and sprinklers:Galvanized steel pipe雨水管:UPVC排水管或排

43、水铸铁管Storm water pipe:UPVC pipe or cast iron室内污水管:卫生间排水管用UPVC排水管,商场排水管采用离心式排水铸铁管,立管和干管从室内到室外第一个检查井用离心式铸铁排水管Indoor sewer: The disposal pipe of washroom shall be UPVCpipe, the disposal pipe of centre shall be centrifugal cast ironpipe, the vertical pipe and main pipe (from indoor to the first inspectio

44、n pit at outdoor) shall be centrifugal室内冷凝水管:UPVC排水管Indoor condensed water pipe:UPVC室外埋地雨水管、污水管:The underground storm water pipe (outdoor), shall bereinforced concrete pipe埋地雨水管采用钢筋混凝土管,UPVC双壁波纹管或同类产品,埋地污水管均采用UPVC双壁波纹管或同类产品or UPVC double walled corrugated pipe or equivalent. The sewage (outdoor) sha

45、ll be UPVC double walled corrugated pipe or equivalent室内压力排水管:热镀锌钢管Indoor pressurized water disposal pipe:galvanizedGas Distribution System天燃气系统29Gas Meters / Pressure valve表箱和调压箱需提供天然气点到租铺里的阀门和接口。不包括燃气公司施工完和开通燃气之后的更改部分。Provide gas distribution for tap-off within tenant space. The works does not inc

46、lude any gas works after the gas installations is completed and with gas charged-in.天然气的户外主控制配箱、调压箱必须隐盖包装。这是为了安全和美观理由。但必须得到燃气公司认可The main gas incoming control panel has to be screen off for security and aesthetic reasons. However, this has to be cleared by the gas authority company30Gas Piping Insta

47、llation燃气管道公共区域的燃气的安装底标高为公共区天花吊顶标高上返100mm,以预留轻钢龙骨高度;租户餐饮区燃气总控制球阀安装高度为3.5m以上或距公共区天花吊顶标高下250mm,见示意图。但必须得到燃气公司许可,最好套管不是钢。Gas pipes shall install within ceiling. Gas connection point shall install at maximum 250mm below ceiling, or at 3.5m height or higher. Box-up shall as far as possible, should not us

48、e metal, subject to approval of the gas department.公共区域的燃气防泄漏套管的安装底标高为公共区天花吊顶标高上返100mm,以预留轻钢龙骨高度If there is box-up for gas pipes, it shall be at least 100mm higher from corridor ceiling height31Exposed Pipes明管在外装的明管必须漆上和外装的颜色,但必须得到燃气公司许可The natural gas capacity for the eatery are as follows:32Gas Co

49、nsumption天燃气用量小吃店/餐厅/快餐/美食阁(按商铺租赁面积确定其厨房排风量):The natural gas capacity for the eatery are as follows:S40m 5CMH S40m 5CMH40S160m 15CMH 40S160m 15CMH160S240m 20CMH 160S240m 20CMH240S320m 25CMH 240S320m 25CMH320S400m 30CMH 320S400m 30CMH400S1000m 0.08m/hmh400S1000m 0.08m/mS1000m 120CMHS1000m 120CMH天燃气管道

50、必须接至商铺内,装有阀门。The gas pipe shall be connected to within the tenants premise terminate with gate valve整个项目燃气量为70%总用量考虑 Total gas consumption is 70% of total demand提供每租铺一个燃气探头Provide 1 number of gas detector in every F&B tenant33ELECTRICALINSTALLTION电气系统Electrical Provision (Eatery)用电量(餐饮)电力安装建议使用照明电力

51、(W/平方米),按130VA/平米考虑设计,含空调负荷,按以下:餐厅与快餐(按商铺租赁面积S,400 W/m2):Proposed Lighting & Power (W/sq m) and is based on130VA/sqm inclusive of air-conditioning load. Restaurant/FastFood/power provision as follows (400 W/m2):S20m 16A S20m 16A20S25m 20A 20S25m 20A25S36m 25A 25S36m 25A36S46m 32A 36S46m 32A46S55m 40

52、A 46S55m 40A55S90m 63A 55S90m 63A90S145m 100A 90S145m 100A145S235m 160A 145S235m 160A235S290m 200A 235S290m 200A290S365m 250A 290S365m 250A365S440m 300A 365S440m 300A440S585m 400A 440S585m 400A585S735m 500A 585S735m 500A735S925m 630A735S925m 630A925S1176m 800A925S1176m 800A以上全用三相电气为标准The above is ba

53、sed on 3-phase power supply34Electrical Provision (Shop)用电量(商铺)商铺(按商铺租赁面积 S, 55 W/m2,380V): Shop / Optical / Bookstore / Photo Shop (S, 55 W/m2):S175m 16A S500A个别用电负荷计算电流在500A(含500A)以上的商铺,由低压配电柜直接引电源至相应商铺内租户指定位置(留5米的余量),不预留开关箱。在低压配电柜上进行计量For the shop unit with a loading of higher or equal to 500A, t

54、he wiring shall be connected to the LT switchboard directly and transmitted to the tenants appointed location (with an extra length of 5m) and no isolator is required. he electricity consumption shall be calculated directly in the LTTenant Areas交房时应具备的条件店铺内喷淋、烟感、出风口等设施应统一标高并与公共吊顶齐平 ,标高施工误差应减小到最低3mm/

55、2m;Sprinklers head, smoke detectors, and air-conditioning outlets shall same with the corresponding ceiling height in common corridor控制区域(租赁线以内1.0m区域)不应有设施、风口、喷淋头、烟感等且喷淋头距离1.0m(即门头内侧)应该满足国家规范要求;No exposed services shall within 1000mm of lease line within tenant space租赁线外侧300mm之内不允许有设施、灯具、自动喷淋系统、烟感、扬

56、声器、回风、出风口等;No exposed services at common corridor shall within 300mm of tenant shop front配电箱位置应设在店铺内租赁线1.01.5m内,底标高应高出公共吊顶标高100mm;Electrical isolator shall install at around 1m to 1.5m from lease line41Landscape Lightings室外和园林照明必须提供整个商场的室外照明和园林照明Flood lighting to the entire mall and landscape lighti

57、ng shall be provided42VERTICALTRANSPORTATION,ESCALATORS &TRAVELLATORS电梯, 扶梯与坡梯系统Travellators坡梯安装1米12度为0.5米/秒的人行道坡梯,周边需要12毫米厚和1.1米高的手扶玻璃围栏。包括在停车库创建封闭的休息厅并带有相关的防火设施,电力设备,空调系统等等Install new 1m width 12 with 0.5 m/s speed travellators complete with glass balustrade 12mm thick 1.1m height, including creat

58、ing enclosed lobby at car park with related fire protection, electrical installation, HVAC system etc43Escalator扶梯安装1米30度为0.5米/秒的扶梯,周边需要12毫米厚和1.1米高的手扶玻璃围栏。包括在停车库创建封闭的休息厅并带有相关的防火设施,电力设备,空调系统等等Install new 1m width 30 with 0.5 m/s speed escalators complete with glass balustrade 12mm thick 1.1m height,

59、including creating enclosed lobby at car park with related fire protection, electrical installation, HVAC system etc44Escalator/travellator landing坡梯、扶梯出入口坡梯、扶梯出入口处必须和商场地面砖齐平,Escalator/travellator landing shall flush with the flooring45Steps梯阶扶梯和坡梯的梯阶必须是黑色的,而不是原装钢铁颜色底All escalator and travellator st

60、eps to come with black treads instead of the natural finish46Passenger Lifts客梯客梯必须是群体控制的. 客梯必须在消防状态能迫降至首层.The car call control for the passenger lifts shall be duplex system, and lift homing47Cargo Lifts货梯所增加的新货梯 (3000kg),容量与现有的相同。货梯必须在消防状态能迫降至首层.The capacity of the new goods lift (3000kg) same as e


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