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1、2022年浙江省宁波市中考英语学业水平试卷一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)(15 分)The other day I had to take an evening train to Bangalore, where Id found a new job.That afternoon I took a (1) to the flat that I then shared with my friend Maria.I a brown bag.There are several important documents including my train ticket insi

2、de.The driver was friendly and we began to chat.I told him (3) about the new job.When I arrived home, I saw several friends who had come to say goodbye waving from our flats balcony (阳台).1 quickly (4) the driver and rushed out to meet them.A few hours later I realized Id left my bag in the taxi.My d

3、ocuments were all now (5) , besides the train ticket, but I decided to catch the train anyway.The conductor (售票员)made me pay for a (6) ticket in the train.During the journey, I couldnt stop thinking about my bag.When the train made a long (7) at a station I got off and called Maria from a public tel

4、ephone. You wont believe it!” Maria shouted. Your driver came home with the bag.In fact, he even (8) it from getting stolen.After (9) me off, the driver had picked up another (10) who started walking off with my bag.The driver remembered (11) that she didn*t have any bag when she got in.He stopped t

5、he woman, got my (12) back and returned to our apartment building the next day and searched for a young woman who was moving to Bangalore for a new job.A neighbor directed (13) to Maria.When Maria thanked him and( 14) him some money as a reward, he refused/ 15) Maria insisted he should take the fare

6、 to the flat and back, and he finally accepted that.We often talk about hard - nosed drivers who ruin (糟蹋)our day.But the good news is that there are many honest ones too.A.trainB.taxiA.boughtB.foundA.trainB.taxiA.boughtB.foundA.excitedlyB.carefullyC.busD.subwayC.carriedD. borrowedC.speciallyD.quick

7、ly(4)A.leftB.paidC. forgotD.praised(5)A.brokenB. thrownC.lostD.stolen(6)A.cheapB.freshC.free.different(7)A.tripB.endC.startD.stop(8)A. storedB.lostC.savedD.hid(9)A.throwingB.puttingC.pushingD.dropping(10)A.driverB.passengerC.conductorD.thief(11)A.clearlyB.wiselyC.completelyD.successfully(12)A.moneyB

8、.bagC.ticketD.job(13)A.herB.himC.meD.them(14)A.postedB.raisedC.offeredD.passed(15)A. BecauseB.SoC.AlthoughD.But二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)(6 分)People often think that plants fight with each other for sunlight, water and soil .Now a new study tells us that this is not true.A group of researchers stud

9、ied plants in southern Spain over three months this summer.The plants grew in very poor soiL with little nutrients (营养) or water.However, the researchers found that the plants helped each other deal with these difficulties.A study in the past showed that plants use fungus (真菌)in the soil as a way to

10、 talk* to each other.Its kind of like the Wi - Fi that we use.For example, if a tomato plant gets a leaf disease, it can tell nearby plants about the disease.Bigger plants would protect smaller ones from the sun.They would keep the soil moist (潮湿的).Their fallen leaves gave nutrients to the smaller p

11、lants.This helped them grow.At the same time, the bigger plants grew more flowers than those that grew alone.The researchers said that if big and small plants grow together, more pollinators (传花粉) will come to them.They can also attract more animals like insects and birds.Both sides win!According to

12、 the passage, plants use to talk to each other.A.the Wi - FiB.the fallen leavesC.fungus in the soilD.nutrients or waterBigger plants protect smaller plants by .A.sharing sunlight with themB.having more flowers than other treesC.growing bigger and having more leavesD.giving them a moist environment a

13、nd nutrientsThe meaning of both sides win in the last paragraph is .A.big plants will help small plants a lotB.plants will grow better by helping each otherC.there will be one winner between the two sidesD.more pollinators will come to them if plants fight(8 分)SmalL independent bookstores in neighbo

14、rhoods across the United States are places to discover new books and make friends.About 20 years ago, stores like these were closing in large numbers because of competition from large bookstores and online book sales.But about 10 years ago something unusual happened: independent bookstores seemingly

15、 came back to life.In a Virginia community called Arlington, many people buy their books at a store called One More Page Books.Customer Kate Oberdorfer looks through an unusual mix of books: mysteries, cookbooks, and biographies (传记) of famous people.Oberdorfer talks about a few of the books with Le

16、lia Nebeker. HI do think its a special place for people to come said Nebeker.She lives nearby and buys books from the store, which opened eight years ago.After almost dying off, smalL independent bookstores grew by 35 percent between 2009 and 2O15.The American Booksellers Association says sales at t

17、he more than 2, 400 bookstores across the country rose about 5 percent over the past year.Independent bookstores know they have to sell more than books. One More Page tries to appeal to people by offering them wine or chocolate they can take home along with a book.Its also a place where you can come

18、 for events, meet writers, get books signed, and buy books you might not necessarily find on your own, including books by Ed Ay mar, a local writer.He is talking to customers about his latest book, The Unrepentant.Nearby a woman is performing songs related to the story.Angie Kim, another local write

19、r, came to support Aymar. Ive been here for 5 events just in the last couple of months, she said. nI think its just a way to show the bookstore that we care about spaces like this and that we want them to continue.What does the writer mainly want to show in Paragraph 1 ? A.Toe fall of bookstores in

20、the past.B.The role of small bookstores in history.C.The rise of independent bookstores in the US.D.The competition between different bookstores.What do we know about One More Page Books? A.It has had its ups and downs.B.It provides many free books.C.It is mainly supported by local writers.D.It offe

21、rs many different kinds of books.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A.Offer more services.B.Perform more duties.C.Create more needs.D.Provide more books.Why does Angie Kim support Aymar? A .To make herself known to customers.B.To attract more local writers interest.C.To cont

22、inue the events she attended before.D.To help to develop independent bookstores.4.(8 分)It was eleven o* clock at nighta large woman was walking towards home.She had a large purse with everything but money.lt hung right behind her shoulder.A boy ran up and tried to snatch her purse.The large woman si

23、mply turned around, caught the boy by his shirt, and shook him until his teeth rattled.After that, the woman asked, Boy, aren*t you ashamed of yourself? ”Im sorry whispered the boy.What did you want to do it for? Your face is dirty.Nobody at home to tell you to wash your face? ”The boy shook his hea

24、d.Then,u the woman shouted, *it will get washed this evening.You are going to remember Mrs.Jones!* She dragged the frightened boy behind her and got to her door.Are you taking me to the police? ” The boy asked.Not with that face!Have you been home to eat yet?“Theres nobody at my house.”Then well eat

25、, n said Mrs.Jones. HI believe you re hungry, so you tried to steal.MI wanted a pair of leather shoes, said the boy.“Well, you didnt have to snatch my purse to get things you want.Besides, theres little money in it.”There was a long pause.After he washed his face and turned around, wondering what to

26、 do next, he saw the door was open.He could run, run, run!In the corner of the room, Mrs.Jones was heating some beans.She did not watch the boy to see if he was going to run, nor did she watch her purse which she left behind on the bed. But the boy took care to sit on the far side of the room, away

27、from the purse, where he thought she could easily see him.Do you need somebody to get milk or something? ” The boy asked.Unless you want ” said Mrs.Jones.As they ate, she didn*t ask about where he lived, or his family, or anything that would embarrass him.Instead, she said, neat some more, boy!When

28、they finished eating, she got up. Now here, take this ten dollars and buy your shoes.Next time, dont snatch my purse, nor anybody elsesshoes got in bad ways will bum your feet!,The boy really wanted to say something to Mrs.Jones.But he failed to say a word as he turned at the foot of the steps and l

29、ooked up at the large woman.According to the passage, we can learn that the woman .A.caught the boy right awayB.held the purse in her armsC.walked home in the morningD.had a purse with much moneyWhat can you infer from the underlined sentence? A.The boy felt frightened and was waiting for a chance t

30、o escape.B.The boy wanted Mrs.Jones to punish him because of his mistake.C.The boy knew Mrs.Jones would give him some money to buy shoes.D.The boy realized his mistake and didnt want Mrs.Jones to doubt him.Why did the boy fail to say a word to Mrs.Jones in the end? A.Because he refused to take the w

31、omans advice.B.Because he was so touched by the woman.C.Because he was afraid of the big woman.D.Because he had nothing to say but keep silent.Which of the following may be the best title of the passage? A.Run, Boy, RunB.Make a Hard DecisionC.Thank you MrsJonesD.Trust a Frightening Woman5.(8 分)“You

32、can tune a piano, but you can*t tuna fish.* Upon reading the sentence, you* re either laughing* scratching your head or rolling your eyes.Welcome to the world of puns.A pun is a clever and humorous use of a word or phrase with two meanings, or of words with the same sound but different meanings.For

33、example, in the first sentence, the usage of tuna is a pun because it sounds like tune a.Of course you cant ,tune a fish, but its a clever way of using words in an unexpected way.People generally either love puns or hate them.They have a long history throughout many cultures of the world including a

34、ncient Egypt, Mesopotamia and China.In the Western world, the English playwright William Shakespeare is probably the most well - known punster.They can show how clever you are. Peter McGraw, the director of the Humor Research Lab at the University, of Colorado in the US said. It depends on a persons

35、 ability to understand the complexities and small differences of words because puns are a tool to put more meanings into fewer words.*Puns are used widely throughout popular culture on TV, ad campaigns and marketing.For example, walk down any British shopping street and you will find shops with inte

36、resting names, such as a weight - loss centre called Stop Weighting*, the butchers called Meat You Here and a fish and chips shop called The Plaice to Enjoy.You can try writing your own puns, but remember, dont write with a broken pencil because its pointless.A pun is a form that .A.uses words in a

37、clever and surprising wayB.puts words with the same meaning togetherC.changes the meanings of the words or phrasesD.shows the relationship between pianos and fishFrom Peter McGraws words, we can learn that .A.there are just a few words in one punB.puns are a tool to know meanings of wordsC.differenc

38、es between two puns are hard to tell.understanding puns requires intelligent readersThe underlined word Plaice1 in the passage refers to .A.a special day to get togetherB.a great place to buy toysC.a type of sea fish used for foodD.a TV programme to learn cookingWhat is the writing purpose of this p

39、assage? A .To tell the importance of puns.B.To share some facts about puns.C.To give some examples of puns.D.To introduce the history of puns.三、任务型阅读(5 分)How Can You Create Luck in Everyday Life?You can probably agree that some people have more good things happening to them.Lets just call that luck.

40、Now, would you like to learn how to be one of these lucky people? Here are 5 top tips for creating your luck.) It is easy to believe that you never have any luck in everyday life if you dont seem to be getting any breaks.But having had a difficult life gives you unusual lessons and develops courage.

41、 Some people are already lucky, and they just dont know it.Instead of giving all yourattention to what you are short of, look at how lucky you already are.You no doubt have some wonderful friendsf family and a roof over your head. Luck doesnt just happen upon us it comes to us when were open.Learnin

42、g a new skilh visiting a new place and trying a new hobby are all great ways of creating your chances.Youll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap.Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge.You will find you create more luck in everyday li

43、fe. Sometimes people would be prepared to help us out.If you need a hand with dealing with something instead of waiting for someone to offer you a lucky break go and ask them if they will help you out.A.Its never too old to learn.B.Feel lucky about what you have.C.You should see good things in the p

44、ast difficulties.D.You can ask for help if necessary.E.You can try something new.F.You should take action right now.四、根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空一词。(本题有10 小题,每小题1分;共计10分)(1 分)From May to (八月)every year, fishermen cant catch fish in the sea in Ningbo.(1 分)The family held a big party to celebrate t

45、he old mans (九十) birthday.(1 分)Bing Dwen Dwen, a panda in an ice shelL was (选择)as the mascot fbr the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics in 2019.(1 分)According to the (科学的)research, alarm clocks may give out radiation (辐射)that is bad for your health.(1 分)Could you tell me about the news as (确切地)as possible

46、?(1 分)Please read the (使用说明)carefully before you take the medicine.(1 分)Nowadays, people have to scan the Venue Code before (进入)the public places.(1 分)Because of COVID - 19 some scenic spots in China have stopped (接 待)tourists.(1 分)Pollution has a bad (影响)on both humans and animals.(1 分)On April 16,

47、 Shenzhou XIII astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu (安全地) came back to the earth from the Tiangong space station.五、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。, 17. (5 分)so compete raise similar provideInteresting marathon - - A walk - a - thon*A marathon (马拉松)is a long - distance running r

48、ace.Now it is not only a (1)but an activity that some people organize for charity (慈善).Runners get friends, families and other people to support them.For example, if the runner runs one kilometer, the (2) each give the runner $ 1 for the charity.A lot of money can be (3) this way. However, not every

49、one can run, (4) people in the USA have thought of otherways to raise money, using the idea of a marathon.For example , A walk - a - thon, which is to a marathon comes out.In the game, people walk instead of running.This is one of the most popular ways for people to raise money.六、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;

50、共计10分)(10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Long long ago in a smalL faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors.A small, happy little dog learned (1) this place and decided to visit.When he arrived he jumped (2) (happy) up the stairs to the doorway of the house.He looked

51、through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it (3) .To his great surprise, he found (4) (he) staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his.He smiled a great smile, and (5) (answer) with 1000 great smiles as warm and friendly.As

52、 he left the House, he thought to himself “This is a wonderful place.I (6) (come) back and visit it often.*In this same village, (7) little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one decided to visit the house.He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door.When h

53、e saw the 1000 (8) (friendly) looking dogs staring back athim, he growled (咆哮)at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him.As he left, he thought to himself, That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there (9) All the (10) in the world are mirrors.What kind of refl

54、ections (反映)do you see in the faces of the people you meet?七、书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分)(20分)你校正在进行特色课程的选课活动,假如你是交换生Henry,请根据下表的提 示给负责的李老师用英文写一封电子邮件,写出你所选择的一门特色课程以及选择该课 程的3个理由,并提出你对该课程的希望。Special Courses1Basketball Improve your healthEncourage you to work in groupsEnglish Film AppreciationGet your pronunciat

55、ionbetterOpen up your eyesChinese PaintingTake an interest in Chinese culture Learn stories of famous painters注意:(1)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;(2)文中具体内容可以适当发挥;(3)词数100词左右。2022年浙江省宁波市中考英语学业水平试卷(教师解析版)一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题I分;共计15分)(15 分)The other day I had to take an evening train to Bangalore, where Id found a

56、 new job.That afternoon I took a( 1) B to the flat that I then shared with my friend Maria.I(2) C_ a brown bag.There are several important documents including my train ticket inside.The driver was friendly and we began to chat. I told him (3) A about the new job.When I arrived home, I saw several fr

57、iends who had come to say goodbye waving from our flats balcony (阳台).1 quickly (4) B the driver and rushed out to meet them.A few hours later I realized Id left my bag in the taxi.My documents were all now (5) C , besides the train ticket, but I decided to catch the train anyway.The conductor (售票员)m

58、ade me pay for a (6) B ticket in the train.During the journey, I couldn*t stop thinking about my bag.When the train made a long (7) D at a station, I got off and called Maria from a public telephone. You wont believe it!” Maria shouted. HYour driver came home with the bag.In fact, he even (8) C it f

59、rom getting stolen.HAfter (9) D me off, the driver had picked up another (10) B who started walking off with my bag.The driver remembered (11) A that she didnt have any bag when she got in.He stopped the woman, got my (12) B back and returned to our apartment building the next day and searched fbr a

60、 young woman who was moving to Bangalore for a new job.A neighbor directed (13) B to Maria.When Maria thanked him and (14) C him some money as a reward, he refused. (15) DMaria insistedhe should take the fare to the flat and back, and he finally accepted that.We often talk about hard - nosed drivers


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