



1、001 projectscriptpage材料快餐店推桶(定做MP3音响系统(4个喇叭聚光器001 projectscriptpage材料快餐店推桶(定做MP3音响系统(4个喇叭聚光器周末便会到90华氏度。从我小时候开始,她就老说,超过90度才能去游泳。我用来打扫泳池的网兜上有很多破掉的地方,这显得有些徒劳。但晒下来身慢身体,继续挥动网杆入水。一切似乎都如此理所当然。讲一个故事。过去的十三、十我一直告诉自己我不要再讲故事。这点没人注意到,不过也许是真正讲故事的时候了。当我从院子里回来。一切都变暗了象自己进入到一个大的后工业的空间里。后工业空间意思是这里以前是有工业的,但技术或而且是像毛笔笔触般

2、的英文字体。在你前面冲进一些高,有些挤在两个小板凳上吃东西者已经移到其他地方去了 只剩下一座巨笑打闹,而另一些将盘盘的食物从厨房端到顾客的空壳,简单粗糙但又好像因为艺术的名头而反倒显得新潮。空间的墙是露石混凝土,2.1米高前。喧嚣的厨房比进餐区大。从墙看过去,透过数的管道和油烟机可以看到一来时的混凝的天花板。往上看去,天花板结在空间。我在另一边有人的长凳上坐下,点了一外面,全是粗犷的管道和线材。可以这样想象整个空间的布局 空间两边有长长的走廊,走廊边是不同大小的房间和通道,给人的感觉空空荡荡 的,而人们在下层的空间里走动。他们中的一些像参观艺术展时一样闲逛,另外一些一群群的聚集在一起,疯狂的振

3、动。高个的将衣服从身上或从金属衣架上扒下来,然后挥舞扔来扔去。在矮个黑衣人们的协助下,他们更衣然后冲进空间正中的一个小走廊。式奶茶和炸鸡翅。那些高进进出出,让人过了一会儿,你站起来扔进走木制料。我箱很大,是同样推箱的,这样手便可不碰到它。抬起头右边的下一个走廊。天沿着走廊前进,来到一个狭的同样后工在身后的空间,但大小更小,由廉价的合板建成,建面在外,就像是个骨架把整个空壳空间内而外翻了过来。骨架和空壳空间大概是相同的 比例。骨架走廊更小。所以走进它就像走进了一个西洋镜,好像是为了等待某个故事的发生而被制造出来的。在隧道的半路有一个朝右的出口 模特们好像都是 空气中有浓浓的廉价中餐的味道。油和水

4、混杂成的可以被呼吸带走的形态。负荷的油烟机深沉空洞,伴随不锈钢厨具与锅碰和水混形态。故事发生在一个搭着木的骨架回廊几米内的 仄的房间中。这是一个迷你中餐馆,和那些你在海外能够看到的粗糙、劣质的一样。悬在厨房柜台上方的菜单写着英文,最出来。看到两个陌生人进来院子身体变得有些紧张。他们都带着有长杆的绿色网兜,始清扫游泳池。120美金。这个地方装有安全系统。但是我就在这个系统里面。)001 projectscriptpageTooksometimeouttocleantheleavesfromtheswimmingpoolWas tIwouldliketoswimsoon,whentheweathe

5、rupagain.Mymothertitwillgetupto90Fahrenheitbykend. Since I was a k , she had always t its too toswimbelow Thelongstaffed tIusetoclearthepoolhasmanytearsit,makingthe001 projectscriptpageTooksometimeouttocleantheleavesfromtheswimmingpoolWas tIwouldliketoswimsoon,whentheweatherupagain.Mymothertitwillge

6、tupto90Fahrenheitbykend. Since I was a k , she had always t its too toswimbelow Thelongstaffed tIusetoclearthepoolhasmanytearsit,makingthetaskseemslightlyfutile.Butthesunwarmstheandtheglitteringdiamondleavesitreflectsonthepass through the net as well, making the eyes and slow down. I continue swishi

7、ng the pole feels consequent. o the Theres a story I want to thirteen or fourteen years stories, whiaybe no onel, ling t long period of about elf I l really noticed. Or maybe t toldstorieswithoutmyselfreallynoticing.ButbynowIvetoldstoryofbeginningto l a story.lstoriesmanytimes,somaybeitstimeWhenIgob

8、ackinsidefromtheyard,everythingis Iimagineenteringawaiting for the story to happen within it.Thereisastrongsmellofused to be sincemoved giant sspace, industrial, or the money have elsewhere,andnowa isleft,kindoffoodheItsoilandwaterinform.Adeepbuthollowdroeof an exhaust hood sounds as the constant be

9、neath the sortofsrt. The walls are made of ex ed concrete with 2.1 metre high ceilings. Looking up at the ceiling the clashes of stainless steel utensils on stainless steel woks oil and water in acoustic The story is happening as is ed; its all pipes nd conduction. One roughlyimaginethewholeplanthe

10、his way. There insidethewood-paneledskeleton corridor. Its a mini Chia long, wide corridor d both sides with rooms and restaurant,therough,passagesofvarioussizes.Soit feelsemptyandhollowatthekind you find in ofChina. hangingtpeoplespecklethethekitchencounteriswrittenhalfofthestratosphere.SomeEnglish

11、 in a typeface meant them wander around of art observers. Ohe gait look like Chi Those tall girdover in small clumps, vibraing in some sort of frenzied rush. The taller ones fling in here before you are some laughing and eating at one of the two small around,fromtheirbodiesoroff metalclothingracksst

12、anding o the space, others bri ing plates of food from the kitchen to thespace;eopleinblackassistthemastheytake o nd put on clothes before rushing oabuiltcorridorin the cente of the hall.You walk towards this The boisterous kitchen, up more n the area, breaks out through the walls,andbehindthemassiv

13、egas stove and exhaust hood you can see bits of the large concrete spacefromwhichweallentered. Isitdownatoneofthea slim and condensed verof the same tindustrial but smaller and built of next to some eople plywood paneling such construction lays ex the outside, a kind t ed on order ai iced tea and fr

14、ied chicken wings. Those tall keep coming in and out of the space,anditshardnottotake noticeofthem,eachtimedressed clothing.Theylookfashionable. For some reason the assistants dressedinblackdontenterthis little makeshift caf. You skeletoncaricaturetothesaround it. The the are roughly the same though

15、 the is smaller, so step it feels like step diorama, obviously coo a 001 projectscriptpagequietlyforawhile,eatingfurther,andafterafewchicken wings and sip creamy, too st tea.After a while you the space 001 projectscriptpagequietlyforawhile,eatingfurther,andafterafewchicken wings and sip creamy, too

16、st tea.After a while you the space opens up oa very brightly lit up many mirrored walls. It looks likeaclothingstore,andthere is a counter with cash machine, though no one standing behind it.Therearetwofittingrooms, and hanging systems lining weave your way towards the op ite the entrance corridor t

17、o throw away your trash. The bin is a large box with the same fake wood-paneled as the walls, and I push hinged flap with my rubbish ve to touch it withIwalls.Butthereisnostock.sound of voi fills the space instead, and one voice after anotherseemtobedescribinghand. Lift your head and o the next corr

18、idor on t isnt there. right. The ceiling is low, talk slowly and lighting changes and the like t carry these foodcommotionfallsbehind.clothes ime. Its airthins,coolsbright in herour eyes get tired.Yougositandrestfor he shadow of one of there an exit to the fittingrooms,the s seem to be Eventually we

19、 come out again. The body tenses a bit to see two strangers enter the yard. They carry longer staffs with green softhemandproceedtocleanthepool.Ohyes,Imymother t she had hired some people to do the job. comeonceamonth,atarateof120dollarspermonth.Thisplacehas a security system installed. But I am ins

20、ide it.omoreaboutthispart of the installation and to hear a sof the audio work002 草图installation002 草图installationpage材010 包括作品includedpageforann,buildinga010 包括作品includedpageforann,buildingaDV,2003Passing landsc conversationbet byimmigrantssofTexasarethroughacarwindowwhilenamotheranddaughterdiscussdifficulti


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