1、Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/2019Purpose / 目的按照特斯拉顾客对出货标签的管理要求,规范员工的操作方法,有效预防由于标签粘贴不符合规范导致顾客 不满意,顾客退货和顾客处罚。Scope / 范围本规范适用于XXXX有限公司 所生产的所有特斯拉产品的出货标签。Responsibility / 职责CS,EM & PQM/PQE 负责本规范的制定,更新。CS负责每次出货标签的数量控制,每次出货时1J,5J,6J标签,content label(内容标签)内容的更新。仓库主管,仓库作业员负责本规范涉及标
2、签粘贴的实施过程。出货QC负责标签符合性的检查和监控。4 Definitions / 4 Definitions / 定义Term/术语内容标签6J出货标签5J出货标签1J出货标签贴在每一箱面积最大的侧面的右下角,每箱贴一张,体现箱内产品数量,重量,名 称,供应商代码等信息。长6英寸,宽4英寸。白色背景色。确认整个栈板只有一个型号并打好板后,贴在每一卡板4个面的中心位置,共 4张,体现寄收地址,产品代码,数量,重量,名称,订单号,出货日期等信息,长6英寸,宽4英寸。黑色背景色。当一个栈板放有两种或以上不同产品型号时,取代贴6J标签,改成贴5J标签在卡板每一个面的中心位置,共 4张,与6J标签不
3、同,5J标准增加体现了该栈板放置的所 有产品型号。长6英寸,宽4英寸。黑色背景色。贴此标签有两种情况:(长6英寸,宽4英寸。黑色背景色)。A.贴在没有装满的箱子面积最小的侧面(与内容标签不同面)的中心位置,未满箱贴一张,体现未装满箱的数量,料号,重量,收寄件地址等信息。B.当一个栈板放有两种或以上不同产品型号时,除了栈板4面中心贴5J标签外,栈板上混装的其他产品箱子上须贴1J标签,粘贴位置与 A中描述的要求一致。Page 1 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective
4、on the day of printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line version for use.Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date :9/9/20195 Each shipping label picture and size /各种标签的图片和尺寸(单位:英寸)Page 2 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day
5、 of printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line version for use.Doc #6英寸4英寸)13175 ee】iMJAHUTY20 EA2S.4nimj1S1.1S(50.3 eitJPRIWT DATEIsssmESUPPLIER USE网9E12 LBPage 3 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only Please refer to
6、the latest on-line version for use.Contont:* Part Number - 30 pt- bold ArialDoc #6英寸4英寸)13175 ee】iMJAHUTY20 EA2S.4nimj1S1.1S(50.3 eitJPRIWT DATEIsssmESUPPLIER USE网9E12 LBPage 3 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only Please ref
7、er to the latest on-line version for use.Contont:* Part Number - 30 pt- bold Arial ivrfg. Parr Number, Quantity Gross Weight - 18pt bold Ana Patt Supplier Mpt bold Arlal* Print Dat巳 Exp Date 12Pt bold Arial* Serial Num, Lot Code - lOpt bold Arial Content iLabel ID - S.Spt bold ArialRevision: 2.0Doc.
8、 Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/20195UPPLIER 123456- TESLA SUPPUER NAMEpartmmf TESLA PART NAME LINE 1 PART NAME LINE 2 CONTENT BEL I口3 SABGOOOC2V1?IJOQ 11131061EODA01/31/201701/31/2018LS ROE5.1内容标签图片和尺寸如下图NFG PART NUMBER.123445A AGBig QR code ii 21r by 3.1fJ with 0.15* quiet 2cne2.F(切 s m NOTE: T
9、esla part nuimber Is displayed below QR code, but Content Label IO is eixodedl * (.4ram.Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/20195.2Sitie Identifier 2) Altiru 田 0.UW fl Krone lp=:= =1 E *IT1F ig OR code K 3.2 by 5.2Sitie Identifier 2) Altiru 田 0.UW fl Krone lp=:= =1 E *IT1F ig O
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11、和尺寸如下(长 6英寸,宽4英寸)ir阳 ir阳 2 EE1“ M M 02必1 EM709 帕时5rwn)4UANTI71F:200 EA 124 LBTMTt NAMz TtSLAMin I1AIWC UUL 1TESLAPAirr mjma une 2 nauNtt 77000 0M34J1C回KWLRUM. 11I317AB1IF DATE- 0Zf2WZt17 EIP C*TF- P?i?W7(r|8回:1010518-00-A3S yj *in35*(Id 后 nm|11415 rlm)(Id 后 nm|11415 rlm)Title 6pt bold Arial Content:
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13、ArialPage 4 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line version for use.Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/20195.35J出货标签图片和尺寸如下(长6英寸,宽4英寸)Side Idtntifier Z. A thru (Z| D.pp
14、r nrp LPBig QR code 3Side Idtntifier Z. A thru (Z| D.ppr nrp LPbut LP (5J) , Side Iderrtificf (Z) is encoded!0.75jl? TL:i.r13.13 Him)|7b,2 nmfflCM. PttUN4IK- AUiraUlUllE 1 AmFitUMF?MOB33dLmEJ 11EHwfyiyw TO TCSLA NC LWtRIIORE DlICWUy RI IMSCtlftRV DH.LHWORF Ct MM1015*K a: fnrrlnwrr,SUPPLIER USE*葩沏屯田
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16、Lnw肉 Label f(i/钠43/W4 P Identifier - 7pt bold AridSide Identifier-20pt bold ArialGross Weight, Shp Date, Exp Date:-12Pt bold Arial5J Identrtier - IDpt bold ArialLicer.&e Piste: lt?p? bold Ans IIPage 5 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of
17、printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line version for use.Doc #6英寸4英寸)5* irwi|1.43 U ITiTl:留B E43! mnj1010518-00-A,第3 9 nm)WL9-MTP4 JJ FE过程描述如图12126 inches (15C mm)150mm图3所示。Small QR Code Dimension;。 hy 0 with C.05* quii.箱粘贴内容标签,内容标签必须黏贴在箱子的最长侧面的右下角,标签的顶部距离箱Page 6 Doc #6英寸4英寸)5* irwi|1.43 U
18、ITiTl:留B E43! mnj1010518-00-A,第3 9 nm)WL9-MTP4 JJ FE过程描述如图12126 inches (15C mm)150mm图3所示。Small QR Code Dimension;。 hy 0 with C.05* quii.箱粘贴内容标签,内容标签必须黏贴在箱子的最长侧面的右下角,标签的顶部距离箱Page 6 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only Please
19、refer to the latest on-line version for use.Revision: 2.0Title 6pt bold Anii Content:Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/2019Fron, Email,lPhcn To, Serial hum, Lot Code- 6pt bold Ariarila p.= rt Nlmb?r- 3Ept ba d AnsiQudntitv. Gbjs Weight - 20pt bold AridPart Name, POK/Unet., Shp Data Exp Date Spt
20、 bo d ArialIP - lOpf bold Ana6 Process Description /5.41J出货标签图片和尺寸如下标签的右边缘距离箱子的右边缘距离a在2.5cm至7.5cm之间。每箱只贴6.1作业员要在每一子底部不得超过Big QRtude ii 3.2 by 3.2 witii 0.17r quiet tuiKF4C IE! Tela pan ttumber a d kplayed below UR 工丁-3mnf|3%1七LP (Llkencodwl!SUPPLIER USE124 LB骂,ART NW. IfSIA PART NAM U Nt 1IULAFAKI N
21、WtLKZ blp 77QOOOM341DDoc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/2019图3内容标签贴完成后栈板状态(以 TMC 100箱子为例), 禁止使用A4纸直接粘贴或粘贴在错误位置Page 7 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line version for
22、 use.Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/2019对于没有混入其他产品型号的栈板,且这个栈板没有尾数箱(尾数箱指未装满的箱子),作业员在围上保护膜以后,须在每个栈板 4个侧面(A,B,C,D )的中央位置粘贴 6J出货标签,6J出货标签必须黏贴 在栈板保护膜外面,且位于每一个栈板面的中心位置,每个面粘贴1张,每个栈板一共4张。如图4,图5所示。图4.打包好的栈板俯视图图5.图4.打包好的栈板俯视图图5.打包好的栈板侧视图Page
23、8 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line version for use.Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9/9/2019对于有混入其他产品型号的栈板,且这个栈板没有尾数箱(尾数箱指
24、未装满的箱子),作业员在围上保护膜之前,须在其他产品(即混入的产品)外箱上贴1J标签。(参照第4-4 (B)描述),捆扎围保护膜后,须在每个栈板 4个侧面(A,B,C,D )的中央位置粘贴5J出货标签,5J出货标签必须黏贴在栈板 保护膜外面,且位于每一个栈板面的中心位置,每个面粘贴 1张,每个栈板一共 4张。同时,要在其中 1个面的5J标签旁边贴上1J标签,有两个产品就贴 2张1J标签,以此类推。如图 6所示(这个栈板有两 个不同型号的产品。)图6同一个栈板有两个型号产品贴5J和1J标签侧视图俯视图侧视图对每个混产品的栈板贴4张5J出货标签对每个混产品的栈板贴4张5J出货标签下图是一个栈板有两
25、个产品的情况保护膜外面贴 2张1J出货标签,代表有两种 产品型号Page 9 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line version for use.Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Doc #:Revision: 2.0Doc. Name:产品出货标签粘贴操作规范Valid date : 9
26、/9/2019一个栈板上,如有同一产品型号的尾数箱或没有装满的箱子,作业员须在尾数箱外箱最窄的侧面上中心位置贴一张1J标签,如图7。1J标签需要体现该箱内的数量,重量等信息。捆扎围保护膜后,在每 个栈板4个侧面(A,B,C,D )的中央位置粘贴6J出货标签。图7 1J尾数箱标签粘贴位置图J尾数箱出货标签位置Page 10 of 12All printed copies may not be the latest version and considered to be effective on the day of printing only. Please refer to the latest on-line ve
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