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1、Terms of EPC Contract of Construction建筑工程总承包协议Part I. Commercial Terms 第一部分 专用条款Contractor provided a quotation covering complete supply of all materials, tools, equipments, labor for design, land testing and construction and necessary coordination services for the complete General Works. Both parti

2、es agrees on the final contract price on the basis of quotation from Contractor.承包人提供的报价书包括了设计、地质勘察和工程xx所需要的材料、工具、设备、人力以及对总包工程必要的沟通协调服务工作等内容。基于承包方的报价,各方商定了最终协议总价。1、The Lump-sum Contract Price 协议总价金额Amount(大写Upper case): The Lump Sum Prices shall be the Contract Price and shall be fixed, and not subj

3、ect to rise and fall in the duration of this Contract (except the material rise exceeds 20%), and shall be deemed to be full inclusive prices for the finished Works as described below and unless specifically stated, otherwise shall include without limitation. 此协议总价应当是协议价格,此价格是固定的,并在整个协议期间不再上下浮动(除材料的

4、价格涨幅超过20%的情况)。此价格将囊括以下描述的工作费用(除特别说明外,否则将全部包括)。a) All labor, supervision and administration costs, including wages, allowances, holidays, insurances, welfare and other payments, taxes and expenses payable in respect of labour in accordance with statutory requirements.所有的人工、监督管理、行政费用,包括工资、津贴、假日、保险、福利和

5、其他费用、税金及根据法令要求支付的劳动力费用。b) Material costs 材料费用c) Consumables of any type either directly or indirectly related to construction与施工直接或间接关于的各种耗材。d) Manufacturing and installation equipments for Construction, including construction machinery, equipments, tools, scaffolding, and other appliances施工用制造和安装设备

6、,包括施工机械、设备、工具、脚手架及其他器具。.e) All Transport, haulage and cranage activities related to the Works during construction period 施工期间与工程相关的所有运输、托运和吊运工作。.f) Temporary works essential for Completion of Works 履行工程所必需的临时工程。g) Temporary storages, workshops, work shed, change rooms, Site set-up, consumables and t

7、he like requirements.时仓库、车间、工棚、更衣室、工地建立、消耗品和类似需要。h) Temporary site facilities including electricity, tap water, communications and the like as required.临时设备包括电力、自来水、通讯和所需的此类的服务。i) Health and welfare facilities 健康和福利设备。j) In Compliance with all statutes and Contract Safety regulations, carrying out a

8、ll Works accordingly, including all necessary notification, liaison, and work in full co-operation with other contractors all along.遵守所有法令和协议安全规定,按要求照此执行所有工作,其中包括所有必要的通知、联络,并自始至终保持与其他承包人的合作。k) Providing and testing the samples of material and equipments (except where particular items are specificall

9、y stated to be the responsibility of the Owner).提供材料和设备样品及测试(由发包人负责的特殊项目除外)。l) Watching, lighting, security, safety measures. 看守、照明、保安和安全措施。m) Insurance (other than those specified as being provided by The Owner.)保险(除了那些特别指出由“发包人”提供的保险)。n) Overhead administration charges and profit日常行政费用和利润。o) Allow

10、ances for inclement weather and all other contingent expenses, liabilities, risks and services and responsibilities in accordance with the specifications and the conditions of Contract, which are to be borne by the Contractor.考虑狂暴天气和所有其它偶然费用、责任、风险和服务及根据技术说明上的责任和协议条件应由承包人承担的各种开支因素。p) All costs associ

11、ated with Quality Assurance and Quality Control and associated inspections. 涉及质量保证,质量监控及检查的所有关于费用。q) All relevant taxes as described below 所有关于的税收The Lump Sum Prices cover major design and construction activities, including all minor associated Works described or inferred from the Specifications, Dr

12、awings or other Contract Documents. Lump Sum costs have been agreed to apply without variation for those Works described unless amendment to design departs significantly from the intent.总价包括了工程的主要设计和施工行为,并包括技术说明,图纸或其他协议资料文件描述或推断的所有关于的相关工作。经同意,总价适用于所描述的工作,不作改变除非设计变更离开原设计意图。2、The Prices for Variation

13、Works 增项工作的费用确定The prices stated in this part will apply for Variation works, such as requirement of the Owner, design changes, unexpected change even by experienced Contractor. Any such Variation in Scope of Works or Design changes will be instructed by Owner and will be detailed on a written Chang

14、e Order. These rates shall be fixed and firm and not subject to rise and fall for the duration of this Contract.此部分所设定的价格将适用于发包人要求或设计的改动以及有经验的承包商也无法预计的工作变更。任何此类范围或设计的改动应由发包人提出指令,并有书面变更指令作详细说明。这些价格应当是固定不变的,不应在此协议中上下浮动。It should be the contractor to put forward the application of increasing cost for u

15、nexpected variation even by experienced contractor, and shall be confirmed by The Owner.有经验的承包商也无法预计的工作变更则由承包人提出增加费用申请,并由发包人确认。In case of different Unit Rates in the documents for identical or similar type of Work, the lowest rate shall apply. Items of Works undertaken as Lump Sums or later ordered

16、or agreed as Lump Sum Works, shall not be re-measured.在资料文件中若相似的工作有不同的单价,将依照最低的价格执行。包括协议总价中固定执行的工作项目,或者以后所要求作为协议总价下的固定工作的项目将不再重新算量。The contractor shall execute the variation works caused by the special requirements in contract scope, and carry out the corresponding contract obligation, even the pric

17、e condition is not defined yet.承包人应执行工作范围中特殊要求的工作变更并相应履行此变更工作的协议义务,即使在价格条款没有达成协议之前。3、Taxes 税款Contract Price is inclusive of all taxes and charges associated with Contractors Works.协议价包括了所有与承包人工程关于的税费。4、Terms of Payment 付款条款All payment will be released within 15 working days upon the approval of the

18、milestone and the receiving of the invoice.所有付款在节点确认并收到发票后15个工作日内支付。5、Payment Schedule 工程款支付The Payment schedule is as below(Base value is the contract price):节点付款根据如下进度支付(基数为协议价):The Owner shall pay 10% of Lump-sum Contract price as the down payment within 15days after signing the contract.协议签订后15日

19、内,发包人支付协议总额10预付款。Design completion, audited, planning and construction certificate obtained: 10%设计履行,审图履行,规划许可证以及施工许可证取得: 10%Piling and foundation work completion and accepted by authorities 20%打桩及基础履行并验收: 20%Structure Work (steel structure and RC) completion and accepted by authorities 20%结构履行(包括钢结

20、构和钢筋混凝土结构)履行并验收: 20%Weathertight Building and floor completion 20% 建筑物封闭,地面履行: 20%Commence the installation of Electricity 5%电力设备进场开始安装: 5%Auxiliary project, such as electricity, streetlight, fire-fighting, road, landscape, sewage, etc. completion, office decoration finished 5%配套工程如电力、路灯、消防、道路、绿化景观、

21、排污等履行;办公楼装饰履行:%Final acceptance by The Owner and authorities 5%最终发包人和政府部门通过竣工验收: 5%6、Retention payment 尾款(保修金)5% of the payment, as the project warranty money, will be paid off within 7 days upon the completion of one year warrantee period, starting from the official acceptance.5的工程尾款作为工程保修金,在项目竣工验收

22、满一年后7天内付清。7、 Payment for Variation Works 增项工程付款Agreed payment of Variations Works will be paid in ninety-seven per cent (95%) of its respective value of such completed Works, and the rest amount - being three per cent (5%) - will be paid within 7 days upon the completion of one year warrantee period

23、.经确认变更费用或增项工程费用等其工作履行后支付95%,余下的5在项目竣工验收满一年后7天内支付。8、 Completion of Works 工作履行(1) When the Works are substantially completed, Owner shall issue a Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance. The issuance of this Certificate shall not relieve Contractor from his obligation hereunder to complete the Works.

24、当工作实质上履行后,发包人提供验收证明。此验收证明并不代表承包人可以不用承担工作履行后应该承担的义务。(2) When Contractor is of the opinion that the Works are Substantially Complete, Contractor shall submit to Owner a written request of inspecting the Works so as to determine whether Substantial Completion has been achieved. Upon such request, Owner

25、 must respond within twenty five (25) days of its receipt with either (i) a Certificate of Substantial Completion or (ii) an explanation of the reasons why the Works are not Substantially Complete, including a list of open items necessary to achieve Substantial Completion (Outstanding Works). Owner

26、shall advise Contractor of the time reasonably required to complete Outstanding Works., which shall be no more than two (2) months.当承包人认为工作确实已经履行,应提供书面的要求递交发包人,要求进行工作验收。根据其要求,发包人必须在25天内做出答复、实际工作履行确认;、实际工作未履行,并同时呈交未履行的理由和原因,包括必须履行工作的条款清单(未履行的工作),发包人通知承包人在合理的时间内履行未履行的工作,但是一般不超过2个月。(3) When, in the opi

27、nion of Owner, the Works are properly completed in all respects including any Outstanding Works, Owner shall issue a Final Completion Certificate.当发包人认为在各方面工作已被完全履行,发包人应颁发最终完工证明。(4) In the event of an emergency or if the Contractor fails to diligently perform the Outstanding Works, Owner may complet

28、e such Works, either by its own forces or by other contractors. Owner may deduct such costs from any payments due and owing to the Contractor. If such costs exceed the amount due to the Contractor, the Contractor shall immediately pay such excess to Owner.如因突发事件或承包人未能履行其未履行工作时,发包人可以自己或雇佣其他承包人来履行此项工作

29、,发包人将从承包人的未付费用中扣除此笔费用。如此费用超出了未付款的总额时,承包人应立即支付超出部分的费用至发包人。(5) Owner shall have the right to take possession of or use any completed or partially completed part of the Works. Upon making such a determination, Owner shall notify the Contractor of its intent to take possession and/or use of a portion of

30、 the Works. Prior to such possession or use, Owner shall furnish the Contractor an itemized list of Work remaining to be performed or corrected on such portions of the Work as are to be possessed or used by the Owner, provided that failure to list any item or Work shall not relieve the Contractor fr

31、om responsibility for compliance with the terms of the Contract. Such possession or use shall not be deemed an acceptance of all Works under the Contract.发包人有权接管或使用任何竣工或部分竣工的建筑物,发包人应告知承包人其接管或使用此已达到发包人竣工要求的部分;在发包人接管或使用前,发包人应向承包人提供关于将被接管、使用工程的缺陷清单,承包人进行相应整改。如未在此缺陷清单上列出的缺陷工程,承包人也应按此协议的要求履行其责任,进行整改;发包人的

32、部分接管或使用并不视为本协议下整个工程已通过验收。9、Invoice 发票Contractor shall provide with each invoice to the Owner a formal Tax receipt indicating that all taxes for the amount being invoiced has been paid.承包人须向发包人提供正式完税发票。10、General conditions of Contract 协议通用条件Both parties shall confirm and state the acceptance of the

33、General Conditions of Contract. These conditions are included herein as Part III of this Contract Document.各方确定并申明接受此协议通用条款,此条款已罗列在此协议第三部分。11、Contract Period 工期11.1 Schedule 进度表Contractor shall begin the Works on the date defined in Contractors Time Schedule contained in Part VII or on a later mutua

34、lly agreed date, and shall thereafter perform the Works continuously and diligently.承包人将按第七部分的进度计划要求,或由各方协议的开工日期开始现场工作,现场开工后,承包人应保证工程施工的连续性。11.2 Notice of Mobilization and Locations for Temporary Installations 进场通知和临时设备点Notice shall be provided to the Owner seven (7) days before date of mobilization

35、, along with proposed locations for material storage, these locations will require the Owners approval prior to placement.进场前7天,承包人向发包人提xx知,及材料堆放位置,这些位置须事先征得发包人同意。11.3 Liquidated damage for delay 延误损失赔偿Contractor has offered pricing for his best Contract period according to the number of calendar da

36、ys in Schedule taking into consideration those requirements for transport, public holidays, and weather conditions. A detailed working Time Schedule in bar chart form has been provided by Contractor in his proposal. This Time Schedule has been accepted by the Owner. If the Contractor fails to comply

37、 with the completion date, then The Owner may recover such sums by deducting the amount of such damages from any payables due to the Contractor, and which shall not be recoverable. The payment or deduction of such liquidated damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligations to complete t

38、he Works or any other obligation or liability under the Contract. The following rate per Day shall apply as fixed, agreed liquidated damages payable by the Contractor due to delay in the Completion of the Works: 0.2% of the total Contract Price for each Day of delay. The total amount payable due to

39、delay in Completion of the Work shall not exceed 10% of the Contract Price. If the completion of the Works is delayed for reasons proven by the Contractor and accepted by Owner to be beyond the control of the Contractor, then the Contractor shall be granted such extension of time as may be reasonabl

40、e. In any event the Contractor is obliged to immediately notify Owner in writing of the occurrence and cause of any such delay and also to make every effort to mitigate the consequences of such delay.承包人已考虑了运输、公共假日和天气状况等要求,根据进度表中的天数,确立了最佳工期,并报了价。承包人应制定详细的施工进度条形图,该进度已由发包人认可。承包人如未能如期竣工,发包人可从给承包人的应付款中扣

41、除,并且此款未能退。损害赔偿并未能免除承包人完工或协议中其它责任。承包人误工损害每天赔偿率固定为,每耽误一天,扣协议总价的千分之二。误工应付金额不得超过协议总价的10%。如工期的延误是由于非承包人原因造成的,则应给承包人合理的延期。任何情形下,如有延误,承包人应立即书面通知发包人,并采取所有措施减轻后果。12、Insurance 保险Contractor has responsible to take insurance with coverage of all construction risks. Contractor is to provide insurance document fo

42、r accidents and casualty of his employees, all vehicles on or entering Site, in compliance with P.R.C. regulations.承包人有责任将所有施工风险进行保险,须根据中国关于法律条款提供意外事件和职工或员工意外险的保单和所有进入现场的车辆保险单。13、Fees and Penalties 杂费及罚金Contractor shall pay all statutory fees associated with its Works including any fines imposed due

43、 to Contractors non-conformance with the State laws and local laws.承包人应支付与工程关于的所有政府费用,包括罚款。14、Site Cleaning 工地清洁Contractor shall engage cleaning staff throughout the construction period responsible for maintaining clean and tidy work areas at all times. Contractor shall ensure that installed product

44、s and structure are maintained in a new/good condition at all times. Contractor shall be responsible to remove all rubbish, packaging, dunnage, offcuts or any other material from the Site at the end of each working month. All passage ways and areas requiring access will be maintained free from obstr

45、uctions at all times. If Contractor does not comply with above requirements. Owner has the right to undertake Works at Contractors costs.承包人保证在整个施工期内工地保持整洁。承包人应确保要安装之产品及构件在任何时候均为新的好的状态。承包人将负责把所有的垃圾、包装物、废料或从工地上来的其他材料在每个工作月的月底进行清理。所有的经过路线和区域有障碍,要随时清理。如承包人没有履行如上的要求,发包人有权力采取行动按实际进行处理,费用由承包方承担。The Contra

46、ctor shall take all reasonable means to protect the environment (both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his operations. The Contractor shall ensure that emission, surface discharges and effluent from the

47、Contractors activities shall not exceed the values indicated by local authority, and shall not exceed the values prescribed by applicable Laws.承包人应采取任何合理的手段保护环境(包括现场内外),并减少由于污染、噪声以及其他由于承包人的营运而致使的对于人员和财产的损毁和扰乱。承包人应确保由于承包人的活动而造成的材料散发,表面排放,渗漏等等不应超出当地政府机关的规定也不应超出相关法律的规定。15、Safety Remedial Measures 安全补救措

48、施15.1 Remedy for Safety Non Conformance 危险施工的补救(由谁来进行以下项目的监督)The Contractor has confirmed his acceptance of the Safety Conditions as provided in this document and which are to be adhered to when undertaking all Works associated with this Contract. These conditions are included herein as Part IV of t

49、his Contract Document. Non-conformance with safety requirements will attract a fine to be deducted from Contract Price as follows:承包人确认接受本资料文件中的安全施工规定,并在施工中遵守执行。安全施工规定见本协议的第四部分。违反安全施工规定要罚款,按下列方法从协议中扣:15.2 Warranty for Defective Works 不符合要求产品的补救Non-conforming product shall be replaced with the agreed

50、 quality and type. Owner reserves the right to select alternative products in the event that the original selections as specified in this Contract become unavailable. The Contractor shall make these selections available at the originally agreed unit rate or lump sum price for supply. Contractor warr

51、ants that he shall, at his own cost and expense (including cost of removal, transportation and installation and any other expenses associated therewith), within the Warranty Periods as specified, promptly repair or replace any item failing to comply with the scope of Works or any other provisions of

52、 this Contract (Defective Works). In the event that the Contractor fails to supply or replace the products with the agreed type, then the Owner shall take over that portion of supply and provide the product for the Contractors installation. The Owner may recover such sums by deducting the amount of

53、such replacements from any monies due to the Contractor. The payment or deduction of such replacements shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligations to complete the Works or any other obligation or liability under the Contract. Where Contractor undertakes to renewal or replacement of defecti

54、ve items, the Warranty Period applicable to that item shall be extended for the time from Owners request to remedy the defect up to the date of Owners written acceptance of renewal or replacement of the defective item. Where Contractor does not renew or replace defective items to the satisfaction of

55、 Owner, the latter may carry out such remedies, either by its own forces or by other contractors. Owner may deduct the costs arising therefrom from any payments due and owing to the Contractor. If such costs exceed the amount due the Contractor, the Contractor shall immediately upon demand pay such

56、excess to Owner.不符合要求的产品应被质量和类型达到要求的产品所替代。若协议中最初所规定的产品无法取得,发包人保留选择替代产品的权利。承包人应以最初规定的单价或总价来实现发包人的选择。承包人应保证如未能履行协议中定义的工作范围或本协议中的其它条款(如缺陷工程),在规定的工程保修期内,迅速地进行整改或替换,并自行承担其相关费用(包括不合格工程的拆除、运输、安装及由此造成或产生的相关费用)。如承包人未能提供或替换协议规定的产品型号,发包人将接管此部分产品的采购,并可从承包人的协议总价中扣除此接管部分产品的采购价格再加10%。此项款的扣除,并不意味着承包人将免于继续履行其协议规定承担的

57、责任和义务。承包人承担损毁项目的更新和更换,保质期内的对每个项目的计算用从发包人要求修复损毁项到发包人书面接受损毁的项的更新和更换为止。如承包人不对损毁项进行更新和更换来满足发包人要求,发包人可以自己承担或让其他承包人来承担。发包人将在总价格中扣除承包人的从中引起的任何花费。如这些花费超过了承包协议总额,承包人必须立即根据要求将超额部分付给发包人。16、Sample Submission 样品提供Contractor shall provide main materials, equipments and related data to Owner according to drawings

58、and requirements. 承包人应根据图纸及规范要求提供主要材料及设备的样品和相关资料文件资料给发包人。17、Government Facilities 政府设备Contractor shall be responsible to protect and maintain the condition of Roads and Curbs, Drain and Valve Covers, Hydrants, Poles and any External Facility or Perimeter Item of the Site. Any reparation works requir

59、ed at the end of the Contracted Works will be undertaken in the most professional fashion and in accordance with the instructions of the Owner Representative and at the cost of the Contractor.承包人有责任维护及修理修缮道路、窨井、水管、消火栓及其他外部或者厂区四周的公共设备。任何在协议执行后仍需要修理修缮的工作要依照发包人的指令履行,其费用由承包人承担。18、Storage 仓储Contractor sh

60、all provide a working plan indicating preferred locations for material storage. This plan shall be submitted to the Owner Representative for his review and approval. Contractor shall inspect each piece of material delivered and fill out the provided acceptance form of material. In the event that mat


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