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1、人教版四年级上册 英语试题 四年级英语册期末试卷姓 班级听部(40 分学一听音选正的项10 分)( ) A B ( )2. A B( ) A B( ) 4. A B( ) A B二听音排顺(10 )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三听圈字(10 ) 50 30 26 47 8 13 12 43 16 23 10 19 8 11 15 50四听,出所到一( 10 分( ) A. bq pd dp( ) A. g l g C. i j( ) A. SLX C. ( ) A. 40 15 50( ) A. boy C. 笔部( )一 选不类单,将号在面号( ) )1、 B、 board C

2、)2、 A fifty B five 、 A B、 Chinese book C )4 B strong C、 long )5、 B、 C、 mouth )6、 B pencil C we )7、 B、 C、 small )8、 B C、 )9、 B、 C )10 B、 student C 单项选( 10 分) )1 A 、a B C 、two )2、How A B 、pencil C 、pen )3、I a A 、He B She C Her )4、_ is seat?A What B、 Where C 、How )5、_ is she?She A What B C Who )6、_ is

3、it?Its A What B C )7、_ is book A B C )8、Let A 、I B、 me C we )9、What is name?His name is A B his C he )10 it?A Whichs B、 Wheres C s三把列词充整(10 分1、bg 2、bk 、t 4 frd 5cil( ) ( ) (教 师 ( ) (铅 笔6t 7 8、gl 9 10y( 生 (子 (孩) (铅 盒) (孩四从 B 栏找 A 相应答。 )A B )1、How many pencils you A name is )2 my seat? B、10 )3 colour

4、is b C、Sure.Here you are. )4s name? D、I 30 )5、How is 、Itsnear the ) 6 have a look FAmy is my best friend. )7、How can you G、Its )8、Who is your best H、She is sister. )9、Do you music? 、I can see )10、Who she? J 五翻些句(10 分) do ? s I a ? 六阅理,根据短文内容断错的“,的打“.(10 )I have a His name This is is He has hair. Loo

5、k, are 2 3 1 Its ( is my ( He has ( are 7 ( He has a ( 听力材料 一、 听录音,选择确的一项 10 )1、 on light.2、 fri.3、 key is 4、 Read bdpq.5、 taxi.二、 听录音,排列序( 分)1Put eraser the 2Put pencil-case the.chair3Put book on your head.4Put notebook under your 5Put pencil in your 三、听音圈字(10 分)1. fifty 3.forty-seven 6.fifty-three

6、 8.forty 9.eleven 四、听音,出你所听到一项( 10 )1、pd 2 j3、SLX 45参考答案听力部分一、BAABB二、 4 1 3 5三、 50 2. 3. 10 6. 16 40 11 10. 15四、BCABB笔试部分一、 二、 BACBCABBBC三、 1.a 5.en 6.u 7.u 8.ir 9.e 四、 五、 你有多少本英语书?2.让我们擦桌子喝椅子。3.我可以看一看吗?当然可以,给你。4.他有短头发喝大眼睛。5.我的朋友喜欢音乐和英语。六、 一、读一读,判断下列各组中单词画线部分发音是T)否(F)一致。( ) 1. A. face ( ) 2. A. big

7、( ) 3. A. nose ( ) 4. A. milk ( ) 5. A. duck ( ) 6. A. bedB. makeB. fiveB. hotB. bigB. upB. she二、读一读,选出画线部分与其他两项发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. cake ( ) 2. A. kiteB. mapB. likeC. nameC. pig( ) 3. A. lost ( ) 4. A. cute ( ) 5. A. getB. roseB. excuseB. weC. boxC. funC. be三、将左右两边的单词连线,使它们组成新的单词。 1. school A. book2.

8、story B. bag3. bed C. board4. black D. ball5. basket E. room四、看图,补全单词。1. f_ 2. c_y3. g_s4. t_s 5. c_s 6. d_r五、选出与所给单词或短语相符的图片。( ) 1. turn on the light A.( ) 2. beef A.B.B.( ) 3. strong A.B.( ) 4. go to the bathroom B.( ) 5. noodles A. B. 六、根据图片及首字母提示,写词语补全句子。1. There is a p_ on the wall.2. I have a

9、C_ b_.3. The girl is my friend. She has long h_.4. There is a TV in the l_ r_.5. What would you like?Id like some v_, please.6. Hes a f_.七、选出与画线部分单词属于同一类的一项。( ) 1. Open the door, please.A. cute B. hair C. window ( ) 2. I have an English book in my schoolbag.A. maths book B. ruler C. key ( ) 3. Hes t

10、all and strong.A. thin B. friendly C. blue ( ) 4. He has many books in his study.A. behind B. bedroom C. book ( ) 5. My aunt is a driver.A. cook八、将下列词语归类。B. doctor C. uncleblackboard teachers desk fridge notebook aunt English book unclestorybook fork strong sofa spoon cousin thin bowl tall phoneclas

11、sroom schoolbag short knife table parents九、读一读,选一选。( ) 1. We it in a with a _.A. phone B. sofa C. table( ) 2. We can see him in a 医院). When we are not well, we go to see him. He is a _.A. student B. brother C. doctor( ) 3. Its a kind of( 一 )food. We use a spoon to have it. Its _.A. beef B. soup C. w

12、ater( ) 4. We put them on our feet. We often have two. They are _. A. hair B. glasses C. shoes( ) 5. Its a room. There are many books in it. We can read books and do our homework in it. Its a _.A. bedroom B. study C. kitchen( ) 6. He is my aunts baby. He is my _.A. cousin B. brother C. sister( ) 7.

13、It looks like a TV. We can play on it. We can listen to music on it. We can do our homework on it. Its a _.A. phone B. fan C. computer( ) 8. Its in a classroom. The teacher puts his books on it. Its a _.A. teachers desk B. light C. window( ) 9. Its black. The teachers write(写字 on it. Its a _. A. pic

14、ture B. blackboard C. wall( ) 10. We put it on our head. Its a _.A. hat B. job C. puppy十、选择正确的单词完成句子。( ) 1. She has long (A. hair B. hairs). She is cute.( ) 2. He has blue (A. glass B. glasses).( ) 3. Id like some (A. vegetable B. vegetables), please.( ) 4. My new (A. shoes B. shoe) are blue.( ) 5.

15、Would you like some (A. noodle B. noodles)?( ) 6. How many (A. man B. people)are there in your family?十一、根据图片提示选择单词或短语,完成短文。TV parents kitchen nurse sofafridgetall and strong quiet and friendly beddriverIm a boy. Welcome to my home and meet my family. They are my 1._ . My dad is a 2. _ . He is 3. _.

16、 My is a 4. . . We a new _ and a new 7. _ in the livingroom. And we have a new 8. _ in the bedroom and anew 9. _ in the 10. _ . 汇一、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F二、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A三、1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. D四、1. fan 2. candy 3. glasses 4. toys 5. chopsticks 6. doctor 五、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B六

17、、1. picture 2. Chinese book 3. hair4. living room 5. vegetables 6. farmer七、1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C八、classroom: blackboard teachers deskschoolbag: notebook English book storybookshort: strong thin tallknife: fork spoon bowltable: fridge sofa phoneparents: aunt uncle cousin九1. A2. C3. B4. C5. B6. A7.

18、 C8. A9. B10. A十、1. A2. B3. B4. A点拨关键点在第二句我们可以用它与朋友交谈所以应“电话 点拨:能在医院里看到的,身体不好时要去看的,当然是“医生点拨:脚上穿的当然是“鞋点拨:有很多书的房间应该是“书房点拨:阿姨家的孩子,是自己的“同辈表亲点拨:像电视,又能用来玩的,当然是“计算机”了。点拨:教室里老师放书的地方,应该是“讲台点拨:黑色的,老师在上面写字,应该是“黑板点拨:戴头上的应该是“帽子点拨:hair 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。点拨:some 后的可数名词要用复数形式。点拨:shoes 是复数名词。5. B 6. B十一、1. parents 2. dri

19、ver 3. tall and strong4. nurse 5. quiet and friendly 6. TV 7. sofa 8. bed 9. fridge 10. kitchen 型一、判断下列句子或对话与图片是(T)否(F)致。 ( ) 1. The chair is near the window.( ) 2. Whats in your schoolbag?Three books, a pencil box and a key. ( ) 3. What colour is it?Its black and white.( ) 4. He has glasses.( ) 5.

20、My family has six people.( ) 6. I can use chopsticks.二、连连看,将句子和相应的图片连线。1. We have a new classroom. Lets go and see. A.2. Put a sofa in the living room. B.3. Lets clean the window. C.4. Her schoolbag is heavy. D.5. Id like some bread and milk. E.三、选择正确的一项。1. Put (A. on B. up) the picture.2. I (A. hav

21、e B. has) a candy, a toy and3. Shes cute and has long (A. hair B. hairs).4. The panda (A. is B. are) black and white.5. Kate (A. has B. have) orange shoes.6. Go to the living room. (A. Take B. Watch) TV.7. Where (A. are B. is) the keys?8. Would you like some (A. bread B. breads) ?9. (A. She B. He) i

22、s a girl.10. There (A. is B. are) three people in my family.四、单项选择。( ) 1. Let _ clean the desks.A. me B. I C. we( ) 2. _ is the crayon? Its in the pencil box.A. What B. When C. Where( ) I _ English _ Chinese friend. A. an; a B. an; an C. a; an( ) 4. He _ glasses and his shoes _ orange.A. have; are B

23、. has; are C. have; is( ) 5. Look_ that bedroom.A. by B. at C. for( ) 6. _ they near the phone?A. Who B. Are C. Is( ) 7. _ some vegetables, please.A. Im B. Id like C. I have( ) 8. _ for dinner? Noodles and beef.A. Whos B. Wheres C. Whats( ) 9. _ desks are there in the classroom?A. How many B. How mu

24、ch C. How old( ) 10. My _ are near the chair.A. glasses B. schoolbag C. shoe五、给图片选择正确的句子。. A. Lets clean the door.( ) 1. B. Lets clean the window.C. Lets clean the table.A. He has long hair.( ) 2. B. She has glasses.C. She has short hair.A. We do homework in the living room.( ) 3. B. We read a book

25、in the bedroom.C. We read a book in the study.A. Id like some noodles.( ) 4. B. Id like some chicken.C. Id like some soup.A. My mother is a nurse.( ) 5. B. My uncle is a basketball player.C. My father is a football player.六、根据图片提示,写出问句或答语。1. _?Its on the desk.2. _?His name is Tom.3. Is the computer

26、in the study?_.4. _?Three. My parents and me.5. _?My uncle is a driver.七、根据提供的情景选择正确的句子。( ) 1. 你们学校附近新开了一家文具店,你会这样提议大家去看看:A. Look at it. B. Lets go and see. C. I see.( ) 2. 朋友告诉你他新买了一台性能特别优越的电脑,你又惊叹又有些怀 疑,你会说:A. Wow! B. Hey. C. Really? ( ) 3. 有人帮你找到了你丢失的钱包,你会这样说:A. Thank you so much! B. Here it is.

27、C. me.( ) 4. 当朋友猜对了你说的话时,你会说:ExcuseA. OK.B. Yes. Youre right. C. Thankyou.( ) 5. 吃饭时,你需要妈妈帮你递一下筷子,你会说:A. I can use the B. Here are chopsticks. C. Pass me the chopsticks.八、选择正确的句子补全对话。( ) 1. _A sofa, a TV, a desk( ) 2. _She is a doctor.( ) 3. Would you like some beef?_( ) 4. Are the toys on the table

28、?_( ) 5. _She is in the living room.九、按要求完成下列各题。1. The cat is in the kitchen. (改为一般疑问句 _2. Id like some bread. (对画线部分提问 _3. Its on the floor. (对画线部分提问) _4. Are they in the study? (作否定回答) _5. a fork would like knife and you (?) (连词成句) _十、仿照例子写句子。例 1 :he / my friend 例 2:some fishWhat would you like?Who is he?He is my friend.Id like some fish.1. she/ sister_ 2. he/ my new teacher_ 3. some rice and beef_ 4. some bread and soup_ 型一、1. T 2. F


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