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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、I met my teacher _ I was walking in the street, but I didnt say hello to him.AbeforeBafterCuntilDwhile2、Lesson _ is so difficult that it w

2、ill take them _ to learn it.ASixth; two and a half daysBSix; two days and halfCSixth; two and a half dayDSix; two days and a half3、Good news! We will have a _ holiday.Ive heard of it. But its coming in _.Athree days; three days timeBthree days; three daysCthree-day; three daysDthree days; three-day

3、time4、 There are a lot of _ of bike riding. I agree. Its good for the environment and it saves money.AinstructionsBrulesCadvantagesDproducts5、-I wont forget the teachers here used to help and trust me.-Neither will I.AwhichBwhoseCwhomDwho6、Mom, _ I hang out with my friends now? Sure, but you _ clean

4、 up your bedroom first.Acan; mayBmay; have toCmust; needDneed; must7、 Mr. Smith, your iWatch looks so cool.Thank you. It helps me a lot. I think it is very _.ApersonalBpracticalCartistic8、Boys and girls, you are in the examination room at this moment. As long as we fight on with the _and efforts, th

5、e result will finally end in success.AwisedomBwiseCwisdom9、Im going to miss you, dear. I feel_ the same.Ahardly Bexactly Cseriously Dproperly10、We are covering these _ girls wonderful performances _ .Alively; liveBlively; aliveCalive; liveDalive; living. 完形填空11、 Hi!My name is Bob Smith, 1 is my last

6、 name. Im 2 . This is a 3 of my family. There are 4 people in the photo, they are my grandparents, my parents, my brother John, my sister Anna and I. My grandparents have good eating habits, they have eggs and milk 5 breakfast. My mother likes eating 6 , but its not healthy. My father is a 7 and he

7、likes his students very much. John likes basketball very much and Yao Ming is his 8 sports star. But Anna doesnt like basketball because its 9 . I have a big family and I love 10 .1ABobBSmithCBob SmithDSmith Bob2A12 years oldB12 year oldC12-year-oldD12-years-old3AshortsBphotoCcolorDschool4AfiveBsixC

8、sevenDeight5AonBinCatDfor6AapplesBorangesCice-creamDhamburgers7AteacherBworkerCfarmerDdoctor8AfavoriteBgoodCwellDvery9ArelaxingBfunCboringDinteresting10AhisBthemCtheyDshe. 语法填空12、请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75的相应位置上。Small talk and chitchat(闲谈) are the short conversations we have at parties,

9、 while we wait in line at the store, at family events or work.Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not w1. Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers.Many people find these small conversations about unplanned subjects difficult. Some people say they hate it. Oth

10、ers say small talk is a w2 of time. They may even call it useless chitchat or useless chatter, meaning it doesnt do anything. They c3 small talk not important.However, small talk is important. These exchanges can open doors that may lead to l4, more meaningful conversations. When you first meet some

11、one or talk to someone you dont know well, it would be awkward(尴尬的) to b5 a conversation about a really deep subject such as war, politics or the meaning of life.Small talk also gives you the c6 to decide if you want to get to know that person betteror not. Lets say you make small talk with someone

12、at a party. But they only want to talk about cats. You may not want to build a friendship with them u7 you really, really love cats.Chitchat can also increase your feeling of understanding toward people you know but not well. Chatting with a workmate about their child may help you to understand more

13、 of their life outside the o8. This could help build healthy work relationships.Researchers at the University of Chicago find that those who make small talk with strangers are happier than those who sit a9. Also, another similar study showed that people who talked with a cashier(收银员) in a coffee sho

14、p felt happier t10 those who simply went in, ordered and left.Small talk may make us happier. 阅读理解A13、 Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a saying “Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.” Many Americans agree that one should

15、 start the day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are different.Most Americans only give themselves a short time for lunch because they have not so much time to have a rest at noon. So they eat a small lunch. After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner. Also a

16、quiet dinner at home with all the family talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work.Eating at restaurants is also different. In China, people like to talk and laugh while eating. Very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly, and they just having

17、 a good time. In America it is not like this. They want a quiet place where they can eat a good meal far away from the noises of the outside world. If someone is talking too loudly, the manager of the restaurant will look at him or her angrily. If some people are talking too loudly, the manager of t

18、he restaurant may come out and ask them to be quiet.1Chinese and Americans have the same idea on .Alunch and dinnerBbreakfastCsupperDmeal2Why dont Americans eat a big lunch at noon?ABecause that is Americans tradition.BBecause they eat too much in the morning.CBecause they have not enough time.DBeca

19、use Americans lunch is small.3If an American is talking too loudly in a Chinese restaurant, what will happen?.AThe manager of the restaurant will look at him angrilyBThe manager of the restaurant may ask him to be quiet.CHe will have a good time.DHe will tell others to be quiet.4The best title of th

20、e passage is _ADifferent eating habits.BAmerican eating habits.CHow to eat wellDWhat is good eating habits.B14、“Joe, did you book your ticket yet?” I asked. “No. I changed my mind. Im not going to go.”“What? You arent going to Australia? Weve been planning this vacation for months!”“Yeah, I dont fee

21、l like it. Well go some other time.”Over the coming weeks, I tried to get my friend to reconsider, but failed. Our trip to Australia was off. And none of my friends wanted to replace him. If I wanted to travel, it would have to be on my own.Its taught me that if I wait for others, Ill never go anywh

22、ere. But there are places I want to visit, people to see, experiences to have, and food to tryand only so much time to achieve it all. So I refuse to wait. I wont let others keep me from realizing my dreams. It can be scary travelling alone, especially then youve never done it before. But, to me, gr

23、owing old without experiencing everything you want from life is more frightening.If youre been putting off a trip because youre waiting for someone to go withstop. Just go. Dont let others hold you back from your dreams. Trust me, along the way youll make plenty of friends. More than that, travellin

24、g alone gives you real freedom. You wake up and its just youwhat you want, where you want, when you want. In that freedom and great space of possibility, you meet yourself.Its sink or swim and you have to learn how to survivewho to trust, how to make friends, how to find your way around alone. Thats

25、 the greatest reward(奖赏) of travelling alone. Each time you go away, you learn to become a little more independent and confident.Travelling alone is not for everyone. Some people return home soon after starting off, some cry for weeks before accepting it, and others just accept it right away. But yo

26、ull never learn that if you dont travel once by yourself. Whether a weekend away, a two-week vacation, or a trip around the world, try it at least once.1What does the writer think is more frightening?ATravelling alone for the first time.BChanging your mind all the time.CWaiting for others during a l

27、ong trip.DFailing to experience life in your growth.2The underlined words “hold you back from your dreams” in Paragraph 4 probably mean“_”.Aget you out of trouble Bstop you from travellingCkeep you waiting for them Dwake you up from your dream3According to the writer, the best reward of travelling a

28、lone is _.Athe experience of travellingBthe freedom to go anywhereCthe chance to taste delicious foodDthe possibility of meeting new people4The passage is mainly about_.Awhere to travel Bwhen to travelChow to travel safely Dwhy to travel aloneC15、Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some stud

29、ents ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I dont agree with them.Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of(缺乏) others, for ex

30、ample, fresh water(淡水). It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move?Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting

31、 as soon as possible.In our everyday life,we can do many things to prevent waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps(水龙头) when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be

32、 changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.1From the passage we know that some students often _ in the school.Aeat too muchBdont work hardCwaste thingsDthrow rubbish everywhere2Which is not mentioned in this passage?AFresh waterBForest.COil.DCoal.3What may happen in 100 years?AWe may

33、still have enough oil.BWe may still have enough coal.CWe may have a little oil.DWe may have no coal or oil to use.4Which of the following is right?AWaste brings problems.BWaste can bring no problem.CChina is rich in fresh water.DStudents never waste things.5Which is the best title of this passage?AS

34、top WastingBSchool lifeCWaste in the SchoolDRich Resources in ChinaD16、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)Dear Sir,I am writing to you about my stay at your hotel. My wife and I arrived on Saturday, 15thMay and stayed for a week. Though we were treated well and found the service excellent, we think there are one

35、or two matters we should bring your attention.1. We had hoped for a nice holiday from our busy work lives, and your advertisement said “comfortable and quiet”. We want to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. However, we were always waken up by the noise every morning. Is it really necessary for the wor

36、kers to start their repair work so early?2. We had hoped to swim in your “wonderful pool”. To our disappointment(失望), we found that it was closed for the whole time of our stay.I hope you do not mind my writing to you about these things, but I would be happy if you could give me some explanation. As

37、 I said at the start, it is a pity, and your service is so good in other fields.I hope to hear from you soon.Yours sincerelyMr Hector Bradley根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。1(小题1)Whom is Mr Hector Bradley probably writing this letter to?AHis friend. BThe owner of a hotel.CAn editor. DHis father.2(小题2)Whe

38、n did they get to the hotel?AOn 15th May. BThree days ago.CLast year. DOn a cold winter morning.3(小题3)Whats the main idea of the second paragraph (段落)?AThe hotel was very comfortable and quiet.BThe workers in the hotel were very hard-working.CHe thought the hotel hadnt provided them a quiet place.DT

39、he service in the hotel was very excellent.4(小题4)What did Mr Bradley think about the swimming pool?AHe felt disappointed because the swimming pool was closed for the whole time of their stay.BHe felt disappointed because the swimming poop was too small.CHe felt pleased with it because he had a good

40、time there.DHe found it really wonderful, just like what was said in the advertisement.5(小题5)What kind of letter is it?AAn invitation letter.BA thank-you letter.CA recommendation letterDA complaint letter.E17、Have you ever wanted to travel back through time and see what life was like at the beginnin

41、g of man? Well, museums can make history come alive. And one museum in particular can take you on an exciting journey from the beginning of human culture to the present day.It is the British Museum. Being one of the largest museums in the world, it is home to over 7 million objects from all the worl

42、ds continents. While most of us may not have the chance to visit London, we can catch a glance of the treasures it holds in Beijing. From December 10 to Februry 10, more than 100 cultural relics will be on show in the Palace Museum.Named “Britain and the World”, a range of pencil sketches, watercolo

43、r paintings, sculptures and many other objects have traveled to China.There are several Chinese objects on show. But “the British Museum got them before 1830 mainly by trade,” said Ma Jige, deputy director of the Exhibition Department of the Palace Museum.In fact, there are more than 23,000 Chinese

44、relics in the British Museum, including national treasures like gems, artwork and ancient bronze ware objects.The museum is famous for its exquisite Chinese paintings. Picture of Lady Officials by Gu Kaizhi, a top painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 317-420), is there. The British Museum also hol

45、ds 13,700 Buddhist records from the Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province.1Go to visit the British Museum, and you will _.Atravel back to the ancient timesBmake history come aliveClearn more about human cultureDhave a visit to London2We can learn from the article that _.Athe British Museum is the larg

46、est museum in the worldBthe Palace Museum houses over 7 million objects from all over the worldCpart of the British Museums collection is available in the Palace MuseumDthe two museums will be combined into one3According to the article, _ are shown in the exhibition.Aits exquisite Chinese paintingsB

47、13,700 Buddhist records from Dunhuang GrottoesCworks of Gu Kaizhi, a top painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty,Da range of pencil sketches, water color paintings, sculptures and many other objects4How many Chinese relics are there in the British Museum?AOver 100.B13,700.COver 23,000.DOver 7 millionF18、

48、 One day an ant was drinking at a small river and fell in. She made desperate (不顾一切) efforts to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant was very tired, but she was still bravely doing her best when a dove (鸽子) saw her. Moved with pity that the dove threw the ant a blade of grass, w

49、hich supported her like a raft (筏子), and thus the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man come near. He was walking along barefooted(光脚) with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the dove, he wished to kill it. He would certainly have done s

50、o, but the ant bit him in the foot just as he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life.1The ant could not reach the side though _.Ashe cried for helpBshe asked the dov

51、e to save herCshe tried very hardDshe could swim well2The dove saved the ant because _.Ashe took pity on the poor antBthe ant had been struggled in the water for a long timeCthe ant was very tiredDshe was the ants friend3The ant succeeded in getting on the bank with the help of _.Aa leafBa blade of grassCa piece of woodDa raft4Just as the man shot at the dove, _.Athe ant told th


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