2022-2023学年译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens Grammar and usage - Assessment 2 课件(28张)_第1页
2022-2023学年译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens Grammar and usage - Assessment 2 课件(28张)_第2页
2022-2023学年译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens Grammar and usage - Assessment 2 课件(28张)_第3页
2022-2023学年译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens Grammar and usage - Assessment 2 课件(28张)_第4页
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1、单词课堂版本:新译林 单元:必修一 Unit 2(Grammar and usage Assessment)flexibleflexible = flex- (bend) + ible (can be done) “可弯曲的”。当人的身体“可弯曲”时可译为“柔韧的”。随着语言的发展,具体的基本义衍生出了新的抽象意义,flexible可以指人或计划等“可变通的;灵活的”。flexible adj 反 inflexible 易弯曲的;柔韧的 able to bend easily without breaking: Rubber is a flexible substance.Dancers ne

2、ed to be flexible. 可变通的;灵活的 able to change to suit any new situation: flexible working hoursGood job candidates must show a flexible approach to problems. flexibility n U 柔韧性;灵活性同族词:flexible, flexibility, inflexible借助英语释义理解借助英语释义理解accountaccount源自古法语,由“ac-(to)+ -count(计算)”构成,account的词源义是“计数”,其基本义是“记

3、录”。 “计数”本质上就是 “记录”。 在文字发明以前,为了适应表达和记忆的需要,人类用“刻道计数”和“结绳记事”等方法来计数或记录事件。account n C 常用复数 账;账目:an account bookHe takes care of the business and his wife keeps the accounts. 账户;账号:open / close an account have an account at / with a bankthe WeChat official / public account My father helped me set up a ban

4、k account. 叙述;报道;描写:an eye-witness account of a murderWhile this book tells the stories of famous people in history, it also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals. 2017 江苏改account的语义网络图记录(基本义)资金往来的“记录”进行银行交易、使用网络等时个人信息的“记录”账;账目账户;账号事件的“记录”叙述;报道;描写on account of 因为;由于 (because of):

5、She was absent from school on account of illness. on no account 决不;绝对不:The professor warned the students that on no account should they use mobile phones in his class. 2019 天津take account of / take . into account 考虑到;把考虑进去:The company takes account of environmental issues wherever possible.One must

6、take the audience into account when making speeches. 重要搭配注:on no account置于句首,其所在的句子要用倒装语序。account for v (数量、比例上)占:It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 percent. 2015 福建 是的原因;解释 / 说明 (explain):The application of new technologies and wid

7、e appeal of movie stars could account for the increase of the box office income. 2017 江苏 书面表达改词汇拓展accountant n C 会计(员);会计师 安心的;有把握的:She felt secure when she was with her family. 安全的 (safe);稳妥的;可靠的:a secure job / income 牢固的;坚固的;稳固的:Check that all windows and doors are secure. Keep your passport in a

8、secure place. secure adj 使安全;保卫;获得:Worrying about community safety, I prefer to secure my house with new technology. 2013 广东 使固定:He secured the rope firmly to the back of the car. Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheets down w

9、ith a rock. 2017 全国形容词动词化secure vtsecure 动词释义来源于形容词,其词源义及基本义为 “to make safe”,即“使安全”。security看图猜词安检security check保安人员security guardsecurity n U 安全:a sense of security U 安全工作;保安措施:security checks / cameras You have to stay away from the painting for security reasons. 2012 重庆改 U 担保;保障;U & C 抵押品: financ

10、ial security v vi 获得学位;毕业:He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.He was born in 1942 in Oxford and graduated from Oxford University. vt 使毕业;授予学位:The college graduated 500 students last year. vi 逐渐升级为:I quickly graduated from typical childrens books to ones with fewer pictures and longer c

11、hapters. 2020 浙江词源: -grad- (grade 步 / 级) + -u- + -ate 名词词尾 在学业上完成某一步 / 某一级 毕业。同根词:grade,gradual。 graduate graduation n U 毕业:a graduation certificate A year after graduation, I was offered a position teaching a writing class. 2011 广东 U & C 毕业典礼:attend the graduation n C 学位获得者;毕业生:a graduate school a

12、graduate in medicine / a medicine graduate Hes a graduate of Harvard. 词汇拓展 gather v vi & vt (使) 聚集;(使) 聚拢:Well gather at the Students Club at 8 p.m. this Friday. 2012 全国书面表达 vt 搜集;采集 (collect);正式用语 收 (庄稼等):Bees gather honey.The harvest festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in.

13、人教新1改 vt 增加;vi 渐增;积聚:He gathered (up) all his strength and decided to attend a job interview. 2013 山东 推测;认为:I gather from your letter that you re not enjoying your job.基本义:使集中 gathering n C 聚会;集会(使)集中gather(词源义) 收拢;归拢(使)聚集;(使)集合使人“集中”使分散的东西“集中”采集;收割(庄稼等)使植物、庄稼等“集中”gather的语义网络图使已知事物“集中”,产生想法推测;认为figu

14、re 在圣经中,亚当和夏娃偷吃了禁果之后,有了羞耻感,于是夏娃就想找个树叶子来遮挡自己的身体。柳树叶子太小,梧桐叶子又太大,身边正好有无花果(fig)树,就摘了无花果的叶子作为贴身短衣。 因为fig是用来遮挡身体形状的,所以figure的含义引申为“形状”。figure的前世今生常用复数数字;位数;算术:the latest trade figures have a head for figures He got a job, earning close to six figures. (尤指女性的) 体形 / 身材 / 身影:a tall figure in black Every woma

15、n wants a slim figure these days.figure n 人物;人士 a person who is important or famous:a public / a leading / an authority figure 画像;塑像:a bronze figure of a horse 图表;图形:See Figure 1. A triangle is a three-sided figure. figure v vi 是重要部分;是的部分 to be an important part of sth:My feeling about the matter di

16、dnt seem to figure at all. vt 非正式用语 认为;估计 to think or guess sth:From the way he behaved, I figured (that) he was drunk. vt (AmE) 计算:Im just figuring my expenses. figure out 弄清楚;弄明白;计算出:I couldnt figure out what I had done to annoy my boss. Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? 2012 福建词源:

17、有了羞耻感的亚当和夏娃“认为”遮挡身体很重要,所以figure又引申出“是重要部分、是的部分”的意思。figure的语义网络图形状figure n(基本义)“数字”的形状数字 体型;身材;身影人物;人士画像;塑像位数算术图表图形“人或动物”的形状“几何图形”的形状是重要部分;是的部分认为;估计计算nvoperate & operation 古罗马的年底为祭祀农神的大型节日,一般在每年的12月17日至12月24日间召开。古罗马广场农神庙内有由罗马皇帝主持的隆重的祭祀活动,祭祀罗马农神萨图恩(Saturn)。贵为神,依然手持农具在田间劳动,可见他是多么勤于“工作”。而他的妻子俄普斯(Ops)是古罗

18、马神话的丰收之神。 俄普斯(Ops)的名字意思是“丰产丰富”,她的神职是“丰收之神”。operate的词根是oper,oper 受丰收之神俄普斯(Ops)的影响,表示“工作”。operate的词源义即为“工作 (to work, labor)”。随着社会的进步和科技的发展,它的释义变得更加丰富,出现了“动手术”“操作”等用于医疗、工业机械、计算机等领域的释义。虽然这些释义变化较大,但是都和词源义之间有着紧密的联系。operate v vi & vt (使) 运行;(使) 运转 to work or make sth work: Can you explain how the machine o

19、perates?Subway trains operate 24 hours a day in New York. vt 操作;使用 to use and control a machine or equipment: This machine is very easy to operate. 2012 辽宁借助英语释义理解借助英语释义理解 vi 起作用;奏效 to act or have an effect:The medicine began to operate at once. vi 动手术;开刀 : Having seen the X-ray, the doctor decided to operate on the patient. vt 经营;管理: operate a restaurant / company 借助英语释义理解operation n U 运行;运转;操作:There are three lifts in operation. C & U 经营;运营:The new plant is scheduled to go / come into operation in May this year. C 企业;团体 a business company:a h


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