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1、BarterThey have beenbartering wheat for cotton and timber. Theyusedtobarterforhorseswithsalt. We will neverbarteraway principles. MrThomaswasforcedtobarterawayhisexpensivewatch. 第1页第1页Ourbartertradeisconductedonthebasisofequality. Thesystemofbarterwassupersededbytheuseofmoney. 第2页第2页condemn Ifyouare

2、 out tocondemnsb ,youcanalwaystrumpup acharge. Weallcondemnsuchbrutalcrimes againstchildren. Anyfoolcancriticize,condemn,andcomplainandmostfoolsdo. 第3页第3页Wouldyoudiscreditmyjustice?Wouldyoucondemnmetojustifyyourself? Wecancondemnanygasintoaliquidbycold. He was found guilty and condemned to be shot.N

3、ottoeducatechildis tocondemnhim torepetitiousignorance.第4页第4页blame: accuse:condemn:scold:rebuke: 多指上级对下级进行公开、强烈、严正而不宽容责怪。隐含一定权威意味。reproach: 侧重指因别人粗心、自私等引起不满而去指责、找岔。第5页第5页InsultHewasrousedtoangerbytheinsult. Toaddinsultto injury , thepenaltywasawardedtotheotherside .Tocallabravemanacowardisaninsult.

4、Indiawasonherfeet,herleanbodyquiveringwithinsult. 第6页第6页Shedresseddowntovisitherpoor relatives,soasnottooffendthembya show ofher wealth. 第7页第7页pierce Theknifedidnotpierceverydeeply. Shecouldntpiercehisthoughts.Birds songspiercethe coldair. Truthisatorch,whichcanpiercethemistwithoutdispellingit. Pene

5、trate/ prick/stab/thrust第8页第8页X-rays canpenetratemany objects. The drugs industry is complex and hard topenetrate. She had justpricked her finger with the needle. Hepricks holes in the foil with a pin. 第9页第9页Bessstabbed a slice of cucumber.She felt betrayed, as though her daughter hadstabbed her in

6、the back.quickly with a lot of force. Theythrusthim into the back of a jeep. She grabs a stack of baby photos andthrusts them into my hands. Shethrusther way into the crowd.A ray of sunlightthrustout through the clouds. 第10页第10页pierce: 多指人为地用刀刺、剑等锋利东西刺穿或刺入某物。penetrate: 较正式用词,可指用任何工具穿入或穿透,也可指光线、声音等透过

7、物体。prick: 普通指用针等刺穿。stab: 主要指利器刺入、刺伤,如用匕首、短刀等。thrust: 本义是使某物进入或把某物刺进或使之穿透某物,有时侧重穿透、刺入。第11页第11页Reap vt.The painting depicted a group of peasantsreaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables. Youll soon begin toreapthe benefits of being fitter. Asamansows, so heshallreap. They thatsowintearsshallreapinjoy

8、. Kindactsreaphappysmiles.第12页第12页Ripple. N.There was arippleof mirth, which the court checked. She lay on the bank, listening to therippleof the stream.The pebble made arippleon the surface of the lake 第13页第13页Theexhilaratingrippleofhervoicewas awildtonicintherain.她那悠扬嗓音在雨中听了使人陶醉.Fansstoppedin mid

9、- swish and arippleofexcitedmurmuringranthroughthehall.第14页第14页Theripples of Europes currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states.The problems of the auto industry have created economicripples through the rest of the economy as well. U.S.stockshitrecordlowsagain, theAsianmarketsd

10、owndominoes. Onceabankappearsacrisis,therewillbechainreaction. 第15页第15页V.I could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water.A slight windrippled the crops in the valley.The tops of the treesrippled in the breeze. 第16页第16页Strip n.a long, narrow piece of it The simplest rag-rugs are made withstrip

11、s of fabric plaited together.Serve dish withstrips of fresh raw vegetables. The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrowstrips of land lying under steep mountains.A short boat ride across a narrowstripof water.a busy commercialstripin North Dallas .When the police arrived to tear him off astriphe apo

12、logized for all the trouble hed caused them. 第17页第17页Theystripped completely, and lay in the damp grass.The children were brazenlystripping off and leaping into the sea The doctor told me tostripdown to my shorts Thedancerdidastrip .The soldiers havestripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document. Itwouldstripyourhonorfrom you, andleaveyounaked. 第18页第18页Stripe /straip/ a contrasting color or materialthe Stars and the Stripes She wore a bright green jogging suit with a whitestripedown the sides. The walls in the front bedroom are painted with broad, pa


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