三年级下学期英语试题-Module1 牛津上海版(一起)_第1页
三年级下学期英语试题-Module1 牛津上海版(一起)_第2页
三年级下学期英语试题-Module1 牛津上海版(一起)_第3页
三年级下学期英语试题-Module1 牛津上海版(一起)_第4页
三年级下学期英语试题-Module1 牛津上海版(一起)_第5页
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1、三年级下学期英语牛津英语(三起点Module1 提高测试卷听力部分一、Listen 听音,给单词排序。1. ball B. black C. blue D. bike正确顺序为:_2. candy B. can C. car D. colour正确顺序为:_二、Listen judge.录音,判断句子正误。正确的用表示,错误的用表 示。( ) 1. little can t find bag.( ) 2. Look, bird in sky.( ) 3. Betty a blue ( ) 4. can a dog my room.( ) 5. apple sour.( ) 6. lovely

2、cute.三、Listen choose.听录音,选择合适的应答句。( ) 1. It purple. B. Its gray. C. pink.( ) 2. Yes, is sour. B. No. s C. Its sour.( ) 3. It orange. B. s orange. C. orange.They re( ) 4. It sweet. sweet.B. Yes, s sweet. C. They are / 19( ) 5. It a matter. B. m happy.C. t find my car.( ) 6. Yes, s my ball. B. Yes, s

3、your ball. C. No, s not your ball.四、Listen choose.听录音,选出正确的答案。( ) 1. mixes _A. red yellow B. blue yellow( ) 2. little _A. cant find dog B. can find mother( ) 3. Kitty hear _A. buses cars B. birds( ) 4. s orange _A. sweet B. sour( ) 5. _ favourite A. Oranges B. Apples五、Listen 录音,填入所缺单词。I have new sch

4、oolbag. It is beautiful. is _. can see lovely girl it. has (2) _ in her hand. the You can some _ and a pencil It is birthday present. s my (4) _ mother. (5) _ very much.笔试部分一、Look, and 根据图意完成句子,每线一词。 / 191. Look, _ in the sky. s big.2. _ sweet. like it.3. _ the chocolate, please. Oh, very sweet.4. W

5、hat colour the _? s red gray.5. Listen, What you _?二、Read 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. What you see?I can _ (a) orange.2. Mr. has _ (candy).3. Ted _ (I) classmate.4. What _ (be) your 5. Can hear _ (bus)?6. Taste apple. is _ (it)? / 19三、Read 择填空。( ) 1. _ can you see?I can a gray A. B. What C. How ( ) 2. Listen!

6、can you _? What you _?A. listen, B. hear, C. see, ( ) 3. Is this _ No. s _ book.A. your, B. my, your C. your, ( ) 4. _ banana. very sweet.A. Taste B. See C. Hear( ) 5. What _ hear?I can a bird.A. B. can C. ( ) 6. How _ lemons?They sour.A. does B. are C. ( ) 7. Can you the _ the river?Yes, can.A. sky

7、 B. buses C. ships( ) 8. Can you a under table?No. _ a cat. / 19A. B. can C. t 四、Read 读一读,写出问句或答句。1. _? I can hear ship.2. _?s orange.3. Whats the matter?_.4. _? s sour.5. Can you a ship?_.6. _?No. s sweet.五、Rewrite following 按要求改写句子。1. These red apples. (改为一般疑问句)_2. The ice cream cold. 划部分提问)_3. I

8、hear train. 改为否定句)_ 4. Can hear plane? 定回答) / 19_5. your blue? 改为肯定句)_6. picture, a, is, on, of, a, pig, my, bag, 连词成) _六、Read 读一读,想一想是什么,把它写下来。1. sweet. cold. are yellow. are green. are brown.Some are pink. In summer, children to them very much. re _.2. is a kind colour. Mix with We can see pink. M

9、ix with We can gray. s _.3. is sweet. it Some round, some long. too much. not for teeth( 牙齿). s _.4. t it in street. see it the river. can itin the sky. s very big. flies fast. is a bird. _. 七、Read 阅读对话,回答问题。The bird in tree. dog under tree.Dog: can you see?Bird: can some children the room.Dog: many

10、 children you see? / 19Bird: can three children.Dog: can see them, I hear them.Bird: now I see table.Dog: else can you Bird: can a toy and ship.Dog: colour they?Bird: toy is orange the ship blue.(1) Where dog?_(2) can the see?_(3) the see the children?_(4) colour the ship?_ 八、Writing.面表达。写一写你在公园里能看到

11、什么,听到什么。It a sunny day. m in the I can a _.I can some _.They are _.I can _. / 19 / 19参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. bike, black, ball2. can, candy, colour二、1. The little is sad. can find her 2. I see a kite. up high the sky.3. Betty a bag. s big blue.4. Listen, can a dog. s in room.5. I an apple. it. s very 6. I

12、like monkeys. re lovely and cute.三、1. Mix white black. colour it?2. Taste orange. is it?3. What are balls? / 194. the candy sweet?5. What the matter?6. this your 四、1. Joe is mixing some colours. He mixes blue and yellow. He can see green.Q: colour does mix?2. Joe: you hear boy?Alice: Yes. crying.Joe

13、: s the matter, little boy?Boy: can t find mother.Alice: worry. We help you.Q: the matter the little 3. is a quiet Kitty hear buses cars. she can hearbirds.Q: can Kitty 4. Mum: Heres an orange you, Kitty.Kitty: Thank Mum.Mum: Taste How it?Kitty: sour, sour.Q: How orange?10 / 5. Alice: like apples. a

14、re favourite What you, Kitty? Kitty: t like apples. like oranges.Q: favourite 五、I have new schoolbag. It is beautiful. is pink. can a lovelygirl it. She a purple in her hand. the You seesome books a pencil It my birthday present. It from father mother. like very 听力答案一、1. DBCA 2. BCAD二、1-6 三、1-6 BCCB

15、CA四、1-5 BBBBA五、(1) pink (2) purple (3) books (4) father (5) like笔试部分一、1. plane 2. Ice cream 3. Taste 4. train 5. hear11 / 二、1. 2. candy 3. my 4. 5. buses 6. it 三、1-4 ABAA BCB四、供参考)1. What you hear?2. What is it?3. I t find 4. How the ?5. Yes, can./ I t6. the sour?五、1. Are red apples?2. How the cream

16、?3. I t hear train.4. No, can t.5. My/Your is blue.6. A picture a is on my 六、1. ice creams 2.white 3. candy/a 七、12 / 4. a plane(1) s under tree.(2) can see children. (3) it (4) s blue.八、略。Unit 5 Toys 单元测试卷一、辨别画线字母读音是否相同,相同的画“画“( ) 1. ball( ) 2. kite( ) 3. ( ) 4. bear( ) 5. alltigerboyclearhot二、在横线上填

17、写一个字母,补全单词。1. r_bb_t4. b_ _r7. s_p_ _10. b_k_三、译短语。2. t_y5. k_t_8. f_n3. c_ _l6. h_n9. pl_ _1. 喜欢机器人 _2. 玩具熊 _13 / 3. 在我的手里 _ 4. 在那边 _ 5. 大球 _四、选词填空。cool What toy t in(1) _ do like?I like robots.(2) like this s _.(3) like this _ s lovely.(4) The is _ park.(5) Do like balls?No, _.五、单项选择。( ) 1. _ you

18、like robots?Yes, A. B. C. ( ) 2. _ do you like?I like bears.A. B. What C. How ( ) 3. _ like robots.A. not B. don t C. isn ( ) 4. _ dolls beautiful.A. These B. This C. 14 / D. DoesD. WhereD. tD. Here( ) 5. _ you like it?Yes, I_.A. do B. Are; C. am D. 六、汉译英。1. 你喜欢什么?_2. 它是可爱的。_3. 我喜欢玩具熊。_4. 我不喜欢机器人。_5

19、. 他们是有趣的。_七、句型转换。1. I like kites. 对画线部分提问)_2. He five. 对画线部分提问)_3. The is the park. 对画线部分提问 )_4. I like balls. 变一般疑问句)15 / _5. He likes toy bear. 对画线部分提问)_ 八、补全对话。A: (1) _, B: I like robot.A: (2) _, B: I like toy bear.A: (3) _ like the bear?B: lovely. do you _ this A: s cool.B: I like (5) _.九、AB 配对,从 B 栏选出 A 的答语。A(1) do you


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