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1、LaON & 5GHz 2015LAON Technology all rights reserved.June 20152015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.11. LaON at a glanceThe munication-maker2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.1-1. LaON at a glance2 Company name: C.E.O: Address: Establishment: Products: Web: The technological vision of LAON h

2、as been recognized by following organizations and thereby financial supports have been awarded from various organizations below. Small & Medium Business Administration Gyeonggi Institute of Science & Technology Promotion Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency Korea Invention Promotion Association NHN In

3、vestment Corporation, one of the best venture capitals in South Korea, has invested in LAON. LaON Technology Co., Ltd.Chang Nam Yoo#1212, SK-n Technopark Biz Center, 124 Sagimakgol-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si , Gyeonggi-do 462-721, R. O. KoreaApril 2007 5GHz Digital Wireless Systems, 5GHz RF Module

4、2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.3Digital Wireless Audio Platform(SOC)RF Module5GHz Wireless Core TechnologyWireless devices?Establishment in 2007 LaON Technology means Exciting TechnologyExperts for wireless audio transmission technologyInvestment from NHN Investment CorporationLaONs own wi

5、reless SoC and RF moduleWorlds first and the only 5GHz wireless In-house technology and solutionsNew products and solutions coming up Patents about wireless audio transmission and wireless operation Two(2) patents registered in Japan and KoreaOne(1) patent registered in US and China The munication-m

6、akerSolid, steady and comprehensive experiences and know-how on Digital Wireless Audio Transmission1-2. LaON Business2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.1-3. History of LaON42007 Established 2010 Number of awards and financial supports received by various institutes 2011 Released a proprietary

7、wireless audio SoCDeveloped an originalRF moduleAttracted investment from NHN InvestmentManufactured the 1st prototype of wireless 2012 The 2nd prototype of wireless Attended to NAB, IBC and KOBA 2012Obtained KC/CE/RoHS certificates 2013 LT550/LT250system releaseAttended to NAB, IBC and KOBA 2013Obt

8、ained Japan MIC certificateDelivered to European broadcasters 2014 Large scale of system implementation for Hyundai-Samho oil drilling shipbuilding siteAttended to BCA, and IBC 2014Delivered to Asian games 2015 and major broadcasters20+ partners worldwide2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved. 52.

9、 LaON overview5GHz 2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.LaON ?6LaON 5GHzdigital wireless FOR CRITICAL, LIVE, HAND-FREE COMMUNICATIONSLAON 5GHz Digital Wireless system is a high performance wireless communication device that can be used where the critical and clear communication is necessary and

10、the Belt Pack mobility is required. It enables users full-duplex hands-free communications with the consistent audio clarity without PTT operation.2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.LaON 5GHz SIX(6) KEY FEATURES5GHz UNII BANDEleven(11) full-duplex audio paths pressed audio transmissionIP based

11、 repeater, Remote Base StationFive(5) communication group channelsAES 256bit level 3 encryptionThe world first and the only 5GHz DIGITAL WIRELESS SYSTEM that has been developed by LAON using its proprietary SoC and RF module. It is an advanced total-packaged wireless solution which has been reinvent

12、ed for the best-in-class audio communication quality with multiple full-duplex audio channels and much more. 75GHz UNII Band where less trafficsIndustry top level audio performance and clarity by pressed audio transmissionSuper-scalable IP based repeater, RBS25AES 256bit Level 3 encryptionBelt pack

13、connection up to 128eaEleven(11) full-duplex audio channelFive(5) communication group channelsCompact and light Belt packLaON or Non-LaON rechargeable battery and two(2) AA type alkaline batteryExtra efficient 7 port chargerConnectivity with existing wired systemsFor professionals but affordable Cus

14、tomer satisfaction brought from in-house technologies and solutions2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.LaON 5GHzdigital wireless LaON 5GHz 82015 LAON Technology all rights reserved. Why 5GHz ?93. Competitive edge2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.Competitive featuresFeature 1. 5GHz UNII B

15、and 2.4GHz: 3CH but with heavy trafficsAffected by other A/V equipments such as power amplifier UHF: Limited usage in many regions Big size of Belt packs Big disappointment with traditional 2.4GHz and UHF s 5GHz: 15CH with less traffics Strong against interferences from other wireless devices or A/V

16、 equipments. Consistent and stable audio quality even where 7-80 power amplifiers are used DFS detecting for channel scanningVS.10LAONs digital wireless systems operate in license-Free 5GHz UNII band which is a wide band-width with less traffics and interferences than other frequency bands such as 2

17、.4GHz or 900MHz. This unique approach and differentiation to use 5GHz UNII band resulted in providing pleasant communication environments even in digitally congested sites securing the communication range/distance as well. 2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.Competitive featuresFeature 2. press

18、ed Audio Transmission11VS.HelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloOriginal audio data as is by pressed audio transmission compressed audio transmissionThe systems provide best-in-class audio performance by pressed audio transmission, interference prevention, noise cancelling and error recovery which enables t

19、he live operations smooth without any disruptions.2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.Competitive featuresFeature 3. IP based repeater, Remote Base Station12 3rd FL 2nd FL GroundOne(1) consolidated communication range for multiple floorsThree(3) separated communication areas by each floorLAON p

20、rovides super-scalability with IP based Remote Base Station. For easy extension of the coverage, single or multiple RBS can be installed upon requirements. Up to 30 RBS can be connected per Base Station and each RBS has the same communication capability sharing the full-duplex audio channels with Ba

21、se Station.2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.Competitive featuresFeature 4. Eleven(11) Full-duplex Audio channels13LT550 Expert system offers up to eleven(11) full-duplex audio paths. Eleven(11) simultaneous two-way communications with only one Base Station enables your operations stay simple

22、 and efficient with cost savings.VS.1231Only one (1) Base Station is enough For 11 full-duplex communicationBase Station or repeaters need to be increased for 11 full-duplex communication 2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.Competitive featuresFeature 5. Five(5) Communication Group Channels14 G

23、ROUP1 GROUP1 GROUP2 GROUP2 GROUP3 GROUP4 GROUP5VS.Up to five(5) communication groups can be allocated per Base Station and each Belt Packs. Depending on the requirement on grouping, whichever devices of Base Station, Belt Packs, 4 wire and Auxiliary equipments can be organized easily into groups wit

24、h full flexibilities.Five (5) group channelsOne or two group channels 2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.Competitive featuresFeature 6. AES 256bit Level 3 Encryption15Your conversations will be secured by AES 256bit level 3 encryption from any risk of wiretapping or interruption.64bit128bit256

25、bit192bit64bit128bit256bit192bitAESDESAESDESVS.AES 256bit, the top level encryptionDES 64bit, the common level encryption2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.Competitive featuresFeature 7. Other features16 The Belt Pack is very light and compact. Belt Pack can be powered by either LaON or Non-La

26、ON rechargeable battery or two(2) AA alkaline battery. The charger provides 7 ports to charge simultaneously which is productive and efficient. Belt pack can be charged with the rechargeable battery equipped - battery does not need to be separated from the body for charging. Both Base Station and Be

27、lt Pack supports OLED visible displays for setting and monitoring. RSSI, battery level and microphone gain level of the Belt Packs can be monitored. Connectivity with traditional wired matrix and other devices via 4-Wire and AUX I/O interfaces LAON in-house solution including the wireless SoC and RF

28、 module used in the wireless 2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved. LaON LT SERIES174. System Segmentation2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.18LT550EXPERT SYSTEMPA/BROADCASTING 11 Full-duplex 5 Group channel 4-Wire , Aux I/O RBS(x 5)EXPERT SYSTEMLT550PA/BROADCASTING Broadcasting Studio Larg

29、e venues, Stadiums2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.19LT250BASIC SYSTEMFOR CONSUMER 9 Full-duplex 3 Group channel Aux I/O RBS(x 1)LT250BASIC SYSTEMCONSUMER Various venues and facilities Theater, Show rooms House of worship University Surgery Room in Hospital2015 LAON Technology all rights res

30、erved. 205. System usages21A. Broadcast studio, School, Church2015 LAON Technology all rights reserved.22B. Multi Spaces, Large Venus Base Station BS550RBS25PoE HUBMAIN CONTROL ROOMSTAGE/1st FLOORRBS25DIRECTORCAT-5GROUP ALLGROUP 1CAT-5 cable80m CAT-5e STP cable 120m Belt pack BP550GROUP 2.Belt pack BP550GROUP 2 & 3.RBS25RBS25RBS25PoE HUBPoE HUBCAT-5 cable 80m CAT-5e STP cable 120m CAT-5e STP cable 120m CAT-5e STP cable 120m WAITING ROOM 1CAT-5 cable 80m WAITING ROOM 2.Belt pack BP550GROUP 1 & 22ND FLOOR3rd FLOORGROUP 4GROUP 52015LAON Technology all rights


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