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1、1231.Lovemelove my2.百闻不如一见Seeingisworsen some,betternmany;1231.Lovemelove my2.百闻不如一见Seeingisworsen some,betternmany;to fall shortofbest,but benthe 4.Aslowsparrowshouldmake anearly 5.white6.notpleased byexternalgains,notsaddenedal7.spareno effortgo all outdo ones8.Nodiscordno 9.robPeterto pay10.bid f

2、arewell to the old and he new; ring out the old year he 11.大事化小小事化了 try reduce it to nothing at allto make their mistake sound less serious and then 12.openyes;broaden oneshorizon;be an eye-13.Thecountryflourishes andpeople live in14.goingtoofar is as bad asnot going far enough; falling short; too m

3、uch is as bad as too littleisas wrong 15.Everythingcomes tohim who16.onceonshoreone prays no 17.Goodnewsnevergoes spread far and wide.thegate,ad 18.Harmonybrings 19.Oneisnever tooold to-120.letbygonesbe 21.Goldcantbe pureandmancantbe 22.Treasuresfillthe 23.bedown-to-24.sit20.letbygonesbe 21.Goldcant

4、be pureandmancantbe 22.Treasuresfillthe 23.bedown-to-24.sitonthe 25.thefriendshipnkeepsfriendship 26.cutand dried27.Courtesycalls for28.Wherethereis lifethereis 29.achieveimmediatevictorywin instants30.gaininbothfame andbesuddenly 32.Nothingcanplishedwithoutnormsor33.每逢佳节倍思亲 Onfestive occa ones far

5、away.It is on the festival occas n ever one thinks of ones swhenone misses his dear34.The s with man, e with Heaven. es, God35.be toosmartbyhalfCunning outwits37.throwgoodmoney after38. 抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale-2n

6、gentlemen is as pureas crystal;a39.破釜沉舟 cut o determinedtofighttoll means of retreat;burn ones own way of retreat and 40.39.破釜沉舟 cut o determinedtofighttoll means of retreat;burn ones own way of retreat and 40.takethepreemptive 41.巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you cant make a fist. One cant make bric

7、ks without straw.42.千里之行始于足下 a thousand-li journey begins with stepthe eminenceis tobe gainedstepby43.Pastexperience,if nototten,is aguideforthe future.前人栽树后人乘凉Onegenerationplantsthe treesin whose shade another rests.Onesowsand another 45.前怕狼后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesi e 46.

8、Even a dragon (from the outside) finds rd to control a initsoldhaunt erfuloutsiderscanhardlyaffordtoneglectlocal47.win-winco-48.Atimely snowpromises agood49.Mansnatureat birthis 50.Joyputs oa 51.huge-crowd52.Wherethereis awillthereis a53.afictitiouslandofpeace awayfromthe turmoilofthe54.untilmy hear

9、tstops55.Peaceallyear 56.上有下有苏杭 Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou Hangzhouon57.Misfortunemaybe anactual-358.三十而立 A man should be independen should be able to think for himself.of thirty.At thirty, a 59.updatingandupgradingof60.Life58.三十而立 A man should be independen should be able

10、to think for himself.of thirty.At thirty, a 59.updatingandupgradingof60.Lifebegins at61.Suchkindness ofwarmsuncantbe repaidbygrass. Whenthe river risesthe boatfloats63.Timeandtidewait forno 64.breakabutterfly onthe 65.seektruthfromfactsbe practicaland realisticbetrueto ,Talkofthe devil andhe 67.spea

11、kthe ruth;call aspadea lit asit 68.Practiceis the solecriterionfortesting69.Nomatter howhigh the mountain is, its name will far andwide if thereis a70.hideonescapacities andbideones弹sugar-coated72.Anything unexpectedmayhappen.aboltfromthe 73.Unityis 74.跳进eve if one o the Yellow River, one can not ol

12、f cleantheresnothing one candotoclear ones75.unhealthyandevil 76.Birdsofafeather flock77.Thesvanished(frommemory) likewind.;Whatin past,is 78.holdhigh hopesforones-479.Misfortunesnevercomesingly. Whenit rainsit 80.militaryexpertisemilitary81.drawwatertoones 82.water79.Misfortunesnevercomesingly. Whe

13、nit rainsit 80.militaryexpertisemilitary81.drawwatertoones 82.waterwithout asourceand atree wiithout83.makecreatesomething out of84.There are no waves without wind. Theres no smoke without fire. bendthe lawforthe benefit ofrelatives orps Modestyhelps one goforward,whereas makesone lag88.accumulatest

14、rengthfora take-89.Mayallyourwishcome90.itunderstanding;give tacitconsent;tacitunderstanding sarefirmly 92.catchtheball beforethe 93.likean ant onahot94.warny taking 95.pouroilontroubled 96.mingledhopeand97.stepby 98.speedsomebodyontheir wayspeed theparting99.严以律己,宽以待人bestrictwithlfandlenient toward

15、s100 鱼米a land of fish and rice; a land of abundance; a granary;alandofmilk and-5lf asan 87.86.anewbroomJackshall haveJillall shall be102.Moneymakesthe marego.Money103.peopleofJackshall haveJillall shall be102.Moneymakesthe marego.Money103.peopleof104.usebrawnn 105.有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thousan

16、ds apart, we togetherasif by 106.advancewithpeopleoriented;people108.teachstudentsaccording totheir 109.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 to ascend another storey to see a further;Ascendfurther,wereyou to lookfarther;Would eye embracea ?Go up,one 110.欲速则不达Hastedoesnot bring 111.survivaloftheGreatminds think 113.Bettermaken make cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged sentenced;unjust,false orwrong 115.Arealman nev


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