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1、天下佳山水,古今推富春富春舟中 李桓 天下佳山水,古今推富春。 我行三度至,风景数番新。 净碧迎窗入,空青拂面匀。 斑斓工点缀,瘦石自嶙峋。 天下的山水,从古到今天,要算富春了。我走了三度就到了富春,风景很美。清撤的水将窗户倒应在水中,清新的空气扶面而来。十分的好。石头嶙峋 ,十分的美丽。 How to get there?take Bus 136 and get off when you arrived in Li Shanqiao(里山桥) take Bus 482 and get off when you arrived in Shen Jiangwu(沈家坞) 3. take Bus

2、Shen Jiangwu-Chendong (沈家坞-城东市场)shichang and get off when you arrived in the last station(城东市场). Then you will get to Fuyang 鹳山揽胜 龙门古风 桃源春色 庙坞竹径 天钟听泉 贤明夕照 长堤戏浪 枫林咽泉 江洲鹭影 郁宅望江A brief introduction about Fuyang富阳十景 But today, I would like to talk about Guan Shan, Yu Dafu House, Longmen Ancient town, Ch

3、ina Ancient Papermaking and Printing Village, Gliding base of Yonganshan and some parks of Fuyang.位于富阳城东富春江之畔。一峰独峙,临江处有石矶,似鹳,迎江而立,故名。山脚有郁达夫故居,山上有郁达夫哥哥郁曼陀血衣冢,双烈亭、松筠别墅等郁氏纪念设施。山脚深入江心的矶头为严子陵垂钓处。Guanshan 鹳 山 It is located in bank of Fuchun river in the east of Fuyang. There is rocky ledge which looks lik

4、e stork near the river and Guanshan was given the name for its appearance. Yu Dafu House is in the foot of the hill and there are bloodstained garment grave of Yu Mantuo ,Double fierce pavilion and SongJun villa in the hill. The rocky ledge which goes deep into the water is the place Yan Zilin angli

5、ng. tree-lined trail bloodstained garment grave of Yu MantuoSong Jun villasitting-roomkitchen roomThe first floorbedroomexhibition roomThe second floorSun Quans Hometown Longmen Ancient town孙权故里 龙门古镇This is a rare ancient town in the south of Yangtze River where those ancient building complex built

6、in Ming and Qing Dynasty are best-preserved. 这里有江南地区保存最完整且极为罕见的明清古建筑群。 The ancient buildings have complete types. It has not only the civilian residence but also brick decorated archway, pagodas, temples and ancestral towns with age-old Camphor trees, small bridges, streams and ancient streets, form

7、ing unique scenery of the ancient town.这里的古建筑类型是非常齐全的,不仅有民宅,还有明代的砖砌牌楼,有塔、寺,有祠堂和数十座厅堂这些功能各异的建筑物在历经沧桑和战乱之后,至今保存完好,伴随着古樟,小桥,溪流与古街,构成了古镇独特的风景。中国古代造纸印刷文化村 China Ancient Papermaking and Printing Village Ancient Paper Making and Printing Cultural Village, in Hangzhou, China is a popular tourist attraction

8、beside the Fuchun River, only 30 km from famous tourist city, Hangzhou. Transportation is convenient. China Ancient Papermaking and Printing Village collected all kinds of working tools, which appeared since papermaking and printing techniques had been invented, and demonstrated the procedures of pa

9、permaking and printing in ancient China.中国古代造纸印刷文化村地处风景秀丽的富春江畔,距举世闻名的旅游城市杭州30公里,交通便利。中国古代造纸印刷文化村汇聚了自造纸术,印刷术发明以来的各种劳动工具,以作坊形式向有人展示中国古代四大发明中的造纸术和印刷术。 Under the guide of townsfolk with Song clothes. Tourists can as look around as practice by themselves. It adds not only delights but also widen peoples

10、horizon, which really reach the aim of cultural tourism “Combine the knowledge in play” ,making these “know how but not knowing why” people go back to the ancient civilization through time of the road. 在着宋装的村人指引下,游客既可参观游览,又可实践操作,增添了游玩的乐趣,又丰富了知识,真正达到“寓知识于游玩之中”的文化旅游项目的宗旨,使那些“知其然而不知其所以然”的当代人,通过时光隧道回到了千

11、年前的文明古国。Features of Ancient Paper Making and Printing Cultural Village, Hangzhou- This village is a state-supported cultural tourism project.- The village, spread over 2 hectares, showcases a range of tools and the technology behind paper making and printing in workshops.- Youll love the elegant arc

12、hitecture of this village, perfectly complemented by running waters.- The buildings of the village are all of cyan bricks, brick tiles and white walls in the Song Dynasty style of Jiangnan gardens.- Ancient Paper Making and Printing Cultural Village offers you a window into Chinas rich cultural trad

13、itions through demonstrations of the subtle art of paper making.永安山滑翔基地 Gliding base of Yonganshan Yonganshan is located in Changan town, which in the southwest Fuyang.The height above sea level is about 500 meters. The jump spot is set in Yongan, northwest corner of High Mountain Villiage. 永安山位于富阳西

14、南常安镇境内,海拔500余米,滑翔起跳点设在永安 永安山滑翔基地高山农庄的西北角. No matter geography,landform,vegetation condition,height,gradient,orientations,land place or traffic situation, is all suitable for gliding. It become the state level for gliding training. 这里无论是地形地貌、植被状况,还是高度坡度、朝向、风向风速,以及降落场地、交通状况都非常适宜开展滑翔运动,以其独特的地理条件和环境优势,成为国家级滑翔运动训练基地。 曾举办“2007常安滑翔伞友谊赛暨


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