1、20166第三套(文字版整理PartIWriting (30 Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowritealettertonks20166第三套(文字版整理PartIWriting (30 Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowritealettertonks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were east120wordsbutnon180PartIIIReading(40 SectionSignsu
2、seareafamiliarsighttohohas eversat a hospital waiting room. But (26)popularity of electronic medical has forced hospital-based doctors (27)on computers the day, and desktops-which keep doctors from besides-(28)giving way wireless.As clerical loads increased, something had (29), t always face time wi
3、th patients, says Dr.Bhakti , a former chief (30)a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad could improve ternal-medicine program adopted the (32)in 2011. (30)a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad could improve ternal-medicine program adopted the (32)in 2011. Medical schools YaleandStanfo
4、rdnowhaverless,iPad-basedcurriculums.Youllwantanjust so you can wear this is the slogan for one of the new lab largepocketsmodatetabletA study of the University of Chicago roject t patients tests (34) faster if they were cared for by iPad-equipped patients (35) a better understanding of the t landed
5、 them the SectionAncientGreekWisdomInspiresGuidelinestoGoodA Is sible to enjoy a peaceful life in SectionAncientGreekWisdomInspiresGuidelinestoGoodA Is sible to enjoy a peaceful life in a t is challengedbythreatsandiesfromwars,terrorism,economiccrisesandwidespreadoutbreak of infectious diseases? The
6、 answer is yes, according to a bookThe10GoldenRules:AncientWisdomfromtheGreekPhilosophersona Good Life. The book is co-authored by Long Island Universitys professorMichaelSoupiosandeconomicsprofessorPanosB The wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers is timeless, says The philosophy professor says i
7、t is as relevant today as when it manycenturiesago.Thereisnoexpiration(失效)dateonwisdom,hesaysTherenoshelflifeelligence.Itthingseverygloomytheselots of misunderstanding, misleading cues, a lot of what the ancients would called sophistry(诡辩). The nice thing about ancient philosophy as offered by Greek
8、st they tended to see life clear and whole, in a twe tendnot seelife ExamineyourC Soupies, along with his co-author Panos Mourdoukoutas, developed 10 golden rules by turning to the men t philosophy-Aristotle, ctetus and goras, among others. rule-examine your ExamineyourC Soupies, along with his co-a
9、uthor Panos Mourdoukoutas, developed 10 golden rules by turning to the men t philosophy-Aristotle, ctetus and goras, among others. rule-examine your life-is commontrunsthroughtheentirebook.SoupiostitisbasedPlatos t the unexamined life is not worth living. The Greek always concerned about boxing them
10、selves in, in terms of convictions(信念), says. So take a step back, switch off the automatic pilot and actually stop reflectaboutthingslikeourpriorities,ourvalues,andourStopworryingaboutwhatyoucannotDAsweoexamineourlife,Soupiossays,wecometoRuleNo.2:onlyabouttyoucancontrol.Theindividualwhopromotedthis
11、ideaa Stoic philosopher His name ctetus, he says. And what the Stoics say general is simply this. There is a lan in life. You are not really going to able to understand all of the s of this plan. You are notgoing to be tocontrolthesofthisESo,Soupiosexplains,it isnotworthit towasteour ellectualspirit
12、ual energy worrying about t our control. I can control whether or not I wind up getting the disease swine flu, for le. says. I mean, there are some cautious steps. I can take, but y I can guarantee t. So ctetus would say is sitting at home t would be wrong and wasterful and irrational. You should li
13、ve your attemptingtoidentifyandcontrolthosethingswhichyoucangenuinelySeektrueFTo have a meaningful, happy life we need friends. But according Aristotle-a studentattemptingtoidentifyandcontrolthosethingswhichyoucangenuinelySeektrueFTo have a meaningful, happy life we need friends. But according Arist
14、otle-a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great-most dont qualify as true friendships. Just because I have a business relationship an individual and I can profit t relationship, it does not sarily tismyfriend.Soupiossays.Realfriendshipiswhentwoshare the same soul. It is a beautiful and un
15、characteristically poctic tAristotleGIn our pursuit of the good life, he says, it is important to seek out pleasures-advice which was originally offered curus. But unlike the definition cureanism as a life of )and luxury, for the Greeks,itmeantfindingaeofcalm,peaceandmentalHThis was the highest and
16、most desirable form of pleasure and for thecureans.Soupiossays.Thisistisvery much worth considering here in the modern era. I do not t we spend enough time trying to concentrate on achieving a sort calmness, a sort ental and spiritual, which was identified by these people as gighestformofhappinessan
17、dDogoodto IOther golden rules counsel us to master ourselves, to avoid s and to be a prosperous(发迹的)fool. There are also rules dealing relationships.BearesponsiblehumanbeinganddonotdoevilthingstoJThis is Hesiod, of course, a younger contemporary relationships.Bearesponsiblehumanbeinganddonotdoevilth
18、ingstoJThis is Hesiod, of course, a younger contemporary poet, we ve, Homer,Soupiossays.Hesiodoffers an idea-whichyouvery oftenfindin somethe words great religions, in the Judeo-Christian tradition and in Islam tin some sense, when you hurt another human being, you hurt t damaging other people in yo
19、ur community and in your life, relationshipsresultsinakindofself-inflicted(自己招致的)spiritualKInstead, Soupios says,ancient wisdom urges us to do good. Golden No.10foragoodlifetkindnesstowardotherstendstobeLThis is Aesop, the fabulist(寓言家), the man of these charming little often told in terms of animal
20、s and animal relationships. He says. I think Aesopggesting twhenyouofferagoodturntoanotherhumanOne can tt good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to thedoerof thegooddeed.Evenif thereisnoconcrete benefitpaidinresponseyougooddeed.Attheveryleast,thedoerofthegooddeedhastheopportunityenjoyakin
21、dofspirituallyenlightenedMSoupios say following the 10 Golden Rules based on ancient wisdom guideustothepathofthegoodlifewherewestoplivingasonlookerseengagedandhappierhumanbeings.t,henotes,isalifeworth 36.According to an ancient Greek philosopher, it is sible for us understandevery aspectof our 37.A
22、ncientPhilosopherssawlifeinadifferentlightfrompeopleof38.Notallyourbusinesspartnersareyour37.AncientPhilosopherssawlifeinadifferentlightfrompeopleof38.Notallyourbusinesspartnersareyoursoul49.We can live a peaceful life despite the various challenges of the 40.Thedoerof a gooddeed can feel spirituall
23、y rewarded even when they noconcrete41.How to achieve meatal calmness and contentment is well worth consideration42.Michaeltweshouldstopandthinkcarefullyaboutprioritiesin43.Ancientphilosophersstronglytwedo44.The wise teachings of ancient Greek thinkers are timeless, and applicabletocontemporary45.Do
24、harmtoothersandyoudoharmtoSectionPassageAttitudes toward new technologies often along generational t generally, eople tend to outnumber eople on the front end of technologicalIt is not always the case, though. When you look titudes toward cars,theredoesntseemtobeacleargenerationaldivide.Thepublicove
25、rallison whether theyd like to use a driverless car. In a study last year, of all surveyed,48percentsaidtheywantedtorideinone,while50percentdidThe on whether theyd like to use a driverless car. In a study last year, of all surveyed,48percentsaidtheywantedtorideinone,while50percentdidThe titudes towa
26、rd self-driving cars appear to be so steady ggests how transformative the shift to driverless cars could be. antsadriverlesscarnow-andnoonecangetoneyet-butamongwhoareopentothem,everyagegroupissimilarlyActually, this isnt surprising. Whereas older generations are reluctanttoadoptnewtechnologies,drive
27、rlesscarspromiserealvaluetothesegroupsinparticular.Olderadults,llythosewithlimitedmobilityordrivingontheirown,areoneoftheclassicuseeasesfordriverlessThis is eresting when you t younger people generallyravel-relatedn older When it comes to driverless cars, in attitude are more basedonfactorsnotrelate
28、dtoage.Collegegraduates,forle,areerestedindriverlesscarscomparedthose who have less education, percentof college graduates said they would like to use a driverless car with38percentofthosehigh-schooldiplomaorrsonlivesmatters,too.Morepeoplewholivesincitiesandsaidtheywantedtotrydriverlessnthosewholive
29、dinruralWhile theres reason to terest in self-driving cars is going across,rsonsagewillhavelittletodowithhowself-drivingcarsing mainstream. Once driverless cares are actually available for safe, earlyadopterswillbethepeoplewhocanaffordtobuyppenswhenanewtechnologyA.It further widens the gap earlyadop
30、terswillbethepeoplewhocanaffordtobuyppenswhenanewtechnologyA.It further widens the gap nthe old and the B.ItoftenleadstoinnovationsinotherrelatedC.ItcontributeytotheadvanceofsocietyasaD.Itusuallydrawsdifferentreactionsfromdifferentage47.Whatdoestheauthorsayaboutthedriverless A.Itdoesnotseemtocreatea
31、generationalB.ItwillnotsarilyreduceroadC.Itmay hecar sgivenrisetounrealistic48.WhydoesthedriverlesscarappealtosomeoldA.ItsavestheirB.IthelpswiththeirC.ItaddstothesafetyoftheirD.Itstirsuperestin49.WhatislikelytoaffectonesattitudetowardthedriverlessA.ThelocationoftheirB.TheamountoftheirlC.Theamountoft
32、rainingtheyD.Thelengthoftheirdriving50.WhoarelikelytobetobuythedriverlessA.TheB.TheC.TheD.ThetechPassageIn 50.WhoarelikelytobetobuythedriverlessA.TheB.TheC.TheD.ThetechPassageIn agrarian(农业的),pre-industrial Europe, youd want to wake up early, workingwiththesunrise,haveabreaktohavethelargestmeal,andt
33、henyoudbacktowork,saysKenAlbala,aprofessorofhistoryattheUniversityoftheLater,at5or6,youdhaveasmallerThis comfortable cycle, in which the rhythms of the day helped rhythmsofthemeals,gaverisetothecustomofthelargemiddaymeal,eatentheextendedfamily,Mealarethefoundationofthefamily,saysCaroleaprofessoratMi
34、llersvilleUniversityPeensylvania, so there was a very erconnection n togetherandstrength-eatingfamilySince industrialization, aining such a slow cultural metabolism has much harder. With the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be o ch bucket or bought at a food stand. Certainly, there were
35、Modern techniques for producing and food led to greater variety ty, including a tremendous, increase in the amount of animal protein dairyproductsavailable,makingusmorenourYetplentyhas beenlosttoo,evenin tstilllivetoeat.TakeItaly.notthedairyproductsavailable,makingusmorenourYetplentyhas beenlosttoo,
36、evenin tstilllivetoeat.TakeItaly.nottheMediterraneandietishealthy,butitwasalsoajoytopreparecat. Italians, says Counihan, traditionally began the day small meal. The mealcameataround1p.m.Innthemiddaymealandalate,smallercame a small snack. Today, when time zones have less and less meaning, there littl
37、e tolerance for closing ch, and worsening traffic in cities workers cant make it home and back fast enough anyway. So the formerly supper after es the big meal of the day. the only one at which familyhas achance to get together. The evening meal carries the full tusedtobespreadovertwomealssays51.Wha
38、tdowelearnfromthepassageaboutpeopleinpre-industrialA.TheyhadtoworkfromearlymorningtilllateatB.TheyweresobusyttheyonlyatesimpleC.TheirdailyroutinefollowedtherhythmofthenaturalD.Theirlifewasorentof52.What does Professor Carole Counihan say about. pre-industrial seatingmealsA.Itwashelpfultoaininganatio
39、nsB.ItbroughtfamilymemberscloserstoeachC.ItwascharacteristicoftheagrarianD.Itenabledstosavealotof53.Whatdoesculturalmetabolism(Line1,Para.3)referA.Evolutionary B.ChangesD.Itenabledstosavealotof53.Whatdoesculturalmetabolism(Line1,Para.3)referA.Evolutionary B.Changesinl D.Paceof54.Whatdoestheauthorthi
40、nkofthefoodpeopleeatA.ItsqualityisusuallyB.Itisvaried,abundantandC.Itismorenwhat our torsD.Itsproductiondependstoomuchon55.WhatdoestheauthorsayaboutItaliansoftheoldA.TheyenjoyedcookingaswellasB.Theyateabigdinnerhe C.TheyatethreemealsregularlyeveryD.TheywerecookingPartIVTranslation (30Directions: Forthispart, youareallowed30minutestofromoEnglish。YoushouldwriteyouranswerontheANSWERSHEET2DearIwouldliketotakethisopportunitytoexpressmyheartfeltgratitudetoyouyour help when I was in DearIwouldliketotakethisopportunitytoexpressmyheartfe
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