1、 高二上学期英语阅读理解训练 51AFood Parts You Should Never Throw Away in the GarbagePineapple CoreWhen you carve out the core of a pineapple, dont throw it in the garbage. You can use the pineapple core for all kinds of recipes, and there are tons of vitamins and minerals hiding within. To use the pineapple core
2、: chop it and add it to fruit salad, blend it into smoothies, cut it into cubes and freeze for later use, or simply add it to water or even tea to improve flavor.Kiwi SkinIf you never thought you could eat kiwi in the way you eat a peach, think again. That skin really is good for you and contains a
3、lot of vitamin C, and in fact, its also higher in fiber than the rest of the fruit. Of course, that rough, ugly skin isnt for everyone, so if you dont like it, try adding a whole kiwi to a smoothie to hide the taste of the skin.Banana PeelMost of us eat the banana without giving the soft peel a seco
4、nd thought. Heres why thats a mistake: banana Peel COntainS tryptophar色氨酸),WhiCh in CreaSeS the happ in ess horm one to help with mood regulation and nerve system. There are a few creative ways to use the peel. Cook or boil for at least 10 minutes to soften. You Can add it to smoothies, stir -fries,
5、 or soups. And, for a treat, simply sliCe and bake a banana With the skin on.WatermelonSkin andSeedThe deliCious, red inside makes for a refreshing snaCk or juiCe, but youre able to get some poWerful nutrients in the skin and seeds as Well. Cut out the White part under the green outside and use it i
6、n your Cooking. It has vitamin C and B6, to keep you healthy. As for the seeds, you Can roast them in the oven. Then add them to salads or to nut snaCks.WhiCh of the folloWing has a larger amount of fiber than its other parts?Pineapple Cores. B. KiWi skin. C. Banana peel. D. Watermelon skin and seed
7、s.WhiCh of the folloWing statements is TRUE?All the food above Can be added to smoothies.KiWi skin Can be roasted in the oven.Banana peel Can help lift peoples moods.The green part of Watermelon has vitamin C and B6.Where Can We most probably read this text?In a botany instruCtion.B. In a mediCine b
8、roChure.C. In a fruitarians reCipe.D. In a nutrition report.The StOrieS We Share With OneanO ther are importa nt. They ShOW WiSdOm and PrOVide in SPiratiO n. They are importa nt to Our developme nt. BUt SOmetimeS PeOPIe ChOOSe not to tell.COnSider the negative effects of not Sharing a story in the n
9、ews: People are wondering if PUbIiC health OffiCiaIS are hold ing back too much in formati on about the rece nt OUtbreak of Ebola.There is a dan ger in holdi ng back StOrieS that ought to be told. BObette BUSter Said it like this, “ The fact is, history has show n US that StOrieS not told Can become
10、 like a dan gerous gen妖怪)left in a bottle. When they are fin ally uncorked, their Power to destroy is Set free.There are a nu mber of reas ons Why We hide PartS of our story: they ofte n show our Weak nesses or expose our disadvantages;they require COUrage and Strength to share; and of course, there
11、 are some StOrieS that should be kept SeCret especially those that embarrass some one else.Most of US have two selves: the one We display on the OUtSide and the one We actually are on the in side. And the better We get at hid ing the StOrieS that show our true selves, the more damage We may be CaUS
12、ing to ourselves and to others.Honesty and openness is important: it PrOVeS We are trustworthy. It displays We are human. We are not PerfeCt or better. It highlights the importance of hard work and PerSonal development. Hard work may not allow US to overcome our disadva ntages completely. BUt With h
13、ard work, We do not have to be restricted to our mistakes.Does this mean We admit every Weakness, every disadvantage, and every SeCret regret to everybody We meet? No, of COUrSe not. There is a time and a place and a Certain level of relationship n ecessary for some StOrieS to be told in an appropri
14、ate manner.What S the funCtion of the example in ParagraPh 2?It reflects that people are COnCerning about the SPread of Ebola.It shows the bad effect CaUSed by Shari ng a story.It PrOVeS not Shari ng a story Can CaUSe trouble.It conCIUdeS that one should Share a story at a PrOPer time.WhiCh is close
15、 in meaning to the Underlined word“ UnCOrked ” in ParagraPh 3?freedB. broke n C. Un foldedD. Un touchedOne of the reas ons Why people are Un willi ng to Share experie nces is that.StOry-Shari ng highlights the importa nce of hard workpeople are USed to expos ing their Weak nessespeople SOmetimeS hav
16、e no COUrage to Share their StOrieSsome StOrieS make themselves feel SadThe Writer aims to COnVinCe US to.be ope n to people close to you by Shari ng some SeCretSShare StOrieS appropriately for the good of OtherS and ourselvesremove the dan gers that Can be CaUSed by Un told StOrieSrealize the impor
17、ta nce of being hon est Whe n making frie ndsCA qualified doctor who rarely PraCtiSed but inStead devoted his life to Writing. He once said,“ MediCine ismy lawful Wife and IiteratUre is my lover. ” RUSSian Writer Anton Pavlovich ChekhOV WaS a great PIayWright(剧作家)and one of the masters of the moder
18、n short story.When Clekhov entered the Moscow University MediCaI School in 1879,he Started to PUbIiSh hun dreds of comic short StOrieS to SUPPOrt his family. After he graduated, he wrote regularly for a local daily n ewspaper.AS a Writer he WaS extremely fast,ofte n PrOdUC ing a short story in an ho
19、ur or less. CheCkhOV medical and SCie nce experie nce Can be See n through the in differe nce many of his CharaCterS show to tragic(悲剧的)events. In 1892, he became a full -time Writer and PUbIiShed some of his most memorable stories.ChekhOV ofte n wrote about the SUfferi ngs of life in small tow ns o
20、f RUSSia. TragiC eve nts con trolled his CharaCterS who Were filled With feeli ngs of hopeless ness and despair.It is often Said that nothing happens in ChekhOV S StOrieS and plays.He made UP for this Vexciting technique for developing drama Within his characters. ChekhOV S works combine(attitude of
21、 a SCientist and doctor With the SenSitiVity of an artist.Some of ChekhOV S works Were tranSIated into Chinese as early as the 1940s.One of his famous StOries,“ The Man in a SlhelabOUt aschool teacher S extraordinarily orderly life WaS SeIeCted as atext for Chin ese SeniOr StUde nts.Anton Pavlovich
22、ChekhOV.had a lawful loverB. wrote only short StOrieSC. USed to be a IaWyerD. WaS a CaPabIe doctorIn 1880, ChekhOV .A. became a full-time WriterB. StUdied medici ne in Moscow Un iversityC. PraCtiCed medici ne in his hometow n D. PUbIiShed his most memorable StOrieSACCOrding to the PaSSage,which of t
23、he following words Can t be USed to describe ChekhCA. Sen SitiVe.B. Calm.C. QUiCk-mi nded.D. Warm-hearted.WhiCh of the following is the right order of the events?became a doctorbecame a full-time writerstarted to publish comic short storieswrote regularly for a local daily newspaperentered the Mosco
24、w University Medical SchoolA. e c a d b B. d a b c e C. e c b a d D. a e c b dDGive yourself a test. Which way is the wind blowing? How many kinds of wildflowers can be seen from your front door? If your awarenessis as sharp as it could be, you llhave no trouble answering these questions.Most of us
25、observed much more as children than we do as adults. A childwiths day is fillefascination, newness and wonder. Curiosity gave us all a natural awareness.But distinctions that Were SharP to US as ChiIdre n become Un clear; We are nu mb麻木的)to new StimUlati on(朿U激),new ideas. Relearning the art of seei
26、ng the world around us is quite simple, although it takes practice and reqUireS breaking Some bad habitS.The firSt SteP in awakening SenSeS iS to StoP Predicting what we are going to See and feel before it occUrS. ThiS blockS awareneSS. One chilly night when I waS hiking in the Rocky MoUntainS with
27、Some StUdentS, I mentioned that we were going to croSS a moUntain Stream. The StUdentS began comPlaining aboUt how cold it woUld be. We reached the Stream, and they Unwillingly walked ahead. They were almoSt knee-deeP when they realized it waS a hot SPring. Later they all admitted they felt cold wat
28、er at firSt.AnO ther block to aware ness is the ObSeSSiOn痴 迷)many Of US have With naming thi ngs. I SaW bird watcherS who SPotted a bird, immediately looked it UP in field gUideS, and Said, a rUby-crowned kinglet and checked it off. They no longer Paid attention to the bird and never learned what it
29、 waS doing.The PreSSUreS of time and destination(目的地) are further blocks to awareness. I encoUntered many hikerS who were headed to a diStant camP-groUnd with jUSt enoUgh time to get there before dark. It Seldom occUrred to them to wander a bit, to take a moment to See what them. I aSked them what they Sdeen. Oh, a few birdS, they Said. They Seemed bent on their deStinationS.NatUre SeemS to Unfold to PeoPle who watch and wait. Next time yoU take a walk, no matter Where it is, take in all the sights, SOUndS
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