1、Book2 ListeningTrack 2-1-7Making memoriesA popular new hobby is scrapbookingmaking beautiful books to hold specialmemories. Scrapbook pages can include photos, drawings, journal entries. Its nothard to make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years. Here are the steps.1. Choose a theme for your
2、 scrapbook pages. Some examples: school days, Family Memories of my grandparents,s first 2. Select photos for each page. Twoor three really good photos are better than tenso-so photos.3. Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos. Look for old newspaperclippings, postcards, tickets, report c
3、ards, letters anything made of paper. Use yourimagination!4. Design the pages. Put photos and keepsakes together on each page and move themaround until you find a layout that you like.5. Glue your photos and keepsakes into place. Then decorate your pages with felt pens,paint, and stickers. Use your
4、imagination!6. Label your pages. This is the most important step! Remember to write down the 5of your photos: Who, What, Where, When, Why.This will make your scrapbookmuch more interesting and valuable in the future.Track 2-1-9 in the United StatesMost high schools in the United States publish a yea
5、r book. The yearbook comesout once a year, usually in the spring. It is a record of the school a book ofmemoriesfor the students.Inside a year book is each students photo. The seniors are graduating soon, andtheir photos appear first. Next are the juniors. They are one year behind the seniors.Next t
6、he sophomores, or second-year students. The last photos are the first-yearstudents, the freshmen. The yearbook is not only about students.The teachers have photos, too. The yearbook also has photos and descriptions ofsports teams, academic subjects, and extracurricular activities. These are activiti
7、esstudents do after school, such as the chess club and Spanish club. There is even ayearbook club. Students in this club write, design, and take photos all year for theyearbook. At the end of the year, the book is printed.In the yearbook, some students receive special titles. The seniors vote and ch
8、oosethe class clown(a funny student), the most likely to succeed (a student everyonethinks will be successful), and the best dressed (a student with a good fashionsense). There are also other awards and categories.Students typically sign each others yearbooks. This is especially important forthe sen
9、iors, because they are graduating. Students write notes to each other, such as,We had a lot of fun,or ll never forget you.They also write about all the fun andfunny experiences they shared in school together.1Track 2-2-8Know before you go!BangladeshPeople greet their friends by shaking hands softly
10、and then putting their handsover their heart. People in Bangladesh dont use any gestures. Waving at people andwinking are very rude. Dont touch people on the head. Dont point with your foot Bangladeshi think feet are very IndonesiaIndonesians greet people with a long handshake, and they bow at the s
11、ame time.At a meeting, give every person your business card, but use your right hand useyour left hand is very rude.Track 2-2-9ThailandIn Thailand, the traditional greeting is called wai people put their hands together andbow. Men and women dont touch each other in public. Thai people t use theirhan
12、ds for gestures, but they love to smile a lot. They sometimes laugh when they feelnervous or embarrassed.The United Arab EmiratesPeople in the United Arab Emirates have some special gestures. When two men meet,they shake hands. Sometimes old men touch noses together. Women kiss their friendson the c
13、heek. If a man meets a woman, he doesnt shake hands with her. He justsmiles. When you give your friend something, give it to him with your right hand.t use your left hand. And dont point at people with your finger. Use your hand togesture towards them.Track 2-2-11In Brazil, men often shake hands whe
14、n they meet for the first time. When womenmeet, they kiss each other on the cheek. Women also kiss male friends to say hello.When you shake hands, look at the person in the eyes. This shows interest andfriendliness.In New Zealand, usually, both men and women shake hands when they meet someonefor the
15、 first time. If you see two people pressing their noses together, they areprobably Maori. The Maori are the native people of New Zealand. This is theirtraditional greeting.In Japan, when people meet for the first time, they usually bow. In business, peoplealso shake hands. In formal situation, peopl
16、e often exchange business cards. Whenyou give a business card, give it with two hands. This is polite. Special note: In Japan,when people smile it can have different meanings. It usually means that the person is or that the person thinks something is But it can also mean that theperson is embarrasse
17、d.Track2-3-4Today our lives are busier than they were 10 or 20 years ago. For some people, this isa problem. They think we should slow down and enjoy life. The slow food movementwas started to celebrate and support the local food traditions of the world. Itsmembers dont like fast food or instant foo
18、ds because they think these foods are2The slow food movement started in Europe, but now it is an international movement.There are more than 65,000 members in 45 countries. The slow food movementsmembers think we need to slowdown and appreciate delicious, traditional foods. Theyalso believe in protec
19、ting the environment. In addition, they believe in supportinglocal farmers and their products.Track-2-3-6Adam: m about 20 pounds overweight. I went on a diet. Theres only one problem: Ijust love buttery foods. Everyone says that I should eat less butter. s hard.Janet: I lived in Thailand for six mon
20、ths. It was really fun. I really like Thai food! It stoo spicy for some people, but not for me; I love the peppers. I came home a monthago. The food here tastes s bland I t like it any more.Abby: My mother says that I have a sweet tooth. That means I like to eat sweetfoods. Dessert is my favorite pa
21、rt of any meal. I like anything with chocolate in it!Minh: Im training for a swimming competition. I have to eat healthy foods all thetime. At first I didnt like it, but now I do. I actually prefer healthy foods to sweet orbuttery foods. And I feel better too!Track-2-3-8Here are eight surprising fac
22、ts about chili peppers1. Chili peppers are one of the oldest food crops in the world. Farmers grew the firstchili peppers more than 9,000 years ago.2. The first chili peppers probably grew in Bolivia. From there, the plant spreadthrough South America and the Caribbean. Christopher Columbus brought t
23、hefirst chili peppers to Europe.3. The heat in the chili comes from a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin has nosmell of flavor, but it makes your mouth feelhot.4. Scientists believe that chili peppers are a very healthy food because they are richin vitamins. Research shows that chilies dont damage
24、 the stomach, and Indianscientists discovered that eating chilies can help people lose weight.5. Indian food is well-known for using a lot of chili peppers, but Thai food is spicier.The average person in Thailand eats 5 grams of chili pepper everyday the mostin the world!6. The Aztec Indians of Mexi
25、co loved chili peppers so much that they gave them totheir king as a gift.7. The hottest chili pepper in the world is the habanero. It is bright orange and growsin the Caribbean.8. There are chili sauce factories on every continent except Antarctica.Track 2-3-10The Healthiest Lifestyle in the World?
26、In many countries around the world, people are living longer than before. People havehealthier lifestyles, and healthcare is better, tooOkinawa is an island off the coast off Japan. The people on Okinawa, the Okinawans,may have the longest lives and healthiest lifestyles in the world.Researchers did
27、 a They started their study by looking at city and town birth3records from 1879. They didnt expect to find many centenarians in the records. Theywere very surprised to find so many old and healthy people living in Okinawa. TheUnited States, for example, has 10 centenarians per 100,000 people. In Oki
28、nawa thereare 34 centenarians per 100,000 people.What is the Okinawans secret? First, they eat a healthy diet. They eat many freshfruits and vegetables. They also eat fish often and drink a lot of water and green tea.But researchers think that the Okinawans have other healthy habits as well. Theydon
29、t do hard exercises such as weightlifting and jogging instead, they preferrelaxing activities like gardening and walking. Researchers say that older Okinawansalso have good attitude about aging. They sit quietly and relax their minds with deepbreathing exercises. They also enjoy massage.Track 2-4-91
30、. m a salesclerk in a womans clothing store. My boss is great, but she has a verystrict dress code. We have to wear long skirts, black shoes, no jewelry, and on andon. Its really a very boring, so m planning to dye my hair red. What do youLanas opinion: but I have to side with your employer. A busin
31、ess wants tohave a particular look. So they tell you what to wear. If you want to show off yourindividual style, you had better do it in your free time.2. I love my girl friend, but she complains a lot about my clothes. She doesnt wantto go anywhere with me because I always wear old jeans and T-shir
32、t. I don t careabout look like a fashion magazine. I just want to be comfortable! Whats youradvice?Daves opinion: I think you ought to have a serious talk with your girlfriend andexplain how you feel. We all have our own style and taste. In my opinion, shethinks too much about appearance.Track 2-4-1
33、0Today I started my new part-time job as a trendspotter. I was nervous and didnt knowwhat to expect. Well, guess what? It was a lot of fun! I m telling all my friends, should think about becoming a trendspotter, too! On Saturday morning, we had toreport to a recording studio by 10 a.m. The Trends co
34、ordinator, explainedthe schedule. Then she gave us a tour. That was really cool!Next we sat around a big table in a room. They gave each person three cards. Onecard said yes All the way!Another said Its Ok. The third one said, No way!We listened to about ten different songs. After each song we had t
35、o hold up a card.They played some hip hop, rock, heavy metal, and dance music. The heavy metal wasNo wayfor me!Do you know the rock group called ? They are really popular right now. Wellthey have a new CD coming out. We saw 6 different CD covers. I guess they aretrying to choose one. This time we di
36、dnt have any cards. Instead, we just talked aboutthe cover we liked. Mandy asked us questions: Which ones do you like? why doyou like them?Would you buy a CD with this cover?We finished at 12:30. well meet again next week at a boutique downtown. We willlook at some new fashions. Each week we go to a
37、 different location. Oh yes, we also4received a free CD for our work. This job doesnt but we get free stuff!Track2-5-2The greatest detectiveSherlock Holmes is probably the greatest detective ever known well, at least hesone of the most famous. But he never actually existed hes an imaginary detective
38、who appears in 60 stories created by the Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Doyle was not always a writer. He started his career as a doctor. Fortunately for us, hedid not have many patients. He needed money and so he started to write stories.The first Sherlock Holmes story was published in 1887
39、, and was called A Study in. Later, a magazine published. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and readerslove it!What makes Sherlock Holmes so special? Well, he was very intelligent and successful.He always arrested the criminal every single time with the help of his partner, Dr.Watson.In the stories,
40、 Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street in London, England. Thousands ofpeople visit that address every year. Theres also a Sherlock Holmes Museum inLondon.Track 2-5-4Mike: So, we can look forward to warmer temperatures. Itll be a good weekendfor the beach. Over to you, Alexa.Alexa: Thank you for that we
41、ather report, Mike. And finally, this story just in. wehave a report that a localman, Nick Brown, saw some strange lights. He was drivinghome at about 10 p.m. He said the lights were bright and they move across the Hestopped at gas station and talked to a police officer about the lights. The police
42、officerhad seen the lights, too.Mike: Hmm thats a strange What happened next?Alexa: Well, I know that there is a legend around here about mysterious lights a lotof local people have seen the lights. Its starting to seem like those lights really exist.What do you think, Alexa?Alexa: I t believe it. I
43、 think s some kind of hoax!Track 2-5-10What caused this terrible explosion? A century later, scientists are still trying to findthe answer. Here are some possible explanations.1. An asteroid: Asteroids are very large pieces of rock that go around in space andsometimes hit the planet. They can cause
44、lots of damage. Some of them weigh asmuch as 100,000 tons. If an asteroid hit the Earth, It could cause huge explosion2. A comet: Comets are giant balls of gas, ice, and rock with long tails. They tra velthrough space in a regular pattern. Enckes Comet was near Earth in 1908, and itspossible that a
45、part of it broke off and hit the Earth.3. A UFO accident : Some people believe that a spaceship crashed into the ground inSiberia and its engine exploded.4. An extraterrestrial attack: Another idea is that extraterrestrials, that is, peoplefrom other planets, attacked the Earth. Extraterrestrials mi
46、ght have wanted todestroy the Earth, so they aimed their weapons at Earth and set fire to the forest.55. A scientific experiment: Another idea is that scientists made a mistake during anexperiment with A man named Nikola Tesla tried to build a supergunthat used Maybe it was a test of his gun and it
47、didnt work correctly.Track 2-5-14Q: What do you think causes the lights?A: There are many theories. The Native Americans thought the lights were starsfalling to Earth. Some people think uranium gas causes the lights. Other peoplesuggest that ball lightning does it. Ball lightning is the lightning in
48、 the shape of circle.It often appears just after a rainstorm.Q: What are some of the weirdest ideas about the lights?A: Well, some people call them ghost lights. They think ghosts do it. Thats thestrangest idea. Some say they are UFOs. I t think so.Q: What do the experts say?A: They cant figure it o
49、ut. Some engineers even came from Japan one time. Theystudied the lights, but t solve the Q: Are the local people scared?A: No, actually, they arent. They like the lights. And every year in early Septembers a big town festival to celebrate the mystery lights.Track2-6-7I had a amazing dream last nigh
50、t. At first, I was standing outside of a strange bighouse. The house was painted pink, a very unusual color for a house. It had a lot ofbig windows, both round and rectangular. The house had large square pillars andtwisted columns. I remember thinking that there must be a big living room, severalbed
51、rooms, a kitchen, and a guest room in such a big house. I was wondering whosehouse it was when I suddenly heard a voice saying: welcome home. Wow, so thisdream house was mine!I went inside and walked into my livingroom. It was spacious. There were sofas, atable, a big-screen and a stereo system. It
52、was pretty cool. All of my best friendswere there, too. But for some reason they didn t speak, didnt smile, and didnt evenmove. And then suddenly they all disappeared. I was scared. This dream was turninginto a nightmare.I then went to the kitchen. It was also spacious. There were all kinds of kitch
53、enequipment such as a gas stove and oven. There were also many electric appliances,such as a refrigerator, a microwave oven, an electric mixer,and a food processor. Ilike the food processor the most, those certainly make life much easier. There wasalso a dinning table in the middle of the room. The
54、whole family was sitting aroundthe table, waiting for a meal to be served. The kids were hungry and started to Butthe gas stove didnt work and there was no electricity for the microwave oven or thefood processor. I wanted to help so I looked in the fridge but it was empty. I started todespair, what
55、more could I do. Thats when I suddenly woke up.Track 2-6-10Scientists know that the brain is very active when a person is sleeping. There are fivestages, or parts, of sleep. Stage1 starts after you fall asleep. If there is a noise or abright light, you wake up very easily. In Stage2,your brainwaves
56、are very slow. In6Stage3 and Stage4, you are in deep sleep. Its very difficult to wake up then. body rests and grows during these stages.Stage5 is when you dream, your eyes move a lot, and your brain waves are fast. Thisstage of sleep is very important for your After Stage5, you wake up a little,and then Stage1 starts again. We go through the 5 stages of
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