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1、 高考英语阅读理解冲刺训练Day 102Passage 1For decades, public health officials have puzzled over a surprising fact about HIV: Only about 10-20 percent of infants who are breastfed by infected mothers catch the virus. Tests show, though, that HIV is indeed present in breast milk, so these children are exposed to

2、the virus multiple times daily for the first several months of their lives.Now, a group of scientists and doctors from Duke University have figured out why these babies dont get infected. Human breast milk naturally contains a protein called Tenascin C that neutralizes HIV and, in most cases, preven

3、ts it from being passed from mother to child. Eventually, they say, the protein could potentially be valuable as an HIV-fighting tool for both infants and adults that are either HIV-positive or at risk of contracting the infection.The research, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci

4、ences, was inspired by previous work by other researchersshowing that, both in tissue cultures(!织培养)and live mice, breast milk from HIV-negative mothers was naturally endowed with HIV-fighting properties. Scientists suggested that a few different proteins in the milk could potentially be responsible

5、, but no one knew which one.As part of the study, the researchers divided breast milk into smaller fractions(部分)made up of specific proteins via a number of filters( 过滤)-separating the proteins by size, electrical charge and other characteristics-and tested which of these fractions, when added to a

6、tissue culture, prevented the cells from being infected by HIV Eventually, they found that one particular protein was present in all the HIV-resistant fractions but in none of the others: Tenascin C.Tenascin C works by blocking a key protein on HIVs envelope that normally ties up to a receptor on a

7、T cells membrane called CCR5. In doing so, Tenascin C prevents HIV from mixing with the T cell and injecting its RNA inside.Still, the researchers say that other natural elements in milknight play a role in fighting HIV as well. Its clearly not the whole story, because we do have sanpies that have l

8、ow amounts of this protein but still have HIV-neutralizing activity. the studys lead author Permar says. So it may be acting in concert with other antiviral and antimicrobial factors in the milk. Whatever those other factors are, though, the finding vindicate证 明 的 正确 )recent changes to UN guidelines

9、 that recommend even HIV-positive mothers in resource- poor countries should breastfeed, if theyre taking anti-retroviral drugs to combat their own infection.The next steps, Permar says, are determining which area of Tenascin C is active and whether it can effectively prevent transmission in a 1ive

10、animal. If it works, it could potentially be incorporated(合并)into an HIV drug with broader applications. Its even possible that it could someday be adapted to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in adults as well as infants.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?The breast milk from an infected mother

11、 doesnt contain HIV at all.Only a small percentage of infants breastfed by infected mothers catch HI.VThe possibilities of infants catching HIV have nothing to do with infected mothers.D. Children feeding on infected mothers milk wont catch HIV though exposed to it often.Why did the researchers divi

12、de breast milk into smaller fractions?To find out Tenascin C.To make up specific proteins.To add them to a tissue culture.To test what prevents cells being infected.Which of the following about Tenascin C is true?It has become an effective tool in fighting HIV.It is the key protein on HIVs envelope.

13、It can prevent transmission in a live animal effectively.It helps prevent mother-to- child transmission of HIV.What can we know about Permar and the research group according to the passage?They have found a cure for HIV.They have helped change UN guidelines.They will do more researches on Tenascin C

14、.Their finding is based on their previous work.Passage 2In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theatre inEdinburgh. The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.At the same time, t

15、he Fringe appeared as a challenge to the official festival. Eight theatre groups turned up uninvited in 1947, in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform, and they did so in a public house disused for years.Soon, groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University, and later from t

16、he universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theatre by little-known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh.Today the Fringe, once less recognized, has far outgrown the festival with a

17、round 1,500 performances of theatre, music and dance on every one of the 21 days it lasts. And years early as 1959, with only 19 theatre groups performing, some said it was getting too big.A paid administrator was first employed only in 1971, and today there are eight administrators working all year

18、 round and the number rises to 150 during August itself. In 2004 there were200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries. More than 1,25 million tickets were sold.Point was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at he beginning?To bring Europe together again.To h

19、onor heroes of World War 11.To introduce young theatre groups.To attract great artists from Europe.Why did some uninvited theatre groups come to Edinburgh in 1947?A. They owned a public house there.They came to take up a challenge.They thought they were also famous.They wanted to take part in the fe

20、stival.Who joined the Fringe after it appeared?they owned a public house there.University students.trusts from around the world.Performers of music and dance.We may learn from the text that Edinburgh Festival.has become a non-official eventhas gone beyond an art festivalgives shows all year roundkee

21、ps growing rapidlyPassage 3I was born in a poor family, 8 siblings, and life was“ hand-to-mouth ” . If I recfamily experience, I would say each day was a challenge to keep our stomachs filled.At 18, I gave up a chance to study at a local university. I started working as a salesman becauseI knew it p

22、aid high returns if I could work harder. I worked for Olivetti selling manual and electric typewriters, themes-copiers and calculators.I put in a lot of time and efforts to learn the products so that I could demonstratebetter. Every morning I carried a manual typewriter and shouldered an electric on

23、e, from the office to my destination about 2 miles away. I have to carry them because it took very long to arrange a demo(演示)unit through the office protocol(协议),and I was motivated to sell with my sweat and tears.The next 20 years I worked harder than graduate workers because jobs for nongraduates

24、were few and low with pays.I understand the reasons why I have to work so hard for extra miles. But no regret, and I cannot let this problem to happen to my children. I must ensure they get to pass the tertiary(高等的)education and at least reach the fundamental standardsin their career. I then paid fo

25、r their education fees.My children understood and saw the simple lifestyle that my wife and I are having. They say they will repay after they step into employment. They made their grades one by one, and all are working now.I told my children my past and let them know I gave them wings, but they must

26、 know the root! I hope this conscious education will pass through the generations!What can we know from the first paragraph?The writer didn t have enough food to eat.The writer s parents were dead in an accident.The writer wanted to earn money by himself.The writer s parents didn t make him educated

27、.Why did the writer choose to work as a salesman?A. He wanted to work near his house.He knew the typewriters very well.He could show his ability to work as a salesman.The harder he worked, the more he would earn.The writer got his children educated to.A. satisfy his own ambitionB. make his dream com

28、e trueC. make his children live well D. encourage his children to work hardWhat can be inferred from the passage?Poverty can lead to people studying hard.It is important for the children to get higher education.He gave his children what his parents could not.It is difficult for non-graduates to find

29、 jobs.Passage 4Moving to a foreign country is an amazing, life-changing experience. It an opportunity to meet new people, make yourself completely involved in a different culture and possibly learn another language. However, before embarking on such an adventure, there are some practical decisions t

30、hat need to be made. One such decision is choosing where to live.For me, choosing to live with a French family was the best choice I made, and here is why.Firstly, a family can show you around the city or town and help you settle in, stopping you from feeling lonely. When you re in a new environment

31、 with people youdon t know who are speaking a language you re still not fluent in, you might feel lost,tired and homesick I know I did. However, my host family were wonderful and welcoming; they showed me which buses to take to get to work and cooked dinner for me so we could eat together, and took

32、me with them on trips to the beach, the theatre and even a bullfight. These were great opportunities to experience French culture and build relationships, which in turn helped me feel more comfortable and welcome.Moreover, living with French people has been brilliant for helping me improve my langua

33、ge skills. Being constantly exposed to authentic French conversation has allowed me to learn new phrases, widen my vocabulary and even improve my accent. My host family are happy to answer my questions and correct me when I say things wrong, which makes me a better and more confident French speaker.

34、Finally, the experience of living abroad is one that you will remember forever, and perhaps the friendships like the memories will also last. Your host family might become your friends for life. You might return for their birthdays, weddings, holidays, and much more. I hope to remain in contact with

35、 my host family long after I leaveFrance because when I was away from my friends and loved ones, they welcomed me and made me part of their family.What does the underlined phrase “ embarking on ” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. Remarking on.B. Setting about.C. Depending on.D. Putting about.Where did the

36、writer choose to live when moving to a foreign country?A. In a dormitory. B. In his own apartment.C. In a host family.D. In his friends house.C. In a host family.D. In his friends house.What is the advantage of living with French people?Improving his French skills.Feeling homesick and lonely.Making

37、friends from different countries.Introducing English culture to the French.How does the writer develop the passage?A. By making comparisons.B. By following the order of time.C. By following the order of importance.D. By listing detailed reasons.Passage 5A new railway design is allowing the latest hi

38、gh-speed rail line to pass through national natural reserves while causing only minor effect to local wildlife.The Xi an-Chengdhuigh-speed rail is the first bullet train to cut through the Qinling Mountains, in Shaanxi province, which are home to many rare wild animals including the giant panda, gol

39、den monkey, crested ibis and golden takin.It is one of three major habitats for the wild giant panda, with about 345 of China1,864 wild giant pandas living there, according to the fourth National Survey on Giant Pandas releasedin 2015. The railway will also pass through a major Tianhuashan Mountain

40、reserve, a giant panda habitat.“ When researching the railway route, we avoided laying tracks more than 1,500meters above sea level, where the majority of wildlife gathers,” said Lai Wenhongengineer from the China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group, who is incharge of the railways envir

41、onmental design.charge of the railwayMore than 90 percent of the railway through the Qinling Mountains is tunnels andbridges, said Liu Shuangjin, general chief designer of the line s Shaanxi section fthe China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group.“The advantage of tunnels is to reduce vib

42、rati(j) when a train passes by, Lai said.The average depth of the tunnels is 400 meters, and the deepest is 1,000 meters.Bridges are constructed to link tunnels. Protective things have been placed at the mouths of tunnels in the Qinling Mountains to keep wild animals from falling. During operation,

43、trains are forbidden from using horns in wildlife habitats.The line also passes through the Yangxian county reserve, home to crested ibis, arare bird. The 4-meter-high mesh(状物)on the sides of bridges higher than 10 meters will prevent the birds from flying into the path of trains, which is safer for

44、 the birds and the trains.The Xi an-Chengdu high-speed rpaailsses through the following reserves exceptA. the Qinling Mountain reserve B. the Yangxian county reserveC. the Taihang Mountain reserve D. the Tianhuashan Mountain reserveWhat animals is the Tianhuashan Mountain reserve set up mainly for?A

45、. The golden monkey.B. The giant panda.C. The crested ibis.D. The elephant.Why are so many tunnels built on the Xi an-Chengdu high-speed rail?A. To protect endangered wildlife. B. To lower the cost of construction.D. To connect different bridges.C. To reduce the distance of the line.D. To connect di

46、fferent bridges.What s the best title of the passage?Rail design keeps wildlife safeMore national reserves are set upThe railway s environmental design is importantThe Xi an-Chengdu rail is under construction参考答案Passage 1B主旨大意题。文章第一段的第一句就阐述了自己的观点,科学家在研究中以患有HIV 的母亲为食的婴儿患有HIV 的概率是很小的。后面加以论证。故选 B 项D 细节

47、理解题。根据第三段最后一句Scientists suggested that a few differentproteins in the milk could potentially be responsible, but no one knew which one.和 第四段可知科学家想要测试母乳中是什么细胞保护婴儿免受影响。故选 D 项D 细节理解题。从文章第一段和第四段中知道,由于Tenascin C 对 HIV病毒的抑制的功能,以患有HIV 的母亲为食的婴儿患有HIV 的概率是很小的。故选D 项C推理判断题。根据文章中的as a part of ,still, the nexttep

48、知科学家对Tenascin C 还将进行更多的研究。Passage 2A 细节理解题。由第一段最后一句The idea was to reunite Europe after theSecond World War.可知,举办爱丁堡音乐节的目的是重新团结二战后的欧洲, reunite 与 bring Europe together 同义替换。故正确答案为AD 细节理解题。由第二段第二句Eight theatre groups turned up uninvited in1947,in the belief that everyone should have the right to perfo

49、rm知,在 1947 年, 这些未被邀请的团队出现在爱丁堡的原因是他们认为自己有意愿也有权利在此表演。 A 项、 B 项和 C 项均与此题无关。故正确答案为DB 细节理解题。第二段写了Fringe 的出现, 而第三段则写了在Fringe 出现后, 来自爱丁堡大学及其他大学的学生每年都来爱丁堡音乐节参加演出。故正 TOC o 1-5 h z 确答案为BD 推理判断题。文章最后一段讲述了爱丁堡音乐戏剧节从1971 年只有一位管理者发展到现在有八位管理者,而在 8 月份则会多达150 位, 演出数目也增长到 1695 场,门票更是售出了125 万张,由这些数据可知爱丁堡音乐戏剧节在发展壮大。故正确答

50、案为DPassage 3A 细节理解题。由第一段的“ If I recall my family experience, I would say eachday was a challenge to keep our stomachs filled. 可知,作者每天都没有足够的食”物吃。故选A。D 细节理解题。由第二段的“ I started working as a salesman because I knew itpaid high returns if I could work harder. 可知,作者选择做推销员,因为如果更努”力地工作的话,会得到很高的回报。故选D。C 推理判断题。由第五段可知,作者明白自己为什么必须如此努力工作的原因, 他不能让这个问题发生在他我的孩子身上,他要确保孩子们接受高等教育,至少在他们的职业生涯中达到基本标准,他为孩子们支付教育费用。因此推断作者让孩子们受教育是为了让他们过得好。故选C。C 推理判断题。由第二段的“ At18, I gave up a chance to study at a localuniversity. 和最后一段的 ”“ I told my children my past and let them know I gave themwings, but they must know the root!可知


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