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1、英语阅读填空能力考查快速获取信息的能力。理清、整体文章脉络、把握文章结构;处理、加工、运用信息的能力。 (如何获取、整理、归纳与概括信息的能力)二、行标题概括性词汇(常出现在段首)的逻辑性:05 Causes /Reasons Effects/Results06 Purposes/Aims Effects Assessments07 Advantages Worries/Problems Efforts/Measures Conclusion08 Disadvantages Varieties System Advantages Disadvantages/Issues Advice/ Mea

2、sures Importance/function Ways Requirements Analysis Similarities Differences Situation/definition Bottlenecks/Problems /Difficulties Solutions. 常用总结性的词汇:结论:conclusion, summary评论:comments, remark, assessment变化趋势: trend, development观点:attitude, idea, opinion, ( critical批判的, pessimistic悲观的, negative消极

3、的, positive积极的, neatral中立的, indifferent漠不关心的, ironic讽刺的)原因:reason (for), cause (of), result, effect, (objective, subjective,) purpose, aim, goal, target, destination常用总结性的词汇:驳斥性: definition, advice, suggestion, tips, opinions, problems, solutions, measures,ways, methods, approach, theme, topic, exam

4、ples, requirements比较性结构:Dos, Donts , differences, similarities, advantages, disadvantages, features国家:countries, area/size, location, history, climate, culture, custom, population, resoures, language, event (time/date, place, people, types/kinds, forms, functions), introduction/ instruction, informa

5、tion, necessity/must; not mentioned人物介绍: 常用总结性的词汇:人物介绍: name, male/ female, age, place, year of birth, character, influence, nationality, profession/ occupation, interest/hobby, experience, habit, major(专业), degree, achievement 事件: time, event, subject, content, disaster, cost, place,其他:steps, perce

6、ntage, uses, 05-08年高考阅读填空的设空特点: 一、直接信息题(一个行标题对应一个段落: 解题注意:表达方式的一致性 二、行标题的概括性词汇题(一般在每段首句出现): 解题注意:表达方式的一致性 三、信息加工处理题:表达方式的一致性;词性的转换;由句子变为名词词组。解题注意:句意的改写:正与反(同义词/反义词;加前后缀;主动与被动);句型和词语不同词性之间的互换同一句子成分之间的转换信息加工处理:词性的转换:词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归1.句意改写:正与反1)同义词与反义词;2)前缀与后缀3)主动与被动4)句型和词语2.不同词性之间的互换:3.不同形式的相同成分的转换

7、:尤其是不同定语之间的改写: 如后置定语与前置定语;作定语的从句、形容词、非谓语、介词短语之间的相互转换。长定语变短定语(作为后置定语的定语从句变成形容词充当的前置定语或由非谓语或介词短语充当的后置定语);名词所有格of sb./of sth. 后置 变成sbs/sths前置;信息加工处理:词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归1. 句意改写:正与反1)同义词与反义词;2)前缀与后缀3)主动与被动4)句型和词语专题训练词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归1)同义词和反义词: 一词的否定说法用一个相对的反义词改写。 Most workers were in favor of /for the

8、decision. She did not pass the exam.= Most workers supported the decision.= She failed the decision.专题训练词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归V.的相对词 There are . There are online packages which will show you the tricks of the trade. Included packs are often the materials and the instructions on how to carry out the mag

9、ic tricks. Some sell the tools separately.原文可以改写成:Online packages can show the tricks and materials and the instructions to you and sell the tools separately to you as well . 原文主语为Online packages。可以改写成: you can buy some tools separately from some (online packages). Online packages. Watch the tricks.

10、 Choose the materials and instructions. 79. the tools separately.buybuy-sell; teach-study; borrow- lend专题训练词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归2)前缀和后缀 Many people lost their houses. The lady was not happy . Peter did not do the work very carefully.= Many people become homeless.= The lady was unhappy = Peter did the

11、work very carelessly专题训练词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归4) 句型和词语 He made a promise(n.) that he would come She did not come back until yesterday. I didnt catch the bus.= He promised (n.) that he would come= She stayed there until yesterday.= I missed the bus.= He promised (n.) to come专题训练4) 句型和词语 catch sight of =

12、 see pay a visit to = visit make an apology = apologize catch hold of = catch make a decision =decide make a study of = study all of a sudden =suddenly be fond of =like be proud of =take pride in be interested in =take /have an interest in 专题训练词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归4) 句型和词语 learn by heart=recite take g

13、ood care of = look well after take notice of = notice come to an end=put an end to = end meet by chance/accident = happen to meet chance to meet= meet accidently You dont have to pay for it . = It is free. 信息加工处理:词性的转换:词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归1.句意改写:正与反1)同义词与反义词;2)前缀与后缀3)主动与被动4)句型和词语2.不同词性之间的互换:3.不同形式的相同

14、成分的转换:尤其是不同定语之间的改写: 如后置定语与前置定语;作定语的从句、形容词、非谓语、介词短语之间的相互转换。长定语变短定语(作为后置定语的定语从句变成形容词充当的前置定语或由非谓语或介词短语充当的后置定语);名词所有格of sb./of sth. 后置 变成sbs/sths前置;1.(06Hunan)They also have fewer absences (n.) and are less likely to blame (v.). 79. improved acadamic behaviors better work habits higher rates of homework

15、 completion improved grades and higher scores fewer absences and 80._less blame (n.)less 是little 的比较级作副词,可以修饰动词,如原文作形容词,可以修饰名词根据要与其并列信息fewer absences表达方式要一致的原则,此处用less(形容词词性)blame 即可以用作作动词,如原文,也可以用作名词所以答案里应该有名词blame 2. 词性的转换: 词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归双语报2009高三版35期81、82, . reduction in the use of water and

16、 increases in the use of renewable energy . medium-term . 81. . increasing 82. reducing water use renewable energy use双语报2009高三版35期84,原文信息:improvement in the environmental impact of industry. impacts . improving 84. . leading the way . 85._ to other sectors. . the environment “动词宾语”词组与“名词定语”词组互换,其修饰

17、词也在“副词”与相应的“形容词”之间进行互换 2. Vitamin C is necessary for strong bones and teeth ,and for healthy blood vessels. Being a_ for strong bones and teeth and healthy blood. 3. It grows to one meter in length Being_ 4. Some buildings were well built and attractive. Buildings:_necessityone meter longwell-built

18、and attractive由形容词转化为名词由介词短语转化为形容词正确使用合成词 5. Materials used in them are not processed with strong chemicals that can produce harmful gases.Using recycled materials reusing old thing Using _ keeping people healthy harmless chemical materials准确的使用反义词信息加工处理:词性的转换:词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归1.句意改写:正与反同义词与反义词;前缀

19、与后缀主动与被动句型和词语2.不同词性之间的互换:3.不同形式的相同成分的转换:尤其是不同定语之间的改写: 如后置定语与前置定语;作定语的从句、形容词、非谓语、介词短语之间的相互转换。长定语变短定语(作为后置定语的定语从句变成形容词充当的前置定语或由非谓语或介词短语充当的后置定语);名词所有格of sb./of sth. 后置 变成sbs/sths前置; (06Hunan)One likely development will be a gradual change in the family unit . The other likely development will be a chan

20、ge in the proportion of the nations workforce. “Family unit change”“workforce proportion change”由介词短语作定语转变成名词作定语的名词词组 . If a person tries to speak out irrelevant details or offer explanations which are not necessary when hes asked a particular question, hes attempting to hide certain facts. speaking

21、 out irrelevant details 80._offering unnecessary explanations由定语从句转变成形容词作定语 III.句子结构转换:由句子转变成名词词组 III.句子结构转换:由句子转变成名词词组The friendship seeds 1、The seeds of friendship become deeply rooted. The power of government counts. of格可用名词s格代替 或直接用名词作定语the governments power4. (08 Hunan 81题) The intensive type m

22、ay be smaller, but its relatively deeper and home to larger plants. (07Hunan78)Their language acquisition is likely to become faster. _ relatively deeper home to larger plantspossibly smaller由谓语动词转变成副词作状语修饰形容词或分词78. _ communicating with hostspossibly becoming faster5. The company was run by the stat

23、e. The population of Shanghai is growing fast.The state-run company 由谓语动词形式转变成 合成形容词作定语的名词词组Shanghais fast-growing population6、(08Hunan)But urban roofs are going green. Trees leaves are falling. Roofs going greenFalling leaves由谓语动词转变成分词作定语信息加工处理:词性的转换:词和词语的灵活运用-表达方式的殊途同归I.句意改写:正与反同义词与反义词;前缀与后缀主动与被动句

24、型和词语II.不同词性之间的互换:III.不同形式的相同成分的转换:尤其是不同定语之间的改写: 如后置定语与前置定语;作定语的从句、形容词、非谓语、介词短语之间的相互转换。长定语变短定语(作为后置定语的定语从句变成形容词充当的前置定语或由非谓语或介词短语充当的后置定语);名词所有格of sb./of sth. 后置 变成sbs/sths前置;Some other examples: The graying of the United states is mainly due to the fact that people are living longer. In sub-Saharan Af

25、rica the crops are drying out in the fields and people are dying of starvation . 80._ People dying of starvation London may never see a ”white Christmas” 79_ in London Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. 77_ Fine weatherCrops drying outNo snow/no white ChristmasFree parki

26、ng76. _The graying U.S. His grades are becoming better and better. . Those who have a strong will succeed. . We will punish those who have broken the law. . We will also employ someone who can take care of the house. His bettered gradesStrong-willed peopleThose law-breakersA doorman / caretaker houseTitle: 76 PlantedRoofs 83 Disad


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