1、Lesson73Therecord-Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. A quiet days fishing,oreighthoursinacinemaseeingthesamefilmoverandoveragain,is usuallyasfarLesson73Therecord-Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. A quiet days fishing,oreighthoursinacinemaseeingthesamefilmov
2、erandoveragain,is usuallyasfarastheyget.Theyhaveallbeenputtoshamebyaboy who,playingtruant,travelled.HehitchhikedtoDoverand,evening,oaboattofindsomewheretosleep.Whenhewokeupmorning,hetthehe,travelledCalais.No one noticed the boy as he crept off. From there, he hitchhiked to Parisinalorry.Thedrivergav
4、黑时钻进了一条船,想 找个地方睡觉。个。1)truant n.Persistenttruantswillbeexpelledfromschool(学生经常逃学,会被开play truant from schoolAs a boy, Tom used to play truant from Should the students be punished for playing toplayhooky/hookeyhook意思,例如:TheyhookeditbeforeOneday,youregretplayinghooky(fromschool)即有一天,你会后悔逃学的。 truancy2)un
5、imaginativeadj. imaginativeOneday,youregretplayinghooky(fromschool)即有一天,你会后悔逃学的。 truancy2)unimaginativeadj. imaginativeHe is an imaginative pa MonkSunisanimaginarycharacterofJourneytotheWestwrittenbyimaginative writer Wu imaginationimaginableItistbreakingtheengagementwilldamagehis可以想象婚约将损害他的形象3)over
6、 and over againAsmygrandmothercanthearverywell,Ihavetosayitoverandover 4)as as 程而As far as I know, his operation c5)put.to shame 使.蒙羞,见不得What he has done put his parents to Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to Shame on you!!shame o/out ng sth感到惭愧而做(不做)What a shame! 真糟糕! 真可惜! 真不象话! Wha
7、tashameyoudidntwin6)hitchhikeJimhitchhikedthroughFrancetoSpain.Jimhitch a ride to London on a lorryCan I hitch a lift with you as far as the hitch up sthionShehitchedupherskirtsoasnottogetitwet.她急忙拉起裙子,以免he (meanwhile)Shehitchedupherskirtsoasnottogetitwet.她急忙拉起裙子,以免he (meanwhile)he,youmaydocan take
8、care of he 8) I am the tn.布告,公告 put up a noticenoticeofbirths,noticeofdeaths,noticeofmarriagesreceive two months notice to leave a house。You must give notice of he arrangementThebariscloseduntilfuthernotice.酒吧现已停业,开业时另行通知。Onemonthsnoticeisrequiredifyouwanttoquityourjobbring sth to sbs notice将某事知会Its
9、anwhobroughtthisproblemtoournoticetakenonotice/nottakeanynotice(ofsb/sth)不注意(/某物),Takenonotice/Donttakeanynotice(ofwhathesays)别理会(他的话)! Did you noticethehasdyedhishair?你注意到他染头发了吗? I noticedt he left early我注意到他走得很早。notifyv.notifysb(ofsth)notifysth(tosb)通知notifyofaotifyalossto向9)creep 爬行,匍匐,(象爬行似地)A s
10、nake o the garden while she was a The old car crept along the country We crept upstairs so as not to wake He t age had crept on n.I dont like him.He gives me the creep.。10)bordern.边界 HowmanycountriesborderSwitzerland?有多少国家与 border sth. (with sth.) 在某物上镶边a handkerchief bordered with laceborder on sth
11、.This building borders on a express 帕11)pick upAfter the accident, he was picked up by He10)bordern.边界 HowmanycountriesborderSwitzerland?有多少国家与 border sth. (with sth.) 在某物上镶边a handkerchief bordered with laceborder on sth.This building borders on a express 帕11)pick upAfter the accident, he was picked
12、 up by Hewaspickedupandtakenforquestioningpick sb upyou up at 7 0clock tomorrow morning7lf up 站起来(指跌倒以后sb/sth cked up ephone and dialled his numberWell pick up where we finished yesterday.WecanpickuptheticketsanhourbeforetheplayThe leader must rson of Who is in authority now?authority to do sth.Only the CEO has authority to sign cheques才威She is an authority on phonetics.她是语音13)dream ofdreamof/about He dreams
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