2022年中考英语三轮冲刺复习:中考易错题 专项练习题1(Word版含答案)_第1页
2022年中考英语三轮冲刺复习:中考易错题 专项练习题1(Word版含答案)_第2页
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2022年中考英语三轮冲刺复习:中考易错题 专项练习题1(Word版含答案)_第5页
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1、2022年中考英语三轮冲刺复习:中考易错题专项练习题1一、基础知识(共35分)根据句意,用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。(5分)cry bottle above thank take offam that you can come to help us .Look! The child over there. Whats wrong with him ?He was so thirsty that he drank up three of water.He came in ,his coat and sat down beside me .The moon was the tall tre

2、e inn the east.句意填词 根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(10分)is the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday . My teacher has two cute children , a son and a.-I think its our duty to save energy .-OK. Please remember to turn lights and computers when we leave the office .The month of a year is September

3、.-Did anyone help them finish the work ?-No. They finished it by.Chairman Mao once said that could hold up half the sky .China has three main types of teas:tea , black tea and wulong .The of Qomolangma is 8,848.86 meters high now.The room is hot. Would you mind the door ?He is in math . He wants to

4、be a math teacher .HL单项选择从每题所给三个选项,选出一个正确答案。(20分)第1页共16页Poster 3Follow the examiners instructions.If you have a question , raise your hand.No mobile phones , books or bags in the exam .Please use a blue or black pen .根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F).(5分))66. The examiner should open the door five minutes before

5、 the exam begins.)67, You must show your ID card to examiner when you enter the room.)68 Students should arrive at school ten minutes before exam .)69. All the posters say something about ID card .)70. When you answer the paper , you must write in blue or black .(D)Once upon a time , there was a man

6、 named Lazy . He wanted to have a big house and it took him over a year to build one . The house was so beautiful that all of his neighbors admired him very much .But as time went by , 71.One day , an old neighbor went past it and said , “Your house is beautiful, but the grass in the yard is a bit o

7、vergrown Lazy an swered quickl y, I know , but ifs OK. 72.”A few days later , a mailman came by with a letter for Lazy . The mailman said , “Sir , your house is wonderful, 73.You can make it more wonderful by cleaning itLazy replied reluctantly (不情愿地),I know , but its OK. I will do that tomorrowWeek

8、s passed by . Lazys yard was in a mess . The paint was failing down and the windows were covered with dirt. One day , 74.He was surprised at what he saw and scolded (训I斥) him angrily . Lazy , I know why youre called Lazy . Youre just like your name ! What have you done for your house ? It could fall

9、 fapart at any second!” Just the next day , after a heavy rainstorm, 75.第10页共16页There are many Lazys around us . Are you lazy, too? Have you ever put off “something” to “tomorrow“,“next month“ or even “next year? Its much better to just deal with things today than to wait until some imaginary (想象的)

10、tomorrowthat might not actually come.-根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)(5分)but the windows are a bit dirty .I will cut it tomorrow .Lazys house fell down .his house started to have some problems.his brother came over to visit him .(E)()76. 1 O-year-old Mike is good at cooking. He can c

11、ook delicious food ! He is beinginterview on TV about his own cooking .()77. When I was four , I became interested in cooking . I started helping my mum in thekitchen when I was five . At the age of six , I could make vegetable salad . One year later , I could make a fruit pie all by myself.()78.1 d

12、ont go to cooking classes . Sometimes I watch videos on the phone . I often readbooks about cooking . Actually , I think the best way to improve my cooking is trying it again and again . If it is no good , Ill do it differently next time.()79. My parents are glad that they dont have to make dinner e

13、very day , and they enjoy mycooking -usually ! But, you cant make everyone happy all the time .()80. In fact, I really enjoy myself making the shows . Theyre watched by millions , but Istill find it strange when people I dont know say hello to me in the street.(a)把相关信息匹配。(5分)Be strangeHow to get goo

14、d at cooking ?A little cook.第11页共16页What parents think ?When to start cook ?(b)根据以上内容填空,每空一词。(5分)Mike does well in 81. He can cook delicious food . When he was four years old , he was 82.in cooking . At the age of 83., he could make a fruit pie all by himself. He doesnt have cooking lessons. He ofte

15、n read books and watched 84.on the phone . His parents were glad that they didnt need to make dinner every day . He really enjoys 85.making the shows . But he found it strange when people he didnt know said hello to him in the street.(F)Hello , everyone . My name is Jim. Its time to say goodbye to m

16、y junior school life . First of all, I want to say thank you to my math teacher . Miss Wu , for being patient. She always helped me with my math . She also often reminded us to be an honest person .Then I want to thank my basketball coach , Mr. Long . I joined the basketball team when i was in Grade

17、 7.1 was always late for practice . He taught me to be on time. He also taught me different basketball skills . Now , I have become a very strong basketball player .Certainly , I am also thankful that I have made so many good friends at school. My best friend, Lily , is a very hard-working girl. I h

18、ave learned from her that we must study hard in order to a good senior high school.Lastly , I want to thank my beloved (爱戴的)parents . They have always been there for me . Without their support, I wouldnt be able to make it here today .Thank you , my junior school life !根据短文内容,回答以下问题。(10分)What did Mi

19、ss Wu often remind Jim to do ?When did Jim join the basketball team ?Who taught Jim basketball skills ?第12页共16页Has Jim made a lot of friends at school ?Whey does Jim thank his parents ?四、书面表达(共20分)VIII. (A) 一个新的历史博物馆即将在我市建设,现招聘讲解员(narrator )o请根据提示完成下面的招聘广告。(每空词数不超过三个单词)(5分)应聘条件:英语口语好;熟悉本市的历史;善于与人沟通。

20、联系人:李先生;联系 :278-7928Narrator WantedA new 91.museum will 92.in our city . We are looking for a narrator . Requirements : Good at 93.English ; Familiar with the history of the city ; Good communication 94. For more information , get in touch 95.Mr. Li. Phone number is 278-7928.(B)做家务是学生应尽的义务。假设你是李雷,是一

21、名九年级的学生,请以“My Experience of Doing Housework”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你平时做的家务及 其感受。(15分)内容要点:L你做家务的原因;.你平时还的家务(至少举一个例子).你对做家务的感受。要求:L包含上述三个要点,可适当发挥;2文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称;第13页共16页3 80-100 词My Experience of Doing Housework第14页共16页参考答案I. 1. thankful2. is crying3. bottles4. took off 5. aboveIL 6. Sunday7. daughter 8. o

22、ff 9.ninth 10. themselves11. women12. green13. height 14. opening 15. interestedIIL 16-20 ABCAC 21-25 ABCCA 26-30 BCBCA 31-35 CCBCB36-40 BDEFA41. Of course /YesWhen are you going to buy them /When do you plan to buy themWhere are you going to have the partywho will you invite (to the party )Do you n

23、eed anything else. 46-50 HCGAK 51-55 BFIDE(A) 56-60 BDACD(B )61-65 DABCD(C) 66-70 FTTFT(D )71-75 DBAEC(E ) (a ) 76-80 CEBDA(b ) 81. cooking 82. interested 83. seven 84. videos 85. himself(F) 86. To be an honest personWhen he was in Grade 7.Mr. Long .Yes, he isBecause his parents were there for him a

24、nd supported him .VIII. (A) 91. history 92. be built 93. spoken /speaking 94. skills 95. with(B )My Experience of Doing Housework第15页共16页I think it is our duty to share some housework . Also , doing some hard housework is a physical exercise . As teenagers , we should take action to help it out at h

25、ome.In my spare time , I usually help my parents clean the house and cook . I like cooking because it helps me relax . Last weekend, I got up early and made noodles for my parents . When my parents got up , they were surprised and praised me with laughter . Although I was a little tired . I was happ

26、y and proud of myself because I could take care of my parents . From this unforgettable experience , I also have a deeper understanding of my parents .第16页共16页)16. Taking train is good way to see the world .A. the , aB. /, aC . an , the)17. -a clean and tidy room this is !-Yes. Its room .A. How , Ti

27、nas and Nina B. What, Tina and NinasC How , Tinas and Ninas)18. On the website , you can chat with in English to improve your spoken English .A. otherB. anotherC. others)19. -Tom every day .-Really ? But why is he so weak now ?A. used to exerciseB. is used to exercisingC used to stay up late)20. Whe

28、n you go abroad ,forget to bring your passport.A. alwaysB. hardlyC. never)21. -What kind of music do you like ?-I like music I can sing along with .A. thatB. whoC. what)22. In summer evening , many people enjoy taking walks the river.A. onB. alongC. in)23. We got so wet. We had umbrellas raincoats w

29、ith us !A. either ; orB. both; andC. neither ; nor)24. Mom is cooking chicken soup, it so good .A. soundsB. feelsC. smells)25. -Im afraid I cant pass the driving test tomorrow .-! Im sure youll make it.第2页共16页A. Cheer upB. Glad to hear that C. Sounds great()26. Her father tried his best to who took

30、his daughter to the hospital after theaccident.A. work outB. find outC. look out)27. -What do you think of Jack ?He is honest. All of us him .A. protectB. refuseC. trust)28. -What do you think of learning Chinese , Jim ?-Actually , I find hard to learn Chinese well in a short time .A. thatB. itC one

31、()29. Not only Li Ping but also his father excited that Chinese womens footballteam won the first prize .A. amB. areC. is()30. -Do you know he said at the party ?Go on - Im all ears.A. whatB. thatC. whichA. whatB. thatC. which)31.-is the yellow schoolbag ?It is 30 yuan .A. How oftenB. How oldC. How

32、much)32. -Is Helen here ?No, she isnt here. She in half an hour .A. arriveB. arrivedC. will arrive()33. No matter how many difficulties we have , I believe all the problem can in theend .A. solveB. be solvedC. answer()34. -Dont cross the road when the traffic lights are read next time !第3页共16页C. Sor

33、ry , I wontA. It doesnt matter B . Not at all()35. -English is difficult at the beginning.C. Sorry , I wontYes, but if you keep, you can make progress .to be learned Hyingto learn , tryingto be learned , to try二、交际运用(共15分)IV.完成对话从方框内选择正确选项,并把字母序号写在对话后面的横线上.(方 框中有一个是多余的选项)(5分)A. Yes, I have .Are you

34、all right ?Did you see a dentist ?It seems that you werent happy on the WeChat yesterday .What happened ?We should know how to protect ourselves .Jack: Tom , be careful ! You almost fell down .36Tom :Yes, Im OK. Dont worry .Jack: Youd better not look at your phone while walking .Tom: OK, I wont.Jack

35、 :37Tom : You saw my pictures on my WeChat, didnt ?Jack : Yes.38Tom: Just a little traffic accident. There was nothing serious , because we all wore the seat belts .第4页共16页Jack : OK. 39Tom : By the way , have you got vaccinated (接种疫苗)against COVID-19?Jack :40 Many people have got vaccinated in our c

36、ity .36. 37. 38. 39. 40.V.补全对话 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。(10 分)Mom , could I invite my friends to my birthday party this Sunday ?41.Could I borrow some money ?What for ?I need to buy some drinks and snacks .42.?I am going to buy them tomorrow .43.?I am going to have the party in my bedroom . I thi

37、nk it is a good place for a party .OK. By the way , 44.?A: I will invite Jack , Rose and Gina.B:45.?A: No, I dont need anything .B: Have a good time !A: Thanks , mom !三、阅读(共50分)VI.短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并把字母序号写在短文后面 的横线上。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)(10分)第5页共16页A. sleep B. hard C. Since D. depend on E. us F. was visi

38、ting G. at nightH. some time I. filled J. sometime K. that L. weDear son ,Haven,t seen you for _46 . These days our sweet moments keep running into my mind .I think there can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you .47 you were born , Iremembered , as a baby , you reached for me whenever you

39、were hungry or just needed to be held . Sometimes , when you woke 48 Just the touch of my hand would make you back to49. My hands picked you up when you fell, and I gave you a big hand proudly at your sports games . Thats the magic in the touch of a hand with love .As you grew older , I noticed 50_y

40、ou didnt hold my hand much any more. I toldmyself it was part of growing up , and I should just be glad you could do things on your own now. But when Fve been needed so much for such a long time , its 51_ to step back and feelunnecessary.On that day , I 52_ you in your city . As we were about to cro

41、ss a busy street, that was53 with traffic , you took my hand suddenly and shouted , Hang on to me , then ledme safely across. At that moment, I realized that my boy became a man and our roles changed . We still needed each other , but in different ways .My dear son, you have taught me to 54 you just

42、 as you once depended on me . Theloving hands “touch us , even if we live miles away . Thats because there is always a silent promise between 55_ that says , “I am here and you are not aloneLove,Mom46. 47.48. 49. 50.51. 52.53. 54. 55.VII.阅读理解。(40分)(A)A party for Jane!Our friend Jane is flying back t

43、o the US next Monday . Well have a party to say goodbye to第6页共16页her !Who: Miss Martins classWhen :Saturday , June 23rd at 9:00 a.m -11:00 a.m.Where : Our classroomPlease dont put our childrens presents to Jane in their schoolbags . The lunchbox bags may make them dirty . If its possible , please pu

44、t them in small paper bags . Children will give them to Jane at the party . We have a big box for Jane to put all the presents in .Please feel free to call me at -431 60326166 if you would like to give assistance ! We need two parents to help . One will help set the tables , and the other will help

45、cut the cake !根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)()56. How will Jane go back to the US?A. By ship B. By plane C. By train D. By car()57. The party will last.A. 4 hoursB. 1 hour C. 3 hours D. 2 hours()58. Where will the childrens presents be put after the party ?In a big boxB. In a small paper bag .C In schoolbagD. I

46、n the desk()59. The underlined word “assistance“ in the last paragraph probably means inChinese.A礼物B抚慰 C协助 D建议()60. Why are the children parents invited ?A. To take part in the partyB. To help the children move presentsC To say goodbye to Jane .D. To help prepare for the party .(B)第7页共16页In order to

47、 help teenagers build a strong body , students in Grade 9 have to take part in zhongkao P.E. test every year . To prepare for the test, many junior high school students try their best to train hard.On April 18, Sun Gao from Hangzhou , Zhejiang finished his RE. test. After three years of hard trainin

48、g , he got 26.5 points .“It wasnt a high score , since many of my classmates got full scores -30 points , but Im still happy , since I tried my best Sun said ,I think the P.E. test is really good for us . By hard training , I am much stronger now. he added .Gong Siyu from Chengdu , Sichuan is in Grade 8 now. I signed up (报名)for an after-school training class. I practice every Saturday evening for two hours , doing pull ups (弓I 体向上),a


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