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1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Section A la-2d一、用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空.lt s very necessary for us to use public (chopstick) when we eat with others.Silver Tea (leaf) are picked by hand in Junshan Island.Many classical Chinese poems are (wide)spread in the world.Look! The little cat is (lie) on the gras

2、s.How lovely it is!.People in western countries use (fork) and knives to eat food.When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for (process).二、英汉互译.据我所知,我的家乡以茶叶而闻名。这枚戒指是泰国制造的。.杭州生产丝绸。the ballpointpcn.The ballpoint pen was a great success. Everyone loves it.Now(E)minions of peo

3、ple use it all over the world every day.People will always remember Biro for his invention. Today in many English-speaking countries, people still use the word4tbiro to refer to any kind of ballpoint pen.文中画线局部(A)指代的是:.写出文中画线局部(B)和(D)的近义词或同义词:.将文中画线局部(C)译成英语:.将文中画线局部(E)改写为 several people use it in t

4、he world every day.从文中找出圆珠笔的两种表达法:第 2 课时 Section A(3a-4c)用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空.These (handbag) are very beautiful.The two pairs of (glove) from my grandma are full of love for the family.For safety,drivers must avoid (smoke)while driving.My friend Claude from (French) is keen on(喜爱)Chinese culture.The pos

5、t office closed down.As a result,some (postman) lost their jobs.New houses (build) by the local government and people have a feeling of happiness when they move in.The people in (German) speak German.完形填空Sara Bongiorni was a writer.She and her family tried to live without buying anything 1 in China

6、for one year.She recorded that experience in a new 2 A Year Without “Made in China”.At first the rule was just 3 things that had the label(商标) “Made in China”.Of course, 4 they happened to know that there was a Chinese component(元 件)in something,they wouldnt buy it,either.Ms.Bongiorni found it5 beca

7、use so many things in daily use were made in China.The tennis shoes were something that really troubled her.She had to try her best to look for shoes for her child.Little sneakers(运动鞋)seemed to be something that was made in China.lt took her two or three weeks to search and 6 she found sneakers made

8、 in Italy in a store.She paid almost $70 for them.However;a pair of tennis shoes made in China 7 cost $15, A few months later,Ms.Bongiorni found that although they were willing(愿意的)to 8 more money on somethingjots of times they just couldnt find non-Chinese alternatives(替 代品)to many things.For examp

9、le,their coffeemaker broke,but they couldnt 9 it because all the components were made in China.At the end of the year,they knew they 10 live like this forever.So they ended up buying things made in China again.)1.A.improved B.producedC.discovered D.guarded)2.A.movie B.program C.song D.bookB.suggesti

10、ng C.imaginingD.consideringB.until C.ifD.although)5.A.simple B.difficult C.strange D.easyB.finally C.suddenlyD. recentlyB.evenC.already D.onlyB.process C.spend D.take)9.A.repair B.break C.make D.buildB.neednt C.couldnt D.could第 3 课时 Section B (la-le)短文填空My city,Suzhou,is famous 1. its silk quilts.Th

11、ese quilts are 2. (make) of pure silk.They are made by skillful workers in many silk 3. (factory) in the city.The silk quilts are 4. (use)to keep people warm and comfortable in bed.They are 5. (know) to be very comfortable 6. they are light and soft totouch.Inaddition,they look 7.(beauty)as they are

12、 decorated with beautiful patterns.Many people from all over 8. world come to Suzhou 9. (visit) the silk factories and buy not only the silk quilts but many other silk 10. (produce) too.根据汉语意思完成句子.国际风筝节每年四月在潍坊举行。 TOC o 1-5 h z The kite festival is held in Weifang every.劳拉不知道放飞风筝能让人如此兴奋。Laura didnt k

13、now that kite flying could be .*.一些风筝被画上了彩色的画。Some kites werewith.为了防止迟到,你必须早点起床。To late,you must early.不管做什么,我们都要尽自己最大努力。 we do,we should try our best.众所周知,中国因长城而闻名。As we all know,China the Great Wall.Self Check(自我检测)短文填空Robots seem very new to most people.But they have a longhistory.The first one

14、1.(make) by a Greek inventor.Youmay see robots in some films.The robots in these films are usually stronger,faster and cleverer than people.In real life,most robots are used in 2. (factory).They are used to do many 3. (danger),difficult or boring jobs.Some people cant look after 4. (they) and robots

15、 are used to help them.For example,some people cant see.Many of these people use a dog 5.(help)themselves move around.This dog is called a guide dog.6.(science) are making a robot to help them.In the future,robot dogs mighttake the place of these guide dogs. Today,robots are also used inthe kitchen

16、tothe kitchen tothe kitchen tohospitals.At one hospital,a robot takes meals 7.the kitchen tothe sick peoples rooms.lt never loses its way 8.it has a mapof the hospital in its computer system.Robots can help us in a lot of 9.(difference) ways.However,they will never take 10.place ofhumans.书面表达中国结是中国特

17、有的民间手工编结艺术物品,具有独特的东方特色。假如你是来自中国的交换生,现就读于英国一所学校。请你根据历史出现在古代;在唐、宋朝开展成为一种艺术形式;明、清朝开始流行。颜色使用各种颜色的线进行编结(tie the knot),红色使用最多,因为红色代表好运和繁荣(prosperity)。用途用作装饰品(decoration),可挂于房屋、汽车、手机等不同的地方。现状中国各地可见,备受人们欢迎。要求:1.包含所给出的要点;2. 80词左右。.The glass and steel that were produced in this factory will be processedsoon.

18、This blouse is made by hand ,so it is a little expensive. 单项选择题The panda looks cute .A. a kind of B. kind ofC. kinds ofD. akinds of一An Ipad is really a great thing .-I agree . However ,. Using Ipad too much has a bad influence on us .A. every dog has its dayB. the grass is always greeneron the other

19、 sideC. no pains , no gainsD. every coin has two sidesTil finish the job ,how long it takes .A. unlessB. untilC. no matter D. eventhoughKids and women were the first the lifeboats.A. to get onB. getting on . C. to get into D.getting intoProducts on line are much cheaper than those in physical stores

20、.A. soldB. sellingC. are soldD. areselling一Do you know? She is a teacher .A. who is she B. who she is C. what she is D. what is she第2课时 Section A(3a-4c)用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空.These (handbag) are very beautiful.The two pairs of (glove) from my grandma are full of love for the family.For safety,drivers must

21、avoid (smoke)while driving.My friend Claude from (French) is keen on(喜爱)Chinese culture.The post office closed down.As a result,some (postman) lost their jobs.New houses (build) by the local government and people have a feeling of happiness when they move in.The people in (German) speak German.完形填空S

22、ara Bongiorni was a writer.She and her family tried to live without buying anything 1 in China for one year.She recorded that experience in a new 2 A Year Without “Made in China” .At first the rule was just 3 things that had the label(商标) “Made in China v .Of course, 4 they happened to know that the

23、re was a Chinese component(元 件)in something,they wouldn t buy it,either.Ms.Bongiorni found it 5 because so many things in daily use were made in China.The tennis shoes were something that really troubled her.She had to try her best to look for shoes for her child.Little sneakers(运动鞋)seemed to be som

24、ething that was made in China.lt took her two or three weeks to search and 6 she found sneakers made in Italy in a store.She paid almost $70 for them.Howevei;a pair of tennis shoes made in China 7 cost $15.第 3 课时 Section B (la-le)一、用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空.As I was trying (find) my way outj suddenly heard so

25、me noise.Linda hasn, t learned how (make) dumplings yet.A big sports meeting (hold) in our school in May every year.Visitors can see many (difference) kinds of kites at the festival.Zhang Jie beat the other (compete) and won first prize in the speech competitiono 二、短文填空My city,Suzhou,is famous 1. it

26、s silk quilts.These quiltsare 2. (make) of pure silk.They are made by skillful workers in many silk 3. (factory) in the city.The silk quilts are 4. (use)to keep people warm and comfortable in bed.They are 5. (know) to be very comfortable 6. they are light and soft to touch.In addition,they look 7. (

27、beauty)as they are decorated with beautiful patterns.Many people from all over 8.world come to Suzhou 9. (visit)the silk factories and buy not only the silk quilts but many other silk 10 (produce) too.第 4 课时 Section B(2a-3b)根据汉语意思完成句子L当孔明灯被点燃时,它们慢慢地升入空中。When the sky lanterns ,they slowly the air.这整座

28、山被大树覆盖着。The whole mountain big trees.纸通常是红色的,在被剪刀剪之前,要折叠。The paper,usually red, before it is with scissors.弄干后,再在极高温下烤烧它们。考点3After ,they are at a veryhigh .龙被看作是最强大的动物。Dragons the most powerful animal.短文改错Most western people believes china is one of the symbol of China. Tts best-known brand comes fr

29、om Jingdezhen. The most common things is dishes and plates.Wei fang, Shandong is the Kite City on China. The local people there are good at make and processing kites. An international kite festival is held Wei fang every year. The competitors from many different part of the world take part in it.Dur

30、ing the Spring Festival, paper cuttings are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for a good luck and a happy new years. A pair of scissors and some red paper are use to complete everything.Self Check(自我检测)任务型阅读The story took place in a small town in winter. One day a man met an oldla

31、dy by an expensive car.lt was clear that her car broken down. So he stopped his old truck and got out .Although he was smiling , the old ladywas worried , “Is he going to hurt me?”The man could see that she was frightened , so in his friendly voice he said Tm here to help you,madam. Why dont you wai

32、t in the car to get warm? By the way ,my name is Bryan Anderson .It took Bryan about fifty minutes to fix the car. The lady felt quite thankful and she asked how much she should pay him .But Bryan wanted no money,对他来说,帮助别人很正常。He said , “If you want to replay me , next time you see someone in need ,

33、just give out your friendly hand,After saying goodbye , the lady continued down the road till she reached a small cafe . She stopped for something to eat. As the pretty waitress stood next to her , the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant(怀 孕),Although she looked tired , she still serve

34、d the coustomurs with a smile on her face . As the old lady was going to pay the $ 1() bill, she remembered Bryans words.The old lady paid one hundred-dollar bill. but when the waitress returned with the change, the lady was gone. On the table she saw a small note. Her eyes were filled with tears wh

35、en she read it. Someone once helped me the way Im helping you . If you want to pay me back , continue being kind to others Under the note were nine more $ 100 bills ,Was the old lady an angel ?The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell her the story . Bryan.Bryan Anderson my dea

36、r.youre not going to believe what has happened .”Love needs to be passed on . Everyone can be angel.根据短文内容完成以下任务. Did the old lady believe in Bryan at the beginning of the story ? Why ?.请将划线句子(1)翻译成英语。.请将划线句子(2)翻译成汉语.请根据短文内容将句子补充完整,是句子意思连贯。The waitress found and on the table when she returned with t

37、hechange. What have you learned from the story ?(with one sentence)短文改错Kite flying is an exciting activity. In spring, children and their parents go to the parks, the playground or the mountains fly kites. Kite flying is good for our heathy. So it s very popular to people. Because it s easily and cheap to make kites, it s often made by the hand. It s made from bamboo, paper or plastic (塑料)and string. Paper or plastic is cut into all kind of shapes such as flower, animals and so on. Then the bamboo is cover with them. After make kites, you


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