



1、2022-2023学年山西省晋中市介休第六中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. There was something wrong with our car, so we had to go _ on foot to the village. A. all the way B. at all times C. all the places D. all the roads参考答案:A2. We toured around country after country, trying to _ little bits of the local language.A. set up B.

2、 look up C. pick up D. fix up参考答案:C3. If we _the other road, we would have arrived here in time for the meeting.A. take B. had taken C. took D. have taken参考答案:B4. Evidence shows that the of a parent adds to the probability that a youngster will commit criminal activities.A. disappearanceB. absenceC.

3、 attentionD. concern参考答案:B5. Thomas wants to know _Nina lives.A. where B. who C. what D. if 参考答案:6. As a leading expert in this field, he was invited_ some professional advice.A. to giveB. being givenC. giving D. given参考答案:A7. Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists.A. invited B. to

4、 invite C. being invited D. inviting 参考答案:A8. Suspecting him of robbing the bank, the police were _ his phone calls. A. looking B. glancing C. monitoring D. staring 参考答案:C9. My mother didnt _ us leaving Kunming at once, so we had to stay there for _ two days.A. approve; other B. approve of; more C.

5、approve of; another D. approve; another参考答案:C略10. Onlywhen_thepainting_decidewhetherthepaintingisworthbuying.A. hesees;hecan Bdoeshesee;canheChesees;canhe Dseeshe;hecan参考答案:C11. They started early this morning before dark. A. in order to reach B. in order that arrived C. so as to arrive D. so that g

6、ot to 参考答案:C12. -Have the arrangements for the concert next Saturday been all _?-Not yet. We havent found a free hand.A. in store B. in trouble C. in turn D. in place参考答案:D13. Everyone can _ and every dollar counts, please join us and donate some money to help earthquake victims.A. make a successB.

7、make a promiseC. make a pointD. make a difference参考答案:D14. many times, he believed nobody.A. Being cheated B. Cheated C. Having cheated D. To be cheated参考答案:B15. The amount of money given to everyone should be the same, _ whether they are kids or adults. A. in case of B. instead of C. regardless of

8、D. because of参考答案:C16. -Hurry, John!-Oh, damn! Both my legs are nearly to give out. I _for hours.A. had walked B. walked C. have been walking D. am walking参考答案:C略二、 书面表达17. 书面表达 (满分25分)假如你是宁德市某中学高二(1)班班长,你得知,你班王伟同学昨天下午放学回家路上看到一位老奶奶摔倒在地,他立刻将她扶到安全地方,同时打电话给120,使老奶奶得到了及时救治。请你就此事倡议全班同学向他学习。注意:1倡议要点如下:(1)

9、简述王伟事迹;(2)发表感想;(3)提出倡议;2可以根据提示适当展开,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数;4. 词数:120左右。高考资源网 classmates,I am more than pleased to share with you Wang Weis story._Thats all. Thank you.参考答案:略三、 阅读理解18. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。There are three branches of medicine. One is called “doctor medicine” or “scientific

10、 medicine”. Scientific doctors try to observe sickness, look for logical pattern, and then find out how the human body works. From there they figure out what treatments may work. This kind of medicine is believed to date from the 4th century BC. Although nowadays it is successful, in the ancient thi

11、s approach(方法) probably did not cure many patients.The second kind of medicine is called “natural cures” or “folk medicine”, in which less educated people try to cure sickness with various herbs. These folk healers also use observation and logic, but they are not so aware of it. They try things unti

12、l they find something that seems to work, and then they keep doing that. Folk medicine flourished(兴起) long before the development of scientific medicine and was more successful in ancient times.The third kind is called “health spas” or “faith healing”. Sometimes this may be as simple as touching the

13、 holy man and being immediately healed. Other times, a magician may make you a magic charm, or say a spell(咒语), to cure you. Some religious groups organize healing shrines(圣坛) for the sick. In these places people rest, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy food, drink water instead of wine, and exercise

14、in various ways. They also talk to the priests(牧师) and pray to the gods. If you are feeling depressed or you have been working too hard, going to these places may be just the right thing to make you feel better.60. Doctor medicine_.has a longer history than folk medicinehas been practiced for around

15、 2,400 yearsbases its treatments on observation and logicwas very successful in curing sicknesses in ancient times61. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT used in health spas?A. Magic power B. Various herbsC. Religious faith D. A healthy life style62. According to the passage, whi

16、ch of the following statements is true?Folk healers choose different herbs to cure diseases without any sound basis.People who practice folk medicine need lots of formal education on herbs.The success of folk medicine led to the development of doctor medicine.Natural cures worked better than scientific medicine in ancient times.63. The authors primary pur


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