热点五 环境保护-2022届中考英语热点聚焦_第1页
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1、热点五环境保护一、单选题l.If we keep bringing the air pollution to the of the people, the environment will be better.A. abilityB. agreementC. attentionD. advantage2. As the environment continues to improve, our city more people to come in the future.A. drawB. drawsC. will drawD. has drawn3Dont too many trees. T

2、heyre good for our environment(环境).A.sit downB.cut downC.put upD.to cut down4,The earth is our home. More attention should the environment.A. pay to protectB. pay to protectingC. be paid to protectD. be paid to protecting.we have many problems about our environment, some people still continue destro

3、ying our earth.A. ThoughB. BecauseC. OnceD. If.一What can we do the environment?We can do it by more trees.A. protecting; plantedB. to protect; planting C. protecting; planting D. to protect; planted.To have a better environment, people start to paper, rubber and glass.A. wasteB. developC. recycleD.

4、produce8/4Garbage classification (垃圾分类)”, which will enter Nanjing soon, will make it for thecitizens to enjoy the good living environment than before.A. easyB. easierC. easilyD.more easily.The environment a childs personality and quality.一Yes. Thats why Menciuss (孟子的)mother moved house three times.

5、A. representsB. shapesC. marksD. records. Ant Forest (蚂蚁森林)is a public service activity. It aims to remind people to the envkonment.A. get intoB. clean upC. care about二、完形填空How are you getting on with your subjects? Maybe you are the in your class. In the last few exams one or two even several your

6、classmates 2 higher marks than you. How do you feel? Are you jealous(嫉妒的)of them? Are you 3 them? Please think it over after reading the following text. You will probably learn a lot.Once a zoologist 4 antelopes(羚羊)which were living on both sides of a river in the Public of South Africa. He discover

7、ed that the antelopes on the east side multiplied more and ran faster than 5 on the west.The zoologist puzzled after long pondering(深思)about the differences. As the two groups of antelopes lived in the same environment and they 6 the same kind of grass.10.句意:确实是你的对手在提高你。A. is raising正在升起,B. are rais

8、ing正在升起,C.is improving正 在提高,D. are improving正在提高,根据后文的So thanks must go to your opponents.可知,要感谢你的 对手,因此你的对手在提高你,主语your opponents是复数形式,谓语用复数形式,故选D。三、阅读理解A答案:1-3 ABB解析:1.细节理解题。由第一段第二、三句中的“At the age of 4.So she began to pick up the batteries”可知,王君婿从4岁开始收集废弃电池。故选A。.细节理解题。由第二段第一句中的“At first, Wang*s fam

9、ily, classmates and neighbors didnft understandher”可知,文中提到了王君靖的家人、邻居和同学,没有提到她的老师。故选B。.细节理解题。由第三段第二句She cried because Tibet was the cleanest place in China in her heart. 可知,在王君靖的心里,西藏是中国最干净的地方。故选B。B答案:1-4ABCD解析:1 .图片识别题。句意:在雾霾天气里,那一项我们不能做? A图表示打开窗户通风透气:B 图表示洗脸;C图表示喝水、吃水果:D图表示带上防护口罩。作者在短文中谈到在雾霾天气里我 们应

10、注意的事项,列出了五点注意,即不要出门。如果不得不出门,要带上面罩:回家之后立即 洗脸、清洗鼻孔:在雾霾天气里尽量不要出门锻炼:在雾霾天气里最好关上窗户:多喝水,多吃 水果和蔬莱。由此可以判断,A图是雾霾天气里不适当的行为,在雾霾天气里最好要关上窗户,防 止雾霾进入室内。故答案选A。.细节理解题。句意:作者建议了几种我们在日常生活中保护环境的方式?作者在短文最后一段中 提到了三种我们在日常生活中注意环保的小建议,从文中first、second、third可知,故答案选B。.词义猜测题。句意:文中画线部分的单词“private”是什么意思?此处是作者对于我们在日常生活 中如何注意环保的建议,上学

11、或上班骑车或乘坐公交车,尽量不要开车,通常开车上学或上班应 该是属于自己的汽车,结合题中所提供的选项判断,这里应该指私家车,私人用车,作者建议我 们出行尽量使用环保的自行车或使用公共交通,汽车无论豪华还是普通车或低档次的车、是否是 二手车或新车,只要汽车开动,就会排放汽车尾气,都会对空气产生一定程度的污染,而电动车 是使用电瓶充电作为动力的车,相对来说比较环保,不会排放尾气污染空气,可以骑行。故答案 选C.主旨大意题。句意:作者想告诉我们什么?本文的主要话题是hazy weather,所有内容都是围绕 这个话题展开的,内容主要涉及雾霾天气里我们需要注意的事项,以及在日常生活中我们如何注 意环保

12、的小建议。我国的雾霾天气越来越严重,The hazy weather in China is much more terrible.,它 影响着人们的健康,也影响着交通安全,It has not only done harm to peoples health, but also affected the public traffic safety.;我们的政府要采取措施保护环境,Chinacan*t wait another five or ten years to solve the problem.: 我们应该从我做起,人人注意环保,In my opinion, there are ma

13、ny ways for us to protect our environment., Its our duty to keep our city clean, tidy and beautiful., And everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 0从短文中的这些内容可以判断,作者从雾霾天气谈到环保,作者的 意图很明显,是想告诉我们雾霾天气是一种环境污染,我们应该注意保护环境。中国很多城市都 有雾霾天气,我们无法逃避,escape from the city on hazy days并不现实,也是一种消极的态度;作 者在文中提及Th

14、e hazy weather in China is much more terrible.,如果目的是告诉人们不必担忧雾霾 天气,那是前后自相矛盾,所以A、B、C都不是作者原本的意图。故答案选D。C答案:1-5 ABCAC解析:1.推理判断题。根据 However, population growth and climate change are leading to less biodiversity(生态多样性)and putting humans in danger.然而,人口增长和气候变化正在导致生物多样 性减少,并将人类置于危险之中。可知,人口增长和气候变化对环境造成问题。故选A。

15、.词义猜测题。根据 Be an informed consumer(消费者).Remember, companies will sell what people want, so tell companies that you want products that do not hurt our planet.做个 的消费者。 记住,公司会出售人们想要的东西,所以告诉公司你想要的产品不会伤害我们的地球。可知,告诉公司你想 要的产品不会伤害我们的地球,说明你是有见识的人。故推测“informed”是“有见识的”意思。故选Bo.推理判断题。根据Dont buy products you dont

16、need.不要购买你不需要的产品。” Throw fewer goods away by using things more than once.通过多次使用物品减少扔掉的物品。When you do have to throw something away, recycle it so it can be made into something useful again.当你不得不扔掉某样 东西的时候,回收它,这样它就可以再次变成有用的东西。”可知,文章没有提到C项”Buying over packaged products.过度购买包装产品”,但符合题意。故选Co.标题归纳题。通读最后一段

17、,根据 So reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)is one effective way to protect biodiversity.所以减少碳排放是保护生物多样性的有效途径之一。可知,此段主要讲了减少碳 的排放,保护我们的环境。故选A。.文章目的题。通读全文,根据 So what can we do to help protect biodiversity and our environment?那么, 我们能做些什么来帮助保护生物的多样性和我们的环境呢?可知,文章的主要B的是提倡我们为保护 环境做些事情。故选C。D答案:1-4BDBA 解析:1 .细节理解题。

18、根据第一段第五句Scientists think there are between eight and fourteen million kinds of plants and animals, but we only know about 1.8 million now.”可知,目前科学家仅了 解大约 180 万种动植物。故选B。.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句In 2009, a group of scientists went to the rainforests of Ecuador to search for new kinds of animals.”可知,科学家们前往厄瓜多尔的热

19、带雨林是为了寻找新的动物种类。故选Do.指代判断题。根据第三段第一至三句Scientists tell us that frogs and insects(昆虫)are very important. They help to keep our environment clean. We can also use them to make new medicines.“可知,不,学家们 认为蛙和昆虫很重要,它们有助于保持环境清洁,人类也可以用它们来制造新药。由此可推知,第三段 中画线单词“them”指代蛙和昆虫。故选B。.标题概括题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了科学家们在厄瓜多尔的热带雨林发现

20、的新物种及这 些物种给人类带来的益处。A项“科学家们发现了新型动物”能概括文章大意,适合做本文标题。故 选Ao四、短文五选五答案:BECAD解析:L本题考查细节理解,此段描述了一个男孩购物可能发生的步骤,此空前售货员将商品放入塑 料袋,所以这里可能是说男孩回家后穿上衣服就随手把塑料袋扔掉了。故选B。.本题考查细节理解,前文用设问提出了我们每年要扔掉多少塑料袋呢?所以这里回答了这个设问, 没有人认真考虑过这个问题,但是这个数字大约是1,200,000,000,000个。故选E。.本题考查细节理解,前面表明一个观点,塑料袋污染环境,这里是进一步描述怎么污染的,它们对动 物很危险,而且是大海有害。故

21、选C。.本题考查细节理解,该段说明减少塑料袋污染,保护环境的各种方法,这里则是用一个总起句引出后 文的具体方法描述,我们应该怎么做呢?故选Ao.本题考查细节理解,此部分呼吁人们要采取切实行动来组织塑料袋污染,所以这里是一句呼 吁,Coles Bay是一个小城市,但是小事也能造成大的影响。故选D。五、补全对话答案:GDBEA解析:结合下文The beach? Why will you go there, Alan?”沙滩?为什么要去那儿,艾伦? ”结合选 项可知,G选项”我明天打算去沙滩。”符合题意。故选G。结合上文Why will you go there, Alan?”沙滩?为什么要去那儿,

22、艾伦? ”结合选项可知,D选项” 我将去做志愿者工作。”符合题意。故选D。结合下文,And it also does harm to the water and the fish.”它也对水和鱼类有害。”结合选项可知,B选项”它污染海洋。”符合题意故选风结合下文We will take all the plastic waste to the recycling station.我们将把所有的塑料垃圾带到回 收站。”结合选项可知,E选项”但是你们将如何处理垃圾呢? ”符合题意。故选E。结合下文OK?”可以吗? ”结合选项可知,A选项”我想加入你们。”符合题意。故选A。六、短文填空答案:1. d

23、ifference 2. Recently 3. caught 4. communities 5. creates 6. users 7. if 8. doing9. covered 10. cleaner解析:(l)difference.考查名词。根据句意:只要他的手机和一次海滩之旅就能让一切变得不同,有影响。(2)Recently.考查副词。根据句意:最近。recently副词,故填Recently。(3)caught.考查动词。根据句意:一款名为“垃圾”的新应用程序吸引了他的眼球,这一段都是用的一般 过去时态。(4)communities.考查名词。根据句意:该应用呼吁世界各地的人们在自

24、己的社区里捡垃圾,可数名词, 故填 communities o(5)creates.考查动词。根据句意:它不仅组织当地的清理工作。一般现在时,动词要用第三人称单数。 (6)users.考查名词。根据句意:用户所要做的就是将手机连接到应用程序。all所有的后面要加名词复 数。(7)if.考查连词。根据句意:该应用程序帮助布莱恩记录他在哪里找到垃圾。是否。(8)doing.考查动词。根据句意:有了这个应用。have fun ,做某事很快乐。(9)covered.考查动词。根据句意:到目前为止。has+过去分词构成现在完成时。(lO)cleaner.考查名词。根据句意多亏了布莱恩。much用在比较级

25、前加强程度。七、书面表达答案:Dear classmates,The World Earth Day is coming. It is an international day that usually falls on April 22nd every year. Its goal is to raise peoples awareness about the problems of environment.According to this goal, there are some ways we can do to improve our living environment. Firs

26、t, we can plant more trees and flowers, which are pleasing to both the environment and us. Second, turn off the lights when we leave the room. It is a good way to save energy as well as money. Third, when we go to school, we can walk or ride a bike instead of taking a car to reduce exhaust gas. I ho

27、pe all the students in our school will take an active part in protecting the environment.Lets protect our environment together!Yours,Li HuaOne year, 7 the help of the Animal Protecting Society, he caught ten antelopes on each side and exchanged them. A year later, the ten antelopes 8 to the west ban

28、k multiplied by fourteen while only three remained of the ones sent to the east. Where were the other seven? They had been eaten by wolves!At last the zoologist understood why the antelopes on the east were stronger. That was because on the east side there 9 a group of wolves-their natural enemy! No

29、t everything is plain sailing in your life. It is your opponents(对手)that 10 you indeed. So thanks must go to your opponents. Its true!l.A. bestB. topC. badD. excellent2.A. gotB. had gotC. have gotD. has got3. A. grateful toB. afraid ofC. pleased withD. angry with4. A. learnedB. foundC. noticedD. wor

30、ked on5. A. the oneB. othersC. thoseD. any other6. A. fed onB. raisedC. offeredD. grew up7.A. underB. forC. toD. with8.A. sendB. sentC.returnD. returned9.A. wereB. wasC. hadD. owned10.A. is raisingB. are raisingC. is improvingD. are improving三、阅读理解AWang Junjing is a 13-year-old middle schoolgirl fro

31、m Beijing. At the age of 4, she happened to know from her father that discarded(丢弃的)batteries(电池)were harmful to the environment. So she began to pick up the batteries on her way to school and around her neighborhood.At first, Wangs family, classmates and neighbors didnt understand her, but soon the

32、y knew that collecting batteries was good for the environment and began to join her.When Wang Junjing was 7, she visited Tibet and found three discarded batteries there. She cried because Tibet was the cleanest place in China in her heart. Since then, she has made up her mind to collect more batteri

33、es.For the past nine years, Wang Junjing has travelled about 80 000 kilometers around China and collected 130 000 discarded batteries with the help of others. Though she is only a middle school student, she is now a big star in China. Her story makes more and more Chinese people protect the envii*on

34、ment.When did Wang Junjing begin to collect discarded batteries?A. When she was 4.B.Whenshe was 7.C. When she was 9.D.Whenshe was 13.Who are NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Wang Junjings family.B.WangJunjing*s teachers.C. Wang Junjings neighbors.D.WangJunjings classmates.Which of the following is TR

35、UE?A Wang Junjing wants to be a famous star in the future.Tibet is the cleanest place in China in Wang Junjing*s heart.Wang Junjings parents dont care about the environment.Wang Junjing went to Tibet in order to collect discarded batteries at first.BDo you enjoy travelling? I like travelling. But I

36、noticed that hazy weather (雾霾天气)often appeared in many cities when I went on vacation. The hazy weather in China is much more terrible. It has not only done harm to peoples health but also affected the public traffic safety.Hazy weather affects our life a lot. We must pay attention on hazy days:Donf

37、t go out. If you have to, please wear a face mask (面罩, 口罩).Wash your face and clean your nose as soon as you get back home.Try not to exercise outside on hazy days.Youd better close the windows on hazy days.Drink more water, and eat more fruit and vegetables.China cant wait another five or ten years

38、 to solve the problem. In my opinion, there are many ways for us to protect our environment. First, dont throw rubbish everywhere. Second, go to school or travel to work by bike or by bus instead of driving private cars. Third, join a program to protect the environment. Its our duty to keep our city

39、 clean, tidy and beautiful. And everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 1. Which cant we do on hazy days?.How many ways does the writer suggest us to protect the environment in our daily life?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD.Five.What does the underlined word private11 in the passage mean?A.豪华的B.电动的C

40、私人的D.二手的. The writer wants to tell us thatwe should escape from the city on hazy dayshow to escape from hazy weather in daily lifewe neednt worry about hazy weather at allhazy weather is a serious environment problemCAll plants and animals are connected and depend on one another. These connections c

41、reated a web of different kinds of life that are able to protect themselves from damage.(破坏)However, population growth and climate change are leading to less biodiversity(生态多样性)and putting humans in danger. So what can we do to help protect biodiversity and our environment?Be an informed consumer(消费

42、者)Avoid buying from companies that do damage to the environment. Remember, companies will sell what people want, so tell companies that you want products that do not hurt our planetFollow the nThree RsHThe less garbage you throw away, the less likely it is that natural habitats(栖息、地)will be used for

43、 landfills(垃圾填埋).Try to follow the Three Rs to produce as less waste as possible.Reduce: Dont buy products you dont need. When you do buy things, try to make choices that lead to a smaller amount of garbage. For example, buy things with a little bit of packaging(包装)or none at all. Reuse: Throw fewer

44、 goods away by using things more than once. One easy example is taking a reusable bag to get grocery store.(杂货店)Recycle: When you do have to throw something away, recycle it so it can be made into something useful again.Fossil(化石)fuels are bad for the environment. The climate change they cause also

45、leads to habitat loss(丧失)for at-risk animals. So reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)is one effective way to protect biodiversity. You could start by using less energy: Walk or ride your bike instead of driving, and think about green energy like solar power(太阳能)Ac cording to the passage, which of these ar

46、e causing problems for the environment?A.Population growth and climate change. B.The forming of a web of different living things.C.Creating more products.D.Turning land into natural habitats.What does the underlined word 64informed, probably mean in the passage?A.being interested in a subjectB.havin

47、g a lot of knowledge about a subjectC.being hard workingD.being careful about spending moneyAc cording to the Three Rs”,people can do the following things to produce less waste except_?A.Buying products you need.B.Using bags that you can use more than once.C.Buying over-packaged products.D.Recycling

48、 what you dont need.Which of the following should be the best title for the last paragraph?A.Reduce your carbon emissionsB.Look for better fossil fuelsC.Stop climate change.D.Protect at-risk animalsWhat is the purpose of this passage?A.To remind us about environmental problems.B.To teach us how to a

49、chieve biodiversity.C.To show us things we can do to protect the environment.D.To show the importance of developing green energy.DDo you know how many kinds of plants and animals there are in the world? Maybe one niillion? Two million? No, not even close! Scientists think there are between eight and

50、 fourteen million kinds of plants and animals, but we only know about 1. 8 million now. They are slowly finding new kinds all the time, and thats good news for us.In 2009, a group of scientists went to the rainforests of Ecuador to search for new kinds of animals.They had to walk silently and look v

51、ery carefully and, guess what? They found a tiny little frog (蛙)that is smaller than the end of your smallest finger! They found another frog, too. That looks like it is made of glass. The scientists also found seven new kinds of grasshoppers(蚱蠕) Some of them are very beautiful.Scientists tell us th

52、at frogs and insects(昆虫)are very important. They help to keep our environment clean. We can also use them to make new medicines. Researchers all over the world are working very hard to find new plants and animals every day. But their jobs are getting harder, because forests where these animals live

53、are quickly disappearing and the animals are, too.How many kinds of plants and animals do we know now?A. Less than 1 million.B. About 1. 8 million.C. More than 8 million.D. About 14 million.Why did the scientists go to the rainforests of Ecuador in 2009?A. To learn about the environment there.B. To

54、take frogs back to their home.C. To study the differences between frogs.D. To look for new kinds of animals.The underlined word them in Paragraph 3 refers to(指的是).A. forestsB. frogs and insectsC. medicinesD. plants and animalsWhat would be the best title for the passage?Scientists find new animalsB.

55、 Protecting the worldC. Researchers develop new medicinesD. Travelling in Ecuador四、短文五选五Imagine that a boy goes into a shop and buys a T-shirt. The shop assistant (售货员)puts the T-shirt in a plastic bag (塑料袋).Most of us have had the same experience. We do the same thing with plastic bags.Every day ma

56、ny people throw lots of plastic bags away. Its said that Australians throw about four billion (十亿)bags away a year and Americans throw away about 100 billion a year. So how many plastic bags do people throw away all over the world in a year?Thats a lot of bags.For sure, these bags do no good to the

57、environment.In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, there*s an area full of rubbish, including plastic bags and other wastes. It takes days to travel through it.Well, for a start, we can ban (禁止)plastic bags. Coles Bay in Tasmania is one of the first plastic-bag-free towns in the world. Walk into a shop

58、 there and try to find a plastic bag. You cant! People put their shopping in cloth bags (布袋)and they reuse the bags again and again.We can make a difference, too. Just say no to plastic bags!根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。A. So what should we do?At home the boy puts on the T-shirt and throws the

59、 bag away.They are dangerous for animals and they pollute beaches and the sea.Coles Bay is a small town, but small things can make a big difference.Nobody really thinks about that, but the number is about 1.2 trillion (1,200,000,000,000)! 五、从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项) A: Hello, Mark!.B: The bea

60、ch? Why will you go there, Alan?A:. We will clean the beach. We will collect plastic waste to recycle, too.B: Oh, plastic is harmful to the environment.Yes, youre right.And it also does harm to the water and the fish. We should care about what happens to the ocean.I agree with you. (4).We will take


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