



1、2022-2023学年广东省江门市蚬岗中学高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. My new computer has _ the old oneAtwice as much memory as Bas twice much memory asCtwice memory as much as D as much twice memory as参考答案:A略2. Faced with difficulties or failure in exams, many a student _ a negative attitude most of the time. A. have shown

2、B. had shown C. shows D. show参考答案:C3. At the press conference, the Chinese Foreign ministry spokesman made the strong objections_ the proposals.A. againstB. ofC. to D. on参考答案:C4. The boy was so worn out that he fell asleep _ his mother could take off his clothes.A. before B. after C. while D. when参考

3、答案:A5. in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself attheparty. A. Dressed;noticingB. Dressing;noticedC. Dressed;noticedD. Dressing;beingnoticing参考答案:C6. Bill, can you tell us something about this film ? We are short of time. A.in brief B. in conclusion C. in return D. in order参考答案:A7

4、. - I would like to take a two-day trip next week. - _. We are too busy to afford it.A. Out of the question B. Dont mention it C. Dont worryD. Out of question参考答案:A8. In no way should we hunt and kill antelopes. _, everyone should make great efforts to protect them. A. In timeB. As a result C. In ad

5、dition D. On the contrary参考答案:D9. Do you know when the USA _war on Japan during the Second World War?A. announced B. declared C. fought D. attended参考答案:B10. If you have good reading strategies, what seems confusing at first _ upon further reading. A. makes senseB. worksC. countsD. pays参考答案:A略11. Im

6、used to in the room which to keep books and magazines.A. living, used B. live, is used C. live, used D. living, is used参考答案:D12. After John got on the bus, he looked around and caught a man _ his hand into a pocket of a passenger. ks5uA. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting参考答案:D13. At last the

7、y came to a small farm house in the cold moonlight, _ lived an old man and his beautiful girl. A. which B. that C. there D. where参考答案:D14. Hello, Tom. This is Mary speaking. What a coincidence! I _ about you.A. was just thinking B. just thought C. have just thought D. would just think参考答案:A15. The w

8、eight of _machine will be determined by the kind of _metal used. A. a; the B. ; the C. ; D. a ; 参考答案:D16. After being criticized by her mother,she spoke out the words_in her heart for many years,tears_her eyes.Ahaving hidden;filling Bhidden;filledChiding;having filled Dhidden;filling参考答案:D二、 书面表达17.

9、 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150左右的英语短文。 Boys who play truant(逃学) are very foolish. They waste their time in playing online games in Internet cafes, or watching the same film over and over again in the cinema. Recently, a boy playing truant in England found himself in a very dangerous situation, 1,600 miles fr

10、om home. He hitchhiked(免费搭车) to Dover and, towards evening, went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep when he woke up the next morning, he discovered that the boat had traveled to Calais. No one noticed the boy as he crept off. Form there, he hitchhiked to Paris in a truck. The driver gave he a fe

11、w biscuits and a cup of coffee and left him just outside the city. The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spain border. There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. He has

12、 surely set up a record for the thousands of boys who dream of playing truant. 写作内容1.以约30个词概括短文的要点2. 以约120个词就逃学的话题谈谈你的想法, 内容包括:(1)为什么有学生逃学的现象?(2) 逃学有什么危害?(3) 你认为应该如何杜绝逃学现象?写作要求(1) 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;(2) 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。参考答案:A boy playing truant in

13、England made a very dangerous journey. Finally he was picked up by a foreign policeman fortunately and sent back home safely, which sets up a record for the thousands of truants. Nowadays many students play truant because they feel stressed when they study at school. Some of them feel guilty about t

14、heir poor performance at school, and others just ger tired of studying. But playing truant can be dangerous for the students, because they stay outside the satety of home and school. As a result, they could be hurt, causing their parents much worry.To stop students from playing truant, they should b

15、e told the danger of doing so. Teachers should try to help poor students to make progress in their studies so that they will feel they are achieving something. In other words, if students are given more care, there will be fewer truants.三、 阅读理解18. For anyone who has regular trouble with their teeth,

16、 science has some good news. Humans could one day grow beaks (鸟啄) ,a biologist has predicted . Unlike teeth, a beak would not rot, chip or fall out. This would make it “more solid and practical”, said Dr. Gareth Fraser.The bad news for anyone worrying about a coming trip to the dentist is that the c

17、hange in which the teeth would mix together to form a tough, pointy beak is several million years away.Dr. Fraser, biologist at Sheffield University, is interested in why humans grow only two sets of teeth baby teeth and adult ones - while some creatures have an endless supply. A shark, for instance

18、, will grow new teeth around once a fortnight. And pufferfish constantly produce the tooth like material that their beak is made from, meaning any wear and tear is rapidly mended.Dr. Fraser says that he has identified the cells behind this constant regeneration (再生). The nicknamed “tooth fairy ” cel

19、ls could hold the key to allowing us to grow set after set of teeth. This would allow us to grow extra teeth as needed. It may also be possible for us to grow teeth that are nicer than nature intended.Dr Fraser said: “I guess people will be looking at whether you can make perfect teeth” He added: “W

20、ith our extended lives and modern diets, the limited supply of human teeth is really no longer fit for purpose. Our research is focused on looking for ways in which we can copy the way that fish create an endless supply of teeth and bring this ability to humans.”But dont stop taking care of your tee

21、th because it will be around 50 years before we can grow extra teeth as needed. In the shorter term, in may be possible to create material that repairs rotten and damaged teeth, removing the need for fillings.31. What did the biologist predict?A. Humans could one day grow beaks. B. Humans can grow p

22、erfect teeth again in the future.C. Human teeth will never rot, chip or fall out in the future.D. Human teeth will be more solid and practical in 50years.32. What does the underlined expression “wear and tear” mean?A. damageB. tirednessC. separationD. old-fashion33. What is the function of “tooth fa

23、iry” cells?A. They may help us keep away from the dentist.B. They must allow us to grow set after set of teeth.C. They may allow us to grow teeth that are nicer than nature intended.D. They must allow us to grow extra teeth as needed.34. What can we infer from the passage?A. Human teeth are perfectl

24、y fit for the modern diets.B. We neednt take good care of our teeth 50 years later.C. Humans may create an endless supply of teeth in the future.D. Teeth can repair the rotten or damaged ones by themselves in the future.35. The passage can be classified as_.A. An advertisement B. a diary C. a report


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