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1、议题型分类大全搞定这一步,稳稳上6.5分!:-学为贵2018-9-23Two Questions=Report解决方案1.原因分析+2.原因分析+有何影响3.原因分析+随机(鬼才知道会问什么)4.造成+解决方案-特别注意你有可能遇到其中任何一种组合2018-9-23Two Questions=Report注意区分这两个问题,经常导致TR低分What do you think are the causes?What problems does it cause?2018-9-23往年1. 很多人不认识自己的邻居。(原因+解决)2. 全世界的城市越来越相似。(原因+影响)3. 爸妈在家扮演的角色有

2、很大不同。(原因+会不会有改变)4. 人类越来越长。(导致+解决)2018-9-23分析原因的原则1.不能只局限;2.客观的出发点;3.通过年代对比找到原因();4.范围缩小一些;2018-9-23report类型的段(原因+解决方案版本)直接改写原题,不需要背景引出(问题/也可以两个都预告)第一个原因分析。(idea-support)改写能力)+承上启下(可以只预告第一个3. Another cause ist, , 第二个原因分析。(idea-support)4. (因为很严重/因为做某事很重要)so measures should be taken to 解决方案 1 + (sot)结果

3、 解决方案2 + (his way,)结果5. 总结重复原因/解决方案可以用“因为,所以”或者“虽然,但是”的方法把两部分分别放进去。2018-9-23范文-1Task2:Nowadays, we are producing more and more rubbish. Why doyou think this is happening? What canreduce the amount of rubbish produced?ernments do to help2018-9-23范文-1t in almost every country today each household and

4、family produce a largeIt is trueamount of waste everyk. I thinkt betteres and increasing popularity ofdisable products are probably responsible for this.Themureason why we have an increasing amount of rubbish ist we consume soore on a daily basisn famis didhe past. With higher salaries, peopletoday

5、tend to frequently buy new clothes and the latesectronic devi. As a result, thepackaging from the things we buy significantly increases the amount of rubbish.2018-9-23范文-1The increasing amount of waste produced is also a result of our tendency to use something once and throw it away. More specifical

6、ly, to live a convenient life, disableproducts, such as bottled waters or pr handkerchiefs, have been gaining popularity,which contributes to a larger amount of rubbish produced on a daily basis.Certainly nobody wants to see our planet poisoned by waste, so measure should be takento combat this situ

7、ation.ly, children should be educated about environmental iesoat school. For extheir curriculum.le, knowledge about how to recycle waste should be factoredernments cso encourage adults to take action by putting taxeson packing, such as plastic bags and by fining households and shops to recycle their

8、 waste.2018-9-23t do notempt范文-1Into, the improved living standard and the pursuit of a convenient life have ledarming increasehe amount of rubbish. Theernment should take moreresponsibility to mitigate the problem.2018-9-23范文-2A lot of young people do not know how to manage their money whengraduati

9、ng from high school. What do you thin are the reasons? Whatcan be done to teach them this important skill?2018-9-23范文-2这篇文章的两个原因写成了一个段落,因为各自展开比较少。为了保持段落平衡,一段比分开写更合理。2018-9-23范文-2Many young people are leaving school without a basic and vitaderstanding of howalfinanought to be managedhe adult world. T

10、his lack of knowledge is due to a lack of lifeexperience and limited education which can be solvedwo simple ways.One main reason why so many young people are unable to manage their own finanuponfinishing high school ist they have been living along with their parents for free. As a result,they have n

11、ever needed to earn a salary or save their money in order to pay bills. Another causeist schools do not factoral finanl managemento their curriculum. Schools focusinstead on classic subjects, such as maths, geography, history and languages, whieansimportant life skills are not being taught. Both tea

12、chers and parents are failing to prepare youngpeople for the real world.2018-9-23范文-2There are two options for solving young peoples inability to manageal finan.ly, parents should spend time with their children teaching them how money is earned, budgeted and used for either savings or expenses. One

13、simple step could be for parents tostart by teaching young children how to manage their pocket money and, as their childgrows up, expando more serious household expenses. Secondly, schools shouldincorporaife skillso their curriculum for final year students.his way, children need to budgeted andwill

14、be able to learn in a supportive environment how their finan managed to avoid debt problems later in life.In, young people lack finanl management skills due to the negligence ofparents and schools, which can only be solved if both take more responsibility forequip2018-9-23school leavers with the rig

15、ht skills.用来写原因的topic sentenThe poorly.Themureason for the shortage of younger teachers iseaching job paysreason why bicycle riding is no longopular ist people today haveore choifor transporion.3. In addition, the increasehe amount of rubbish is also a result of people usingmore dis4. It is trueable

16、 products.t poor health of teral population is assoted with peoples badeating habits.2018-9-23解决方案-切实可行(收税/花钱/颁布法律);1.1). The-ernment could ime higher taxes on sos to invest in./finant .lly support./spend2). What theernment shouldmoney3). Theng.ernment ought to require .to .2.3.4.家长学校公司5. authoritie

17、s2018-9-23report类型的段 (原因+有何影响版本)1. 直接改写原题,不需要背景引出(扩充或者缩减原题)+承上启下(最好两个问题都预告)2.One of the reasons ist 第一个原因分析。(idea-support)3. In addition, 第二个原因分析。(idea-support)4.过渡句-To my knowledge, there are 完全取决于你自己(好/坏/虽然.但是.)5. 总结(重复原因/影响)2018-9-23More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, carsa

18、nd other items. What are the reasons? Do you think it is aor negative development?itive2018-9-23For a variety of reasons, there has been an increasehe number of people who areobsessed with famous brands when buying new clothes, cars, watches and other items. Inmy opinion, this is largely detrimental

19、 to many people.Thereason for such an obseswith purchasing brand name products is theinfluence of modern advertising. On a daily basis, we are bombarded by countless TVcommerls and magazine advertisementst encourage us to assote certain brandswihigher sol sus, such as Mercedes Benz limousines. As a

20、result, an increasingnumber of people are convincedt owning and using those advertised products is asymbol of suc2018-9-23s.Another cause is the rising living standardost countries. With many people earning a bettersalary, the pursuit of higher quality of life has been popular. This stimulates consu

21、mers with moreaffordability to choose products of prestigious brands, which are widely becreatively designed and well produced.ved to be more durable,Although being a loyal customer to famous brands allows people to enjoy both material and spiritualsatisfactions, I strongly bevet this kind of shoppr

22、eference has significant negativeimpacts.ly, as the conceptt big brands represent wealnd sucs prevails, people livingon a tight budget are also likely to be lured to follow this trend, which will cause them to spend themoney borrowed from the band finally end up with serious debt troubles. In additi

23、on, beingaddicted to famous brands leads people to buy thingst may not suit them best. For exle, totfollow the latest trend set by influential brands, many people would buy shoes and clothesneither fit their2018-9-23alities nor their lifestyles.In, due to the influence of advertising and the rise in

24、 peopleses, the popularity of buying famous brand goods has been increasing,which, from my poof view, generates undesirablees.2018-9-23report类型的段 (问题+解决方案版本)1. 直接改写原题,不需要背景引出(扩充或者缩减原题)+承上启下(我认为这会导致,他们能够被解决)2.第一个问题扩展(idea-support)3. In addition, 第二个问题扩展。(idea-support)4.针对这两个问题提出解决方案5. 总结(问题 + 解决)2018

25、-9-23report类型的段 (问题+解决方案版本)A risehe standard of living in a country often only seems tobenefit cities rathern rural areas. What problems might thisdifference cause? How might these problems be reduced?2018-9-23report类型的段 (问题+解决方案版本)There has been a significant rise in living standards of peopleany c

26、ountries,such as better education quality and smallere disparity. However, it seemst such improvements are mostly enjoyed by urban dwellers rathern thoselivinghe countryside, which,y opinion, will resultany undesirablees for both cities and rural areas.2018-9-23report类型的段 (问题+解决方案版本)As urban lives k

27、eeping increasingly appealing, an overwhelmingly largenumber of people will be drawn to cities either in search of more employmentopportunities or seeking superior level of medical care servi. This willdefiniye tremendous prere on both locals and new comers of big cities,such as rising living costs,

28、 frustrating traffic congestion, andfor jobs.ense competition2018-9-23report类型的段 (问题+解决方案版本)As for rural areas, the problems caused are also significant. To be specific, therewill be a severe shortage of labour force working in agricultural industry, with too many people migrating from villages to t

29、owns and cities. As a result, farming landwould be left uncultivated and crop yields would significantly decline,siblyfollowed by a rise in food prinationwide.2018-9-23report类型的段 (问题+解决方案版本)t, therefore, measures should be taken to narrow the quality of life gap betI thinknurban and rural areas.ly,

30、tax reduction and exemption could be asible solution tothe problem of labour drain. In other words, both individuals and businesses wouldchoose to stay if there ich a favorable (preferential) policy. Secondly, theernmentcould also make people willing to stay where they were born and grew up by impro

31、vinglocal living conditions, such as budgeting more money towards education and healthservi.In, the problems caused by the disparity betn cities and villages areconcerning people of both pla. They can only be solved if theernment takes moreresponsibility for closing the gap.2018-9-23Report 类型的第一段一般不

32、需要背景句,题目中的现象本身就是背景,所以只需要直接开始改写的工作就可以了。2018-9-23report类型的介绍段(从原文里找到新的主语)1)any countries schools have severe problems with students behavior. What doyou think are the causes? What solutions do you suggest?Poor student behavior seems to be an increasingly widespreroblemanycountries. I thinkt modern lif

33、estyles are probably responsible for this. (提前总结型过渡)2018-9-23report类型的介绍段(从原文里找到新的主语)2). Children and teenagers are committing more crimesthink are the causes? How should they be punished?n before. What do youThe number of crimes committed by children and teenagers has been increasing. Ithinkt there

34、 could be several reasons why this is happening. (空话型过渡)2018-9-23report类型的介绍段(从原文里找到新的主语)3). Some employers thinkt formal academic qualifications are more importantal qualities when they look for an employee. Why is itn life experienthe case? Is it aanditive or negative development?Formal educationa

35、l qualifications are beved to be more importantn lifeexperienandality traits when a company is recruiting new staffs. From mypoof view, this criterion of choosing employees can be explained by thefollowing reasons. (空话型过渡)2018-9-23report类型的介绍段(基本句型的切换)4). The average weight of citizens has been increasingany countries. Whatdo you think are the causes? What solutions do you suggest?Many countries across the world are faced with the problem of obesity. I thinkt unhealthy lifestyles of todays people are the causes of this problem. (提前总结型过渡)2018-9-23rep


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