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1、第 第8页 共 8 页英语高一必修一语法知识点汇总Unit 1词组: add up 合计add upto 总 计达add to 把加到里addto增加增添扩建calmdown平静下来havegotto不得不,必须be concerned about/for关心walkthedog遛狗cheatof欺骗。gothrough穿过完成用完通过仔细检查goahead意某人的请求goby流逝setdown记下set up建立setoff出发引爆set out do=setaboutdoing着手做某事aseriesof一系列onpurpose故意地byaccident=chance偶然地in order

2、 to= soas to为了目 的 是 in order that =sothatatdusk在黄昏at dawn在黎明at midnight在午夜atnoon在中午facetoface面对面nolongernotanylonger不再settledown安顿下来sufferfrom遭受患病recover from 恢复痊愈get/betiredof 对感到厌烦makealistof 列清单packup 装箱打包getalong/onwith与相处,/进展fallinlove爱上begratefultosbfor sth.对某人因为某事表示感激join in/ take part in /jo

3、in/ attend 参加加入make sb/ sth + 宾语补足语使have something/little /nothingto dowithitsbecause.its whydare + (to) do 实义动) do 情态动词)敢a year and a half= one and ahalfyears一年半its no pleasuredoingsthhappen todosthhavetrouble/difficultywithsb/(indoingsth困难exactly的确如此notexactly不完全是find it + adj. + todosthmakefriend

4、swithswapwithitis / was + 序数词time + that + has done / had done . 某人第几次做。事unit2because of 由于come up 上来;发生;提到;开庭come up with 想起come in 进来,进入come on 快点;开始;前进;开始工作come out 出来,发芽actually= in fact =as a matter of fact= in reality 实际上be based on 在的基础上at present 现在make use of make full/ good use of 充分利用such

5、 as 例如playa part/ role in在扮演角recognizeas将认成、more thanone +谓语用单数不止一个的、at the end of在的末intheend最终at an end 到头;结束,终止,耗尽voyage= tour= travel= journey 旅行,旅途than ever before 比以往都更、even if / though 虽然communicate withthose+定语从句用who和某些人交流交流的人们用定语从句修饰inhisforties在他的40多岁的时the formerthelatter前者后者a number of 很多t

6、he number of 的数量make sense有 意义对 usage/use用believeitornot信不信由你there is nosuch+名词(不加冠)没有这样theway+inwhich/that/省略的方式especially=specially尤其straightadj/adv笔直的,正直unit3词:prefer to do , ratherthandowouldrather do , thandodo , rather thandofare VS fee费用eversince自从its is / hasbeen+时间段+since从句自以来已graduatefrom/

7、in从毕业befond of喜爱cut across 穿过打断;抄近路穿过;遮断;与相抵触cut up 切碎;砍伤;恶作剧;使悲痛cut down砍倒care about照顾carefor关心determine to do sth = be determined to do sth 决心做某事change ones mind 改变主意make up ones mindofgive in 屈 服 give upgive off 发出,放出 give out 分发,公布give away 泄露,赠送 keep pace with 与并进 as usual 像往常一样bend overthe adv

8、antage ofpersuade sb to do sth / into doing sth not to do sth/ out ofdoingsth说服某人做或者不做某事 advise sb to do sth建某人做某事tryto persuade sbto do sth试图说服某人去做某件事although=though 虽然grow up成长insiston 坚持up 张贴put down记下,放下put off延期puton穿上put away收起来、can hardly wait to do sth忍不住做某事unit4词:right away =at once =immedi

9、ately 立即burst intolaughter/tears突然笑/哭了burst out doing sth突然就做某件as if / though好像inruins损毁injure=woundhurt伤害be trapped in被陷入之中dig out挖出bury oneself in doingsth专注于做某件事rise升起raise抬起arise产生too to太而不能be away离开it seems asif+陈述语/虚拟语气好像actout 把表演出来be pleased / willing/ glad to do sth 有意愿做某事honor =in honor of

10、 为了向表示敬意be proud of 以为自豪express my thanks 表达我的想法unit5词组:ofhigh/goodquality质优devoteto+doing 投身于做某事set up建立,安排in principle主要in peace和out of work失业in work处于有工作的状态out of control失控incontrol处于被控制的状态vote for投票选举vote against投票反beequalto与等同in trouble 有麻烦turn to求助,转向turn on/off开关灯turn up/ down现/拒绝loseheart灰心l

11、ose ones heart to 爱上某人;倾心escape from / + doing sthto power / in powersentenced toin ones opinion 某人认为,以某人的观点来看fight for / against为而/为反对而战blow up爆炸爆dreamof/about梦想着imaginedoingsth想象着做某事the first time 首次(后面加时间状语从句) for the first time 第一次(做状语)语法点1. whetherVSif的用法tellsb to do sth/ ask sb notto do sth 告诉

12、某人干某事/告诉某人别干某事bedoing 表将来定语从句 : 只用 that 的情况 只用 who 的情况 只用which 的 情 况 as VS which the same as / that such as as as 介词+ which/ whom which 引导一个句子的用法 非限制性定语从句 which 引导一个句子的用法 非限制性定语从句 插入语 I thinkI believe I guessIthought间隔式定语从句例句ssreeett?ssehe bought lastyear?What的用法will be done be about to be done be to be done be going to bedonehas/ havebeendone已经做某事bealwaysdoing(加always)表示


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