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1、2021/8/11 星期三1Objectives:To practise writing a report.To practise using formal linkers.To practise using synonyms to avoid repetition. 2021/8/11 星期三2Unit 22 Communication Workshop Writing a Report2021/8/11 星期三3 In this lesson, we will learn to write a report.2021/8/11 星期三4 Read the report quickly an

2、d matchSections A-D with these headings.1. Positive Comments _2. Conclusion _3. Negative Facts _4. Aims of the Report _CDBA2021/8/11 星期三5What is the subject of the report?Noise pollution and noise control measures in China.What are the aims of the report? This report aims to assessthe current and fu

3、ture levelsof noise pollution in China and to consider appropriate control measures.What are the negative facts of noise pollution? 1. increasing industrialization and rising population. 2. the average noise pollution level in urban areas is as high as 70 decibels.What are the positive comments of n

4、oise pollution? 1. has implemented plans. 2. average urban noise pollution levels have decreased.3. further reduce noise pollution levels -set up special fund -implemented new regulations -built schools etc far away from main roadsWhat are the conclusions? impressive improvements. 2. pollution level

5、s continue to drop.2021/8/11 星期三6 Complete the report with the following linking words and expressions.1)2)3)4)According toFor examplealthoughHowever2021/8/11 星期三75)6)7)8)9)In this wayas a resultIn additionTo sum upMoreover2021/8/11 星期三8 You can avoid repetition in a report by using synonyms.Find wo

6、rds and expressions which are similar to these.took actionrules, lawspresentsuitable, proper1)implemented2)regulations3)current4)appropriate5)all over the world6)rural areas7)optimisticworldwidecountrysidehopeful2021/8/11 星期三9Rewrite this paragraph. Do not repeat the words job or company (underlined

7、).Instead use: firm, profession, business, post, work, corporation, multinational, employmentWhen people ask me about my jobI say that I have two; my job is a lawyer but I am also a poet. profession2021/8/11 星期三10When people ask me about my job I say that I have two; my job is a lawyer but I am also

8、 a poet. I love my job as a lawyer but I write poe-try in my spare time. My first job was for a bigcompany with offices all over the world. How-ever , I dont like big companies. They are tooprofessionworkpostmultinationalcorporations2021/8/11 星期三11ever , I dont like big companies. They are too imper

9、sonal . So I left and started my own small company. It is not a very big company but it provides jobs for ten people and is not doing badly.corporationsbusinessfirmemployment2021/8/11 星期三12Heres the homework: Write a report. Follow the stages.Stage 1: Form a study team with four to five members as a

10、 group.Stage 2: Choose one of these subjects for your report. Environmental pollution (in China or the world) Endangered animals (in China or the world) Global warming Environmental disastersStage 3: Find out statistics and information about the topic of your report.To do this, you should assign you

11、r members to different tasks.For example, one is in charge of finding information about the current situation of noise pollution.One is to find information about the causes of noisepollution. Another member is ordered to find informationabout resolutions to solve them.2021/8/11 星期三13Heres the homewo

12、rk: Write a report. Follow the stages. lessons in this unit notes you have made from this unit a library the Internet Find out statistics and information about the topic of your report. Useful sources might be:Encyclopaedias ( books or CDs)Magazine articles (e.g. National Geographic, New Scientist)T

13、elevision and radio documentariesFriends and relatives (they may have relevant books or magazines)2021/8/11 星期三14Stage 4 To lay out your writingHeadingSubject:Date: Aim of the report:Introduce the report with your aim and background information.Negative comments:List all the negative findings.Positi

14、ve comments:List all the negative findings.Conclusion and recommendations:Write a simple conclusion and make a couple of recommendations.2021/8/11 星期三15Stage 4 Write your report. Try to avoid repeating words and expressions.A report is normally written in a formal style:avoid giving personal opinion

15、s:I think children are treated unfairly.This suggests children are treated unfairly.too personalmore objectiveUse formal linking words and expressions:If you look at the figures, lots of animals are in danger of extinction.According to recent figures, many animals are in danger of extinction.too inf

16、ormalmore formalGeneral: developed countries, developing countries (the Third World), figures, majority, percent, politicians ,poverty, statistics, successful, victimsEnvironment: crime, noise, pollution, traffic jams, stressGlobal warming: burning of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide, floods, greenhouse

17、 effect, harmful gases, hurricanes, melting of the ice caps, rising water levels2021/8/11 星期三16Stage 4 Write your report. Try to avoid repeating words and expressions.Disasters: aid programmes, typhoon, tsunami, droughts, earthquakes, Floods, forest fires, hurricanes, Landslides, volcanic eruptions,

18、 windstormsAnimals: deforestation, elephants, endangered species, natural habitats, pandas, rhinos, tigers2021/8/11 星期三17Stage 4 Write your report. Try to avoid repeating words and expressions.Linking words:Listing points: also, furthermore, in addition, moreoverContrasting points: however, on the other hand, although, despiteGiving examples: for example, in this way, such


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