1、本公会已开通网页通知:管理员 顾家北顾家北 Peoplecanperformeverydaytasks,suchasandingaswellas本公会已开通网页通知:管理员 顾家北顾家北 Peoplecanperformeverydaytasks,suchasandingaswellas businesswithoutmeetingoth a whole?顾家北 space顾家北 eopleface-to-face.Whatare theeffectsofthisonindividualandsocietyNowadays, people are getting used to perform
2、 daily tasks, like , ing and meetings, ernet. Obviously it changes the way how people used to communicate, impactsthesociety顾家北 thewayinwhich=顾家北 itchangeshowpeoplecommunicatewitheach顾家北 itchangesthewayinwhichpeoplecommunicatewitheach顾家北 The proliferation ernet technologies make sible for people pli
3、sh most of daily task at home. For now, increasing number of people have take full advantage of them and firmlyveonline 顾家北 have顾家北 an 顾家北 mostoftheirdaily顾家北 The wide application affectsbothindividualanditiveernet technologies makes sible for people plish most theirdailytasksathome.顾家北 4 顾家北 Anincr
4、easingnumberofpeoplehavetakenfulladvantage顾家北 municationstechnologyThe wide application ernet technologies makes sible for people plish most their daily tasks at home. An increasing number of people have taken full advantage munications technology and I firmly ve these technological affect individua
5、landanyaspects.顾家北 ABCConferincreasedleveloffreedom,managetimefreely,juggledifferent顾家北 Peopleprefer顾家北 ocomputerstodeal顾家北 ABCConferincreasedleveloffreedom,managetimefreely,juggledifferent顾家北 Peopleprefer顾家北 ocomputerstodealwithtasksinsteadca-toABCConferincreasedleveloffreedom,managetimefreely,jugg
6、ledifferent顾家北 Peoplehavemoreoppotunitisetosavetimeandimprove顾家北 If people can o ocmputers to deal with tasks and reduce face-to-eraction, they moreoppotunitisetosavetimeandimproveefficiency.顾家北 顾家北 People can allocate more time to do whatever they like and juggle different roles, such as babysitter
7、, designer or workaholic.顾家北 This confers increased level of freedom, t people locate more time to whatevertheylikejuggledifferentroles,suchasbabysittingandworking.顾家北 If people can o computers to deal with tasks and reduce face-to-eraction, they more opportunities to save time and improve efficienc
8、y. This confers increased level of t people locate more time to do whatever they like juggle different suchasbabysittingandworking.顾家北 If people can o computers to deal with tasks and reduce face-to-eraction, they more opportunities to save time and improve efficiency. This confers increased level o
9、f tpeople locatemoretimetodowhatevertheylikeandjuggledifferentsuchasbabysittingandworking.顾家北 Working people can contact their colleagues via instead of commuting to the office every day. (c)顾家北 or skype and take work calls at If people can o computers to deal with tasks and reduce face-to-eraction,
10、 they more opportunities to save time and improve efficiency. Working people can contact colleagues or skype and take work calls at home, instead of commuting to the every day. This confers increased level of freedom, t people locate timetodowhatevertheylikeandjuggledifferentroles,suchasbabysittinga
11、ndworking.顾家北 顾家北 Thisgivesincreasedlevelof顾家北 peoplelocatemoretimetodowhateverthey顾家北 ABC顾家北 peoplelocatemoretimetodowhateverthey顾家北 ABCeraction,communicationskills,undermine顾家北 Peopleprefercommunicatingbycomputerinsteadofthelack顾家北 Peopleprefercommunicatingbycomputerinsteadofthelack顾家北 ce-to-ce-to
12、-On the one hand,an increasing number of people are likely to use net for work and oeraction.Becausetheyarewillingtostayat顾家北 3 顾家北 A+B顾家北 (19:49:49)第二句: C 拓展(19:49:56)顾家北 顾家北 A+B顾家北 (19:49:40)第二句: C 拓展(19:49:47)顾家北 ABCeraction,communicationskills,undermine顾家北 Despite this advantage, many people tre
13、ducing face-to-face communicationeathreattoourl小熊(3037862287:53:12People would like to rely on computers rather negative effect on their communication skills.顾家北 n face-to-eraction and this will has Despite this benefit, the lack ce-to-eraction may have a negative impact on communication skills, if
14、theyrelyheavilyoncomputersand other technologiesincommunication. 顾家北 undermine顾家北 These people tend to stay at home., thereby having less communication skills which enables them to widen their horizons and boost their confidence顾家北 peopleareeasiertoundermine顾家北 This may undermine their confidence an
15、d discourage them from maainingso others. (c)顾家北 Cc1 thisthey顾家北 undermine顾家北 These people tend to stay at home., thereby having less communication skills which enables them to widen their horizons and boost their confidence顾家北 peopleareeasiertoundermine顾家北 This may undermine their confidence and di
16、scourage them from maainingso others. (c)顾家北 Cc1 thisthey顾家北 顾家北 顾家北 his顾家北 thereofre,however,ontheotherhand,顾家北 l contact Despite this benefit, the lack ce-to-eraction may have a negative impact on communicationskills, if theyrelyheavilyoncomputersandother technologiesinAs a consequence, this may u
17、ndermine their confidence and discourage them from lcontactwith顾家北 Despite this benefit, the lack ce-to-eraction may have a negative impact on communicationskills,if theyrelyheavilyoncomputersandother technologiesinThis may undermine their confidence and discourage them from maainingso 顾家北 l contact
18、 Theydonotknow how retandusebodylanguageinlsituationsandhowtoeyecontactwithothersinconversations.顾家北 Despite this benefit, the lack ce-to-eraction may have a negative impact on communicationskills,if theyrelyheavilyoncomputersandother technologiesinTheydonotknow how retandusebodylanguageinlsituation
19、sandhowtoeye contact with others in conversations. This may undermine their confidence and themfromaining顾家北 lcontactwithothers.Itis difficultforthemtoexpresstheirideasinpublicandtocomprehendthe messagesfrom:PK的顾家北 Thismayunderminetheirconfidenceanddiscouragethemfromtakinganactivepartinso 顾家北 lA B车外
20、出办事CReduceThismayunderminetheirconfidenceanddiscouragethemfromtakinganactivepartinso 顾家北 lA B车外出办事CReducecar顾家北 s,lessentheenvironmentalimpact,improveairFrom a macroangle,ernethelpsus toreduce saryface-to-facemeeting,thusdown car seffectively,hose dense-population areas. This is consistent theprinci
21、pleofsustainable顾家北 Another benefit ist people can travel less frequently and rely less on different means of transport. (A+B)顾家北 This can cut down on car densely-populatied areas.(c)顾家北 s and improve air quality, lly in Thiscan twecan heenvironmentforfuturegenerations.顾家北 顾家北 This cantwecan heenvir
22、onmentforfuturegenerations,notonlybyenergybutalsobyreversingthetrendtowardglobal顾家北 densely-populated顾家北 , ernet or other technologies to communicate is an irreversible trend people would be the ries of this trend over time, because it enables us to have able tcanbe dedicatedtoother顾家北 , ernet or ot
23、her technologies to communicate is an irreversible trend people would benefit from this trend over time, because it enables us to have more time be dedicated to other activities and to have a sustainable future. (c)顾家北 晴小雪0727(3590545728:35:36justlikeeverycoinhastwosides. t 顾家北 Far too little has be
24、en done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have been aware of this problem for a long time. Why do people do so little about it? Give your suggestions on how to solve this problem.顾家北 Fartoolittlehasbeendonetopreventanimalsandplantsfromdying顾家北 Thereis a severe ta varietyo
25、fanimals and plantsaredyingout,whilearelimitedtotakeactiononconservingthe顾家北 Fewer people lay emphasis on protecting endangered wildlife as well as rare ions arelimitedtotakeactiononconservingthe顾家北 Fewer people lay emphasis on protecting endangered wildlife as well as rare ions passage will explain
26、 several reasons why people are indifferent in environmental es esomesolutionstoaddressthese顾家北 eople lay emphasis on protecting endangered wildlife as well as native plants. There some reasons why people are indifferent toenvironmental i the trend. (c)顾家北 es and we can take steps to t顾家北 In 2000, a
27、 mere two dozen products accounted for half the increase in spending on drugs, a t is explained not just because of more expensive drugs but by the tdoctorsarewritingmanymoreprescriptionsforhigher-cost顾家北 aphenomenonhatisexplainednot顾家北 a tisexplainednot顾家北 eople lay emphasis on protecting endangere
28、d wildlife as well as native plants. There some reasons why people are indifferent toenvironmental thetrend.es and we can take steps to 顾家北顾家北 ABC不愿意采取措施Requiresubstantialinvestment,haveanarrow顾家北 ,obsessedwitheasyIt is t the environmental conservation requires substantial investment on researches t
29、 a large amount of money will be cost,but it is difficult for people havea narrow 顾家北 toseetheeconomicbenefitofthelargeexpenditureofcapitalinashortthe environmental conservation bstantial investment on researches and t a large amount of money will be cost,but it is difficult for people who have a to
30、seetheeconomicbenefitofthelargeexpenditureofcapitalinashort顾家北 environmental conservation require is difficult for people who have abstantial investment in research and development, but it narrow to see the economic benefit of the expenditureof顾家北 anicheshortterm.顾家北 For anic farming can make it eas
31、y to protect natural s of wild animals, 顾家北 For anic farming can make it easy to protect natural s of wild animals, peopleareunwillingtodivert顾家北 invest顾家北 tothiskindofenvironmentallyfriendlyfarming.obsessedwitheasymoney顾家北 Environmentalconservation顾家北 bstantialinvestmentinresearchanddevelopment.it
32、is difficult for people who have a narrow to see the economic benefit of the expenditureof顾家北 heshortterm.Environmentalconservationbstantialinvestment in research and development, but it difficult for people who havea narrow tosee the economic benefitof the largeof capital in the short term. For ani
33、c farming can make it easy to protect s of wild animals, but people are unwilling to divert resour environmentally friendly farming. (c)顾家北 A1 不自觉A2 C 不保护动植物 Consciousofenvironmentalresponsibilities,顾家北 (21:25:41)顾家北 顾家北 notunder 顾家北 to this kind Another reason tpeople cannot behaviour themselves to
34、 do helpful activities for the because there are not perfect anizations.Therefore,they find it difficult to animalsandplantsalthoughtheyareconsciousofenvironmental顾家北 Anotherreason顾家北 tpeopledonottarilystopthoseea threattowildlife.Manyoftheseactivitiesarenotregulatedorsupervised.顾家北 Theyarenotconsci
35、ousoftheirenvironmentalresponsibilities.顾家北 Many of these activities are not regulated or supervised, and They are not conscious of their environmental responsibilities. (c)顾家北 Many of these activities are not regulated or supervised, and it is also conscious of their environmental responsibilities.
36、 (c)顾家北 t they are Many of these activities are not regulated or supervised, and it is also are not conscious of their environmental responsibilities. (c)顾家北 t these They do not realise the importance of stop fur trading or protecting water resour these activities can put animals on the danger list.
37、 (c)顾家北 , even They do not realise the importance of ceasing fur trading or protecting water resour though these activities can put animals on the danger list.顾家北 , Another Many of these activities are not regulated or supervised, and it is also are not conscious of their environmental responsibilit
38、ies. (c)顾家北 t these They do not realise the importance of stop fur trading or protecting water resour these activities can put animals on the danger list. (c)顾家北 , even They do not realise the importance of ceasing fur trading or protecting water resour though these activities can put animals on the
39、 danger list.顾家北 , Another reason t people do not tarily stopthose e a threat to Many of these activities are not regulated or supervised, and it is t these are not conscious of their environmental responsibilities. They do not realise the importance ceasing fur trading or illegal list. (c)顾家北 ting,
40、 even though these activities can put animals on the y ernmentshould make an effort to launch n ,thus ng people understand the importance of preserving species on the extinct mayfind sibletotackletherootcauseofthe顾家北 y ernment should launch ns to educate people to speciesontheextinctlist.Thiscantack
41、letherootcauseoftheproblem.顾家北 顾家北 givesomethingextensivecoverage顾家北 ernment should place strict regulations on the conducts threatening the protection endangered species, and make sure these regulations are effectively implemented. It will have deterrent effect on people who are trying to seek ille
42、gal 顾家北 顾家北 e on killing and selling ernment so e strict regulations on those t can threaten wild andmake ttheseregulationsareeffectivelyenforced.顾家北 Itwillhaveadeterrenteffectonpeoplewhotendtoprofitfromtheseacitivities.顾家北 y opinion, ernment should launch ns to educate people to specieson the extin
43、ct list. This can tackle the rootcauseof the problem.ernmentt e strict regulations on those t can threaten wild species and make regulations are effectively enforced. It will have a deterrent effect on people who tend to profit from these activities. (c)顾家北 ernments can e strict regulationsernments can e strict regulations on those who do damage to the breeds. T
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