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1、The Attributive Clause 定语从句复习2021/8/8 星期日1定语从句复习课件使用说明一本课件最好在office 2002的环境下使用。否则,个别效果不能实现。二本课件对定语从句进行了系统的复习。复习的目录如下:1.定语从句的分类 2.定语从句中的注意事项 3.关系词的实质和先行词之间的关系 4.关系代词和关系副词的用法及其容易混用的情况 5.限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的比较6.非限制性定语从句和单句的比较7.as引导的两种定语从句8.介词加关系代词的情况9.只能用that 、which的情况 2021/8/8 星期日2定语从句复习定语从句The Restricti

2、ve Attributive Clause限制性定语从句The Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause非限制性定语从句2021/8/8 星期日3限制性定语从句的构成The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.You must do everything that I do.I have found the book which I lost.I visited the school where I studied.关系代词 关系副词注意事项:1.从句的位置:2.翻译方法:3.构成:先行词 之后“.的”关系词2021/

3、8/8 星期日4定语从句后置The day came at last when I went to college.He laughs best who laughs last.He is the only one of the teachers who comes from Qingdao.2021/8/8 星期日5先行词和关系词的关系A plane is a machine that can fly. The boy who broke the window is called Tom.The boy whose parents are dead was brought up by his

4、 grandfather.The school where I study is far from my home.the machine = thatthe boy =whothe boys =whosein the school = where关系代词实际上是先行词的复指关系词whose实际上是先行词的所有格关系副词实际上是介词先行词2021/8/8 星期日6Join the following sentences:A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.先行词和关系词的关系2021/8/8 星期日7Join the following sent

5、ences:A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.A plane is can fly.关系代词的实质the machinea machine2021/8/8 星期日8Join the following sentences:A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.A plane is can fly.关系代词的实质a machinethat /which2021/8/8 星期日9关系代词的实质Join the following sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw he

6、r yesterday. 2021/8/8 星期日10关系代词的实质Join the following sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.herThe girl2021/8/8 星期日11关系代词的实质Join the following sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.herThe girl2021/8/8 星期日12关系代词的实质Join the follo

7、wing sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.herThe girl2021/8/8 星期日13关系代词的实质Join the following sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.herThe girl2021/8/8 星期日14关系代词的实质Join the following sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw her yest

8、erday. we saw yesterday is Mary.herThe girl2021/8/8 星期日15关系代词的实质Join the following sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.herThe girl2021/8/8 星期日16关系代词的实质Join the following sentences:The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday.The girl that / who we saw yesterday is Ma

9、ry.2021/8/8 星期日17指人指物主语宾语thatwhichwhowhom关系代词的用法关系代词在从句中可以:何时可以省略?2021/8/8 星期日18指人指物主语宾语that whichwhowhom关系代词的用法 关系代词在从句中可以:何时可以省略?做宾语时可以省略2021/8/8 星期日19关系代词的用法练习1.The eggs were not fresh. I bought them yesterday.2.The friend was not hungry. He came to supper last night.3.He prefers the cheese. It c

10、omes from his parents farm. 4.The noodles were delicious. You cooked them. 5.I dont like the people. They smoke a lot. The eggs (that/which) I bought them were not fresh. The friend who/ that he came to supper last night was not hungry. .He prefers the cheese that / which it comes from his parents f

11、arm.The noodles( which/ that )you cooked them were delicious.I dont like the people that / who they smoke a lot.2021/8/8 星期日20关系副词和先行词的关系I still remember the day when I came here. This is the house where I lived last year. There are many reasons why people like traveling. I dont like the way that yo

12、u speak. on the day =whenin the house= wherefor the reasons =whyin the way =that关系副词实际上是介词先行词2021/8/8 星期日211.Ill never forget the days_ we worked together. 2.Ill never forget the days _ we spent together. 3.I went to the place I worked ten years ago. 4.I went to the place _ I visited ten years ago.

13、5.This is the reason _ he was late. 6.This is the reason _ he gave. when /in whichwhichwhere/ in whichwhichwhy/ for whichthat/which几种易混的情况及物动词及物动词及物动词2021/8/8 星期日22难用的 whoseThe teacher praised the student. His English is the best in our class.The teacher praised the student whose English is the best

14、 in our class.Join the following pair of sentences.whose =the students关系词whose实际上是先行词的所有格2021/8/8 星期日23难用的 whoseThe house is mine. The window of the house is broken.Join the following pair of sentences.The house whose window is broken is mine. whose=the houses windowThe house is mine.the window of w

15、hich is brokenof which the window is broken2021/8/8 星期日24非限制性定语从句The town where I live is beautiful.Kenli, where I live, is beautiful.Teachers who are kind are popular with the students.Mr Wang, who is kind, is popular with the students.Please compare:形式作用能否省略翻译限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句2021/8/8 星期日25非限制性定语从句T

16、he town where I live is beautiful.Kenli, where I live, is beautiful.Teachers who are kind are popular with the students.Mr Wang, who is kind, is popular with the students.Please compare:形式作用翻译限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句插入成分修饰限定补充解释能不能.的能否省略2021/8/8 星期日26Teachers who are kind are popular with the students.Mr Wan

17、g, who is kind, is popular with the students.分析两种定语从句省略后的结果2021/8/8 星期日27The town where I live is beautiful.Kenli, where I live, is beautiful.分析两种定语从句省略后的结果限制性定语从句省略后主语所指就不明确,所以不能省略2021/8/8 星期日28非限制性定语从句和单句的比较2.He failed in the exam._ made his parents angry.3.He failed in the exam, _made his parents

18、 angry.4.He has two sons. Both of _ are teachers. 5.He has two sons, both of _ are teachers.Thiswhichwhomthem that1.I am reading Harry Porter, _is an interesting book.which2021/8/8 星期日29as 引导的非限制性定语从句The earth is round._ is known to all.The earth is round,_ is known to all._ is known to all, the ear

19、th is round_ is known to all that the earth is round.Itwhich/ as AsItas 具有正如之意,与之搭配的动词一般是固定的,如:as you know/ as you see/as we planned/as we expected定语从句在句首时只能用as,2021/8/8 星期日30as 引导的非限制性定语从句 (1)This is the same pen as I lost.This is the same pen that I lost.Please compare:这本书和我丢的那本一模一样。这本书就是我丢的那本。202

20、1/8/8 星期日31as 引导的限制性定语从句 (2)This is such an interesting book _ we all like.This is so interesting a book _ we all like.This is such an interesting book _we all like it.This is so interesting a book _we all like it.asthatPlease complete the following sentences and compare:asthat这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书。(定语从句

21、)这本书如此有趣,大家都喜欢。(结果状语从句)2021/8/8 星期日32介词+关系代词的情况 1The man whom you spoke was a scientist.The city which she lives is far away.toin2021/8/8 星期日33介词+关系代词的情况 2The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?2021/8/8 星期日34介词+关系代词的情况 3

22、The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?2021/8/8 星期日35介词+关系代词的情况 3The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?2021/8/8 星期日36介词+关系代词的情况 3The man wh

23、o/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?2021/8/8 星期日37介词+关系代词的情况 3The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?2021/8/8 星期日38介词+关系代词的情况 3The man who/whom you

24、 spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toin Are these two sentences right?可见,who、that 不能用与介词之后 2021/8/8 星期日39介词+关系代词的情况 4Is this the watch that you are looking for?The old man whom I am looking after is better . 在固定短语中介词不能提前下面两句中的介词能提前吗?2021/8/8 星期日401. Do you like the book

25、 she spent $10? 2. Do you like the book she paid $10?3. Do you like the book she learned a lot? 4. Do you like the book she often talks? 5. He built a telescope he could study the skies.6. There is a tall tree outside, stands our teacher.7. China has a lot of rivers, the second longest _ is the Yell

26、ow River.8. The tower _ people can have a good view is on the hill.9. The man _ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling.10. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.on whichfor whichfrom whichabout whichthrough whichunder whichof wh

27、ichfrom whichto whomof which介词+关系代词的情况 练习2021/8/8 星期日411.He did all / everything _he could to help me.2.This is the very thing _ I am after.3.We talked about the men and the things _ we remembered at school.4.He is the only man _ can do the work.5.This is the first thing _ I want to say.6.He is the

28、finest man _ I have ever worked with.7.Who is the man _ spoke to you at the gate.8.Which is the star _ is nearest to the earth.that , which or who?thatthatthatthatthatthatthatthat2021/8/8 星期日42that , which ,whose, whom or who?9.Is there anything else _ you want to say?10.Any person _ has the money c

29、an join the group.11.He often speaks the role he played in the play, _ made others upset.12.He opened the door, in front of _ sat a boy.13.The man to _ I spoke is a famous scientist.14.The boy _ mother is dead was brought up by his father.thatthatwhichwhich whomwhose2021/8/8 星期日43当先行词是不定代词时,如:All ,f

30、ew, little, much, every, something, anything, everything, 等只能用that 做关系代词的情况2021/8/8 星期日44当先行词被the only, the very, the same, little, few, no, any等修饰时只能用that 做关系代词的情况2021/8/8 星期日45 当人和物合做先行词时只能用that 做关系代词的情况2021/8/8 星期日46 当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时只能用that 做关系代词的情况2021/8/8 星期日47 在疑问词who、which、what开头的句子中只能用that

31、 做关系代词的情况2021/8/8 星期日48 在非限制性定语从句中只能用which 做关系代词的情况2021/8/8 星期日49 在介词后面只能用which 做关系代词的情况2021/8/8 星期日50Thank you for your attendance.2021/8/8 星期日51 定语从句练习 Choose the best answers1. The farm _ we stayed last week is a lovely place for a holiday. A. whenB. where C. that D. at that2. Have you seen the g

32、irl _? A. that I told B. I told you of C. whom I told D. I told of3. The days are gone _ we use “foreign matches”. A. during when B. during that C. on which D. during which 4. Finally the thief handed in everything _ he had stolen to the police. A. whichB. that C. what D. whatever5. The lecture spok

33、e of some writers and novels _ were known to us all. A. whichB. that C. who D. what6. I can still remember the sitting room _ my mother and I used to sit in the evening. A. whatB. which C. thatD. where 7. It was raining hard, _ kept us indoors. A. whichB. that C. asD. what8. The only question _ is t

34、o find our way home. A. that mattered B. that mattersC. which matteredD. matter 9. In the dark street, there was nt a single person _ she could turn for help. A. thatB. whoC. from whomD. to whom10. The farmers used wood to build a house _ grain can be stored. A. with whichB. whereC. in thatD. which

35、BBDBBDABDB2021/8/8 星期日52 基 础 练 习选择 :1.Is that the house _ you bought last year?A.where B. Which2. Is that the picture_you are laughing at?A. Which B.where3. It is the most interesting book_Ill ever read.A.which B.that4.The street-is to the park is very narrow.A.where B.whichKey: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B2021/

36、8/8 星期日53 基 础 练 习5.The person _finds my watch will get a reward.A.who B.when6.This is the room_we listened to the lecture.A.which B.where7.The boy _mother is ill can not come to the party.A. Who B. Whose8.Tell me the reason_you are late.A.which B.whyKey: 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B2021/8/8 星期日54 基 础 练 习填空:1. Lo

37、ok at that lady_name is Pochi.2. He is a teacher_I like very much.3. Those pictures_were drawn by Tom are nice.4. Those _will go to the park stay here.5. That was all the money _I had.6. Tom is the first boy_left the room.7. Look at the boy and his dog_are coming this way.8. You can read any book _I have.9. That was the year_I went to America.10. we came to the town,_we stayed for 2 hours.Key.1.whose 2.whom/that/ 3.which/that 4.who 5.that 6.that 7.that 8.that/ 9.when 10.where2021/8/8 星期日55 基 础 练 习翻译1.他指给我看他丢钱包的地方. He showed me the place where he lost his


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