



1、2022-2023学年四川省内江市金墨职业中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. -_? - We are looking for a pair of sports shoes.A. What do you do B. What do you like C. Can I help you D. Do you need help参考答案:C2. Science and technology plays a vital role in the modern life, but it _ also cause many problems. A. shouldB. mustC. canD.

2、would参考答案:C3. Lei Feng was a person who was only too ready to help others, seldom _, refusing them when they turned to him.A. if neverB. if everC. if notD. if any参考答案:B【详解】考查省略句。句意:雷锋是一个随时准备着帮助他人的人,即使曾经有过,他也很少拒绝向他求助的人。A. if never如果曾经没有;B. if ever如果曾经有;C. if not如果不是;D. if any如果有。结合句意可知此处用“如果曾经有的话,一般很

3、少拒绝他们”符合语境,故选B项。4. His pale face suggested that he _, and his wife urged that he _ a medical examination.A. doesnt feel himself; have B. not feel himself; hasC. doesnt feel himself; has D. not feel himself; have参考答案:A句意:他苍白的脸表明他身体感觉不好,妻子催促他去进行体检。suggest表示“表明,暗示”时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气,而表示“建议”时,要用should 跟动词原形的虚

4、拟语气。urge后加从句要用虚拟语气“(should)+动词原形”。句中suggest表示“表明,暗示”,后面的从句使用陈述语气,urge后加从句要用虚拟语气,故选A.5. With so many people _ by sending E-mails every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of the Internet.A. communicating B. communicated C. communicate D. to communicate参考答案:A6. How can

5、 you prove you arent connected with this accident?I have two_. A. judges B. facts C. evidences D. witnesses参考答案:D 解析:witness是“证人”;evidence多作不可数名词。7. Does Shelly like shopping?一Well,she would rather spend time at home than in the street Aread;wander Breading;wander Cin reading;to wander Dreading;to w

6、ander参考答案:B 8. Have you got any particular plans for the coming winter vacation? Yes, _ , Im going to visit my grandparents A if necessaryB if soC if ever D if possible参考答案:D9. Much of the criticism has focused on the railways online purchasing system,which has beenunable to _ the huge demandAtake n

7、otice of Battach importance toCshow preference for Dkeep pace with参考答案:D10. -Have you heard about the shark attack accident at the SeaWorld show?-Yeah, how horrible! A trainer _ in front of the audience.Ahad been killed Bhas been killedCwas killed Dis killed参考答案:C考点:一般过去时及其被动式试题解析:本题考查时态语态。本题是常见的过去时

8、考点,表示对于已知事实的回答。事实要用一般时,过去的事实用一般过去时。11. Youll have to be patient _ my mother as shes going rather deaf. A. toB. aboutC. withD. at参考答案:14C本题考查介词的用法。根据patient的搭配要求,本题需选C。【解析】12. Hes bought a cottage in the country for he retires, with the money hes saved over half of his life. Awhen Bwhere Cwhat Dwhich

9、参考答案:A13. Even though computer screens dont radiation, the stress from staring over long periods can cause harm to your vision.A. give off B. give inC. give up D. give away参考答案:A14. As a famous actor, Ge You often travels around to -_ the films he stars in.A. shoot B. develop C. broadcast D. promote

10、参考答案:D略15. The diamond is _.A very valuable B of great value C great value D A or B参考答案:D16. Competition,they believe, the national character rather than corrupts it Alimits Bconfirms Cimpairs Dstrengthens参考答案:D17. As long as I can remark, _ I called, my son would answer. A. before B. whileC. until

11、D. any time 参考答案:D 18. It is only gradually, with the passing of years, _ to a clear understanding of their position.A. that they come B. do they come C. that come D. when they come参考答案:A19. As if or got to place the fish in the icebox yesterday, it has now Agone off Bgone out Cgone down Dgone away参

12、考答案:A 二、 书面表达20. 假设你是红星中学学生会主席李华。你从报纸上得知英国人Christopher J. A. Smith先生骑自行车从英国抵达北京,创下了新的世界纪录。请你用英文给他写一封邮件,邀请他近期到你校做一次演讲。内容包括:1. 说明邀请他的原因; 2. 告知演讲的相关信息(例如:时间、地点、听众等);3. 询问对方能否前来。注意:1. 词数不少于50;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Smith,_Sincerely Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear Mr. Smith, I am the president of the Student

13、Union at the Hongxing Middle School. On behalf of our school, I would like to congratulate you on the new world record you have set. Meanwhile, I am delighted to invite you to give a speech in our school about what you experienced because you are very popular in our school and your stories published

14、 in the newspapers are a great source of encouragement to many people.The activity will be held in our school auditorium on November 17th. It will start from 15:30 and last for 2 hours. The audience may include all the students, staff and some parents. We really hope you can come to make it.If you a

15、re interested in this, please write back to me at your earliest convenience. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely Yours,Li Hua21. 写作(25分)在英语课堂上,你喜欢你的老师授课时只用英语,还是英语、汉语兼用?某英语杂志社就此话题请中学生发表看法。请你围绕 “How do you prefer English classes to be taught? In English only, or in both English and Chinese?”

16、这个问题,参考所给要点,选择一种授课形式,写一篇英语短文。1、授课形式一:只用英语优点:有助于提高听说能力等 缺憾:不易听懂等2、授课形式二:英语、汉语兼用优点:易于理解等 缺憾:英语氛围不浓等 注意:词数100-120,短文开头已给出(不计入词数)。I prefer my English classes to be taught in._参考答案:One possible version:I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. As we all know, a good learning environment i

17、s very important if we want to study English well. Classes taught in English provide students with such an environment. When English is the only language used in the classroom, student will have more opportunities to practise listening and speaking. Therefore, they will learn more quickly. However,

18、there are also some problems with this teaching method. As we havent mastered English words, sometimes we may find it difficult to follow the teacher. Slow learners may even lose interest in English. Practice makes perfect. To learn English well requires a lot of practice. Therefore, I like my Engli

19、sh classes to be taught completely in English.三、 阅读理解22. If there is one thing in this world everyone wants to have more of, its confidence. Men and women everywhere wish they could be more positive , self-assured and secure. Confident people make it all look so easy. There is something magnetic(磁性的

20、) and enviable about their unshakable sense of self. Many mistakenly believe that these confident people are somehow special and unique ;that they have abilities that the rest of the world dont. The truth about confidence is that its an acquired skill. Very few people are born with it , and even few

21、er remain confident through the painful process of adolescence and entering adulthood. And Im here to tell you, confident people dont have a special gene that makes them confident. Theyre not the X-men of the self-respect world. Many people try to fake confidence, and to those who are truly confiden

22、t, they are easy to spot. This is not true confidence. Dependence on outside approval is not confidence. Here is what true confidence looks like :Independent from outside approval. Confident people are not afraid of criticism. They know that they cant please everyone, and they dont waste their time

23、trying. Confident people never seek outside approval. They have respect for others and are always willing to listen and learn ;however, the main guiding force in their lives will always be their own internal compass. True confidence isnt easy. It has to be learned , and earned , of ten through years of doubt, questioning, and mistakes. But the best things in life are rarely easy to obtain and few are worth the effort as much as confidence. Today , Im inviting you to open yourself up to true confi


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