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1、2021/8/9 星期一1课标人教实验版高一 Module 1Unit 12021/8/9 星期一2Unit one FriendshipWarming up 2021/8/9 星期一3Now make the_ in the SB and _up your score and see how many _you can get.Go through the survey together with the Ss and give necessary explanations to the questions.surveyaddpoints2021/8/9 星期一4Explanation of

2、 each item:Question 1 :This question deals with how thoughtful you are towards others.Question 2: This question is concerned with fairness.Question 3: This question deals with your concern for others.Question 4: This question is concerned with responsibilities to a friend.Question 5: This question i

3、s concerned with honesty.2021/8/9 星期一54-8 You are always thinking about yourself. You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and dont consider others feelings, you wont make more friends and keep friendship for long.9-13You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your

4、 friends with your benefit considered. Youd better add more affection to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.1418Wow! How faithful and generous you are! Congratulations! You are always ready to help your friends. Whenever they have any difficulty, youll try

5、 your best to do what you can to help them without hesitation.2021/8/9 星期一61. What should a good friend be like? 2. What qualities should a good friend have? Please discuss them in groups of four. Now work in groups and discuss the following questions: Discussion in groups about the qualities of a f

6、riend 2021/8/9 星期一7Good friend honestkindfriendlyhelpfulhumorous responsibleloyalpatientThe qualities of a good friend2021/8/9 星期一8other good qualities:open-minded, generous, good-tempered,trustworthy, careful, full of love, tolerant, caring, interesting, easygoing, outgoing, warm-hearted, selfless,

7、 intelligent2021/8/9 星期一9Can you list some qualities of a person who would not make a good friend?selfish, tricky,dishonest,bad-tempered,mean,impatient,gossipy,noisy,lazy,narrow-minded2021/8/9 星期一10bravefunnybeautifulstrongrichDescribe yourself2021/8/9 星期一11 Can you describe one of your friends-thei

8、r appearance, personality, hobbies, etc. Sample description: I have a few good friends, but I think Miki is my best friend. We both read a lot and were very interested in films. We spend a lot of time watching videos and talking about films and books. She works hard. She is very helpful. Whenever I

9、am in trouble , she will help me out.2021/8/9 星期一12Language points.1.Words & expressions add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog2.Make sentences with the following.1) getdone 2) should have done2021/8/9 星期一13n.测量;检查;鉴定;调查*We had better make a survey of the market. 我们最好做个市场调查。 *T

10、hey were please with their wild survey of his work. 他们广泛审查了他的工作,很满意。 a public opinion survey民意调查 Surveyor 调查员,土地探测员 1.survey2021/8/9 星期一14v. 加,做加法;增添If you add five and (to) five ,you get ten . Please add more sugar to my coffee.请在我的咖啡中再加点糖。 His schooling added up to no more than two years. 他受的学校教育加

11、起来还不到两年。近义词 :increase put together 反义词: subtract 减去,减add up 加起来add up to合计达 add fuel to flames火上加油add to增加 2. add2021/8/9 星期一15n. 1.(比赛等的)得分,点数;We won the rugby game by 12 points to 3. 我们以12比3赢得了那场橄榄球比赛。How many points did you get in the exam? 2. 尖端,尖状物 the point of a needle 针尖 the point of a knife刀

12、尖 3小数点:When we read out 4.23 ,we say “four points two three”.3. point2021/8/9 星期一16vt. point out a mistake point at the map(用手等)指着地图 a signpost pointing to the north 指向北方的路牌 The building points us to the east。这所大楼朝东。point to指向(较近之物)point at 指向(较远之物)point out 指出 My teacher pointed out my mistake. 老师指

13、出我的错误。pointed adj. 尖的,尖角的; 尖锐的,尖刻的;严厉的;率直的;有所指的;显然的,突出的。 2021/8/9 星期一171 adj. worried, anxious, feeling unhappy about sth: * He felt upset about losing the money. 丢了钱,他感到难过*James was upset because he had lost his ticket. 詹姆很烦躁,因为他把车票丢了。 upset= rather unhappy2 v. 使烦乱,扰乱,使不安,使不适 upset ones play 打乱某人的计

14、划 cause to worry,trouble : upset ones stomach 使胃不舒服 The thunder upset her.4. upset2021/8/9 星期一18ignore vt. to make no notice to someone or something 不理睬,忽视*She will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm him down.*The best way to deal with an impolite person is to ignore him. n.ignorance无知,愚

15、昧,不学无术*His ignorance is surprising.*I was in complete ignorance of his intentions. adj. ignorant 无知识的,不知道的,愚昧的,幼稚的 be ignorant of 对无知,不知道5. ignore2021/8/9 星期一19ignore something 和 be ignorant of sth的区别If you ignore sth, you know about it but pay no attention.eg. He knew there was a speed limit, but h

16、e ignore it and drove very fast.他知道有车速限制,但却置之不理,把车开得飞快。If you are ignorant of sth, you dont know about it .eg. Most passengers were totally ignorant of the safety procedures.大多数旅客根本不知道安全措施。 2021/8/9 星期一201 adj. quiet and not worried or excited*The police chief advised his men to stay calm and not to

17、 lose their tempers.*He tried to keep calm about it.2 not windy : It became calm after the storm. a calm day calm down : to become or make someone less angry, excited , or worried (使)某人安静下来Eg: She was very sad, would you please calm her down?6 calm2021/8/9 星期一21have got to (had got to ) 必须,不得不 1)1 h

18、ave got to 是have to 的口语形式eg You havent got to change at London Station.2)have got to 的否定形式只有一种: havent got to 疑问式也只有一种形式:Have you got to? 并且不可同助动词或情态动词连用。3)have got to 的含义与must相似。 have got to 着重于表示客观上的需要,含有被迫的意味.must 强调主观的需要. We have got to work hard.4) have got to 没有被动语态 have got to 不同于have got, have got 意为“有” eg. I have got a pen.7.have got to2021/8/9 星期一22v.&n.1 使担心,使不安(通常用被动语态)be concerned about 为担心 She is concerned about her sons future.2 涉及;关系到;参与(一般不能用进行时,但可用于被动语态)concern oneself with/in sth*He is concerned in the new project.*She concerns herself with/in social welfare.她从事社会福利工作。8.c


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