



1、2022-2023学年天津南开区津英中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. . As these goods are of different styles, the prices _ 100 yuan to 9 yuan. A. vary B. come from C. range from D. differ 参考答案:c略2. We invited her to dinner but she didnt _.A. take up B. turn up C. dress up D. break up参考答案:B3. Your body will _ sooner or later

2、 if you keep working like that.A. break off B. break down C. break into D. break out参考答案:B4. You were out when I dropped in at your office.Oh, I _ a meeting. A. was having B. have had C. am having D. had had参考答案:A略5. He is _ that no one likes him. A. so selfish a boy B. so a selfish boy C. such self

3、ish a boy D. such a selfless boy参考答案:A6. They have been in love for three years and _ is announced that their wedding will take place next week. A. what B. as C. such D. it参考答案:D7. The famous dancer is busy preparing for the show that will be _ in Europe this month.A. put down B. put on C. put forwa

4、rd D. put out 参考答案:B8. Having created a lot of vivid characters in the best-selling books, he won the _ of booklovers all over the world. A. comprehension B. affection C. satisfaction D. congratulation参考答案:B9. My friend Jack was the first person I knew _an iPhone 5S. A. using B. to use C. used D. ha

5、ving used参考答案:B10. Whatever the reason, some people prefer to come here to _ their language skills.A motivate B guarantee C polish D advocate参考答案:C11. Any country must have a clear belief_ cooperation between them can contribute to global peace, stability and development.A. that B. which C. where D.

6、 whether参考答案:A12. The girl _on the ground _to me that she had _the book on the shelf.A. lying; lay; laid B. lay; lied; laid C. lying; lied; laid D. lie; lied; lay参考答案:C13. _ team wins on Saturday will go through four round competitions.A. No matter whichB. WhicheverC. No matter what D. Whatever参考答案:

7、B14. The lady said that _. A. she would come there on time. B. she will come here on time C. she will go there on time D. she would go there on time 参考答案:D 14. It took him a long time to _ the skills he needed to become an artist. A. require B. inquire C. acquire D. gather参考答案:C略二、 完型填空27. Many peop

8、le look fondly at their school days. 1 a lot of these memories are often attached to events that have little to do 2 learning, many people are surprised by how much they miss being in the 3 and actually learning something new. Although most people feel that their lives would be 4 by going back to sc

9、hool for further study, some people find that their busy schedules would make this 5 . However, with the rise of technology like the 6 , it is now easier than ever to continue feeding your mind without 7 obligations like family and work. This is due to the rise of online education options. Online ed

10、ucation is a subset of what is known as electronic learning or e-learning. All that you need to successfully use online education is 8 to a computer that has an internet 9 . There are so many online education options, 10 it is quite common for colleges to 11 online education courses to assist people

11、 who are 12 in distance education.The main 13 of online education is that it allows you to 14 at your own pace and on your own time. Depending on the nature of the courses, online education will provide you with a certain time 15 for you to compete it . One of the biggest 16 of online education is t

12、hat it does not provide you with the face-to-face interaction with a teacher. But you can 17 with other students through the use of discussion boards, messaging programs, 18 and web-conferencing programs. As people become busier, online education has 19 in popularity. It has greatly improved the num

13、ber of services it provides and is considered a great education option. So if you are busy but your mind is still 20 more of a challenge, you may find that online education is the perfect food for your mind! 1AWhenBWhile CAsDSince2Ain BbyCwithDfor3AclassroomBofficeCdormitoryDworkshop4AcontrolledBadj

14、ustedCdamagedDenriched5Aout of questionBout of the question ClikelyDeasy6AwalkmanBradioCTVDInternet 7AsacrificingBsatisfyingCpossessingDsticking8AapproachBadministrationCaccessDpermission9AsystemBconnectionCprogramDinstrument10AhoweverBbutCandDyet11AofferBsellCchooseDdecide12AfailingBlackingCavoidin

15、gDparticipating13AbenefitBfunctionCdisadvantageDshortcoming14AworkBlearnCreadDchat15AspanBfacilityClimitDlag16ApointsBviewsCideasDcriticisms17AchatBcommunicateCcooperateDconcentrate18Ae-mailsBlettersCmessagesDspeeches19AevolvedBimprovedCboomedDabandoned20Ahunting forBsearching forCcalling forDlongin

16、g for参考答案:27.【答案】BCADB DACBC ADABC DBACD三、 阅读理解17. Keeping a journal can not only be beneficial to you, but it can also be a benefit to your family. Do you remember the family vacation to Disneyland when you were 12 ? What about your parents 20-year anniversary? Or your birthday party when you turne

17、d 15?A family journal is a book, or a series of books, where family members can write about any event that has taken place. It could have photos, and may also include letters, announcements and other updates from family members.You can also create a family travel journal. It is packed and taken alon

18、g on every family vacation. Each family member can write down their daily or weekly experiences. This is a great place to add photos of your vacation as well as other items such as addresses and phone numbers of where you stayed, names of restaurants where you ate, or other attractions you visited.

19、You can even include other souvenirs (纪念品)that were collected during each trip. Your family journal can include the houses in which you live. You can document your family homes throughout the years. If you never move, you can take photos of when you change the paint color1 . Each family member can w

20、rite an annual memory of living in that home.Another function of your family journal can be to record health histories of your family members. This becomes a medical journal for easy reference to past medical histories. At the same time, you can record your family tree.A family journal is a wonderfu

21、l project that the whole family can work on together. This is something that becomes a priceless book filled with memories that can be enjoyed for decades to come.21. According to the first paragraph, a journal can _.A. predict what will happen in your future life B. do a lot of good to you and your

22、 familyC. remind you of your friends names and addressesD. help you to remember your date of birth 22.According to the passage, a family journal may include the following things EXCEPT _.A. special projects in your company B. health histories of your family membersC. souvenirs D. photos23. From this

23、 passage we can know that _.A.every family member has his or her own family journalB. a family journal can keep you happy and busyC. you can record the changes of your house in a family journalD. a medical journal can prevent many kinds of diseases24.A family journal is a valuable book that all fami

24、ly members _.A. should try to update once a year B. must keep secret C. should read daily D. can share in the future参考答案:21-24.BACD 18. (NEW YORK) A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didnt think twice before diving into the freezing East River. Tuesd

25、ays Daily News said 29-year-old Julien Duret from France was the man who left the spot quickly after the rescue last Saturday. He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Seaport museum. He handed the girl to her father, David Anderson, who had dived in

26、 after him. “I didnt think at all,” Duret told the Daily News. “It happened very fast. I reacted very fast.” Duret, an engineer on vacation, was walking with his girlfriend along the pier(码头) when he saw something falling into the water. He thought it was a doll, but realized it was a child when he

27、approached the river. Immediately, he took off his coat and jumped into the water. When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said. Fortunately, when she was out of the water, she opened her eyes. Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera. An ambulance came later for her, said Duret, who was handed dry clothes from onlookers. Duret caught a taxi with his girlfriend shortly after. The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Duret said he didnt realize his story of heroism had greatly moved


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