1、 PartIGRAMMAR(30A.CorrectThe passage contains ten errors. Each indicated line contains um of one error. In case,ordisinvolved.Youshouldproofreadthepassageandcorrecthe Forawrongword,underlinethewrongwordandwritethe PartIGRAMMAR(30A.CorrectThe passage contains ten errors. Each indicated line contains
2、um of one error. In case,ordisinvolved.Youshouldproofreadthepassageandcorrecthe Forawrongword,underlinethewrongwordandwritethecorrecthe endofthe providedatFor a missing word, mark ition of the missing word and write the word you ve is heoftheForan saryword,crossthesarywordslash/andputthe hePartIIREA
3、DING(80A.MultiplePlease read the following passages and choose A, B, C or D to best complete the ements bestanswerthequestionsinfrontofPassageGermanyhasgoldreservesofjustunder3,400tons,thesecond-largestheafter the United es. Much t is in the ng of central s outside round 133 he ouldtwithsuchavaluabl
4、estash,($170 billion), the ernment would want to keep a close eye on its whereabouts. now a bizarre dispute has broken out reservesshouldben differentGerman institutions over how closely Germany?s federal audit office, the Bundesrechnungshof, which l management, is unhappy with how the central , the
5、 , keeps tabs on t gold reserves gold. According to media reports, the auditors are dissatisfied with the furtaremorecloselynthoseheldIn Germany, spotchecks are carried out to make t the gold bars he right place. forthe German t is stored on the ?s behalf by theUS Federal Reserve inYork,theofEngland
6、inLondonandtheBanque de FranceinParis,the Germancentrals on the foreign central of its foreign t the gold is where it should be. The s give the annual ements confirming the size of the buttheGermansdonotusuallycarryoutphysicalinspectionsof theAccording to German media reports, the Bundesrechnungshof
7、 has mended in annual audit of the for York,theofEnglandinLondonandtheBanque de FranceinParis,the Germancentrals on the foreign central of its foreign t the gold is where it should be. The s give the annual ements confirming the size of the buttheGermansdonotusuallycarryoutphysicalinspectionsof theA
8、ccording to German media reports, the Bundesrechnungshof has mended in annual audit of the for t Germany?s central check foreign gold reserves with yearly spot checks. The has rejected the demand, t central s do not usually check each others? reserves, and there are no doubts about egrityandtheionof
9、theseforeignGermany moved some of its.gold reserves abroad during the Cold War to protect them from sible Soviet attack. Some of the gold was moved back to furt after the collapse communism. But the t it still makes sense to store some gold in l centers t it can be sold quickly if sary. Although the
10、 does provide exact details about the distribution, it has t the largest share of goldisheldinNewYork,followedbyfurt,Londonandimes of y about the future of Europe?s common currency, gold is a hot topic, some Germans take a dim view of the t much of the country?s goldwhich belongs to the peopleis hel
11、d abroad. Some members of ve even expressed as to whether the foreign gold reserves really exist. Philipp Missfelder, a member of conservative Christian Democratic Union(CDU), wanted to see the gold for himself and ttoinspecttheholdings,accordingtother furterPeter , a Bundestag member with the Chris
12、tian ion (CSU), is also about the foreign gold reserves. In recent years he has attempted to ore information Germany?s gold through parliamentary questions. Last year, he had an prepare an expert report on the subject, which concludedt the Bundesbinventory regulations by failing to physically inspec
13、t the gold. economics wasnotfulfillingt would have immediate s to all its gold if sary,t part of goldmayhaveevenbeenlentoutattheSome Germans even want to bring the gold reserves back to Germany. An initiative called Action” ning under the slogan: “Repatriate Our Gold!” Its petition has been signed p
14、rominent industrialist Henkel and Schaiffler, a parliamentarian with business-friendlyFreeDemocrats.Theinitiativetthereisan“acute” tGerman gold could be expropriated as a result of the land debt crisis. They t ernmentcouldsoonbeforcedtosellgoldtocoverthecostsofthe But the wants to leave the gold whe
15、re it is. Observers t apart from high cost of transporting the gold back to furt, the symbolic effect of Germany its gold reserves might unsettle the nervous l markets, who could see it as a sign of impendingcollapseofthe(1)The GermanreofitsgoldreservesheU.S. by A.carryingoutspotchecksofthegoldB.req
16、uestingannualementsfromforeignC.travellingimpendingcollapseofthe(1)The GermanreofitsgoldreservesheU.S. by A.carryingoutspotchecksofthegoldB.requestingannualementsfromforeignC.travellingYorktoinspecttheD. annualauditofthe(2)GermanystoresalargeshareofitsgoldreservesabroadbecauseA.the wantstosafeguardt
17、hegoldagainsttheB.the foreignshaveegrityandC.thegoldcanbetradedinstantlywhenthereisaneedtodoD.theofitsforeignartsare sofar(3)TheBundestagmemberGauweilet A.thegoldmaybejustfiguresandnon-existentinB.ernmentcouldsoonsellthegoldtotackledebtC.thegoldmayhavebeenalreadyusedforD.torepatriatethegoldisthecent
18、ral?sinventory(4)WhatwillbethebiggestimpactoftransportingthegoldbacktoA.ProsperityofB.BurdenoftransportC.ChaosoffederalD.Panic inl(5)WhatisthecentralideaofthisA.Germanydoeschecksonitsgoldreservesinforeign B.GermansworryaboutthesafetyoftheirgoldreservesC.Germany?sgoldreservesheU.S.arenotD.The failedt
19、ofulfillitsinventorydutiesonPassagehe late 1960s,producernamedJoanGantzCooneysetouttostartdemic.was three-, four-, and five-year-olds. A.Germanydoeschecksonitsgoldreservesinforeign B.GermansworryaboutthesafetyoftheirgoldreservesC.Germany?sgoldreservesheU.S.arenotD.The failedtofulfillitsinventoryduti
20、esonPassagehe late 1960s,producernamedJoanGantzCooneysetouttostartdemic.was three-, four-, and five-year-olds. Her agent of infection , and the ”shewanted to spread was literacy. The show would lastan hour and runfive days k, and hope t t hour was contagious enough it could serve as an educational g
21、ivingchildren fromdisadvantaged homesa leg up once they beganelementary school, prolearning values from watchers to nonwatchers, infecting children and their parents, and lingering long enough to have an impact well after the children stopped watching the Cooney probably ve used these concepts or de
22、scribed her goals in precisely this But what she wanted to do, in essence, was create a demic to counter the demicsofpovertyandilliteracy.ShecalledherideaSesameByanymeasure,thiswasisa greatwaytoreachlotsof people,easilyandcheaply.Itentertainsanddazzles.Butitisn?taparticularlyeducationalGerald Lesser
23、, a Harvard University psychologist who joined with Cooney in founding Street, t when he asked to join the project, back in the late 1960s, he skeptical. “I had always been very o fitting how you teach to what you know about child,”hesays.“Youtrytofindthekid?sstrengths,soyoucanplaytothem.Youtrytothe
24、 kid?s weaknesses, so you can avoid them. Then you try and t individual kid?s hasnopotential,erto t.”Goodteachingeractive.Itengagestheindividually.Itusesallthe senses.Itrespondstothechild.is alkingbox.experiments, children who are asked to score n children asked to watch sage and are then tested on
25、it will of the same subject matter.Educationalas “low is like a strain of the common t spreadlikelightningthroughapopulation,butonlycausesafewsnifflesandisgoneinaBooney and Lesser and a third partnerLloyd Morrisett of the Markle Foundation in Yorkset out to try anyway. They enlisted some of the top
26、creative minds of the period. borrowedtechniqueslsto teach children aboutnumbers. They used live animation of Saturday morning cartoons to teach lessons about learning the alphabet. brought in rities to singand danceand star in comedy t taughtchildren about virtuesofcooperationorabouttheirownSesame
27、Street aimed higher and tried n any other children?s show had, and extraordinarythingtitworked.Virtuallyeverytimetheshow?seducationalvaluehastestedandSesamesbeensubjecttomoreacademicn shows been proved to increase the reading and learning skills of its viewers. Thereextraordinarythingtitworked.Virtu
28、allyeverytimetheshow?seducationalvaluehastestedandSesamesbeensubjecttomoreacademicn shows been proved to increase the reading and learning skills of its viewers. There few educators and child psychologists who don?t t the show managed to spread infectiousmessage wellbeyondthe homes of those whowatch
29、edthe showregularly.The of Sesame plished something extraordinary, and the story of how they t is marvelousillustrationofaruleofthe,theStickinessFactor.Theytmaking small but critical adjustments in how they presented ideas to preschoolers, they e?s weakness as a teaching tool and make what they had
30、to say SesameStreetsucceededbecauseitlearnedhowto(6)Whydoestheauthor use”anddemic”todescribetheSesameA.Itisconsideredasa B.smedicalC.IthopestospreadliketheD.Itinfectseducational(7)Theterm“educational” inParagraph1probablymeansA. lentalB.yardstickof C.stimulustoD. wherechange(8)Whatisthe etheSesameSt
31、reetprojecthopestoA.ChangethelifeofrivilegedB.GivepoorchildrenanequalC.EliminatepovertyandD.Helpdisadvantagedhomesacquire(9)GeraldLesserwasskepticalaboutSesameStreet,becauseA.theshowwasmorenwasnoteractiveorengagingC.therewasnoinvolvementamongtheD.non-watchersscoredhen (10) Which of the following did
32、 Cooney and her partners exclude fromwasnoteractiveorengagingC.therewasnoinvolvementamongtheD.non-watchersscoredhen (10) Which of the following did Cooney and her partners exclude from the production of A.RecruitingritiesasguestB.EmployingtechniquesofTVC.EnliveningtheteachingwithD.Involvingparentser
33、activeB.TrueorRead the following passage carefully and then decide whether the ements which follow true(T)orfalseMost serious scientists spend a good part of their waking hours amid rs and equations and equipment, conducting experiments, talking about graphs and data, arguing ideas and theories, tea
34、ching, and writing grant als. But if they browse in bookstores he book review sections of journals, they cannot fail to find a fascinating in the scientific : books proclaiming the extra rational implications of science proliferating. Religionand mysticism are inching theirway o the arena of science
35、 (somethought)theyhadbeendedoutduringthe pasttwoRight from the days of Kepler and Galileo, scientists have generally had a e to After all, except when they encounter faiths of a different shade, religions normally have civilizing effects on the human heart. Isaac Newton ved rsonal God, explicitly hi
36、mself His servant. Leonard Euler was deeply religious, and so were Augustin Cauchy and Michael Faraday. One author has written a 100volume filled with quo ions from eminent scientists expressing their religiousconvictions. No reflecting scientist can be immune to the and majesty of the physical worl
37、d, nor insensitive to the deep mystery underlying life consciousness,thoughsomemaynotexpressraditionalBut the scientific worldview arrivedat bycollective andextensive inquiries,fortified bycountless instruments and carefully-erected conceptual tools, has been in awkward contradiction to explanations
38、 of how the world began and behaves, or holy life emerged, as reported he books of human history. As a result, ever since the Copernican revolution, there have s n scientific theories and religious worldviews. In 1896, A. D. publishedhiseruditework, whichwasanembarrassinglycandidure,instanceafter of
39、thedoggedobstinacyofthereligiousestablishmentinupholdingancienthe face mountingscientificevidencetotheAfter a full century, however, thes n scientific theories and religious worldviews. In 1896, A. D. publishedhiseruditework, whichwasanembarrassinglycandidure,instanceafter ofthedoggedobstinacyofther
40、eligiousestablishmentinupholdingancienthe face mountingscientificevidencetotheAfter a full century, however, the situation seems to have changed drastically. A plethora extrapolations of science are up whose goal is to reestablish prescience. Many books, TV ls, magazine articles, and conference rs a
41、re joyously t ancientswere notashe darkas Baconandcompanyhadt,ifanything,had, uition and revelation, pretty much summed up the essence of twentieth-physicsandcosmology:fromthestrangephysicsofvacuumstothebigIn the view of quite a few writers (including some practicing scientists of repute), physics t
42、HindumysticswererightinpicturingthecosmosastheDancingtphilosophers were when they spoke of yin , for these referred implicitly to conservation of matter and energy; t the Book of Genesis formulates the principle etaphoricalmeters. s been t receding galaxies provide confirmation of what cabalists had
43、 already recognized in medieval times, and inklings of the esoteric formulations of quantum physics (the so-called S-matrix theory) have been detected BuddhistWhether or not mainstream weightto such claims,a significantal scientists take note of it, whether or not they heclosingdecade of our century
44、 tmysticismold-timereligionarebackinfullvigorinpublicconsciousness,notjustasenrichings the human spirit, nor even as competing modes of knowing or perceiving, but as uitive st have at long last been “scientifically proven.” A good deal of isdedicatedeither to showing how limited andmisleading ellect
45、is or to tnonrationally-derivedinsightshavebeenconfirmedbythemostrecentscientific(11)he vecherishedatraditionofngtheirreligiousfssincetimeofKeplerand(12)AccordingtoA.D.White,religiousauthoritiessimplyturnedadeafeartotheamountofscientificevidencecontrarytotheir(13)Thelastdecadeofthe20thcenturysawacha
46、ngeofhesciencefieldancient wisdom: after all, contemporaryscientificuitions are valuable as they sfully (14)Asscienceggest,softhemodem“S-matrixtheory” ofquantumphysicscanfoundinBuddhist(15)Thecomingbackofold-timereligionandhearenaofscienceisnotasinsightfuluitionsandrecentscientifictheorieshavearrive
47、datsimilarC.GapChoose from the list A to F after the passage the to foundinBuddhist(15)Thecomingbackofold-timereligionandhearenaofscienceisnotasinsightfuluitionsandrecentscientifictheorieshavearrivedatsimilarC.GapChoose from the list A to F after the passage the to he he Therearemoren Those of us wh
48、oare small in physical ure are oftenred by kindly friends who say: best things come in small packages.Atcounts.?andsois a beautiful thing. It?s the size of the For the man who craves those extra inches in order to dominate an audience, for the woman regularly has to speak in public while resting her
49、 chin on the table, these thoughts provide consolation. Butthey docontaina germof truth. (16) .Tallpeoplecannotstretchbath or extend their legs in a sleeper or couchette. They can peer over the top of the crowd seldomslidethroughit.Aswithpeople,sowithThere are times when a letter must be long to ach
50、ieve its e. But generally, the shorter words, the should be broken and the letter, the more effective the results will be: Even the o o brief sections. There is no excuse for the t paragraph,northetesa (17) The bore, thewindbag, whomwe wouldall gothe longest distance to avoid, is also writerwhoselet
51、tersweleastliketoread.?Oh,himagain,?yousay,recognizingtheprose.?I?llreaditlater.ifIhavetime.?Sothewriterjoinstheofthegreathe world of journalism there are t pay by the word or column inch. This puts premium on padding. (18) .?We onlywant 500 words? writes the editor. ay &x thousand.? ?I shall be del
52、ighted to write your piece!? the journalist s. But it will be for me to condense the material you o 500 n to produce a piece of 1,000. t it would be fairer to pay the rate of &x for the 500-word piece. It will take me to write and will cost more in care. With luck, the editor will agreeas a al, he t
53、ndvalueareseldomthesame.Qualitycounts.Brevity(19) he world of public speaking there is a trite saying: ?Stand up, speak up and then shut up?. eastthe spokenwork istransitory.Unlessyouare onradio , or you arc a nwho probably go words psome glorious gaffeor, (19) he world of public speaking there is a
54、 trite saying: ?Stand up, speak up and then shut up?. eastthe spokenwork istransitory.Unlessyouare onradio , or you arc a nwho probably go words psome glorious gaffeor, of course, you slander someoneyour words unrecorded and unremembered. in files, to be used in evidence if l correspondence, though,
55、 have sary.So keep those words short, andtothe If you find your letter is too long, take out your equivalent of the sub-editor?s blue pencil. Peel away the extra words with which your thoughts are clothed and leave them to stand on their own naked merits. If you are ashamed of them when they stand s
56、tripped, then think again. Redraft,rewrite,rethink.AmagazineonceaskedmillionairePaulGettyforashortarticleexplainingenclosedhischequefor&200.Themulti-millionairewrote:?Somepeoplecs,Thel.OthersBe brief, then. Or in the famous words of another oil man, ?If you don?t strike oil soon, A. Churchill was on
57、ce asked how long it took him to prepare a speech. ?If it?s a two-he d?tenminutes.Ifit?saten-minutespeech,twoB.ManyalwritersdotheirbesttoavoidthissortofC.sverbiagenotonlyoffends,boresandmuddlesthereader.ItalsofoolstheD.Lengthisfineinitsway,butitmaybeaE. When General Eisenhower ed Arthur Burns as Cha
58、irman of his Economic ggested sending a memo outlining plans anize the flow of advice. Ike said, t short. I can?t read.? Bums d, t?s fine, . I write!?Sotheyne-klyconferenceF. Brevity is the soul of a good letter. Short, snappy, concise, clear and pungent Thoughts y o words with punch. Neat, lively s
59、, shorn of padding ity.ThesearethekeystosfulPartIIITRANSLATION(40A.Pleasereadthefollowingpassageandtranslateo.Shakespeare starts by t to make erless is to invite an attack. This not t ill turn against you, but in all probability ill. If you away your weapons, some less will Shakespeare starts by t t
60、o make erless is to invite an attack. This not t ill turn against you, but in all probability ill. If you away your weapons, some less will pick them up. If you turn the other you will get a harder blow on n you got on one. This does not always happen, but istobe expected,andyououghtnottocomplainifi
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