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1、Unit 7 Hobbies上海牛津版三年级起点根据英语课程标准二级要求,本单元课标要求为:学生能听懂, 读懂有关业余爱好的对话;能用“ I like (doing).表达自己的爱好,并 能询问别人的爱好;能写出本单元的核心词汇句型。本单元的话题是爱好,在三年级上册第12单元中讲到了一年四季, 课堂上拓展知识到问学生喜欢哪个季节?学生初次接触过“I like 这”整体分析个句子。在本册书第4单元涉及到关于爱好的句型 “I like.” “Do you like?”和第5单元的核心句型整体分析本课是上海版牛津英语3B第三模块第一单元,本单元主要是让学生 掌握有关爱好的一些词汇及表达爱好的句型,涉

2、及到了动词及现在分词的变化规则。在小故事中,除了对句型的练习及拓展外,还给学生渗透 要勤劳,没有付出就没有回报的做人原则。功能:喜欢和不喜欢某项活动。话题:个人爱好学 学生之前对I like 已经接触过了,对于它的意思应该不难掌握。情 他们对这个话题有话聊,语言情境也容易建立。在学习本单元中可能会 分 遇到的难点是动词变现在分词的变化,及变化后的发音。可以通过让学析 生预习,寻找规律等手段降低难度。单元 总 目 标语百知识与技能:语百知识:1.核心句型和日常用语:I like singing.词?匚:dance , paint, read, sing, skate, swim, sleep,

3、work, worker.语音:字母s和z在单词中的发音。语言技能:1.听:听懂有关业余爱好的对话。.说:用I like(doing)表达自己的爱好。 用What do you like?旬问别人的爱好。.读:读懂有关业余爱好的自我介绍。读懂有关勤劳的蚂蚁和懒惰的蚱蠕的故事,了解故事大意。.写:正确书写本单元的核心词汇。止确书写本单兀的核心句型I like reading.写一写自己的业余爱好。过程与方法:1.以阅读、对话等方式推动对语言的感知和理解。2.以阅读教学为主线,在所创设的日常活动情境中运用本单元目标语谈 论个人的爱好。情感态度价值观:鼓励学生培养广泛的兴趣爱好。教学方法与手段.采用

4、听说法,通过听录音,回答问题感知和理解Listen and say这一核心板块。.利用多媒体课件,通过身体语言和游戏的方法,掌握 Look and read这一核心板块。.采用交际教学法,通过做调查,交流讨论,然后写出个人业余爱 好,并向全班展示。课时划分与分课时目标板块单元知识整合与拓展的知识教学目标主题语境第Listenswim skate1.学习swimI like一课时and sayLook and learn单词read singdancepaintskate read paint dance和 sing 这 六个单词。.学习 I like singing这个句 型。.通过小组活 动

5、帮学生操练 词汇和句型。doing.句型I like singing.What about you?What doyou like?第二课 时Enjoya story单词sleep work workerat home, come inIm a goo worker.d.学习句型I like. in.2.通过对故事 的学习,让 学生感受所 学句型在故 事中的运 用。I like doing in.句型I like.in (season)第 三 课 时Learn the sound Think and单词复习所学单词。.学习字母s 和z在单词 中的发音。.让学生通过 调查和汇报 活动来递 步巩固

6、、拓 展和运用句Hobbies句型I like.在语境中综合运用本单元语writeDo asurvey言介绍个人的爱好。型,并培养 学生的语言 交际能力。3.通过学习任 务,帮助学 生巩固和综 合运用本单 元所学的知 识。语音字母s和z在单词中的发音。作业设计第一课时I.Copy the words and sentences.2.Read the sentences.第二课时1.写词块,造句。Eg. Sing. Singing. I like singing. I like singing in autumn.第三课时1.用2-3句话,写一写自己的个人爱好。教学设计续页课题Unit7 Hob

7、bies课型新授课时第1课时时间年 月日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims.听说读写单词: dance, read, sing, paint, skate, swim.听说读写并能运用句型:I like表达自己的爱好。Difficult pointsI like后面接动词-ing形式和接名词的区别。板书设计Unit7 HobbiesswimswimmingskateskatingdancedancingsingsingingpaintpaintingreadreadingWhat do you like?I like (doing)教学设计续页教学流程Pre-t

8、ask preparations1.Greetings2.Free talk:T: Glad to see you again. How was your vacation?Where did you go ?What season is it? Do you like spring?While -task proceduresShow the pictures of the animals.T: What do you like?Ss: I like Show the pictures and the actions of the verbs. swim, skate, read, sing

9、, dance ,paint.Read these words and have a groupompetition.Practice the new words.Act and guess , look at my mouth and guess.T: I like swimming. Do you like swimming?Show the forms of V-ing.Ss: No, I don t.T: What do you like?Ss: I like引导说出动词ing形式)Read the sentence after me. Listen and say.教学设计续页教学设

10、计续页Listen and answer the questionsT: Kitty, Kitty , What do you like?Ss: I like skating and dancing.T: What about you, Peter?Ss: I like reading and swimming.Role-play, then read the text.Post-task activityMake a dialogue with your partner using the sentence:What do you like?I like(doing).Do a survey

11、 in your group.Eg.S1:Hi! Im I m tall and thin. My mouth is biglike singing and dancing.HomeworkWrite the words three times and drill twice, read the text fluently, preview the story.Unit 7 Hobbies课新授课第2时年 月日课题型时课时间项目内容Teaching important aims教学重点难点.掌握词?匚和短语:教学重点难点.运用句型:I like What do you like时对方的爱好。D

12、ifficult points1.I don t.Likdoing)句型的用法。.鼓励学生培养广泛的兴趣爱好。.渗透没有付出就没有收获的做人道理。Unit7 Hobbies板书设计板书设计springsummerautumnwintersleepingsleepingsinging and dancing. % id1Ben城Bobworkingworkingworkingreading教学设计续页教学流程Pre-task preparationFree talk and check the wording 形式变化)。While -task proceduresSing the song:I

13、 like singing.(Two tigers.)Review the seasons and let Ss make the new sentence:I like swimming in summer.Show PPT and let Ss read the story and get the general idea.Then ask the questions.Who are they?(Ben and Bob.)What does Ben like doing in spring and summer?(He likes sleeping.)3)What does Ben lik

14、e doing in autumn?(He likes singing and dancing)4)What about Bob? What does he like doing in spring, summer and autumn?(Bob likes working. He sa good worker.)5)Does Ben like winter?(No. It is cold in winter. He doesn have a home.)6)What does Bob like doing in winter?(He likes reading at home.)7)What

15、 does Bob say to Ben?(He says, “It cold here.教学设计续页教学设计续页教学设计续页教学设计续页Please come in!Show the video of the story and ask Ss some questions:What does Ben like doing in spring?What does Bob like doing in autumn?Who do you like? Why?T gives summary: Ben doesn like working. He has no home or food in wint

16、er. Bob likes working. He has a nice house. He has food in winter. Ben is lazy and Bob is hardworking.Role play and read the story together.Post-task activitiesThink and write.Make a story using the following information.Green, brown, tall, short, friend, snow.In spring, it is warm. In winter, it is

17、 cold. Who is he?What is this? Taste it. How is it? What she matter? Don t worry.Homework.Write the words three times and drill twice.Read the story fluently and try your best to recite it.Preview the sounds.课题Unit 7 Hobbies课型新授课时第3课时时间年 月日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims.复习所学单词。.复习句型:I like What d

18、o you like?.学习字母s和z在单词中的发音。Difficult points.学生通过调查和汇报活动来进一步巩固、拓展和运用句型,并培 养学生的语言交际能力。.通过学习任务,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识。板书设计Unit 7 HobbiesS sandZ zebra教学流程个性化调控教学流程个性化调控Pre-task preparationWhile -task proceduresPost-task activitiesHomework课题Unit 7 Hobbies课型新授课时第3课时授 课时 间年 月日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims

19、.复习句型:I like (doing) What do you like?.掌握语音:字母s和z在单词中的发音。板书设计Unit7 HobbiesS sandZ zebra教学设计续页教学流程Pre-task preparation1、Sing a song. I like singing”鼓励学生用其他单词如dancing, writing等替换singing。I like dancing. I like dancing .Brother John. Brother John .I like dancing. I like dancing .Ding-dong-ding! Ding-dong-ding .2、拿出一些单词卡片先进行示范,然后让学生仿说。T: swim-swimming, dance-dancing, paint painting, listen-listening clean-cleaning, come-coming 接着再用I like(doiing句子。I like swimming. /I like listening to the wind/bird/cat/plane /I like cleaning the blackboard./I like skating in winter. 可通过


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