



1、第4页 共4页国家外语才能建立视角下的外语教育规划提 要 国家外语才能是国家经济文化竞争力的重要支点。外语教育是中国教育事业的有机组成局部,对于国家总体战略的有效施行具有重要的支撑作用。基于国家战略开展,本文从国家外语才能建立的视角审视外语教育规划的现状与问题,提出外语教育规划效劳国家外语才能建立的战略开展建议。【关键词】:p 外语教育规划;国家外语才能;国家战略开展Abstract National foreign language capacity is an important fulcrum of the national economic and cultural petitiven

2、ess. As an integral part of Chinas education, foreign language education is bound to play a great role in supporting an effective implementation of the national development strategy. This paper examines the status and problems of the development of Chinas national foreign language capacity from the

3、perspective of national strategy as well as language planning. In this study, we have identified four areas in need of improvement. At the macro level, first, there is a lack of strategic awareness, and second there exists a need of top-down strategic scheme and systematic assurance. In term of reso

4、urce allocation, first, strategic input is insufficient and disproportionate with regard to professional development, and second there exists an acute insufficient supply to meet the demand and structural unbalance. To deal with the problems and challenges, we have also proposed five suggestions, na

5、mely: to project a proper strategic plan in foreign language education, to conduct a constant monitoring of the national foreign language petence, to optimize the national system of foreign education, to upgrade the standard for foreign language teachers, and to explore the training model of subject

6、 pioneers and top professionals.Key words foreign language education planning; national foreign language capacity; national strategic development一、导 言近年来,随着中国综合实力的崛起和国际影响力的进步,中外文化和经济互动日见增多,中国的海外利益范围日益扩大,参与国际事务和国际竞争日趋频繁,国家的多方面平安问题领土平安、经济平安、主权平安、军事平安、文化平安、信息平安等成为各研究领域的焦点。国内众多语言学者指出,在处理涉及国家平安事务的过程中,语言的

7、作用被摆在了关键地位如赵世举 2022,2022;沈骑 2022;戴曼纯 2022;赵蓉晖 2022。当语言涉及一个国家的平安问题时,传统意义上语言研究中的交际、认知、社会文化视角对于理解语言与国家平安的联动关系,显现出局限性。世界强国和跨国组织近年来制定的语言开展政策和规划警示我们,必须充分认识到语言作为经济和文化资在维持和稳固国家平安方面的关键作用。语言是资,在个人层面,“公民个人语言才能的强弱直接影响民族素质和国家人力资质量与程度,进而影响一个国家的经济创造力和开展力”赵世举 2022:1;在国家层面,能否充分“掌握利用语言资、提供语言效劳、处理语言问题、开展语言及相关事业”直接关乎国家的经济利益乃至综合实力。这里涉及的语言才能就是众多语言专家们提及的“国家语言才能”赵世举 2022;文秋芳 2022;李宇明 2022。“国家外语才能”是由国家语言才能延伸而来的一个重要概念。作为国家语言才能的重要组成局部,在全球化进展中,国家外语才能建立显得尤其重要。文秋芳、苏静和监艳红2022认为,国家外语才能是指“一个国家运用外语应对各种外语事件的才能”。与文秋芳等人侧重国家平安的定义不同,蔡基刚2022认为国家外语才能还表达在


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