1、10%3.201410%3.2014ETS 1If you are selecting a leader for a studentanization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.Honestyisagoodqualitytoleadaanization.Alotofstudentsvoteforncandidate who is loyal and honest as the best one to lead a anization. As far as I concerned
2、,beinghonest1If you are selecting a leader for a studentanization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.Honestyisagoodqualitytoleadaanization.Alotofstudentsvoteforncandidate who is loyal and honest as the best one to lead a anization. As far as I concerned,beinghone
3、stisessentialinrunningastudentsunion;howeverthereareotherdrawthesameling the truth when dealing with student irs is helpful for colleagues improve. In order to fully support other workmate, ling them where the problem is how to correct it are useful. For le, when a colleague who is new to the Office
4、 of irs,makesamistakeincorrectlyregisteringstudentnames,plainlying out his issary.Inadditiontothis,itwouldbealsoappropriateltstudentarenormally scratchy, andthere wouldbe moreif he has not paid enough attention to Inaword,beinghonesttohismistakewouldnotdiscouragehisworkingrise,buthimtoworkwithmoreca
5、utions.However,onbalance,foraleadertomanagetheteamwell,honestisnotenoughfortheyhonesttootherswouldhurttheirfeelings.Toavoidthis,havetoconsiderotherfactorsasaleaderofaTo begin with, admitting al mistakes is a l characteristics for a leader, sets foundation for self-improvement. If oneis unable to ack
6、nowledge where hehas failed, henever be able to he s of working on the areas of weakness. In order to be a leader, one has to make mistakes, and confront them desire to do he future. has more to do with improving your competence as a leader, n how people perceive A leader will constantly be faced wi
7、th tough s. Every leader thus has to take risks, but good leader takes calculated risks. The only way to get better at this -makings is make mistakes and learn from them. Also, if you are willing to make your mistakes public, votersandcolleaguesmay bewillingtotrustyoutotakebiggerhecooperationisablet
8、oimprovetheefficiencywhenencounteringdifficulties.Accordingtoaconducted by Gallup, dreds of student leaders from universities in California, significant percentage of them t being cooperative in dealing with problems could everybody involved when making s. During the , suggestions from memberswouldm
9、aketheproblemscomprehensivelyconsidered,andhenceminimizingthetoignoringcertainaspects.Meanwhile,lettingeveryonehaveanopportunitytoexpresshisopinion makes them feel a part of the team, which is essential to build team spirit.Tosumup,thereisnothonestycouldhelpastudentleadertorunHowever, to consider it
10、 as the most important one is too absolute, and there are other factors, asadmittingtoerrorsandtareindispensableforaleadertotake鱼数量减少应该限harvestoffishing2A/D: Universities should require all their students to learn about foreign cultures as well as their own culture.College curriculum has long been t
11、he center of public attention. Some educators ercultural studies should be made compulsory among undergraduates. I think this is ,agoodmasteryofforeignculturescanhelpinfusestudentssense2A/D: Universities should require all their students to learn about foreign cultures as well as their own culture.C
12、ollege curriculum has long been the center of public attention. Some educators ercultural studies should be made compulsory among undergraduates. I think this is ,agoodmasteryofforeignculturescanhelpinfusestudentssenseofWith the prevalence ernationalcooperationandcollaboration,thewholeworlde globalv
13、illagewhereoptimizingbears the fruit of prosperity. It is no longer surprising find grocery stores filled with foreign brands or long-distance delivered produce. People imported goods and techniques featuring higher quality and lower costs. A car, for instance, consistsofGermanymademotorengine,winds
14、hieldandEuropeanleatherseats.Toattheicture,oneneedstoknowthestrengthsofotherswhotaketheleadinrespectiveThis sense of globalization offers people a competitive edge one cannot gain otherwise. But all thiscanbedifficulttoachievewithoutproperknowledgeofforeignBesides, exotic cultures and customs so sha
15、rpen students perceptions about the Sole understanding of ones own culture is usually compared to fixating on one single page of book.Itwouldbeashameifoneturnsablindeyetotherestofthetcanbesoforeignts why kung-fu movies easily stir up western imagination and strongly appeal western appetite. Foreign
16、cultures can be a good source for inspiration. They free people conventional mentality and offers a . For instance, Italian galleries enjoy popularity among art lovers because the history of Renaissance ingrains the world with ofbreathtakinglybeautifulings,sculpturesandarchitecture.Inordertotheart,p
17、eopleneedtolearnaboutoriginsoftheFurthermore, a good understanding of foreign cultures can be instrumental in dealing ernational relations. Take bodylanguage for le. Thiscanbe rathertrickyin cross-communication. Inwesterncountries,itiscommonto seepeoplemeetingfortimekiss the ive each other a warm hu
18、g. On the other he east such behavior can consideredinappropriate.PeopleKorea where bowing or shaking hands is more acceptable. Oblivious to such cultural ,people would end up being reted or misunderstood. In times like this, learning foreignculturesisnotaoptionbutaTosumup,itismendableforcollegestud
19、entstotakecoursesonforeign1 striped bass的鱼,因为他们主manhaden1 reduce striped bass会对整个生态系统带2 Manhaden proteinlivestockpoultry2Soybean protein, 并且会更加3 减少生产使得就业机会减少,这会带来3 会带来事业和经济损失,但是一段时间recover. 但是如果不采取行动,整collapse.forbettersenseofglobalization,foreignstudiesandcross-cultural将 lionfish,把它引入到市场上卖,有三个好处2、减
20、少对别的鱼的 forbettersenseofglobalization,foreignstudiesandcross-cultural将 lionfish,把它引入到市场上卖,有三个好处2、减少对别的鱼的 overfish,将它引入市场卖,减少对其他鱼的需求2low fat high蛋白质。所以对人类身体有利,减少其他鱼带来的对人身体的lionfish和其他鱼,抓它的时候也会抓到别的farm逃走,扩散到别的地3A是gargen存在与否。阅读,存在,希腊历史学家有记,考古学家发现遗址,希腊记载的不一定是 HG,考古把水引入房顶是技,大帝建复杂建筑但是引水为河不符合实际,因为缺水The best
21、 way for a teacher to help e erested in a subject is to tsubjectwillbeheirlivesoutsidetheB nativeplants cheatgrassgrazersburn grazersnative影响烧完还会很快长出来的;fungalsresistenceweaksickBeingcreative nplanningcarefully,willhebestsolution toa4Somepeopleliketorecordtheirlifebysharingpicturesandotherinformation
22、onlsites.Otherskeepthisinformationtothemselvesandnevershareitonline.WhichdoyouThe world is getting increasingly smaller with theadvancement munication, blog, wechat and linkedin have linked people in virtually every corner of world and brought them closer. They may see, hear, read or talk about the
23、same thing at the time,or,whentheydovethesamethingtofocustheirattentionon,theysharewhattheyhear, read ndividually. There are, clearly, his modern practice and mentality sharing,buttome,therearetoomanydownsidesforittobetime,or,whentheydovethesamethingtofocustheirattentionon,theysharewhattheyhear, rea
24、d ndividually. There are, clearly, his modern practice and mentality sharing,buttome,therearetoomanydownsidesforittobeworthAmongotherthings,itisasourceofstressorburdenforourfriendsostpicturesorinformation(abouttravelling,diningout,anyparticularservice,etc.).Theymayfeelobligedtoerest in you. relevant
25、 information might help us to gain easier s to what we need or to provide a o a different culture, but it could also be confusing, distracting or even misleading as well. do ve to look far to see the a glance at the numerous traveling tips or blogs, contradictorydirectioninstructionsandavarietyofsen
26、timentalities,wouldbegiveusaseverenenoughWhatsworse,talinformationonaorsomeso ho can get aclnetworkingsite s to the site, is to e ourselves or our s and friends to increasingourtheft,fraud,ingthesofcybercrimes.Onlinechasandcreditcardproblemsarenothingnewtous.Itistwefortoughermeasurestocrackdownononl
27、inecrimesandforarotection of our privacy agerly e ourselves, proudly and prominently, to the potential criminals ting photosorinformationonwherewego,whatwedo,orwhomwemeet,soonandsoTim Cook, CEO of Apple, often challenges himself with the question put forward by Dr. Luther King: The most persistent a
28、nd urgent question in life is “What are ng ourselvesaboutwhatishappeningtoandaroundus,torecordourlifeforusorforwhoknowswho,wemightaswellaskourselves thesameTopicessentialairThesisItisSub-一个镇离机场120千米也可以享受服5AAmtrak,aserviceoftrain,shouldbesoldtoprivatecompanies? Reading: yes.ernment loses too oney on
29、Amtrak, because the remote areas are andifAmtrakissoldtoprivate5AAmtrak,aserviceoftrain,shouldbesoldtoprivatecompanies? Reading: yes.ernment loses too oney on Amtrak, because the remote areas are andifAmtrakissoldtoprivatecompany,theseroutescanbe2. It is unfair to rivatecompanies.Amtrakisfundingr pr
30、ice, 3. There are other ion need money, train is not very important, people own DoyouagreeordisagreevisitingmuseumisthebestwaytolearnaboutaIeIagreewiththis,althoughIthinkmuseumsshouldjustbeonepartofthemanywayslearn about a country you are visiting! However, museums are very he way they place their c
31、ountry within a history and culture, give you a taste of what type of art they have offer, and show what the nations values are, based on what they choose to display about youcanlearnaboutacountryfromamuseum.Thishelpsyoutoconnecteverythingyouseeyou,whichyoumightpaying a visit to a veotherwiseunderst
32、oodorted.Forle,ifyoulearn,tPariswasradically he mid1800s, you tly te the wide streets and city his city. Without the t museumsprovide,foreigncountriescanseemliketheirvariouspartsdontmatchSub-乡村往城市移, 这是natural s Sub-repairing 必须是由system 来承担,所Artmuseums,ontheotherhand,letusheartheofthecitizensofthesec
33、ountriesAre there a lot of eccentric ings and installations, showing a culture of free spirits? Or does traditionofdignifiedceramicsanduesofaseriousYoucanArtmuseums,ontheotherhand,letusheartheofthecitizensofthesecountriesAre there a lot of eccentric ings and installations, showing a culture of free
34、spirits? Or does traditionofdignifiedceramicsanduesofaseriousYoucantjudgeawholenationjustfromaleoftheirartwork,ofcourse.Butyougetglimpses of what values they hold dear tothem based onwhat they choose toItemsuseumsaremeanttobepreciousandimportant.Amuseumdisplay tree trunks from a t was very important
35、 to them, but is now being damaged logging.Butamuseuminadifferentcountrymightnever dreamofshowingnaturalitemsSeeingthesedistinctionshelpsyouunderstandthecountryyourevisitingonamuchdeeperTherefore, I do t visiting the museums is probably the best way to learn about a you are visiting. They teach you
36、about the countrys history and cultural context, they show off the art of the citizens, and help you see where their valuesB Do you agree or disagree with the sement: Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together.he 21st century, there has been dramatic improvement
37、in diverse aspects of people7 s However,peopleingincreasinglybusyandsometimesareoverwhelmedbyendlessor study. As a result, less time is o s and people no longer have meals withfamilyyopinion,thisistotallymistakenanditissignificantforpeopletowithfamilymembersregularlydespiteofthechangeoftime.Myreason
38、sare asTo begin with, for parents, having regular meals with children can promote parental relationship. Children spend most of their time learning in school and playing with peers; adults are withtheirworkandlizingwithcolleagues.TheimportanceofhavingfamilymealsisPeoplettimespendatthetablecanbemeani
39、ngful.Forle,parentscandiscoverttheirchildrenstrugglewith.Theycanprovideguidanceorinspirechildrentofindsolutionbygivingthemsomenicehisway,childrencanfeelthecareandlovefromandparentsnowhildrensthoughts.ItbringsmutualIn addition,for couples, having regular meals can strengthen partners7 relationship. c
40、ls sot as time goes by, n lovers decreases. The lack of arriageproblemsorevenseriouscrises.Byspendingsomequalitytimewithbeloved companion at meal table we can listen and understand each other better. one meal with our partners a day shows one7 s care and how much we value the erson spiteofthebusysch
41、edule.Willingto maketimeforsomeoneisagreatway toLastly, forchildren, it isofgreat significance tohaveregular meals with ouraging parents. peopletodayarebusywiththeirown workallifeandthey6独立写作:people often buy products not because they really need but because oth eople Onedefiningcharacteristicofpeop
42、leisthedegreetowhichtheyfollowthepublictopurchasecommodities they dont actually need. How people spend money is closely related to the of their life. Therefore, when it comes to title et whether everyone buys products others6独立写作:people often buy products not because they really need but because oth
43、 eople Onedefiningcharacteristicofpeopleisthedegreetowhichtheyfollowthepublictopurchasecommodities they dont actually need. How people spend money is closely related to the of their life. Therefore, when it comes to title et whether everyone buys products othershavethem,peoplednotionsvaryfromonetoan
44、other.However,from,asknowheworldisabsolute,wehaveyzetheeonacase-by-caseAdmittedly, the competing minds can motivate people to purchase something they dont lly the young people. Dueto the immature psychologyof teenagers, they aremore likely sarekeenonpursuingvariousfashionableclotheswhiletheboysarecr
45、azyabouttheproducts. My brother is a good case in . As a crazy fan of electronic products, my always squander his money on constantly buying the latest gadgets and had collected various ch6.Withtobuyit.MybrotherrequiredconstantlymyparentstopurchaseoneforTherefore, young people have not formed a rati
46、onal habit of spending money t they buy products only out of competing minds.However ,adult people will spend money on products accordingtotheirownneedsbecausetheyhavearationalviewofspending.Accordingtoapolling10thousandspeopleagedover40conductedbytheConsumerServicetion,mosttheirexpense aredistribut
47、ed ondailysities instead of some luxurious. When asked about questionslikewhatisthemostimportantfactorinchoosingacertainproducts,theygivetheto its practicality and quality. Meanwhile, nearly 90% of erviewed people have the habit recordingeverydaycostandmakeaplanofallocatingmoney.Forle,if they want t
48、o buywashingmachine,theywillcomparetheinvariousstores andthendetermine topurchaseTherefore,theeoplearemoreprudentinspendingmoneyandthuswillbuysomethingontheirown.he ysis, we cannot t all uy products not because they need them because others have them. From , it depends of people whether we re more i
49、nfluenced some commodities due to the competing mind. To be specific, the hat they havent formed a rational concept of consumption, by contrast,what the uyaremoredeterminedbytheirownneed,fortheyarematureand的早期人类是从欧洲过去的。1、spear s的刀锋和欧洲的一样2、&skull 和欧洲的像 3ocean 人是从亚洲过去的。1spear spear 问题 随便找个 bone 都能跟欧洲的
50、像。3来t。2skull很7独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following ement? As modern es complex,itisessentialforyoungpeopletohavetheabilitytoplananize. 【2009.12.5MLIanize is very useful for young people. This has alwaysbeentrue7独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following ement? As modern es complex,it
51、isessentialforyoungpeopletohavetheabilitytoplananize. 【2009.12.5MLIanize is very useful for young people. This has alwaysbeentruetoanextent,butmodernlifedoesseemtohavemorethingstokeeptrackof!very important, for t people know exactly when they are scheduled to o class. l events and meetings may be mo
52、re nhe past and the need to downtheirdatesandlocationsmaybegreater.Eventalkingwithfamilyandfriendscansometimes be a little complicated these days. All of these are reasons to invest in a planner and commit anizingyourtime.ItreallydoesmakethingsThebasic“9to5”jobisnthe21stcentury.Weallworkmorningtoeve
53、ningandgetimefordinner.Somepeopleworkthegraveyardorworkonline.Somepeopleworkrandomhoursandtakecollegeclassesinn.tscase,thentheirclass schedulealsochanges everysemester,rearrangingtheirentireday!Itcanvery complex and writing down the scheduled hours every day can be y helpful. It tleventsarehardertok
54、eeptrackofwhenweliveinaworldofsocultures and niches. Its not as if everyone is simply going down to the local community center and all going to the same gatherings anymore. Maybe theres a manga fan club you found t meets at someones house every Wednesday. Or maybe theres an evening yoga class wantto
55、checkthenewyogahenexttownover.Theseeventsarentsoanization is key to ng them straight, writing down their individual addresses, andSometimeseventalkingwithfriendsandfamilyiseasierwhenscheduled.Ifyoursisterlivesonothersideofthecountry,youneedtohetimedifferencewhencallingheronthephone.youreSky planning
56、 friendinadifferenttalso must bepre-planned. ,anizing are fantastic skills to have. Work, school, events, and lare just a handful of the things we need to keep track of in our complicated modern world. Its great for young people to plan accordingly.综合写作农民使用杀虫剂(prohibition of using 1 8独立写作Do you agre
57、e or disagree with the following s ement? People should know about events happening around the world even if they have little influence on their daily lives. Use specific ex les to support your answer.There is no denying t the world is getting smaller every day. The 8独立写作Do you agree or disagree wit
58、h the following s ement? People should know about events happening around the world even if they have little influence on their daily lives. Use specific ex les to support your answer.There is no denying t the world is getting smaller every day. The globalization of economy has made people and natio
59、ns more closely connected and more n before.People should keep up with globalcurrent irsbecauseeople can see it or theseeventsimpactourlivesnweTakeforlethepoliticalsituationinliketheMiddleEast.restandl.TheglobalmarketlargelydependsonoilfromtheMiddleEast.Theunrestanization, leading to he production o
60、f oil. This affects global oil then impacts every other facet of industry and economy. The price of everything, such as produce,isaffectedbythisseeminglylocalizedAnotherleofalocalesglobalimpactPterosaurs Pterosaurs1 1Pdense covering hair fur一样。即使energy 就能飞.2 P像长颈鹿那么大,体重太重以至于无法飞2 P的体重在同等大小的动物中算是轻的。li
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