1、Oxford English 2AOxford English 2A There are six plates.There is one spoon.There are five pairs of chopsticks2.Learn:A story通过对小动物 Ginger 的2. Teach: A story描述,引起 I can see a table and学生的注意 P1 Look, this is a picture of Ginger s room. What canchair.力与激发学生学习欲you see?There is a table and a chair in the
2、 room. P2What s on the table? There are two bowls on the table.Read it one by one.There are twobowls.Then read after the teacher.望。反复听说,P3.Where s Ginger?Read it one by one进行强化训Ginger is on the chair. P4P5P6Let s listen to the tape Play the cassette for the story.Listen and say.Students follow andre
3、ad the story练。Post-task1. Say the story again, with1.Say the storyactivityboys saying one verse andagain, withboys适当的竞争girls the next.saying one verse and girls the next.可提高学生 的求知欲。通过小组活2. Make a rhyme.box.学新内容,There are two rubbers做到知识的Look at your pencils box.in my pencil box.结合与运How many rubbers
4、?How many pencils?How many rulers?There are six pencils in my pencil box.There is one ruler. in my pencil box.用。AssignmentListen and read after the tape.Say and act板 书 设 计2A M3 U3How man y ? There is /are .教 学 反 思Oxford English 2AM3U3 (3)Content2AM3U3 In the kitchen letters and revisionAimsTo learn
5、the letters:Qq RrTo learn the rhyme.To review the wordsDrills : How many: bowl plate spoon chopsticks ? There is / are.Language focusThe pronunciation and writing of the letters.Teaching aidsMedia, pictures, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeacher s activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1
6、.Sing a song2 Say a rhyme :Aa, Aa, apple, appleBb, Bb, bag, bag.Sing a songRecite the numbers.使学生快速调整心态,进入学习英语的状态。Revision:Read the letter cards.Match the capital letters and small letters.Listen and choose the correct the letters.Ask some questions. Look, this is Alice kitchen.How many bowls?How ma
7、ny plates ?3. Revision:Read the letter cards.Match the capital letters and small letters.Listen and choose the correct the letters.4.Answersomequestions.s Look and answerThere are four bowls.There are six plates.对上节课所 学的单词、句型作一定的 复习与巩固。How many spoons ? How many chopsticksLook at your pencils box.Ho
8、w many rubbers ?How many pencils?How many rulers?Try to teach:There is /are .in/on/under theThere is one spoon.There are five pairs of chopsticksLook and answerThere are two rubbers.There are six pencils.There is one ruler.Try to say:There is / are .in/on/under the发挥学生想 象, 让学生灵活运用There b 的句 型进行完整 的表
9、达。并加以鼓励表扬。While-task procedure3. Teach: Qq queenShow the alphabet cards ,compare “ Pp”“ T: Qq QqQueen begins with the sound “ Qq”Read after theteacher. “ Queen ”Listen and choose the number.Write the letters with the fingers.Say a rhyme: Pp Pp pencil pencil Qq Qq queen queen2. Teach: Rr rabbitThe sa
10、me way.Listen and chooseCan you findanywords with the letters“ Rr”?Make a rhyme like this:Learn:Qq queenRead it one by one.Qq”ReadP/Q O/PP/BP Dq/d b/dp/q o/qWrite.Try to read: queen quiltLearn:Rr rabbitread.I/R Q/R A/R L/R i/r l/i p/qn/mrubber rulermother反复听说,进行强化训练。Qq Qq I can see,Rr Rr for you and
11、 me Queen queen I can see, Rabbit rabbit for you and me Play the cassette for the new rhyme.Studentslisten andrepeat Make a rhyme Students follow and read the new rhyme.有节奏的说 唱英语,为培养学生良好 的语音语调 打下基础,活跃课堂气氛。3. Write the letters : Ask students say how to write Teacher write the letter on the board.5. W
12、rite the letters : To say Students try to write in their exercise.Post-task activityPlay a game(Which alphabet is in the box?)Do exercise(Match the capital letters and the small letters)Play a gameDo exercise猜的游戏能 激发学生的 好戏心,提高学习的积 极性。AssignmentListen and read after the tape.Say and act板 书 设 计2A M3 U
13、3Qq queenRr rabbit教 学 反 思Oxford English 2AM4U1 ( 1 )ContentsLook and learnTotal: 3No: 1AimsThe usage of nouns to identify natural objects e.g. the sun, the moon.To use imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. Look at . Can you see?To teach: Look at . Can you see?Love natural objects.。Teaching ai
14、dsCassette 2a and a cassette player.ProcedureStepTeacher s activityStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationGreetingShow a picture, ask:What can you see?What colour is it?GreetingAnswer:I can see It s .复习巩固,为新授做准备。While-task procedure1 To learn: sunshow the picture of morning, say : Look at the
15、 sky, What can you see?Elicit: sunfollow the teacherchant: sun sun big and red2To learn: starRepeat several time s.Then one by one.用所学的句型 引出新授的内 容运用chant 来1)Listen to a song: 2)show the picture of night. It nsi ght, Look at the sky, What can you see?Elicit: star3)Read the word4) Ask and answer: What
16、 can you see? I can see.How many?3 To learn: moonShow the picture of night. guess; what is it?Elicit: moonRead the wordShow the flash, ask: Can you see the moon?Elicit: Yes, I can.5) rhyme:What s in the sky?It s the moon.Can you see the moon? Yes, I can see the moon. It s bi and bright.Listen to a s
17、ong together.Read, use different voicesPair workg Work in pairs.Can you see?Yes, I can.Say the rhyme.巩固操练。整体感知,教师设置语境,灵活运用语言,做到听、说、认读通过所学的句 型进行适当的 操练。教学设计从生 活体验转入到 语言训练,有助于学生巩固所 学知识,提高会话水平。Post-task activityListen and tickListen, judge andrespond.Listen to the textMake a short dialogue.T&S1 A modelL
18、ook at the sky, can you see the ? Yes, I can see.How many?Open the books. :Lis ten and repeat.Makea shortdialogue.自编对话,培养学生的交际意识和说话能力。AssignmentListen to the tape and read thewordsand sentences.Say and act with parents.板 书 设 计Unit 1Look at the sky, can you see the ?Yes, I can see.How many?.教 学 反 思Ox
19、ford English 2AM4U1 ( 2)ContentsLet s talkTotal: 3No: 2AimsThe usage of yes/no questions to obtain a simple response.e.g. Can you see ?The usage of formulaic expressions to confirm/denye.g. Yes, I can./No, I can t.To know more information about ask and answer .e.g.No, I can t.Love the natural world.
20、Teaching aidsmedia, cassette,ProcedureStepTeacher s activiytStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1 Listen to a song2 Show a big sun and a little star, let Ss compare the size.3 Listen again, let Ss to sing along with the recording.用歌曲引起学 生兴趣,教师 自然引入新授 内容。While-task procedureAsk and answer:L
21、ook at the classroom, can you see the? S1:Yes.Hide the object, ask: Now can you see the? Elicit: No, Ican t.memory game Can you see the ?Look and answer: can you see the ?Yes, I can.Ask and answer: can you see the? No,I can t.通过直观物品 的问答,让学 生直观的理解 句子的含义。游戏的形式,Yes, I can./ No, I can t.3 To learn Pictu
22、re1 ,2Prepare a picture of the sky, Say: Look at the sky, Can you see the stars?Ss: Yes, I can.Ask: How many stars?Ss: One, two, three ,stars.Do pair workPlay a gameShow some clouds in the sky, ask: Look at the sky, Can you see the clouds? S1: Yes, I can.Ask: How many?(guess) S1: cloud(s).4 To learn
23、 Picture3,4Show the picture, hide the moon and ask : Can you see the moon?S1: No, I can t.Ask some students.Do pair workCan you see the moon?No, I can t./No, I can tAsk and answer:LookatCanyousee?How many?Answer the question.避免枯燥,增 加乐趣。培养学生独立 思维的能力, 合作学习的意 识。Post-task activity1 Listen to the dialogu
24、e2 look and act out the dialogue3 Make a new dialogue.Ps read after the tape.Ps read together.回到课文,培 养学生听,说 能力。HomeworkSing a song with the recording.Read the dialogue fluently and try to act out with your friend.作业要求学生 将语言训练再 次融入到生活 中,养成良好 的学习习惯。板 书 设 计Look at the sky, Can you see the ?Yes, I can./
25、 No, I can t.How many? .教 学 反 思Oxford English 2AM4U1 ( 3)ContentsLet s learnTotal: 3No: 3AimsTo review words and structures:The pronunciation and writing of the letters: Ss Tt.To foster a good habit of writing.Teaching aidsa cassette player, cardProcedureStepTeacher s activityStudents activitiesPurp
26、osePre-task preparation1Greeting2 sing a song3Review the lettersRead the letters from Aa to RrMatch the capital letters and small letters.Listen and raise the correct letter cards.GreetingReadMatch the lettersListen and raise营造欢乐,轻松的气氛,使学生快速进入学习状态。也为新字母学习作铺垫。While-task procedureShow the video.1.Teac
27、h:soup1) Talk about What s this on the table?2)Ss learn to say3) Rhyme: soup, soup, have some soup.2. Teach: SsStudents listen and follow.通过图像整体引 入,吸引注意力。Point to the word card and say: s,s ; sss; soupSs follow the teacherSho w letter card“ S ” and sWhat s this? It “s S” T.h e capital letter “ S” .S
28、s read the letter one by one.Compare the letters.Write the letters with fingers.Teach: table, Tt(using the same way)Play the cassette, listen and repeat.Learn to write the letters.Teacher writes the letters on the board, Ss look carefully.Try to write.ay:Students listen and readStudents read the rhy
29、me.注重字母的发音,培养学生的语感。通过单词引出字母, 有意识的培养学生拼读单词的 能力。教会学生正确书 写笔顺。通过发音规则,学习内容由单词到 句型,层层突破Post-task activitySing a song.Read the letters and rhyme.Read the letters and rhyme one by one.Repeat or clapListen and raise the letter cards.Play a game: Put the cards in the box, Guess: Which letter is on the top?3.
30、Make a dialoguePlay a game, Let them know the letters.提供快乐的学习气氛,让学生在歌曲中得以放松。HomeworkListen to the tape and read the sentences.Read for parents.Read the letters and rhyme by yourselfWrite the letters听读有韵律的儿歌, 培养学生的语感和说话能力。板 书 设 计Ss soup sun starTt table tall touch教 学 反 思Oxford English 2AM4 U2 ( 1 )Co
31、ntent2AM4U2 In the forestLook and learnAimsThe usage of nouns to identify animals, e.g., fox, hippoThe usage of key patterns to express one s preferences, e.g., I lgrass.To know animals and be friendly to animalsLanguage focusThe usage of nouns to identify animals, e.g., fox, hippoTeaching aidsMedia
32、, cards, pictures ,masks, etcProceduresStepTeacher s activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationRhyme:Tom s rabbit is smooth and softSong:T: Look at the picture.This is the forest. There are many animals. What canSay the rhyme.Sing together.复习上一节课的儿歌,并通过师生间关于动物的问答,歌曲的演唱来以旧引新。既能ikeyou se
33、e in the forest?3. I can see .培养欢乐课堂氛围,也为今天的学习奠定基础。While-task1. To teach: fox, meat1. Watch the cartoon.通过看一段procedure1) To elicit: fox狐狸吃葡萄T: Watch a cartoon abou t a的动画片引Fox and grapes 出单词fox,2) Read the word: fox2. Read the word直观生动,容Compare with box易激发学习3) Ask and answer3. Answer兴趣。T: What s thi
34、s?看完动画后,What colour is the fox?通过师生谈How is it?话使学生进What can it do?一步熟悉狐 )Say sth. about the fox.4. Try to say sth. about狸, 并在老师T (wear a mask of a fox)the fox like teacher.的示范下尝Look at me. I m a fox. I m试用拟人化small. I m orangec. aI n5. Guess.方法用第一jump. I like grapes.人称描述。 ) To elicit: meatT: Oh. The
35、grapes are sour.I don t like them. What do I like?I like chicks. I like ducks. . Read the wordI like meat.继续用动画6) Read the word: meat片的内容,具 ) T: What else likes meat?有连贯性。Say a rhyme.7. Make a new rhymee.g.e.g. Tigers like meat.Meat meat meatLions like meat.I like meat.Meat meat meatNice nice niceT:
36、 Do you like meat?还有什么动What else likes meat?物喜欢吃肉,8) Say and act.8.Say and act.启发学生动2. To teach: hippo grass脑想一想,并1) To elicit: hippo创编一个儿T: Look at me. I m big. My1. Guess歌。ears are small. But my mouth is very big. And I like to stay in the river.2. Read the wordGuess: Who am I?说一说并演2) Read the wor
37、d: hippo一演,及时巩3) Say sth. about the hippo.固,学以致T (wear a mask of a fox) say用。Look at me. I m a hippo. Imbig.3.Read老师夸张地4) To elicit: grass说出河马耳T: Look. What is hippo朵小,嘴巴大eating? Grass.Cows, sheep. horse 的特征,刺激5) Read the word: grass4. Make sentences学生思维和Compare with glass想象。T: What else likes grass
38、?Make sentences with grassSay and act the hippo.Look at me. I m a hippo.I m big. I like grass.5. Say and act还有什么动 物喜欢吃草, 启发学生动脑想一想。说一说并演一演,及时巩固,学以致用。Post-task1.Read the new words1.Read the new wordsactivity2.Complete part B充分利用教2. Listen and match listen and match o材 n 和 教 辅 巩3. Listen and enjoy the
39、WB page 42固新知。Rhyme on page 443. Say the rhymetogether.请学生说一4. Each student acts out a paragraph of the rhyme using their body language.说并演一演.AssignmentListen and read the new words and sentences.Listen and read the new rhyme on page 44.培养学生良 好的听说习 惯。板 书 设 计2AM4U2 In the forestFoxmeatHippograssLook
40、at me.I m a I m I like 教 学 反 思Oxford English 2AM4 U2 ( 2)Content2AM4U2 in the forestLook and sayAimsThe usage of key patterns to describe what animals like to eat, e.g., Look at the It likes Describe animals fluently.Animals are our friends.Language focusThe usage of key patterns to describe what an
41、imals like to eat, e.g., Look at the It likes Teaching aidsMedia, cards, pictures ,masks, etcProceduresStepTeacher s activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationSay the rhyme.Say and act.Show a chart and ask students to tickthe chart.Then check the answers as follows.e.g.,Say the rhyme.S
42、ay and act.e.g., Look at me.I mTick the chart.Answers复习上一节课的儿歌和句型,温故知新。T: ( point to the monkey) Monkey ,monkey, what do you like?T: Yes. The monkey likes bananas. It likes bananas.S1: I like bananas.Ss: It likes bananas.以表格形式通过师生间关于动物的问答,来以旧引新,使学生对 It likes 有个初步印象。While-task procedureTo teach:Look
43、at It likes ( Wear a mask of a fox and say)T: I m a fox.I like meat.Show some pictures of animalsAnd ask:e.g., Look at the fox. What does it like?Describe animals.e.g.T: Look at the fox.It s small.It likes meat.Show some pictures of animals and have students talk about them.To teach the textListen t
44、o the recording.Answer some questions according to the test.e.g., What does the hippo like?Is the hippo s mouth big?Read the text after the recording.Act out it.S1: It s a fox.It likes meat.Answer: It likesRead together.Look and say.Listen.AnswerRead the text.通过头饰表演使学生明确 It likes 的 意思。学会用Itlikes 来回答
45、,并能听懂What does it like?学会用第三人称单数来描述一种动 物。在重点句型已突破的情况下,以课文内容为载体,主要培养学生的听说理 解能力和回 答问题能力。4. Act out it.Post-task activity.1. Read and tick.e.g.,Look at the animals. They are hungry. This is a cat. What does it like? It likes fish. This is a lion. What does it like? It likes meat.2. Guessing game.S4 com
46、e to the front and listen to the describing and then guess. . Read and make a .riddle.1. Read and tick.e.g.,It s gray.It s fat.It likes grass.It s a hippo.Yes. You re right.It s a hippo.e.g.,It s small.It s brown.It can jump.It likes bananas.What is it?It s a monkey.读一读连一连, 巩固本课 重点句型。降低难度,你一句我一句 描述的
47、猜谜活动,有利于调动全班学生的积极性,并为下一环 节同桌猜谜 游戏作好铺 垫。完成教辅材料页上 的配套练习。先整体朗读谜语,再请学生自己编。AssignmentListen and read the new text.Make a .riddle about an animal and show it in tomorrow s class.培养良好的听说习惯。准备一个动物的谜语第 二课上请同 学猜, 这样的 作业学生喜欢。2AM4U2 in the forest板Look at the 教书It likes 学设反计思Oxford English 2AM4 U2 ( 3)Content2AM
48、4U2 in the forest Learn the lettersAimsThe pronunciation and writing of the letters, Uu, Vv, Ww Learn the new words and rhyme, e.g., umbrella, van, window Rainy day is also full of fun.Language focusThe pronunciation and writing of the letters, Uu, Vv, WwTeaching aidsMedia, letter cards, word cards,
49、 pictures ,etcProceduresStepTeacher s activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationSay the rhyme.Guess.Review letters Aa Tt.Say the rhyme.Make a .riddle about an animal and others guess.Read letters Aa Tt.把准备好的动物谜语请同学猜, 复习巩固并检查家作。复习字母,温故知新。While-task1. To teach: Uu umbrella充分利用儿歌procedure
50、A. To teach: umbrella图片,创设雨天1)T: Show a picture of the rhyme拿伞乘车的情and ask:景引出新单词,When it is raining what自然不孤立。根do we need?据教材内容和An umbrella.教学需要,这雨2) Read the word: umbrella1. Read the word:天拿伞乘车的3) T: Look. How manyumbrella情景将贯穿整umbrellas?堂课。What colour are they?2. Answer.根据儿歌内容4) Say a rhyme like
51、this:图片创编儿歌,Umbrella, Umbrella自然明白,并为One and two.3. Say a rhyme学习儿歌作好Umbrella, Umbrella铺垫。Black and red.Umbrella, Umbrella单词是由字母Take an umbrella.组成的,由单词B. To teach: Uuumbrella 引出1) T: What new letter do you see字母Uu,再填in “ umbrella ”?写含有字母Uu2) To teach: Uu的单词,并归纳3 Look and read其读音,合情合4) Write Uu on W
52、B p44.4. Read and write.理。5) Fill in the missing letters.e.g.b_s c_t r_bber _p2. To teach: Vv ,van5. Think , fill and1) T: Look at the picture. Is this aread .下面这两个字bus? No, it s small. It s a母和单词的教van.学类似与上面。2) Rhyme:Van van, a small van.Open , closeVan van, in a van.Read ,say and是动词,学生说3. To teach
53、: Ww windowwrite说做做中学得1) Say and act:更好更快。window, windowopen the window.有必要从读音window, window和字型上与其close the window.他字母作比较,Compare:Read: Uu WwWrite: Mm WwFill in the missing letters.e.g._indow _endy _ithRead ,say and write加深印象。Post-task activityListen and read the letters.Listen and Read the words.Sa
54、y the rhyme.Look and listenUseful expressions:Wendy, with, raindrops, fall, head takes, closesImitate after the recording.4)Try to sayListen and read.Listen and read.Say the rhyme.这首儿歌意境好,充满童趣,但内容多,生词也多,有挑战性, 所以要对学生多鼓励表扬。AssignmentListen and read the new letters and words.Listen and read the new rhy
55、me on page 45.Write : Uu, Vv, Ww培养学生良好 的听说习惯并 认真书写字母。板 书 设 计2AM4U2 in the forestLearn the lettersUu, umbrellaVv vanWw window教 学 反 思Oxford English 2AM4 U3 ( 1)Content2AM4U3 Look and learnAimsTo learn the new words: flowertree climb pickTo use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g.: Don t pick t
56、he flowers.Language focusTo get to know the rules in the street.Teaching aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeacher s activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationSing a song.Quick response.Say a rhyme.Sing a song.Quick response.Say a rhyme.利用歌曲,让学生进入学习状态。While-task procedureTo tea
57、ch :flowerTo elicit:T: Can you draw ? Yes, I can draw , too. I can draw a flower. Look. What can you see? (Show a picture and the word.)Read the wordShow the media and say.e. g : Flower, flower.I can draw a flower. Flowers, flowers.Smell the flowers. Nice, nice, nice.Teach: pickTo elicit :T: Look at
58、 this media. He can pick the pears. He can pick the peaches.( show the word)Read the word pick Chant. E g:Pick, pick. Pick the .Pick, pick. Pick the flowers.To teach: Don t To elicit :T: In the street, Can we pick the flowers?In the park, can we pick the flowers?So you can say: Don t picListen and a
59、nswerT-SRead it.Say.Look and Listen.Learn: pickLearn: Pick the_. Pick the flowers.AnswerFollow the teacher and k Say: Don t, don t. Don t以旧引新,自然过渡联系实际生 活, 对学生的 语言量进行 适当的扩充 以达到在生 活中的运用。层层深入,机械操练,突破难点。联系生活,让学生听说体 验。情景体验,让学生把握重the flowers.T-SS1-S2G1-G2B-GT: Look at the sign. What does the sign mean? Ye
60、s, The sign means Don pick the flower .Look. In the street, we can tp ick the flowers. We can t So we can say: Don t (run, ride, s kip )To teach: treeTo elicit :What s this? ( Show the picture and word. )Read: treeMake some sentences.To learn: climbTo elicit :Read: climbShow the phrase andread it :c
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