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1、Daily newsLesson 1 A private conversationby QuentinTopic for discussion1.When did you go to the theatre/cinema? Tell me about the play/film.2.Do you get angry easily? What kind of thing makes you angry?3.Would you like to be an actor? Why/Why not?4.Would you like to go out to see movies or stay at h

2、ome to watch TV?一。private1)pivate. adj.作形容词,表“私人的”通常作定语来修饰名词。它就相当于personal.我们的标题是:A Private Conversation,表示私人谈话。a private lifea private car a private lettera private schoolNew oriental is a private school.2)表秘密的(secret)a private/secret place好,现在我们来回顾一下 private 从1)至2)conversation 谈话 我们就想到.?talk,say,s

3、peak,chat,那么conversation,是个名词,表示非正式的谈话have a conversation with sbeg. I had a quiet conversation with my closest friend.eg. No conversation while I am talking.converse, 同根动词,表谈话,不及物动词converse with sbspeak表说话,讲语言的意思。作及物动词,讲语言,后面直接加语言比方说speak a foreign languagespeak Chinese/Englishspeak作不及物动词,表说话 speak

4、 to sb 同谁谈话名词的讲话为speechmake a speechchat n/v表聊天chat on QQ总的来回顾这些词三。theatre(英)n. theater(美)再比方说,metre-metercentre-centergo to the theatre(去看戏)go to the moviesgo to the cinemago to the film去看电影口语中play house也作戏院的意思=theatretheatre goer戏迷=play goer四。seat(重点词汇)n/vt 发音si:tsit sitchair 椅子(可搬动的)1)seat(固定的)n.

5、座位,座eg. Is this seat taken?(这有人坐么?)eg. Have /Take a seat,please.I had a very good seat.=Maybe I sat in the front of the theatre.seatbelt(安全带)seat 作及物动词,表安排坐下seat sbeg. Seat yourself.eg. Be seated,please!六。loud adj.大声的loudly adv.aloud adv.eg. She called loudly/aloud for help.think aloud 自言自语adj.+ly=a

6、dv比方说,下面出现的angry-angrilyrude-rudelyeg. The young man said rudely.eg. real-reallyexact-exactlyquick-quickly七。attentionattention n.注意pay attention to sthpay some attention to sth给予一定的注意, some表强调,可换成more,close,great,enough,little,no等。draw ones attentionattract ones attentioneg. The girl draws our atten

7、tion.eg. Attention,please.(哈利波特中校长讲话)回顾1)bear n. 熊,粗鲁蛮横的人。eg. He is really a bear.a bear marketa bull marketa bear hug紧紧地拥抱,热情的拥抱bears advice 帮倒忙(俄国作家克雷洛夫的寓言-隐士和熊)2)v. 忍受(stand,put up with sb)eg. I cant bear it anymore.eg. I cant bear the bear. 区别thing,business,affair,matterthing 任何的事情,事物(很泛)busines

8、s 强调职责,责任(通常是自己的私事)affair 强调发生过的或将要发生的事情(具体的事务)eg. foreign affairs(外交事务)matter 被考虑,被处理的事(通常是些问题)eg. Whats the matter with you? 在讲解课文之前,我们先来看一下关键句型。简单陈述句的语序问题。英文中有哪几种句型 :陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,感叹句和There be句型.陈述句用来描述,陈述事件的。简单陈述句是来描述一件事情。句中只有一套主谓宾的。其中描述的某人或某事(who,which,what)在最前面,称为主语。动作称为:谓语动词。这个动作的被发生对象(who,whic

9、h,what),作动词的宾语。而当谓语动词是系动词的时候,我们称之为主系表结构。我们来看一下,He left. 他离开了。那么通过这个句子我们可以总结一个现象,陈述句至少有主,谓这两个部分,只有主,谓存在才能叫一个句子。好,我们进一步来修饰这个句子,他去年离开了北京。He left BJ last year.那句中的顺序就是主谓宾+时间状语。也可以:Last year He left BJ.那么来回顾一下简单陈述句的语序,就是:主语,谓语,宾语,方式状语,地点状语和时间状语。接下来我们来做一些小小的练习,句中单词打乱了顺序,通过刚刚的讲解,来看一下,看你能不能把排成一个正确的简单陈述句。1.

10、The film I enjoyed yesterday. -2. The news listened to I carefully.-3. Games played yesterday in their room the children quietlyLast week I went to the theatre. I had a verygood seat. The play was very interesting. I didnot enjoy it. A young man and a young womanwere sitting behind me. They were tal

11、kingloudly. I got very angry. I could not hear theactors. I turned round. I looked at the man andthe woman angrily. They did not pay anyattention. In the end, I could not bear it. Iturned round again. “I cant hear a word!” Isaid angrily. Its none of your business,” the young mansaid rudely. “This is

12、 a private conversation!” I. WATCH and comprehension 看课文动画并理解The writer turned round. He looked at the man and the woman angrily, . A. and they stopped talking B. but they didnt stop talking C. but they didnt notice him D. but they looked at him rudely2. The young man said, “Its none of your busines

13、s.” A. He was talking to the young woman. B. He was talking about the play. C. He thought the writer was trying to listen to his conversation with the young woman. D. He thought the writer was asking him a question. II. New Words and Phrase 生词和短语New Words:private adj. 私人的 angry adj. 生气的conversation

14、n. 谈话 angrily adv. 生气地theatre n. 剧场,戏院 attention n. 注意seat n. 座位 bear v. 容忍play n. 戏 business n. 事loudly adv. 大声地 rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地What do you think about this text? Have you ever been in such a situation? How did you deal with it? Please share your experience with us.III. Questions and DiscussionIV. Practices 练习Last week the w


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