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1、2021 年小升初冲刺模拟测试 外研版英试题一、音题选出划部分发音不同的单词( ) B. fork 选出画部分发音不同项( ) brother B. C. 选出每中划线部分读音不同的一项( )A.kilo 选出划部分发音不同的单词( )C.like C. over 二、选填空_ boy? my brother. Whatare Im years old. How B. How she Chinese C. Does 10. 9. Sam _ than Jack. older B. younger smaller 9.I match my dad. B. C. 10.Mr lives big b

2、ig garden. B. C. 11.There is a _ picture. C. in 12.People clean their _ Spring B. 13.Ben, eat too much It is dont Not 三、请据提供的单把下面句子补充完14.选填空。an with on (1)I need_ (2The is nice. Put it_.(3)Look dress. (4He playing_ (5)Look sun_ sky.四、连成句 We, (.) (连词成句)16.circle a (.)连词成句)17.teachers / library office

3、 / the / to / / (.)(连词句) hand, in, she, the, in (,) trees People more plant (词成句)五、从面方框里选正确的子完成对话20.选合适的选项补全话 What shall Hello! Dongdong?C. What you want to tomorrow? Shall we cinema E. A film is at A: _B: Dongdong.A: _B: I park. What about A: I film. _B: A film?A: Yes. Its B: _A: Thats a good B: _A

4、: 00 at 六、排题21.重排列下列句子A . old you?B . Susan. I ask a C Im nine.D . E . Im 22.读读,给下列句子序。 you like a sweet? hot C. Hello! please.E. thank you. Its a Hello! Yang this?七、完填空23.根上下文,选择适的单词 1 his father and John. There were 2 people there. His ran very but Jiamin not. There was 3 he was so I fast at schoo

5、l, Why I Mike this! and Jiamin some water. it and he 7 fast again. There was were many in that race. like a the race. But 9 Then he woke up. He was the It was all a A. and A. much A. nothing A. worry A. A. drank A. A. win A. trips10. at with a lot thing thought drinks felt inC. C. C. anythingC. worr

6、iedC. C. drinkC. fellC. winsC. trippedC. 八、阅读理解24.阅短文,根据短文容填空。 Saturday. Its a nice day. John Jim nature is big forest in park. near the forest and fish it. There is a over the river. They take some pictures on the is a mountain in the park. want mountains, (1 and go a nature (2There lake forest the

7、 park.(3 and fish _ lake.(4 and pictures on _.(5 want _ mountains, they no time.25.阅理解 fine, and the is blue. Now in the morning. a meeting the the Look! A and a cat running. there a dog and two tigers are jumping. climbing trees. Four around singing.There other animals The standing. A is sitting ol

8、d The a flag in his hand. They all (1How weather ? C. (2 are running ? A horse and B. A A B (3 are jumping ? Two tigers. A dog and two (4What are birds doing? B. around singing. (5What it now? B. C. A dog C. C. Ten 答案与析一、音标题 2. B 3.A B二、选择填空 A 6. A 7. B A 10. C 11. 12. A A三、请根据提供的单词把下面的句子补充完整14. ()(2)(3)()()in四、连词成句15. dont have tea 16. 17. office is library.18. In got her crops in hand.19. People plant more 五、从下面方框里选出正确的句子完成对(


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