1、第一段1a. 解决什么问ensivesystemusedonsmallconsistsof apewith sprinklerontcan beattachedtoa ionary2:isa第一段1a. 解决什么问ensivesystemusedonsmallconsistsof apewith sprinklerontcan beattachedtoa ionary2:isareal-lifecommonphenomenonwithmany3:Aneffectiveplan)isl b. 1:We find the optimal number of tollbooths in a high
2、way toll-plaza for a number of highway lanes: the number of experiencedbyt minimizes average 2:A brand-new university needs to balance the cost of information securitymeasureswiththepotentialcostof attacksonits3:We determine the number of sprinklers to use yzing the energy motion of water in the pip
3、e and examining the engineering parameters of he4: After mathematically would like to present ouryzing the problem, our ing s, strategies, mendations)tothe 5:Ourgoalt(minimizesthe timeWithout implementing defensive measure, the university is exed to an expected loss of $8.9 million per year.例:We add
4、ress the problem of optimizing amusement park enjoyment distributingQuick Passes(QP), reservation slips less time waiting in line.t ideally allow an individual to 1 We formulate the problem as a network flow in which ofescortsandwheelchairare the 2 : A nave strategy would be to employ the minimum nu
5、mber of escorts tallpassengersreachtheirgateson3:Wedividetheothreephases:flyingthroughtheair,punchingthestack, andlandingonthe第二、三段:具体分1在什么模型中/ a. 例1:We formulate a differential mto account for the rates of change of these uses, and how this change would affect the overall consumption of water withi
6、n studiedxamined the mathematical effects of . We developed 例 detailed (simulation methodology) to test our ideas and fy n (among) 例1:We formulate a differential mto account for the rates of change of these uses, and how this change would affect the overall consumption of water within studiedxamined
7、 the mathematical effects of . We developed 例 detailed (simulation methodology) to test our ideas and fy n (among) different 3:Basedon(writeyourbasissuchasthetheoryofsupplyanda (suchasdifferentialequationtincludesdemand,4:To(writetheb. stablishacriterion(writetheis todeterminehowtolayoutpeeachtimeth
8、e6:Wedetermine7:Webuilda8:Weformulateatoyzing and a. es,wedetermineinitialconditionsour .b. 写计算机模拟1:this system andleads to a computer simulation of catch-can tests of the 2:Softwarepackingreachesby calculating and c. inreality,weincorporateextensivedemographicdata2:We fit the modified m the last co
9、nclude).d. to data (such as 1970-2003.). We t hysicallycharacterizetherovideastrategy (writethelogical3:The is uitive,and flexible) and couldbe d 4:To meet the needs of people today stablish a criterion rational(合理的标准) allocation(分配a. 例:We differentt this strategy is not optimal but can be improved
10、by b. 1:If Delta Airlines were to utilize the nave strategy at Airport, the cost would be 2:Wemodifythetoreflect (sometrendsuchasexponentiallyandgeneralizetheto(other3:Our results are summarized in the formula for the optimal number Bof tollbooths for例:Forvariousd. eanoptimalt.series2:Weconclude3:Ou
11、r results are summarized in the formula for the optimal number Bof tollbooths for例:Forvariousd. eanoptimalt.series2:Weconcludemendationsforhowbeste.例:Inadditiontothe例:Todemonstratehowour最后一段:写总的结a. ,wealsodiscusspoliciesforworks,weapplyitto例:Oursuggestedsolution,whichiseasytoimplementincludesadetail
12、edtimetable and the arrangement of pipes.1:Our algorithm is broad enough flightschedules,andflightmodate various airport 例2:Ourysis began by determining what factor impact, Our are presenteds例:Sinceourisbased onitcan bedto 其他(承上启下的连接词/常用词组例:Inadditiontothe,wealso(1)review,summarizepresentoutlinedesc
13、ribeeattemptaim(3)的重点内容或研究范围,常用词汇有 study, present, include, emphasizeemphasisattention等(1 , , , discuss,ysis , (1)show,resultpresentroduceconclude的论点和作者的观点,常用词汇有 suggest, repot, present, expect, describe 等(2) 说明论证, 常用词汇有等 support, provide, indicate, identify, demonstrate,confirm,e,sity,saryexpect demonstrate,confirm,e,sity,saryexpect 摘要中常用的词语汇的algorithm methodofevaluating app
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