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1、In short procrastination is a habit if you will, a very bad habit, thatconsists in putting off something for the next day. Procrastination isto blame for most ofour productivityproblems and yet it seems thatveryfew people actuallydo something about it.And thisdoesntsolelyapplyto your personal life e

2、ither, it just as well happens in your career aswell, because chances have ityoullbehave the same way atwork as well.Missed opportunities,frenziedwork hours,stress,overwhelm, resentment,and guilt are just a few consequences.I m pretty sure most of youve told yourselves at least once in yourlife I ll

3、 do it tomorrow, I have the time or tomorrows another day.Ok, that s true, but to paraphrase a common proverb, why put put fortomorrow,what you can do today? Its safe to say that everybody knowsthat procrastination is hazardous, but what compels people, like you ormyself, todo it?Theres a few reason

4、s why people resultto postponementslike fearof theunknown, fearofchange, perfectionism,fear offailure,disorganization and so on, but probably the most common reason islaziness. That s right folks laziness can really be a bugger, some goas far as sayingit s a terriblesickness, I personallythink its a

5、lljust a psychological issue.The key to overcoming procrastination is inner strength, inner strength to motivate ourself on completing a task no matter how big or small it is. However most of us lack a particular strength in character and getsucked away from our goals and plans. Do not despair thoug

6、h there are ways to help pass procrastination and eventually get things done.1. Take It One Step At a TimeSome tasks, at first glance, may seem simply overwhelming or require aHerculeanamount ofeffort,so interm we dontdo anything,at all.It simportantnot to letyourselfdiscouraged by any particularamo

7、unt ofworkorpressure involvedinan activity;what you need to do is startoffslow,insmall baby steps,ina revere pyramid styleand youllsoon findthatthings are actually beginning to shape up. For example the other week,I went in with my dad in the garage to clean up the place. There werewrenches,old car

8、oilstench,used car parts, an old refrigerator,a brokenTV and a bunch of other useless crap lying all over the place. I didnteven know where to start from and it all seem like it was gonna take forever to cleanup the mess. My dad soon approached meand told me“there sno hurry son,there s no pressure,w

9、elljust takeit one step ata timeand see where weget. ” Westarted offwiththe floor,then with the stockedup drawers and went to more and more difficult task from there on, untilaround midnight we finally finished.My garage never looked cleaner.Thisis not only a methodical technique of getting things d

10、one, but also aprovider or motivation.2. You Don t Need To“Have To, ” You Need To“Want To”Ifyou feellikeyou “have to ” do somethingyoullautomaticallyfeela sense of restrainmentand negativity,thatcomes naturally when werefeeling obliged to do something. This leads to some seriousprocrastinationissues

11、and is most encountered atwork. The solutionhereisto shiftyour mindsetfrom “have to ” to “want to. ”Be a firmbelieverthat if you dont want to do something, then you dont haveto. Simpleas that.Thismight ofcourse have someseriousconsequences, likeloosingyour jobforinstance(inthe most extreme cases),bu

12、tif managetomasterthe art of avoiding unwanted activities, you wont have any trouble.There are some unpleasanttasks that we cant avoid, like work for some(Inever couldunderstandwhy somepeople would choose to maketheirlivingin a field of activity they displease), but even then we can avoidprocrastina

13、tionby trickingour brain.You can do thisby findinganythingremotelypleasantabout what youreabout todo,no matter how small andthen think about it all the time, while you pursue the respectiveunpleasant task. Thiswillcheat yourbrain into thinking you wantto doit, not have to.3. Brainstorm Your Way OutA

14、 common reason for procrastination is lack of ideas, when dealing withany kind of tasks, that mildly requires some creativity. Weve all hadour days of mind blocks or plateaus, its actually fairly common, butif this period of blockage is too long, procrastination can settle in.What you need to do isb

15、rainstorm.Go outsidehave a walk and freshenup,observe and analyze everything you see or encounter. Always bring a ben/pencil or a PDA (for those of you more tech savvy) and start takingnot es of what you see. Dont criticize yourself, write down even the most preposterous ideas your mind might produc

16、e, you never know when something brilliant might come up.4. Time YourselfI ve foundthat many peopleresorttoprocrastinationbecause theyhaveto much timeon their hands and so theyputoff thingsfor the nexthour,day or even weeks. Go to your desk, grab an alarm timer and set it for10 minutes, 30 minutes o

17、r whatever time you believe is necessary tocomplete your work. Be surenot toleave toomuch room though, in examplethis post in normal conditions might take me 2-3 hours to write, Iveset my timer for 40 minutes. Its still ticking. This will help youmotivate yourself in completing your work, but also m

18、ost importantly itwill help you focus.5. Eliminate All Other DistractionsThismeans no IM,TV, no e-mail,no internetwhatsoever (unpluggingyourchord would be a good idea), no music (for those of you that find itdistractive, I personally can work fine with music in my headphones) oranything remotely dis

19、tractive, that might break your concentration.Anything that might come between you and whatever task your trying tofulfill may disrupt your current activities and thus lead toprocrastination.It s better toavoid thisby elim inating anythingthatmightcause you tosuddenlyabandon your work. However, be c

20、areful. Dontoverexaggerate with thisand lock yourselffrom the outside world,fromyour family and people that care for you.6. Stop Being A PerfectionistAnother causeof procrastination is perfectionism. Its natural for ushumans to try to be the best at something, but sometimes along the pathwe can tend

21、 to over-react with our ambitions and turn to perfectionism.This way we try complete a task flawlessly from the very beginning, butthis takes a lot of work, that in term leads to a lot of stress, whichin term leads to procrastination. This is because your brain will soonassociate that stresswiththe

22、respectivetask and will tryto avoid it,most often by postponing it.It s important to understand that no one and nothing is perfect. Itsactuallythe imperfectionsthatmake the world around us so beautifulandmost of all unique. You can try to write the most complete and helpfularticle ever or build the

23、perfectsoftware all you wont, but youllnever succeed, because there llalways be room forimprovement. Realizethat an imperfect job completed today is always superior to the perfect job delayed indefinitely.简言之,拖沓确实是一种适应, 一种坏适应, 把情形推托到以后干是它的要紧特点。大多数关于工作效率的问题大体 上能够归咎于拖沓的毛病,可是很少人能够对这种毛病实际的做一些尽力。 那个毛病并非会

24、只是阻碍你的个人一辈子活,一样会阻碍到你的事业,因为一旦有机遇,那个毛病也会你在工作中表现出来。错过机缘,加班加点,压力,折磨,抱怨, 内疚确实是最终连续串的后果。我相信大多数的人曾经在生活中不止一次的告知自己: 我明天再做它, 我还有时刻,或是明天以后的某个时刻。 OK,没错,但我要用一个谚语说明一下:什么缘故是明天,今天不行吗?(why put put for tomorrow, what you can do today? )我能够打保票的说, 每一个人都明白拖沓不行, 那究竟是什么让人们, 就像你自己,去拖沓呢?有很多缘故能致使人们去拖延情形, 例如对未知事物的恐惧, 可怕改 变,完美

25、主义,可怕失败,混乱无序等等, 但恐怕最多见的缘故却是 懒惰。确实如此,懒惰是个不行的毛病,有时候会进展成很严峻的问题,我个人以为它完满是个心理上的问题。克服拖沓毛病的关键是内在意志, 用内在意志去激发自己完成一件情形, 不管情形大仍是小。 但咱们大多数都在性格里缺乏这种意志,因此才致使咱们离目标和打算愈来愈远。 不要沮丧,仍是有方式能够帮忙咱们去克服拖沓、最终让咱们完成咱们的该做任务的。一点一点的做有 些任务,乍一看,感觉是无法实现的,或是需要莫大的尽力,于是就致使咱们竟然就什么都没做。 咱们万万不要因为某些工作或压力而气馁, 这很重要;咱们处置它 们的方式应该是慢慢启动,就像小孩学走路时最

26、初的那一小步,采纳一种倒金字塔的方式,你专门快就能够发觉情形正在实际的开始有雏形了。 例如,有一个周末,我跟爸爸一路走进车库预备打扫那个地址。扳手,废油,用过的汽车零件处处都是, 一个旧冰箱,一个破损的电视, 还有一堆其它没用的废物。我真是不明白如何下手, 看起来这是个永久不能完成的任务。 爸爸专门快走过来告知我: “那个地址没有什么要紧的情形, 没有什么要求, 咱们只需要每次做一点,然后看 看咱们都做完了什么。“咱们从地板开始,然后是那些放东西的抽屉,然后其他愈来愈麻烦的情形,如此,直到午夜,咱们终于完成了。 咱们的车库前所未有的干净。 这不仅是一种做情形的技术方式学, 也是为人父母和鼓励人

27、的方式学。没有“必需做”,只有“想要做”如 果有什么情形是你感觉是“必需”要做的,那么你会不由自主的产生一种消极抵触的情绪,当你感到“被迫”要去做什么情形是自然会产生这种情绪。这将会致使一些严峻的拖沓问题,大部份发生在工作问题上。 解决那个问题的方法是将“必需做”的思想偏向转变成“想要做”。坚信若是你不想做什么情形,你就没必要去做它。就这么简单。固然,这或许会致使一些严峻的后 果,例如当即丢了你的工作 (在极端的情形下) ,可是若是你能把握如何躲避不想做的情形的艺术时,这种情形就可不能发生。 有些不令人快乐的情形咱们无法幸免, 例如替他人做事(我一直不明白什么缘故有些人要生活在他们不中意的行业中),关于这种情形咱们能够用欺骗自己的技术来幸免拖沓。 你能够在你将要做的任务中寻觅任何值得你快乐的方面, 哪怕是一点点, 然后你就一直想它, 然后再去做那些不快乐的任务。这种方式能够骗过你的心智,让你感觉 你想要去做它,而不是必需做。走出去想方法致使拖沓的一个常见的缘故是没有主意,专门是处置某些需要制造性方式的任务。 咱们每人都有思路卡壳和畅通的时候,真是很常见


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