



1、 教材知识点回顾总结教材知识点回顾总结过去进行时和时态复习(一般过去时、现在进行时)选材理由:时态是中考的重点,现在进行时、一般过去时和过去进行时是中考中的高频考点。人教版教材初二下Unit3,外研版教材初二上Module6以及北师版教材初二上Unit4都讲到过去进行时的学习。过去进行时和时态复习(一般过去时、现在进行时) 一、一般过去时备注: used to do sth. 表示过去常常做某事。 e.g. I used to get up late. 二、现在进行时备注:1go, leave, arrive, start等动词用现在进行时表示将来。The bus is coming soon

2、. 2与always, frequently等副词连用,表示感情色彩。She is finding fault with others. 一、单项选择。( )1Never trouble me while I_in my room.(陷阱题)Awill sleepBasleepCam sleepingDslept ( )2Ann is in hospital. Oh, really? I_know it. I will go and visit her. (陷阱题) AdidntBwontCdontDdid( )3Dont turn on the TV. Grandma_now.Ais sle

3、epingBwill sleepCsleptDsleep( )4We were in Qingdao last week and_great fun there.Awill haveBhave hadChadDhave( )5When_you _Beijing?Tomorrow.Ado, leave forBwere, leaving forCdid, leave forDare, leaving for( )6I cant stand Jimmy. He _ others for his own mistakes.Aalways blamesBis always blamingCalways

4、 blamedDwas always blaming( )7There_ low and dirty houses, but what you can see now is a beautiful park.Acan beBused to beCwasDwill be( )8They_money these days to buy a new house.AsaveBare savingCsavedDhave saved( )9When I was ten years old, I always _ to the theatre with my mother.AwentBgoCwould go

5、Dgoes( )10Hurry up! The bus _.Aare comingBcomesCis comingDcame 过去进行时一、过去进行时的含义过去进行时表示过去时间内正发生的动作或存在的状态。I was reading Harry Potter at this time last night. 过去进行时的结构1过去进行时的结构为:was/were 动词的ing形式否定形式:在was/were前加not一般疑问句:将was、were提到句首大写,剩下的不变。2动词的ing形式的构成是有规律的,具体如下:过去进行时的标志词过去进行时的标志词主要有: 过去具体时间:at this t

6、ime yesterday, then, at 6:00 last Sunday, at that time, 四、考点固定句型1 I was doing sth whendid。I was watering the garden when it began to rain. We were having a party, when the lights went out.固定句型2 I was doing A when/while sb was doing B I was writing while/when my mother was cooking. 二、单项选择。( )1Were yo

7、u at home at 9 oclock last night? Yes, I_a shower at that time. AtookBwas taking Cwas taken Dam taking( )2Did you notice your mother go out a moment ago?No, I didnt. I _ TV then.Ahave watchedBam watchingCwas watchingDwatched( )3I _ at this time yesterday, so I didnt hear the sound.Awas sleepingBslep

8、tChas sleptDsleep( )4I _ my homework when my father came in. Awill Bdo Cdose Dwas doing ( )5Yesterday morning, while I was doing my homework, my brother_to his radio. Alistened Blistens Cwas listening Dis listening ( )6While she_the newspaper, Granny_asleep. Aread, was falling Bwas reading, fell Cwa

9、s reading, was falling Dread, fell( )7I called you at about seven fifty last night, but nobody answered. Oh, I_dinner with my friends outside.Awould have Bwas havingCcould have Dhad had( )8What did the policeman say to you just now? He asked_when the accident happened.Awhat was I doingBwhat I am doi

10、ng Cwhat am I doing Dwhat I was doing三、用动词的正确形式填空或将句子补充完整。 1What _ you _ (do) at eight oclock yesterday?Oh, nothing special. I _ (lie) in bed. 2I _ (shop) with my mother when it began to rain.3 _ she _ (type) the letter when you _ (open) the door?No, _.4I _ (sit) under the tree while the students _

11、(play) basketball on the playground. 5_ they _ (plant) trees at this time yesterday?Yes, _.六、直击中考。( )1 Shall we go shopping now?Sorry, I cant. I _ my shirts. (2004年北京中考) Awash Bwashes Cwashed Dam washing( )2What did you do after school yesterday? (07北京中考) I _ basketball with my friends.Aplay Bplayed

12、 Cwill play Dam playing( )3Mr. Green _ to the manager now. Youd better call him later. (2009北京中考)AtalkBtalkedCis talkingDwas talking( )4I called you at about seven fifty last night, but nobody answered.Oh, I _ dinner with my friends outside at that time. (2005西城一模) Awould haveBwas havingCcould haveDhad had( )5My mother _ TV when I came back yesterday. (2009密云二模) Awatched Bwas watching Cis watching Dwatches( )6Jack, wheres my small round mirror?Sorry, Betty. I _it. (2008浙江嘉兴中心)AbreakBbrokeCwill breakDam breaking( )7Havent I told you that I dont like sugar in coffee?Yes. I _ less than I usua


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