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1、2021/8/11 星期三1In pairs discuss these questions: 1 What is a navigator? A navigator explores new routes across the sea. 2 What is the difference between a navigator and an explorer? A navigator explores the sea; an explorer discovers new places on land.Warming Up2021/8/11 星期三23 Look at these famous p

2、eople. Are they navigators or explorers? What do you know about them? Navigator sea nautical instruments find new islands or continents Navigator is someone who finds the position and plots the course of a ship, an aircraft, a car, etc, using maps and instruments.2021/8/11 星期三3 Explorer land use of

3、compass and landmarks find new places within an already identified island or continent Explorer is someone who travels into or through a place in order to learn about it. Very often navigators are also explorers.2021/8/11 星期三4Look at the pictures. Then answer the questions. 1 How do you think seamen

4、 found their way before modern accurate methods of navigation were invented? Kept close to the shore, used nature such as the sun, wind, birds, tide, etc, to help them, and used some of the instruments including a compass, astrolabe, etc.Pre-reading2021/8/11 星期三5 2 Which do you think was easier to w

5、ork out: latitude or longitude? Latitude, because it was used to measure how far you had travelled from land on a straight line. It was discovered a long time before longitude.2021/8/11 星期三63 Can you identify these early navigational instruments seamen used and explain how they are used? 1 _ 2 _ 3 _

6、 4 _ 4 Which ones do you think are still used today? Sea charts are still used pass (in ancient China) astrolabesextantsea / nautical / marine chart2021/8/11 星期三7 Read the passage and answer the following questions. 1 What is the use of a bearing circle, astrolabe, quadrant or sextant? ( ) What is t

7、he use of a compass? ( ) A to set the course of the ship B to measure the position of the ship C to measure the speed of the ship D to tell the timeComprehending1BA2021/8/11 星期三8 2 Why are speed and time important in working out the longitude of a ship? Speed and time are important in finding out th

8、e longitude of a ship because the earth moves fifteen degrees westwards every hour. If you know your direction, speed and time, you can work out the approximate longitude or change in your position in relation to the stars.2021/8/11 星期三9 3 Why is the position of the sun and various stars useful for

9、working out latitude? The position of the sun and stars are useful for working out latitude because they are fixed points in the sky and their movements in relation to the earth are already known. So they can be used to measure a ships position.2021/8/11 星期三10 Suppose you were a sea captain aiming t

10、o sail round Africa. Discuss in groups: 1 What skills would you seek in your sailors? The sailors would need to be excellent navigators, able to cope with both hot and cold weather, experienced in sailing through very bad weather and able to co-operate in a team.22021/8/11 星期三11 2 What problems woul

11、d you anticipate for this journey? I would anticipate very hot weather (around the equator), cold weather (around the Cape of Good Hope), very stormy seas (around the Cape), and problems with food and water (unless helped by local natives the water may be contaminated and the food scarce), etc.2021/

12、8/11 星期三12 What would you do if you came across the following problems during your voyage? Read the chart below and fill in your plans of action to deal with them.3What would you do if: Plan of action You were far from land and a storm arose.wait till the storm is over, and then find your new positi

13、on and return to your original course 2021/8/11 星期三13You knew your latitude but didnt know your longitude. You were blown off-course. use knots to find your speed and work out your approximate longitude use the compass and the astrolabe, quadrant or sextant to find out your position, return to your

14、former course 2021/8/11 星期三14You were offshore but you needed more food and water.You wanted to keep a straight course. follow nesting birds to shore; look for special cloud formations or fog over streams to find land use a compass 2021/8/11 星期三15You were lost with no land in sight. measure your pos

15、ition using the sun or stars; look for sea birds, cloud formations, fog or seaweed to show that land is nearby 2021/8/11 星期三16 Read the passage again and use the information to analyse the navigational skills. Write the answers in your own words. Using nature 1 To find the ships position at sea a sa

16、ilor used the North Star and the sun.42021/8/11 星期三17 2 A sailor knew that land was nearby if he saw _ _ . 3 Sailors used _ to increase their speed.fresh seaweed, nesting birds returninghome in the evening or fogsea currents or tides and winds2021/8/11 星期三18 Using instruments 4 There were two method

17、s to find longitude: 1 _ 2 _ _ .measuring time and speedcompass and complicated mathematical tables 2021/8/11 星期三19 5 Write down the working principles of the following instruments: Beating circle: _ . Astrolabe:_ .to compare the height of the sun now with the position of the sun at middayto compare

18、 the position of the ship in relation to some stars or the sun2021/8/11 星期三20Quadrant: _ .a more precise form of the astrolabe, to measure how high stars are above the horizon, and compare that measurement with previous measurements (using the ship as one of the fixed points to find its position) 20

19、21/8/11 星期三21Sextant: _ . Imagine you are on a boat with twenty-nine other people. You have a small box for your personal things but it can only hold ten items. What would you need for a weeks journey across the North Sea to England? an updated version of the quadrant and so it was more accurate, to

20、 measure the angle between two fixed points outside the ship (using two mirrors to find the ships position) 52021/8/11 星期三22CategoryItemsCategoryItemsClothesShoesHygieneToolsBeddingMedicinesGamesBooksshirt, trousers waterproof bootssoapscissors, knifeblanketsea-sick tablets, cold medicine cards, che

21、ssnovels, essay collections 2021/8/11 星期三23 Replace the words underlined by ones of similar meaning from the reading passage.1 Seeing the dark clouds above him, George hurried for home. 2 Sailing a boat alone far away from the shore made Floras parents worry about her safety.Learning about Language1

22、overheadoffshore2021/8/11 星期三24 3 Clare, would you please put your bicycle next to the others in the shed? 4 Why dont you plot a more simple route with the smallest number of stops? asked Mary. 5 Setting out on a long journey by sea with unskilled sailors would be dangerous especially if there were

23、no modern navigational instruments.alongsidesimplifiedminimumvoyageseamen2021/8/11 星期三25 Find the words from the reading passage that are the opposite of these compound words. _ anywhere _ upload _ inward _ unreliable _ land flower _ strong point2nowheredownloadoutwardreliableseaweedshortcoming 2021

24、/8/11 星期三26 Write down the words you know, which are related to navigation and sea.3NavigationSeanavigate, navigational (instruments: compass, bearing circle, astrolabe, quadrant, sextant), sail, sailor, voyage, latitude, longitude, equator, horizon, captain, sailor, land, island, set sail, nautical

25、 middles, explore, exploration seaman, seaweed, seafood, shore, offshore, onshore, beach, beach-ball seabed, sea-bird, seagull, sea shell, seaside, sea water, seasick, coast, coastline, coastal, tide, wave, current, 2021/8/11 星期三27 Complete the following paragraph with the words below. Samuel the sa

26、ilor was extremely good at plotting his course using the stars as a _ . One day he was determined to set out on a _ across an unknown sea to an unknown continent. He set out with his instruments so he would not be at the _ of the sea. He found on his _ journey a rocky island. It seemed to be covered

27、 in nests. Suddenly, as Samuel looked, an enormous bird swooped down4reference voyage mercy outward2021/8/11 星期三28 and picked him up as if he were a / an _ parcel. It _ its speed and rose straight up into the air so as to reach the _ place on the rocks where its nest lay. Once there, it shook itself

28、 and threw Samuel in the _ direction of the nest. There seemed to be _ to hide but then he noticed lots of _ on his left and quickly hid under it. The bird landed nearby and pecked _ at the rocks. Samuel rolled over swiftly and found himself at the edge of the cliff. He looked awkwardaccelerate prec

29、ise approximate nowhereseaweed randomly2021/8/11 星期三29 down slowly with a beating heart. Below him was his boat lying _ the shore! How lucky I am! Samuel thought to himself. He then gave a mighty leap and landed in it. Once inside he could safely sail away.alongside 2021/8/11 星期三30 Revising useful s

30、tructures Read the information below and learn more about Captain Cook. Then underline the predicates in the sentences. 1 James Cook was a great English navigator and Pacific Ocean expedition leader. 2 He had not only an outstanding ability in navigation and exploration, but also a real concern for

31、sailors health. He carried out compulsory dietary reforms that were copied by many other ship captains.12021/8/11 星期三31 3 He had led three great Pacific voyages during his life. 4 In his first Pacific voyage in 1769, James Cook rounded Cape Horn, then spent six months charting New Zealand, and final

32、ly explored and claimed possession of eastern Australia. 5 In 1772, Captain Cook set sail to look for a theorized great southern continent. Although they could not manage to reach the Antarctic owing to the ice, he predicted that if it did exist, it would have to be a wasteland.2021/8/11 星期三32 6 In

33、1776, Captain Cook started his third Pacific voyage, searching for the Northwest Passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, he was killed in a dispute with Hawaiian natives and his mens attempt at the Northwest Passage was unsuccessful. However, this voyage is still recogni

34、zed as especially significant in the history of the discovery of the west coast of North America.2021/8/11 星期三33 Complete the following dialogue, using verbs in their proper forms. Remember to read the conversation before and after each blank before you fill it in. Susan: Do you think youll be going

35、 to that pop concert next week? Clare: No. Lets forget about that as itll soon be time for our exams. Susan: _2Do you need to do more revision? 2021/8/11 星期三34 Clare: I dont really think I need to do more revision. Ive done enough but itll help me forget the concert youll be enjoying. Susan: _ _ Cla

36、re: Actually there is a reason. I dont think Im going to have enough money even though Ive been saving especially for this occasion. Susan:_ _ _ .Is there another reason why you dont want to come to the concert?Perhaps I can help you. I always earn extra money by cleaning cars. My father always pays

37、 me when I clean his 2021/8/11 星期三35Clare: Well, thank you for offering to help me. Ill happily clean your fathers car if hell pay me too.Susan: _ _Clare: I hope youll thank him for me. Id never be allowed to clean my fathers car. He is so proud of it he wont let anyone touch it.Susan: _ _Im sure he

38、 will. Hes always been kind to my friends.Oh this is my fathers fourth car so the excitement has worn off a little.2021/8/11 星期三36Clare: His fourth car? My goodness. He must have been earning a lot of money to have owned so many.Susan:_ _Clare: Oh I see! That explains things. Please would you phone

39、him now and ask him when it would be convenient for me to clean it?Susan: _I suppose so. He has his own business so he needs a car for his work.Of course Ill do that right away.2021/8/11 星期三37Clare: Thats so kind of you. Now while Im doing the cleaning perhaps you can order our tickets for the conce

40、rt. Ill go and get ready to begin work. See you soon. Thanks and goodbye.2021/8/11 星期三38 When Captain Bligh returned home he was treated as a hero. It was discussed whether he should receive a special medal or not. Get into groups of four and discuss these questions. Then role-play the dialogue.USIN

41、G LANGUAGE12021/8/11 星期三391 Sample dialogue Li Pei (LP), Du Zhou (DZ), Wen Fuqing (WF) and Liu Yongfu (LY) are discussing the journey and Captain Blighs leadership qualities. LP: Why are you convinced that this journey shows the greatest navigational skill? Im sure there must have been others that w

42、ere as good, if not better! DZ: Do you know of many other sea voyages of this kind?2021/8/11 星期三40WF: Well, theres that journey by Shackleton from Elephant Island in the Antarctic to get help from another island with a whaling station. He wanted to rescue his men. The weather was terrible and he was

43、 in an open boat, too.LY: How can you think that journey was more difficult? It didnt last very long. Captains Blighs journey lasted over forty days, was very hot and they had very little food and water. It was because Captain Bligh was a great leader that they survived.2021/8/11 星期三41 DZ: Now that

44、Ive heard about it I am very impressed. All those men pushed together in a very small boat, it must have been terrible for them to stay friendly. Meanwhile they were being driven mad by lack of fresh water and there was all that salt water all around them. Thats the reason I think it was the greates

45、t sea escape.2021/8/11 星期三42LP: When you put it that way I suppose it was a great achievement. Captain Bligh was certainly excellent in the way he kept the men occupied and tried to take their minds off their troubles. In addition he treated everyone the same when it came to food or water. So I thin

46、k you are right and it was the greatest example of navigational skill against the odds! Do you agree?DZ, WF and LY (together): Yes. We do.2021/8/11 星期三43 2 Sample dialogue DZ: What leadership qualities do you think Captain Bligh showed? LP: Since he had such violent disagreements with his crew, I th

47、ink he was a bad leader. WF: Do you really? He does seem to have had a bad temper so that has given him a bad reputation. However, he was also kind to his men at other times so I think he was a reasonable leader. LY: What did he do?2021/8/11 星期三44 WF: He provided cabbage so the sailors would not get

48、 ill and made them dance so that they would stay healthy. That shows he was a good leader. DZ: Yes indeed. That is one good quality. However having a bad temper and getting angry quickly shows a bad quality. WF: Now think about the voyage to Timor. On that journey he was fair with the food, kept eve

49、ryone occupied working out the boats position, and kept the crew cheerful. The fact that he tried so hard to build co-operative behavior shows good leadership qualities.2021/8/11 星期三45LP: Indeed he did. That is why some people regard him as a hero.LY: Well, he seems contradictory. He is a good leade

50、r in a crisis and a bad one the rest of the time.DZ: No, no! That seems a bit cruel although it was due to his bad temper the crew took over the ship. It was also due to his good temper that the crew survived in the small boat. I think Liu Yongfu is right.2021/8/11 星期三46 He was good in a crisis beca

51、use he was fair with the food, encouraged team spirit, made people cheerful and used his skills to get them home. But he was a bad leader in a general situation because he got angry over small things (like accusing people of stealing food or disobeying him) and was too easy-going in Tahiti (where he

52、 let the men relax too much so they did not want to go back to England). LP: He was a strange mixture indeed!2021/8/11 星期三47 A sample letter report Dear Sir, I think Captain Bligh should certainly receive a special medal for his amazing voyage across the sea to Timor. This is a journey that could no

53、t have been completed without great navigational skill. In addition Captain Bligh did not lose one man. First, he showed his leadership qualities by sharing the food and water fairly with the men in the boat. Everyone was treated equally and this made for good feeling between the members of the boat

54、.2021/8/11 星期三48 Second, he kept everyone in the boat cheerful by discussing what they would do when they arrived safely. No one was allowed to think about what might happen if they did not arrive! Third, he kept them occupied by organizing the complicated mathematical calculations needed to find th

55、eir position at sea. The crew who had taken over the Bounty had left Captain Bligh with only a quadrant and a compass. This meant that numerous: calculations were needed to find their correct2021/8/11 星期三49 position. Captain Bligh encouraged the crew in the boat to take measurements regularly and each person was given a different responsibility for working out these me


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