1、第 页2021四川公共英语考试模拟卷本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1._you go, _you do, I will be right here waiting for you.AA Wherever.whateverBB where.whatCC where./ 2.Toms_ cook_ the sun.AA the best. inBB the better. belowCC the best. under 3.She _in Paris since 1980, but
2、 last week she _ London.AA has lived. moved toBB had lived. moved toCC lived. moved to 4.The behavior of the old man is quite unusual (不寻常的).AA Right.BB Wrong.CC Doesnt say. 5.At the beginning the old man didnt answer because the stranger was impolite.AA Right.BB Wrong.CC Doesnt say. 6.The stranger
3、had to walk to the next village because there was no bus going there.AA Right.BB Wrong.CC Doesnt say. 7.The stranger turned away and walked quickly because he knew soon he would get to the village.AA Right.BB Wrong.CC Doesnt say. 8.Finally the old man gave the stranger the answer because he knew how
4、 fast the stranger could walk.AA Right.BB Wrong.CC Doesnt say. 9.Who is her favourite writerAA Yi Shu.BB liang Yusheng.CC Gu Long. 10.She got excited to work hard again with the help of_.AA her parentsBB classmatesCC her friends and their attitudes 11.How long didnt the writer make a phone to her ho
5、meAA 4 weeks.BB 2 months.CC 2 weeks. 12.The writer is a_.AA student who was born in AmericaBB student who came from ChinaCC student who didnt like to study 13.The more they tried to help him, he seemed to appreciate it.AlessBlesserCthe lessDthe little 14.- May I pick a flower in the gardenANot, plea
6、seBNo, you needntCNo, you wontDNo, you mustnt 15.He _ the making-up exam yesterday.AtookBjoinedCattendDtook part in 16.Today is May Day. There are _ students dancing and singing in the park.Aa good manyBa good many ofCthe large number ofDa great deal of 17.The English play _ my students acted at the
7、 New Years party was a great success.Afor whichBat whichCin whichDon which 18.In some parts of the world, tea with milk and sugar _.Aare servingBis servedCservesDare served 19.We recognized his voice _ he spoke on the radio.AafterBin caseCthe momentDwhile 20.- Which will you have then, the white one
8、 or the blue one - Ill take _ to give myself a change sometimes.AoneBtwoCbothDeither 21.Our ancestors celebrated _ birth of _ child by giving away red eggs.A/; aB/; theCthe; aDthe; the 22.I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _ report it to the policeAcanBmayCshouldDwill 23.We will
9、never give in _ they might do or say about our plan.AalthoughBhowCno matter howDwhatever 24.How nice to see you again! You should have told me you _.Aare comingBwere comingCwill comeDhave come 25.- Are we supposed to take off our shoes before we enter - No, you _.AshouldntBneedntCmustntDcant 二、多项选择题
10、(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.* Are you married or single * If you are to get married, will you go to Marriage Exposition * Could you recommend one English book to us * What is the most difficult thing in learning a foreign language 2.秦淮河的水是碧阴阴的I看起来厚而不腻,或者是六朝金粉所凝么我们初上船的时候,天色还未断黑,那漾漾的柔波是这样的恬静,委婉,使我们一
11、面有水阔天空之想,一面又憧憬着纸醉金迷之境了。等到灯火明时,阴阴的变为沉沉了:黯淡的水光,像梦一般;那偶然闪烁着的光芒,就是梦的眼睛了。我们坐在舱前,因了那隆起的顶棚,仿佛总是昂着首向前走着似的:于是飘飘然如御风而行的我们,看着那些自在的湾泊着的船,船里走马灯般的人物,便象是下界一般,迢迢的远了,又像在雾里看花,尽朦朦胧胧的。 3.With more and more universities introducing online resources or even self-made online courses into college education, especially in t
12、he field of minor programs and other foundation courses, debates on this topic could be found on many occasions. What are the reasons behind this phenomenon And what is your position on this issue, and what are the possible benefits and potential problems Write an essay of about 400 words on the fol
13、lowing topic: Online Courses on Campus 4. The childrens education is important to both children themselves and the society. However, Some parents are not clear about how to educate their children. They pay excessive attention to their childrens grades at school. Write an essay to 1) point out the fa
14、ilure of such parents education and 2) what the possible consequences will be. You should write 160-200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. 5.If you plan to fly off on your holidays this Christmas or New Year, relax. Forget the fact that airliner crashes have killed more people in the world this year than ever
15、 before. According to aviation information consultancy Airclaims, 1,187 passengers have been killed in 1996, three times more than last year.61) But despite this increase, described by aviation experts as a statistical abnormality, the overall trend is for an even lower rate of accidents. Increased
16、growth in travel may give the impression that the actual accident incidence is increasing.62) Spectacular catastrophes grab the headlines, like the mid-air collision between a Saudi Arabia Airlines Boeing 747 and a Kazakh Airlines Ilyushin IL-76 freighter near New Delhi last month, which killed 349.
17、 But the accidents on the worlds roads kills hundreds of thousands of people and goes largely unreported.63) So while youre strapped in your seat at 37.000 feet. and the first sign of clear air turbulence starts to rattle the ice in your gin. dont worry. The cruising section of air travel almost. ne
18、ver leads to accidents. Its the take-off and landing phase where most fatal accidents occur.Experts say it is still much safer than traveling in a car, unless you are in an elderly jet, or flying into relatively dangerous airspace over continents like Africa.I dont want to be overly calm, but fortun
19、ately fatalities are relatively rare. Having an extra one or two crashes can make a considerable increase. The trend is to halve passenger deaths (per flight) every l0 years, said Airclaims director Paul Hayes. Flight International Safety editor David Learmount agrees. There are about 40 accidents e
20、very year including cargo planes. Weve had about 34 so far this year, so in terms of numbers its not been bad, Learmount said. But some have been very nasty this year. Since the previous worst year in 1985 (when 1,169 died in Western built planes) there was only about half the amount of aviation tha
21、t there is now; so this year is markedly safer than 1985.According to Learmount, old planes still present sound safety records. However later, highly automated 747s and Airbuses do have a better safety record, Learmount said, using a Boeing study as an example. 64) Some experts worry about hidden pr
22、oblems which might show themselves in older planes, which tend to migrate to less developed countries airlines while Western outfits buy new planes. 65) Older jets are a serious concern to the industry. Reservations are expressed privately about the number of older aircraft, said Paul Beaver, spokes
23、man for Janes Defence Weekly. Its not a crisis, just something theyve got to be aware of. 6. For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write about 120 words according to the following points: (1) Reasons why there are so many fake
24、 commodities. (2) Harmfulness of fake commodities on consumers and the society. 7.You go to the railway station to meet one of your friends, Xiao Yang, and the train has not arrived yet. But you have some urgent business to attend to so you have to leave him a note on the clipboard, from which he wi
25、ll learn how to find you. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Wang Lin instead. 8.情景: 有一天,怀特先生乘出租车去一家公司。当他下车时,把皮包落在车上。司机看到后是怎样做的 9.Suppose that you have received a letter from your friend Li Jing, who will attend the final examination next week. In his letter, he said that he is
26、extremely anxious about the forthcoming exam and was at a loss how to deal with it. Now write a letter to him, giving him some encouragement and your valuable viewpoint or suggestion on the matter. Tell him some skills about how to deal with the exam. The letter should be on the basis of the followi
27、ng information:1. to Li Jing2. Hes busy preparing and anxious about the exam3. advising him not to study hard right up to the examination time4. Dont hurry to begin writing at once in the exam room5. advising him to allot proper amount of time to each answer6. from Liu Fang 10.For this part, you are
28、 required to write an essay approximately 120 words about advertisements. You are advised to arrange your idea in three paragraphs with key words for each paragraph given. The following are the words you must use in your essay.Key words: advertisement, advertise consumer, manufactruer, salesman, pro
29、duct, success, failure, different, form , newspaper, TV, radio, agency, service, truthful, misrepresent, exaggerate, benefit, victim, satisfactory. 11.Below is a graph showing the distribution of car accidents in a city during 1997. Look at the graph and write an essay of about 120 words making refe
30、rence to the following points: 1. the distribution of car accidents in different months and the general trend in 1997 2. the possible reasons for the distribution of car accidents in the city The Number of Car Accidents 12.Suppose that you have got the news that the University of Science and Technol
31、ogy of China is offering a scholarship in chemistry and that you have just received an MS degree in chemistry and are eager to have a personal interview with Dr. Wu Hanwei, the Chairman. Write a letter of application for the scholarship. You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own
32、 name at the end of your letter. Use Wang Lin instead. You do not need to write the address. 13.曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高,像亭亭玉立的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的:正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传到荷塘的那边去了。 14.Should We Show Kindness to Others In the
33、 first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization,
34、 grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instruction may result in a loss of marks. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 15.Write a letter of complaint. The company for which you work places an order for photographic paper and chemicals, however, the company which acknowledges you
35、r order on 20th May bas delayed the delivery. You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use International Trade Corporation instead. You do not need to write the address. 16.Suppose that you have received a letter from your friend Li ling, who wil
36、l attend the final examination next week. In his letter, he said that he is extremely anxious about the forthcoming exam and was at a loss how to deal with it. Now write a letter to him, giving him some encouragement and your valuable viewpoint or suggestion on the matter. Tell him some skills about
37、 how to deal with the exam. The letter should be on the basis of the following in formation: (1) From Li ling; (2) Hes busy preparing and anxious about the exam; (3) Advising him not to study hard right up to the examination time; (4) Dont hurry to begin writing at once in the exam room; (5) Advisin
38、g him to allot proper amount of time to each answer; (6) From Liu Fang. 17.情景:著名教育专家John Smith教授将要来你校做讲座。 任务:请用英语写一张50词左右的通知。告诉大家: 1主讲人:著名英语教育专家John Smith教授; 2内容:如何学好英语口语; 3地点:学校大礼堂; 4对象:全体师生; 5要求:准时,认真,遵守秩序; 6时间:本周四下午6点。 参考词汇:大礼堂(auditorium) 通知请用下面格式。 Notice _ English Department May 8,2008 18.Direc
39、tions: Write a short composition about the following topic. Topic: How do movies or TV influence peoples behavior Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 19.I lobe My Hometown 20.Write a letter to your friend, telling him about: (1) Youll have three days spring vacation and you are planning a trip to Guangzhou. (2) It will be good to get out of the city. (3) Invite him to go with you. You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your
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