1、共共10贞第2贞重庆一中高2021届高二上期10月月考英语试题卷【考试时间:2020年10月15日19:50-21:50第一部分听力(共二节,每小题1分,满分20分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有IO秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 .Where is the womans bank Card probably?A. In her pocket.B. At the restaurant.Who might the WOman be?A doctor*.B.
2、 An OffiCe worker.Why won,t the man get PePPerS On his pizza?A.The restaurant ran OUt Of them They aren,t PrOVided thereHed Prefer ChiCken and onions.How IOng does the Cake need to bake?A. MOre than an hour.B. Fifty minutes.What are the SPeakerS mainly talking about?A. The nearest hospital.B. The US
3、e Of the InternetC. In her Wailet.C.A nurse.C. Three quarters Of an hour.C. The wonan,s backache.第二节听下面5段对话或独每段对话或独tl后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟 的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独Cl读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What is the WOman going to do first?A. GO to a meeting.B. BUy SO
4、me Inilk C. HaVe dinner.7.What Will happen tomorrow?The SPeakerS Wiil go OUt to dinner The Inan Will be back late.The WOman Will go bowling听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。What does the WOman have to do this weekend?ViSit her friendHang OUt in the CityGet SOnIe WOrk done.How does the WOman feel about her friend COmin
5、g this weekend?C. Pretty excited.C. WilIOW Street.A IittIe WOrrieCI.B. Very nervous C. Pretty excited.C. WilIOW Street.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。Where does the man Want to go?Main StreetB. RiVer ROad 1 LHOW IOng WiIl it take to WaIk to the train station?AbOUt ten minutes.AbOUt a quarter Of an hour.AbOUt thre
6、e quarters Of an hour.How does the WOman SUggeSt the man go there?A. By bus.B. On foot 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。Who IiVeS in the Same place?A. Amy, Sam, and JUdy B. Wendy and SamWhere ClOeS Amy live?A. In Britain B. In JaPan.How does the WOman feel about everyone,s traveling?C. In a taxi C. Bill and Wendy.C
7、. In the United States.Its going to be tiring.It SOUndS expensive.It,ll be Very interesting.What does the WOman decide to do in the end ?Find a IOCal guideHJVe everyone travel to an interesting PlaCe.Pay for the hotels in SeattIe听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。What did Amy Reecl do before She became a writer?She
8、made art. B. She taught young students. C. She WOrked for a radio StatiOn.How many ChiIdrens books has Amy Reed written?40.B. 24.C. 14.What did Amy ReeCl think Of the CharaCterS in many books?They Were quite negativeThey Were always ShOWn With their mothersThey Were POPUIar around the WOrld What doe
9、s Amy Reed Want PeOPle to know?The WhOle family is responsible for raising ChiIdren.PeOPIe raise their ChiIdren differently.MOtherS are the most important.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ANeW ZeaIand Car RentaICUStOmerS WhO demand SUPenOr SerViCe and Val
10、Ue hire APeX rental CarS With a Wide SeCtiOn Of OVer 15 different types Of VehiCIeS including Small economical cars, medium-sized and full-size sedans, StatiOn WagOnS , 4WDs and PeOPle movers as Well as 14 COnVenientIy IOCated branches throughout NeW Zealand, you Can be SUre to find a VehiCIe that i
11、s PerfeCt for your travel needsGlIaranteed NO Hidden COStSWhen you hire a Car from APeX Car Rentals, there are no hidden surprises. All rates inCkIde GST(i肖费税),comprehensive insurance and UnIimited kilometers APeX also OfferS a Very affordable COlIiSiOn Damage WaiVer UPgrade OPtiOn WhiCh allows CUSt
12、OmerS to reduce their Iegal responsibility for Paying money for damage in the event Of an accident toSO.With APeX there are no hidden costs, guaranteed:*No extra ChargeS for One-Way hires and free airport/hotel transfersNO extra driver feesNO booking Or administration feesNO CreClit Card PrOCeSSing
13、feesNO SUrChargeS for SeniOrS and drivers Under 25NO hidden fees; all rates include GST, insurance and UnliInited kilometersFree Ferry TiCketCrOSSing COOk Strait? YOUr VehiCIe feny ticket COUld be free, and APeX Can helpyOU book PaSSen ger tickets. CheCk VehiCleyOU book PaSSen ger tickets. CheCk Veh
14、iCleGPS navigation hireS7.60dayAffOrdable ROadSide ASSiStanCe COVerS4.00day4G POrtable wi-fi IInitS hireS12.00dayChiId and booster seats(车载的儿童座椅)$12.00 eachavailabilitySki and SnOWbOard racks(搁物架)hire$25.00 eachforSnOW ChainS hire$25.00 eachmoreinformation.APeX Car Rental OPtiOnaI EXtraSVVinter EXtr
15、aS2 LWhich Of the following is an advantage Of APeX Car Rentals?It VakIeS PriVate CarS for freeIt has more than 15 types Of VehiCleSIt has 15 branches in NeW ZeaIandIt has a Wide SeCtiOn Of Payment methods.22.On What COnditiOn Win you be Charged extra fees?Renting a Child seat.PUrChaSing insurancePa
16、ying by Credit CardHiring a driverWhat Can We Iearn from the text?APeX can,t help you book PaSSenger tickets.YOU needn,t Pay to rent Ski and SnOWbOard racks Or SnOW ChainSCUStOmerS Can Pay no money for damage due to their Iegal responsibility.There are extra ChargeS for One-Way hires and airport/hot
17、el transfersBJUSt OVer 12 months ago, I gave myself a challenge: give UP SPending On all but the essentials for a WhOIe year It hasn,t always been easy, but a year On I am Wealthier and wiser. Embarrassingly, I have also realised just how much InOney ve SqUandered down the PUbS in restaurants and th
18、rough mindless ShOPPingFree Of any financial worries, I WaS SPending WithOUt thinking. StUCk in a CyCle Of consumerism, I WaS StrUggIing in Vain to SPend my Way to happiness GiVing UP SPeneling for a year WaS an extreme approach, but I Wanted to taste extreme frugality (节俭),Shake UP my SPending Patt
19、ernS and Pay my mortgage (按揭)instead Of ShOPPing I COUld COntinUe to Pay my bills, including mortgages, broadband (宽带),PhOne bill, Charity donations, Iife insurances, money to help Iny family and basic groceries.It WaS not easy, especially in the first few months. There Were lows, SUCh as When I mis
20、sed my favourite jazz COnCertS and hit films. There have also been SOme awkward moments When ve turned UP to a friend s house for dinner empty-handed I did a IOt Of WaShing UP at my friends1 houses in return this year.I did find new WayS to live, however. USing SiteS SUCh as EVentbrite I have been t
21、o film共10页第2页screenings, Wine tasting evenings and theatre PrOdUCtiOnS for free. LiVing in LOndOn I have a Wealth Of free CUltUral activities On my doorstep and ve been to more art exhibitions this year than ever before I even managed a free holiday, CyCling theSuffolk and NOrfOIk COaSt and CamPing
22、On beaches. It,s SOmething d never done before and PrObably WOUldnrt have, Were it not for the ChanengeThe IaSt 12 months have taught me What things I really need I Can honestly Say m happier now Ive gained COnfidenCe and skills, done things and met IOVely PeOPle I WOUIdnrt have OtherWiSe done Or me
23、t.In the PaSt the author WaSted much money On the following EXCEPTPUrPOSeleSS ShOPPing B. pubs.C. ReStaUrantS D basic groceries.We Can infer that the PUrPOSe Of the author,s no-spending Chanenge is to.try to form a VirtUe Of frugality.Change her former SPending habitsPay Off her mortgage as SOOn as
24、POSSibleD reserve money for her everyday billsWhat do We know about the author during her no-spending year?She did a IOt Of WaShing and COOking in PUbSShe tried CyCIing and CamPing for the first time.She explored more CUItUral activities in LOndOnD She attended COnCertS and Wine evenings for free.27
25、.HOW does the author eventually feel about her no SPending year?It,s discouragingB. IrS ChalIengingC.It,s embarrassing.D ITs beneficialCYenOWStOne NatiOnal Park became AmeriCaS first national Park in 1872.The NatiOnal Park SerViCe WaS formed 44 years later. YenOWStone, WhiCh is mostly in the State O
26、f Wyoming, is COnSidered as a great example Of the NatiOnal Park SyStem HllmanS have been PreSent in 共10页第2页YenOWStOne for more than 1 LOOO yearsThe first OrganiZed exploration Of the area WhiCh IieS CIOSe to the COntinental DiVide Of NOrth AmeriCa took PlaCe in 1870.Those first OrganiZed explorers
27、must have Seen right away how SPeCial the Iancl was. YenOWStOne COntainS beautiful mountains, deep canyons, IakeS and rivers.The name YenOWStOne COmeS from the river running through the area. At first known as ROCk YenOVV River9 Iater it became known as the YenOWStOne River. YellOWStOne is home to m
28、any different SPeCieS Of plants. However, the Park is most SPeCial because Of What IieS Underneath it. It SitS On top Of an ancient SlIPer VOlCano. And it remains an active volcano. It is believed that the IaSt time the VOlCanO erupted WaS a half million years ago. The area has had three major erupt
29、ions in the IaSt three million years. EXPertS Say it may erupt again in another LOOO to 10,000 years BUt each year, there are thousands Of earthquakes at YenOWStOne MOSt are too Sman to be felt by PeOPIe ViSiting the Park.YelIOWStOne is filled With the beauty Of many hot Water SPringS. Of all the ge
30、othermal (地热 的)places in the world, half are in YenOWStOne In PIaCeS Of geothermal activity, hot Water and gases are trapped Under the earth,s crust. In PIaCeS Iike VIlOWStone, they rush to the SUrfaCe in the form Of hot Water and Steam to form geysers (喷泉)There are more geysers and hot SPringSin Ye
31、nOWStOne than anywhere else On Earth The most famous geyser is OId FaithfUL It eupts about every hour Or hour and a half. The eruption Can IaSt from One and a half minutes UP to 5 minutes. The amount Of hot Water it POUrS in that time Can be as much as 315000 IiterS Or moreWhich ShOWS the COrreCt ti
32、me Order according to the text?EXPlOrerS OrganiZed the first exploration Of YenOWStone.The NatiOnal Park SerViCe WaS formedThe Park became the first national Park in AmeriCa.d HUnIanS ShOWed UP in YenOWStone.A. a,d,c,bB. d,c,b,aC. d,a,c,bD. d,a,b,cWhat makes the IandSCaPe Of the YenOWStOne NatiOnal
33、Park different?The beautiful InOUntainS and deep CanyOnSThe different SPeCieS Of plants.The ancient active VOlCano.D The IakeS and riversWhat do We know about the OId FaithfUl from the text?A. It is the IargeSt geyser in YellOWStOne共10页第2页共共10贞第2贞It may ept OVer twenty times every 24 hoursIt Can be
34、easily affected by active VOlCanOeSIt POUrS OVer 31,000 IiterS Of hot Water every minute.What Can be Iearned from the text?YenOWStOne IieS in the State Of WyOnIingROCk YenOW RiVer is near the YelIOWStOne River.YellOWStOne has the most famous PIantS in the WOrldYelIOWStOne NatiOnal Park is SUCCeSSfUl
35、 in NatiOnal Park SyStemDThe MarS 2020 rover (流浪者),which SetS Off for the Red PIanet this year, WilI not Only SearCh for traces Of ancient life, but PaVe the Way for future human missions, NASA SCientiStS Said Friday as they introduced the VehiCleThe rover has been COnStnJCted in a large, Sterile ro
36、om at the Jet PrOPUISiOn LabOratOry in Pasadena, near LOS Angeles, Where its CiriVing equipment WaS given its first SUCCeSSfUl test IaSt week.ShOWn to invited journalists On Friday, it is SChedUIed to IeaVe Earth in JUIy 2020 from FlOridaS CaPe CanaVerah becoming the fifth US rover to Iand On MarS S
37、eVen InOnthS Iater in FebnJar y.uIfs designed to Seek the SigllS Of life, SO were Canyillg a IIUmber Of different instnments that WiIl help US UnderStand the geological and ChemiCal COnteXt On the SUrfaCe Of Mars, RdePUty mission Ieader Matt WanaCe told AFP.AmOng the devices On board the rover are 2
38、3 cameras, two MearSn that Win allow it to IiSten to Martian winds, and IaSerS USed for ChemiCal analysis.APPrOXimately the SiZe Of a car, the rover is equipped With SiX WheelS Iike the former US rover, Curiosity, allowing it to travel along rocky IandSPeed is not a PnOrity for the vehicle, WhiCh On
39、ly has to COVer around 200 yards(180 metres) Per Martian day approximately the Same as a day On Earth.FUeled by a tiny nuclear reactor, MarS 2020 has SeVeIVfoot-long(2 metres) articulated arms and a drill to CraCk OPen rock SanIPIeS in IOCatiOnS SCientiStS identify as POtentiany SUitabIe for IifeUWe
40、 a,e hoping to mo*e fairly quickly We,d Iike to See the IIeXt mission IaUnChed in 2026 WhiCh Wiil get to MarS and PiCk UP the samples, PUt them into a rocket and finally bring them back to Earth, said WalIaCe.NASA,s MarS 2020 Will remain active for at IeaSt Olle Martian year, WIliClI is around two y
41、ears On EarthWhat does the UnderIilled Part UPaVe the WayR in PaIagIaPh I mean?Making PreParatiOnSFindin2 SUitable Iandin2 SiteSSetting UP research CenterSD COnStrUCting roadsWhat Can We know about the MarS 2020 rover?It IOOkS much Iike a Car With SiX wheels.It is an IIPdated Of the US rover CUriOSi
42、tyIt is SOlar-POWered and Can CraCk OPen rock samples.It is able to PerfOrm different tasks On MarS in SearCh Of the SignS Of IifeIf you SearCh the PaSSage On the WebSite Of China Daily, Where Can you PrObablyfind it?A. LifeStyIeB. RegionalC. WorldD. CUltUreWhat is the main idea Of the passage?The M
43、arS 2020 rover has SUCCeSSfUny PaSSed its first driving test.NASA is PIanning a new round Of SPaCe explorationFUtUre human missions On MarS are On the WayA new rover Will be IaUnChed to Carry OUt SCientifiC research On MarS第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。HaVe you Wanted
44、 to try an e-book? HaS the COSt Of e-books StOPPed you? Well, there are e-books that you Can download. 36 OtherS Share information about Where to find free Or discounted e-booksThere are SeVeral reasons SOme e-books are free. In SOme cases, the book,s COPyIight (R反权) has COme to an end In Other case
45、s, WriterS Offer books for free to grow a readership. 37 The Writer hopes you Will Iike the first book enough to buy those that follow. Similarly, AmaZOn is filled With free books, With a IiSt Of the top IOO free e-books ThiS IiSt ChangeS constantly, based On how Wen the books are selling、and Whethe
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47、o infect your COmPUter. It is best not to download e-books, Or any file, from an UnknOWn SiteSOme free e-book SiteS Offer referral (I(E 荐)IinkS to Other websites. 40 TheSe referral SiteS help you find free e-books Of interest to you They also Iet you know When an e-book is free Or goes On sale.Be Ca
48、refUl Of SOme websites.SO ViSit Amazon,s IiSt quicklySeVeral WebSiteS Offer free e-booksReferral IinkS PrOVide IiStS Of best SenerSOften the Offer is OPen Only for a ShOrt time.Often a free book Will be the first in a SerieSG Therefore, you Can download free e-books there第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空
49、(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空表出的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。COrOnaVirUSG社状病毒)is not OnIy a globally terrible story, but a WindOW to PeOPle,s soul. COrOnaVinJS erupted in many COUntrieS and resulted in a great number Of deaths, IeaVing the WOrld 41_.To COntrOl the spread, the SPani
50、Sh government 42 announced IOCkdOWn(防范紧闭)and 43 PeOPle to Stay at homeWith the 80-year-old birthday 44, CharO intended to PrePare for it, WhiCh fell just daysafter the 45 At the thought Of the lockdown, 46, the Urge to Celebrate it WaSn,t asparticularly StrOng as ever.On the birthday, having her Sim
51、Ple meal, She WaS Caned OUt by her neighbor When She WaS abit 47 With the door opened. CharO WaS 48 to find there WaS nobody, but a gift ItWaS a Cake With a birthday CandIe 什Iat WaS 49 PlaCed On a table OUtSide her front door! She WaS 50, WhO COUld remember the SPeCial day? Her friends and neighbors
52、, WhO Were familiarWith her, had moved away.AS CharO 51 UP the Cake and StePPed OUt to find the visitor, her neighbors SUddenly appeared behind their apartment windows. 52 Singing the birthday song. OfWhat happened, the elderly WOman StrUggIed to hold back 54 When She returned to her house After a w
53、hile, She rushed back to the WindOW to 55 at her neighbors and expressed 56 With a round Of applause(鼓掌)The IOCkdOWn didn,t StOP a(an) 57 from getting togethe匚 Fear around emergencies Can also PrOVide 58examples In the face Of threat, these adorable PeOPle are helping people,59 the IiVeS Of One anot
54、her in their 60 WayS4 LA.at easeB.at riskC.at WarD.out Of WOrk42.A.urgentlyB.softlyC.frequentlyDxonstantly43.A.forbadeB. permittedC.appointedD.urged44.A.passingBxelebratedC.approachingD.nissed45.A.celebrationB.invitationC.announcementD.treatment46.A.howeverB.anywayC.otherwiseD.besides47.A.contentB.u
55、psetC.desperateD.delighted48.A.annoyedB. alarmedC.astonishedD.disturbed49.A.falselyB.definitelyC. properlyD.unbelievably50.A.embarrassedB.cautiousC.puzzledD.anxious51.A.cutB. heldC. packedD.put52.A.bursting OUtBJookingforward toC.dreaming OfD.havinga gift for53.A.RegardlessB.TiredC. FondD.Aware54.A.
56、anxietyB. angerC.laughterD.tears55.A.stareB. waveC.glanceD.shout56.A.appreciationB.enthusiasmC.admirationD.agreement57.A.communityBxommitteeC.associationD.league58.A.ridiculousBJnspiringC.alternativeD.frightening59.A.balancingB.destroyingC.threateningD.supporting60.A.generousB.reliableC.heartwarming
57、D.humorous第II卷第二节 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空口处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。EVery day PeOPIe throw away a IOt Of household garbage 一 paper, cans, kitchen waste, USed batteries and glass 61 SOrting it. There are many PrOblemS 62 (CaUSe) by UnSOrted garbage OIl One hand, its 63 great WaSte Of resources
58、 On the Other hand, the disposal OfUnSOrted garbage Can CaUSe SeriOUS environmental POnUtion, 64 does han to peopled health NOW OUr government has realized the importance Of garbage sorting. SO far many activities 65 (hold) to teach PeOPIe how to SOrt garbage 66 (PrOPer)PeOPIe in cities, Iike Beijin
59、g and Shanghai, are required to SOrt garbage into four CategOrieS - kitchen waste, dangerous waste, 67 (recycle) WaSte and Other waste. Also, they Can get Certain POintS for SOIIing their garbage. When they accumulate enough points, they Can go to the COmmUnity 68 (exchange) them for SOme gifts Of d
60、aily USe However, Still a IOt Of PeOPle in China IaCk the 69 (aware) Of garbage sorting. ChaIlgmg peopled InindSetS and habits Will take a IOng time. BUt OnCe One PerSOn 70 (develop) the habit Of garbage sorting, more may be influenced to do the Same第四部分单词拼写(原创)根据已给的单词首字母和中文提示,请用正确的单词形式填空(10分)71 .Th
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