2、le 1Moudule 2Moudule 31316Moudu1e 4教学进度表教学内容安排备注Unit4&Revision ,TestNational Day101112131415161718192010/3111/4 Unit 3&Revision,Mid-exam11/2812/2 Unit 3&Revision, Test12/2612/30 Unit 3&Revision, TestProject1& Project 2Revision & Final-exam对教材的分析与理解1/101/19教材内容:Book 3A contains core language learning
3、 material, using a widevariety of text-types and activities to introduce language; poems; stories,cartoons, dialogues and practical tasks all engage the student at his/herpersonal level. This language preparation provides students with themeansto carry out successfully the subsequent learning tasks,
4、 which arefully describe in the book.教材目标:The “building isbased the fact that learning andthe capacity to learn are developmental; that is, that students learn bybuilding on known language, concepts and activities, to develop andexpand progressively .The development of the thematic through related m
5、oudulesensuresthe deve lopment of language by constantly revisiting and recycling,thusbuilding from a strong base within levels. In the knowledge thatlanguage and content develop and are revisited progressivelythroughout the package, vocabulary and stucutrues are introduced andpracticed through task
6、s at a controlled pace steady enough to involvestudents interest whilst ensuring constant consolidation .At lower levels, care has been taken to ensure that pupilsare learningwithin familiar ,comfortable contexts so that the language isappropriateto their needs and interests. At higher levels, of th
7、eworld istaken into account as well. Student involvement isencouragedthroughout Oxford English by tasks and activities that focus oninteraction; teacher to student(s), in groups and in pairs. Thiscollaboration ensures communication and the purposeful use ofEnglish .总体设想:Workbook3A provides further p
8、ost-task activities and exercises thatreinforce the language learned through the students book and theassociated tasks. They include activities that require the student toinclude a personal element in the form of posters, survey forms andpersonal information .Handwriting practice sheets are provided
9、 at theend of the book. Thus the workbook becomes a record of thestudents individual learning progress. The Workbook is primarilyintended for use in the classroom, but may be used for homework as well.Overprinted Answer keysare available.Grammar Practice Book 3A :while further consolidating language
10、and vocabulary learned in the StudentsBook, Grammar practice Book3A revisits structures in appealing and humorous contexts, making thisbasic introduction to grammar stimulating for students. Overprintedanswer keysare provided .Module 1 Getting to know youTeaching Aims:1. Learn new sentence structure
11、s.e.g. Hello,ImGood morning.How are you?GoodbyeFine,thank you.Whatsyour name? ImCome in,please.2. Review the letters3.Learn grammerThank you.e.g. ImKey Points and Difficult Points:1. Review the letters2. How to use the sentence structure to make up new sentences.3. Use the words to say something.Tea
12、ching Materials:SB page 2 14 ,cassette, wallchartsWB page, some pictures and word cardsTeaching Arrange:Unit 1: Here Iam! (4 periods)Unit 2: Greettings. (4 periods)Unit 3: In the classroom (4 periods)Unit 4: Saying and doing (4 periods)Unit 1Here Iam(First Period)Language focus:Using formulaic expre
13、ssions to greet people .eg: Hello.Using formulaic expressions to introduce onself.eg: ImAlice.Language skills:Speaking:Use modelled phrases to communicate with teachers and other leaners.eg: Hello, ImAlice.2. Open an interaction by greeting someone politely.eg: Hello, MissFang.Open an interaction by
14、 introducing oneself.eg: Hello, ImAlice.Materials:SB P2; cassette; Photocopiable P1; Word and picture cards;Workbook P1Preparation:Photocopy and enlarge the large picture of Dotty, and the words of the song.Listen to the song myself; Practise the teacherssinging part.Pre-task Introduce A. Put the la
15、rge picture of D Dotty介绍Preparati : Board so that all the 小朋友,既can see it. 亲切又富有童DottyHello,Dotty.Hello(name)2.Divide the class into pairs:The studentssay “Hello”each other.3.Say “Hello. ImMissZhto individual students to eHello, namHello, IMiss/Mrs/Mr1. In groups ,the students introduce ,让学生在Procedu
16、r m.Hello, Im.交际中练习句2. Play the song about greeton the cassette: Hello. Thestudents listen to the songthe song. 3. Play the song again. Singwith the cassette. Encouragthe students to sing alongDome and the cassetee.substitutionexercisesong,substituting1. Play areplay race. The 可通过歌曲的student at the b
17、ack of 改编,创造性的进行句型练Irowstarts:Im (name), 习。学生将所m.(name)the 学运用起来。puts uphis (her) hand. Thatrow winsthe relay race.Playgame2. Play agame .Groups ofstudents form circles. Holdabeanbag and say: Hello.MissZhou. Toss the beanbone student who says: Hel“Im “S1 tosses the bto another student who saExplain
18、(Explaincontrac tion : istheConsolid Doexercises At this stage Grammer PracticBook 3A P1 could be used topractise and consolidate the oand written language in this sfurther.AssignmentTalk with your parents orfriends .动中教授Hello, Im,学生参与积极。Unit 1 Here Iam(Second Period)Language focus:1. Learning the C
19、apital letters: A-Z2.Learning the small letters:a-zMaterials: SB P3, cassette, wallcharts; Alphabet cardsPreparation:Listen to the Dotty. (twice)Procedure Content Methods1. Show the alphabet cards 母歌能让学生A-Z one by one 轻松有趣的记while 住字母的顺序。cardsA-Zplayingthecassette.Studentslisten to the namesof the 2b
20、Listenandrecoginize thecapital2. Show the alphabetcardsA-Z randomly andaskListenandstudents to say inchours,recognizeletters3. Show the alphabetcards a-zReadthemagain to the names4. Show the alphabetcards a-zrandomly and askstudentsShow the alphabet cardsA-Z and a-z randomlyand ask studentsAssignmen
21、tRead the alphabet toyour parents.诵。Unit 1Here Iam(Third Period)Language focus:1. Learning the capital letters: A-Z2. Learning the small letters: a-zMaterials:SB P4; cassette and acassette player; Alphabet cards.Preparation:Listen to the tape: Aa-ZzProcedure ContentRecogni 1. Put up the alphabetthe
22、cardsletters. A-Z and a-z on theboardRandomly to revise 母的配对游戏等加深字母印andsmalllettercardsconsecutiveand askstudentds to repeatin chorus.1. Play the casstte tape and sing: for 记忆字母表。alphabet song”.Studentssonglisten to the song.2. Play the song againandencourage studentsto singAssignmentSing the alphab
23、et fongand recite the letters.而且有的同学在以前的课余学习中有所接触,所以反馈的很好。Unit 1Here Iam(Fourth Period)Language focus:1. Review and check the knowledge of the unitMaterials:SB P2-4 , cassette, WB page 2 Practise and Assessment SeriesPreparation:Listen to the tape: “Im Dotty”Procedure Content MethodsssReadConsolida
24、exercises 1. OxfordEnglishandAssessmentSeries(Module1:Unit1 E: Listenand write F: Read andwrite)AssignmentUnit 2 Greetings(First Period)Language focus:Using formulaic expressions to greet peopleeg: Good morning, MissFang.Language skills:Listening:Discriminate between words with different initial sou
25、nds a-, b-, c-,and d-Speaking :Use modelled phrases to communicate with teachers and otherlearners.eg: Good morning, MissFang.Pronounce correctly words in isolation with initial sounds. A-,b-,c-,and d-Materials:SB P5, cassette, alphabet cards: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd. WB P33-34Preparation:Bring any soft toyA
26、a-ZzPut up the alphabet cards A-Z and a-z on the 然引入课文新Miss/ Mr /morning, (nameof toy) Ask individualstudents to greet theGoodmorning toy inthe same way.Say “ Goodmorning” to the听录音学习和Good(name)Good“Good morning”3. Explain that peopleuse“Good tomorning greeteach in the morning. Miss/Mr 4. Divide the
27、 class into 让学生分组进,握课文中主要AaappleDddog6. Play the cassette andaskLearn theletters: AaappleThe studentslisten,point andrepeat the letter Aand the ,D“d” dogConsolida exercises Workbook page 33Handwriting Practice forAa-DdAssignmentCopy and dictate thefour words and Aa-Dd.四个字母及其开头的单词,学生已接触过这些单词,因此学习较顺利。
28、而句型也掌握很好。这四个单词的问题。Unit 2Greetings(Second Period)Language focus:Using formulaic expressions to great people and bid farewell.eg: Hi !Good morning. Goodbye.Language skills:Speaking: 1. Use modelled phrases to communicate with theteacher and otherlearners.Open an interaction by greeting someone politel
29、y. eg: Hello.Open an interaction by greeting peers using appropriate formulaicphrases. Eg: Hi!Close an interaction by using appropriate formulaic phrases. eg:Goodbye.Materials:SB P6, cassette ,WB P2Preparation:Bring any soft toy.A. Use a soft toy todemonstrate:通过玩具的自我介绍和与小e)Hi, (name of toy)Ask indi
30、viduals to 朋友打招呼问greet the 候,学生轻松进toy in the same way. 入语境。Goodby(name)and put the toy away.Make the toy wavegoodbye.Bring out the toyagain. Askthe students to say:Hi, then:Goodbye, and put 的意义,让学生可交相运用。解释 Hi./Hello.Explain:.responding freely.B.1. Say Hi to thestudents. TheyPractise:Hirespond : Hi.
31、Explainthat Hiis informal and forGoodby They muste. say “Hello” whenthey greet3. Go to the door, waveand4. Explain that people“Goodbye” whenListen to leavingPlay the cassette forfirst2. Read the first twodialogues.Studentsfollow.3. Divide the class intogroupsand4. Play the cassettetape for thenext t
32、wo pictures.Pepeat theabove procedure.1. Pretend that ImMissFang.通过朗读和分ProcedurThe students now put 组表演,学生真bothparts together and 进行交际。act out therole-play to the restof theclass.Groups of fourstudents cannow practise therole-play.正运用新句型DosubstitutionexercisePrepareword-makingactivity. Write theword
33、s:Goodbye and Hi inlargeletters on card.Cutthe wordsakingactivityblackboard ledge.2. Workbook P2board. The studentswatchcarefully how I formthePronouncephonically as I writethem.c. The students tracetheWalkclass, checking thatstudents are formingletters correctly.e. Students read outthesentences.Ass
34、ignment教后感:本课主要教授Good morning. Goodbye.学生的说是没有什么问题,积极性也比较高,但也发现大小写等存在了很大的问题。Unit 2 Greetings(Third Period)Language focus:1. Using formulaic expressions to greet people and take leave.e.g. Goodbye.2. Using formulaic expressions to ask how someone is, andresponding.Language skills:Speaking:1. Open an
35、interaction by greeting someone politely.2.Open an interaction by eliciting aresponse. e.g. How are you?3. Close an interaciton by using appropriate formulaic expressions .Materials:SB P7, cassette, WB P3, some thin card for characterPreparation:Make name cards for Mrs Wang, MrLi,Mrs Li,MrChen, Gran
36、dman,Aliceand Sam with strings for students to hang around their necks. Photocopyand enlarge the characters faces to make masks.Pre-task 1. Good A. Hi,Hello, 轻松引入英语课堂。morningdialogueseveraltimes.3. Chain drill aroundtheS2:Fine,thanks. Hi,.How areyou?Then S3 to S4 etc.4. Ask individuals: Howareyou? t
37、o elicit: Fine,thanks.Play the cassette forwhole of page 7.The1. Have the studentschoose acharater andprepare a mask or aheadbandhim(her) using thecharacters on“Photocopiable P2-6 使学生正确理2. The students practise 解Act outthedialoguein Mr/Mrs/Miss三个单词的意3. Select groups to act 义,纠正读音。the dialogue for th
38、eclass. I may like toprovide some props.4. Before performing therole-Post-task Workbo 1. Extend the task byhaving the samegroups practise thedialogue,own names and thename of the dog.2. Workbook P3a. Complete the firstpart orally.c. Readdialogue.d. Ask the students tothe students aretracing the lett
39、erscorrectly.Thestudents write in themissing word, andtrace the remainingg. Studentsread out thedialogue.rPractice be used to pracrtise andBookconsolidate the oral andwritten language in thissection further.Assignment教后感:本课新单词 Mr/Mrs/Miss 三个单词的意义及读音是难点,尤其s are yu?Fine, 点,学生还需加强朗读。明白thanks和thank you的
40、使用。Unit 2 Greetings(Fourth Period)Language focus:Review and check the knowledge of this unit.Materials:SB P57,cassette, WB, Practise and AssessmentPreparation:Listen to the tape: enjoy. (twice)Procedure Content Methodsread the words andsentences.s3. Pratise in pairs:Goodmorning/GoodbyeConsolida exer
41、cises 1. OxfordEnglishand(Module1 Unit2 B:Look and tick C:Choose and write)2. Student s selfassessment P57AssignmentUnit 3In the classroom(First Period)Language focus:1. Using formulaic expressions to greet people.e.g. Hello.2. Asking Wh-questions to find out apersonsidentity.e.g. Whatsyour name?2.
42、Using verbs to introduce oneself.e.g. Im Danny.Language skills:Listening:a) Understand simple instructions.e.g. Colour your name card.b) Discriminate between words with different initial soundse-,f-,g-,h-,Speaking:1. Use modeled phrases to communicate and elicit responses.e.g. Whatsyour name?2. Open
43、 an interaction by eliciting aresponse.3. Pronounce correctly words in isolation with initial sounds.e-, f-, g-, h-, and i-Materials:SB P8 cassette WB P4 ,35,36,37Preparation:Say “Hello Hi”each other.Procedure Content Methodsyour name? To elicit:Im2. Practice the questionand answer withstudents.3. I
44、n pairs, the studentspractise the questionand answer.强调2.Explain 4. Play the cassette for What is:What iscontraction: Whatsis the same as Whatis.5. Select pairs to comeout and act theirdialogue.racethe student act the frontof the first row: Whatsyour name?He /Sheanswers: Hello, Im(name)while putting
45、 uphis (her) hand.The chain continuesdown the row.Post-task Wookbo 1. Distribute all theactivities ok name cards for the 利用活页人物student s Book characters used so 学生在班内进far to groups. The 行问答操练。rest of the group askthe students withname cards :”Whats your name?” Thestudent then answersdialogues .Ask t
46、hestudents to supplythe missing wordsorally.b. Ask individuals tocome out and writeother students tocorrect any spellingmistakes.c. Students trace andwrite in the missingwords in the bookLearn the letters:1. Play the cassette:Learn the letters: E“e” elephant.4. Repeat the process.5. Have the student
47、senter the vocabularyin the relevant page6. workbook P35, 36and 37.Handwriting practiceConsolida exercises Grammar Practice BookAssignment教后感:句型What your 以后会出现who are you?以后还是会出现问题的,所以在本节课中我预先埋伏了一下。Unit 3In the classroom(Second Period)Language focus:1. Using verbs to describe conditionse.g. 2. Using
48、 formulaic expressions to confirm/deny identitye.g. Yes, m /No, Im Language skills:Speaking: Use modelled phrases to communicate and elicit aresponseMaterials:SB P9,cassette , WB P5,Card, disponsable wooden chopsticks,scissors, sticky tapePhotocopiable pages 2-6 and 8Preparation:Collect sufficient c
49、ard and disposable chopsticks to make charactermasks; scissors and sticky tape.A. Write the names of the characters in the 铺垫。Yes.No.Book met so far on2.Readtheboard.readingPractisedialogue.them. Explain givennamesand surmanes.B.1. Introduce: You re ;Yes;3. The students listenandThe students followt
50、hedialogue in theirbooks.4. Read the dialogue.Play thecassette again, ifnecessary.1. The students play thegame in small groups 猜一猜的游戏at the front of the 操练句型。class. The studentsuse their own names.2. The students makemasks for:MissFang; Kitty: Ben;MrMrs Li; Mr chen;grandma;Alice. Photocipy andenlarg
51、ePhotocopiable page2 andusinggroups at the front ofthe class.the letters on theboardThe students findthe relevantC. Read the stastement,rcould be used toBookthe oral and writtenlanguage used in thidsection further.AssignmentUnit 3 In the classroom(Third Period)Language focus:1. Using aformulaic rhym
52、ing expression to start aguessing gamee.g. One, two, three, Isee2. Using nouns to indefinite article to refer to something for thefirst timee.g. Isee abook.3. Usin formulaic expressions to affirm and denye.g. Yes / NoLanguage skills:Speaking: Open an interaction by eliciting aresponseListening: Reco
53、gnize differences in the use of intonationMaterials:SB P10,cassette, Word and Picture Cards 3A, WB P6Preparation:Ensure all the realia itemsare available.Procedure Content Methodsstudents namesand the charactersSay:I (usepicture cards). Say:One,two, three, see ;then lookat an individual. Theclassmus
54、t guess. Use as achainLearndrill; each studentsays:One, two, three, Isee and looks at aclassmate.The nest studentMake2. Practise the nounsby usingEncourageand practise theguessinggameitems.2. Play the cassette forpagebefore each noun.1. The students play theguessinggameshown on page 10 asa class and
55、/or groupactivity.2. The students play thegameshown on page 10 asa class and/or groupactivity.B.The students tracefinger,joining the picturesand the words. Walkclass,checking that thestudents understandthe taskC. The students tracethe words, join therBookself-assessment on P58.”Assignment单词的掌握,以及祈使句
56、的新接触都是重点。Unit 3 In the classroom(Fourth Period)Language focus:Review and check the knowledge of this unit.Materials:SB P8-10, cassette, WB,Practise and AssessmentPreparation:Play agame: see”Procedure Content MethodsReview: 1. Open the studentsbook toP810, let studentssentence readthesentences.sre m/
57、No,ImConsolida exercises 1.tionA:Look andwrite E:Listen anddrawF:Read and match)Student s self2.AssignmentUnit 4 Saying and doing(First Period)Language focus:Using simple imperatives to give instructionse.g. Come in,please. (NB for passive use only at this stage)Using simple imperatives to express p
58、rohibitionse.g. Dontbe late.Language skills:Listening:Identify key word in an utterance by recognizing stress.Recognize alliterative and rhyming wordsDiscriminate between words with different initial soundsj-,k-,l-,and m-Speaking:Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learnersPronounce corre
59、ctly words in isolation with initial soundsj-,k-,l-,and m-Materials:SB P11, cassette and player, WB P7,38,39 Photocopiable P9thenumbers2. Count in a chainround the class.ledge. Ask pairs ofstudents to come outand put the numbersin order as quickly asthey can. They thencount from 1-10Close/Open the d
60、oor.Individual studentsperform the actions.2. Play the cassette. Thestudents listen to theLearn therhymerhyme and repeat it.3. Read the rhyme.Encourage studentsto join in .Clappingthe numberswill givethe rhyme additionalemphasis to therhyming words.4. Explain: verylate. Dont be latefor school again.
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