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1、 PAGE 页码 14 / NUMPAGES 总页数 142022五年级北师大版英语上册期末整理复习考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图写单词】1. 根据图片写出相应的疑问词正确写在四线格上。1 23 452. 看图补全内容。1.It is Saturday morning. My father is_ the car. I am_ him. My mother is_in the kitchen. Helen is_the living room. She is_ the floor. Where is Tim? What is he doing now? Tim is in his_.H

2、e is_. Bens dog is sleeping too.2.In the afternoon, my cousin Jim comes. What are we doing now?My mother is_. She is_. Helen and I are_. Helen is_the dishes. I am_ the table.3.What are Tim and Jim doing? They are_in the living room. Theyre_too!3. 根据本节课所学写出下列图片对应的单词。1 23 45 67 84. 用英语写出下列月份名称。1 23 45

3、 65. 根据图片写单词。1 23 45 67 8【填空题】6. 按要求写单词。child (复数形式) woman (复数形式)arrive (现在分词) take (现在分词)fly (现在分词) happy(反义词)man (复数形式) difficult (反义词)say (第三人称单数) worry (现在分词)7. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1How_(be) your mother?2My brother_(love) that fat monkey. Its very fuuny.3Helen_(want) to show her new dress to her friends

4、.4I can_(have) dinner now.5_(Bobby) father does not think so.8. 按要求完成句子。1When is Teachers Day?(回答问题)2Is the school trip in November?(作否定回答)3When do you eat dinner?(结合实际情况回答)4Which season does Amy like best?(用“春天”作答)9. 看图完成下列句子。1Look! The pandas are_bamboo.2Please talk_in the library.3The robot is_a

5、picture.4Can you teach me to_Chinese kung fu?5Keep your desk_10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We write_(China) addresses like this.2We like_(sing).3Does Jack swim_(good)?Yes, he does.4Can you_(skate)?No, I cant.5My cousin is 13_(year) old.6What_(subject) do the twins like?7Yang Ling_(live) in the US now.8Mike_(stud

6、y) Chinese after school.【选择题】11. Some people _ dancing in the park. ( )A.is B.are C.am12. 读句子,选出与句子的内容相一致的图片。1What do you do in the evening? ( )I do homework.A. B.2When do you eat dinner?( )At seven oclock.A. B.3When is Christmas Day? ( )Its in December.A. B.4Why do you like winter? ( )Because I can

7、 make a snowman.A. B.13. What is the fifth month of a year? ( )_A.Wednesday. B.March. C.May.14. She was a good _. She danced very well. ( )A.dancer B.driver C.drove15. The _ of January is _ birthday. ( )A.three; my sisters B.third; my sister C.third; my sisters【连词成句】16. are, from, you, where, (?)17.

8、 What, mean, sign, does, that (?)18. curtain, is, behind, There, cat, the, a(.)19. small hills, are, in the nature park, There, some, (.)20. this, is, camera, Whose (?)【阅读理解】21. 阅读短文,回答问题。Mikeisagoodstudent.Hegetsupatsixthirtyeveryday.Helikestowearhisbluesweater.Hegoestoschoolatsevenfifteen.HehasEng

9、lishclassateightoclock.HelikesEnglishverymuch.Hehaslunchathome. Intheafternoon,healwaysplaysfootballontheplayground.Hedoeshomeworkafterdinner.Hegoestobedatnineoclock.1. Mikegetsupat_everyday.A. 6:20 B. 6:30 C. 6:132. Hegoestoschoolat_.A. 7:15 B. 7:45 C. 7:503. Hehaslunchat_.A.schoolB.homeC.canteen4.

10、 Healways_ontheplaygroundintheafternoon.A. playsbasketballB.playscomputer games C. playsfootball5.Helikes_verymuch.A.EnglishB.mathC.Chinese22. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Its all white outside because it snows. Miss Cat says, Oh, dear! Its very nice outside. Lets make a snowman. Making a snowman isnt very easy.so

11、they workhard. Oh, how nice the snowman is! Mr. Dog puts his hat on the snowmans head. After that, they are very hungry. Their lunch is some fish, some bones and a big cake. Mr. Dog says, Its the middle of the day.The snowman must be hungry. Lets give the cake to him. All right! says Miss Cat. But t

12、he snowman isnt there. They can only see the hat. Where is he?( )(1)The weather is _.A.cold B. hot C. cool( )(2)Can Miss Cat make a snowman?A. Yes, he can. B. No, she cant. C. Yes, she can.( )(3)Is making a snowman very easy?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, they are.( )(4)Mr. Dog is going to t

13、ake the_ to the snowman.A. fish B. bones C. cake( )(5)Can they see the snowman after lunch?A. No, they cant. B. Yes, they can. C. No, they dont.23. 根据短文内容,将句子补充完整。Some monkeys are playing in a tree near a lake. They are having a good time.Suddenly a little monkey cries, Look, the moon has dropped in

14、to the water! Get is out, hurry! says the old monkey.The little monkey hangs from the tree by his tail. Then each monkey hangs from the other by his legs.At last they get to the water, but still they cannot scoop up the moon. Another little monkey finds half a gourd (葫芦) to scoop up the moon. Aha! H

15、e gets the moon in the gourd.At that time all the monkey come for the moon. But the gourd drops and the moon are broken. The monkeys are very sorry. But they look up, they find the moon is still high up in the sky, shining bright.(1)Some monkeys are playing.(2)monkey sees the moon has dropped into t

16、he water.(3)The monkeys hang from the tree by their.(4)All the monkeys comethe moon.(5)The moon is still high up.24. 阅读理解,判断正误。My name is Tom. I am ten years old. I want a new friend. I can swim. I can cook delicious food and play basketball. I often play basketball on the weekend. But I cant play t

17、he piano. I cant do any kung fu. Do you want to be my friend?1Tom is nine years old.(_)2Tom can cook delicious food.(_)3Tom often play basketball on the weekend.(_)4Tom can play the piano.(_)5Tom cant do any kung fu.(_)25. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello! My name is Sam. Im eleven years old. I study in Willow

18、 Primary School. Im young and clever. My English teacher is Mr. Jones. He is old and strict. But he is kind sometimes. My favourite teacher is Mr. Black. He is our Chinese teacher. Hes young and hard-working. Hes very funny. My favourite day is Friday. I have English, maths, PE and music class on Fr

19、idays. I often read books in the park. Id like to eat sandwiches and hamburgers. Theyre delicious. Id like to drink tea and orange juice. Theyre healthy.1Mr. Jones is young and kind.(_)2Sam likes Fridays.(_)3Mr. Black is Sams English teacher.(_)4Sam has English and music class on Fridays.(_)5Sams fa

20、vourite food is noodles.(_)26. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Spring is coming. What a nice season!The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The flowers are coming out. How beautiful the world is! Look around! The sky is blue and the trees are turning green. The sun is shining brightly and the air is so fresh. Now peo

21、ple take off (脱下) warm coats. People can fly kites in the park.A good beginning is half done and its the first season in the year. We must make the best use of our time and catch every second to work and study. Do you think so?() (1)The first season of a year is.A. winter B. autumn C. spring() (2)Theare turning green in spring.A. sky


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