Unit 2 知识清单 巩固练习- 高一上学期英语外研版(2019)必修第一册_第1页
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1、 外研社最新版高一英语新教材必修一Unit 2知识清单+巩固练习* 知识清单*一、重点单词patient【原句回放】She is kind and patient, and she. 她善良而有耐心【点拨】patient adj. 耐心的,能忍受的,坚韧的;n病人The doctor is very patient with his patients.这个医生对他的病人很有耐心。be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心be patient of sth.忍耐某事He was endlessly kind and patient with children.他对孩子们总是非常好,很有

2、耐心。He is patient of cold and hunger.他能忍饥挨冻。【拓展】patience n耐心,耐性have patience with sb. /sth. 对某人/某事有耐心have the patience to do sth. 有耐心做某事be out of patience with. 对忍无可忍have no patience with. 对不能容忍with patiencepatiently (adv.)耐心地impatient adj.不耐烦的,没有耐心的impatience n不耐烦,无耐性We should take care of our patie

3、nt patiently, that is we should be patient.我们应该耐心地照顾病人,即我们应该有耐心。amusing【原句回放】I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students.我喜欢有趣的、能和学生一起大笑的老师。【点拨】amusing adj. 有趣的,可笑的I didnt find the joke at all amusing.我认为这笑话一点也不可笑。He always lays on the colors to make his stories more amusing.他总

4、是用夸张的手法使他的故事更有趣。【拓展】 amuse vt. 娱乐;使快乐,使某人笑 amused adj. 觉得好笑的;快乐的 amusement n. 娱乐,快乐;娱乐场所to ones amusement 让人感到好笑的是The children were really amused at the amusing story.孩子们被这个好笑的故事逗笑了。To the great amusement of everybody, the actors beard fell off.让每个人感到很好笑的是,那个演员的胡子掉下来了。avoid【原句回放】She avoids making yo

5、u feel stupid!她不会使你感到自己很笨! 【点拨】avoid vt. 避免;避开;消除avoid后可以跟名词、代词或动词的ing形式作宾语,但不能跟不定式作宾语。avoid (doing) sth. 避免(做)某事She tried to avoid answering my questions. 她试图避而不答我的问题。I avoided punishment/being punished by running away.我跑开才逃离了惩罚。【拓展】avoidable adj. 可避免的To green hands,mistakes are not avoidable.对新手来说

6、,犯错误是难免的。avoid和escape辨析avoid指在某事之前有意避开;escape指在做某事的过程中逃脱或者逃离。They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border.有报道称他们已经逃过了国境线。appreciate【原句回放】., but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organizedand clear. ,但是,我们多数人都非常赞赏她,因为她讲的课既有条理又清晰。 【点拨】appreciate vt.

7、欣赏,赞赏,重视;对表示感谢;感激;意识到,懂得appreciate意为“感谢”时,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不接不定式或表人的名词或代词作宾语。另外,其后通常不直接跟从句,而是以it作先行宾语,其后再接从句。appreciate doingappreciate one/ones doingwould appreciate it if. 如果我将不胜感激We shall appreciate hearing from you again.我们将乐意再次收到你的来信。I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down.如果你把音乐关小

8、一些,我将不胜感激。His genius was at last universally appreciated.他的天才终于得到了普遍的赏识。admit【原句回放】And a few students even admit liking her! 甚至有些同学承认喜欢她!【点拨】admit vt.承认,准许进入(或使用),让享有(to);接纳,接收;能容纳;供认(事实、错误等)vi.容许,留有余地;通向,开向admit sth. 承认某事admit doing/having done sth. 承认做/已经做了某事admit sb./sth. to be. 承认某人/事是admit that

9、 clause 承认admit sb. to/into 接纳某人进入;吸收某人参加admit of 容许有;有可能;容许有的余地admit 后不能跟不定式作宾语,可以跟不定式“to be”作宾语补足语。He admitted having driven the car without insurance.他承认驾驶过这辆没有保险的轿车。Tom was admitted to Oxford University last year.汤姆去年被牛津大学录取了。The facts admit of no other explanations.事实不容辩解。respect【原句回放】I respect

10、 him a lot. 我很尊敬他。【点拨】respect vt.尊敬,尊重;n.U尊敬,尊重;敬意;C着眼点;方面;细节respect sb./ sth. for sth. 因某事尊敬某人(事)respect oneself 自尊,自重show/have respect for 尊敬,尊重send/give ones respects to.代某人向问好pay ones respect to sb.向某人致敬in every respect/in all respects 在各方面in respect of 关于with respect to.至于;关于;就而言with respect 恕我

11、直言With respect, I hardly think thats the point.恕我直言,但我认为这不是重点。matter【原句回放】It doesnt matter if a teacher is not organized. 如果老师没有组织不要紧。【点拨】matter vi. 要紧,有关系(be of importance);matter常用于以it作形式主语的结构中,其真实主语一般为现在分词短语、that从句、wh-从句或if/whether从句。It doesnt matter about the price, buy it, whatever it costs.不要考

12、虑价钱,无论花多少钱,都买吧。It matters greatly to our relationship.这事对你我之间的关系影响重大。It doesnt matter about me.不必为我担心。It doesnt matter to me.我不在乎。matter n. 物质,物体;题材,内容;事情,问题;困难,毛病,麻烦;重要性a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情;成败的关键as a matter of fact 事实上,其实be a matter of time 迟早要发生prefer【原句回放】I prefer Chinese and Englis

13、h. 我更喜欢语文和英语。【点拨】prefer vt. 更喜欢;提升,提拔;vi. 更喜欢,宁愿I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to politics.我当了老师,因为我更喜欢书本和人而不是权术。He was preferred to captain.他被晋升为队长。prefer在日常对话中听起来往往很正式,像likebetter和would rather这样的口头表达更为常用。prefer.to.结构中,to为介词,表示“宁愿而不愿”,其前后应是平行结构prefer doing sth.宁愿做某事(表示一般倾向,

14、也就是对某种行为的爱好)prefer to do sth.喜欢做某事(指特定或具体某项动作,即在一定场合下“特别喜欢”)prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事prefer sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事below【原句回放】Find the words and phrases that match the definitions below.找到和下面定义匹配的单词和短语。【点拨】below adv. 在下面,到下面,用作副词时常作后置定语。from below 从下面I heard him calling from be

15、low.我听见他从下面叫我。Please write to me at the address below.请按以下地址给我写信。below prep. (表示位置)在下面,低于;(表示状态)在掩饰之下,在背后;(表示比较)不及,劣于,低于;(表示方位)在以南,在的南面below zero 零下below the average 在平均值之下Such people often experience less stress than those in the ranks below them.这些人经受的压力通常比那些职位低于他们的人要小。二、重点短语make sure【原句回放】Good te

16、achers make sure that everyone in the class understands.好老师务必使班上每个人都能懂。【点拨】make sure弄清楚;查明;确信;务必要(做到),后面一般不接不定式。Make sure you defrost the chicken completely before cooking.一定让冻鸡化透后再烹调。First you must make sure of the time and place.首先你必须弄清时间和地点。make sure of/about弄清楚;查明【拓展】be sure of/that.有把握,确信(主语是人)

17、She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.她扭头看了看后面以确认自己是否站稳了。be sure to do sth.一定会,必然会做某事 (主语是人或物)He is sure to succeed.他一定会成功。(别人对他的看法)up to【原句回放】Its up to you 由你来决定。【点拨】be up to sb. 应该由某人负责,是某人的责任Its up to us to help those having lost their homes in the earthquake.我们有责任帮助那些在地震中失去家园的人们

18、。be up to sth./doing sth. 能胜任(做)某事My passive vocabulary in Spanish would not be up to the task.我的西班牙词汇不够用,因此难以胜任。up to 多达The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.这家旅馆可供500位旅客住宿。tell jokes【原句回放】Hes really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks were getting bored.他真的是很有趣,看到我们有点厌烦了就给我们讲笑话。tell jokes

19、讲笑话My son likes to tell jokes, although he has no intention to become a comedian.虽然我儿子没有打算要去做喜剧演员,但他很喜欢讲笑话。【点拨】tell的有关短语:tell a lie 说谎tell a story 讲故事tell ones experiences 诉说自己的经历tell sbs fate/ fortune/future 给某人算命tell the difference 分辨差别tell the time 报时tell the truth 说实话tell twins 区分双胞胎三、重点句型1.so/

20、such.that.【原句回放】, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!她讲解的英语语法是如此的清晰,甚至连我也能听得懂!【点拨】so.that. 如此以致于,引导结果状语从句。When the football fans saw Beckham, they got so excited that they cried out.当足球粉丝们看到贝克汉姆时,他们兴奋得叫起来。【拓展】so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /mi

21、ght /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是“因此;所以”。The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mothers day. 这个小男孩精打细算,以便他能在母亲节给妈妈买一份礼物。such.that结构也引导结果状语从句,二者结构区别如下:so + adj./ adv. + thatso + many/few + 复数名词 + thatso + much/ little

22、(少) +不可数名词 + thatso + adj. + a/an +单数名词 + thatsuch + a/an + adj. +单数名词+ thatsuch + adj. +复数名词+ thatsuch + adj. +不可数名词+ thatsuch + a/an + adj. +单数名词+ that= so + adj. + a/an +单数名词 + thatThey are such interesting novels that I want to read them once again.这些小说非常有趣,我想再读一遍。2.would rather do sth. than do

23、sth./ would do sth. rather than do sth【原句回放】Id rather study history than geography because I can learn a lot from many historical figures.我宁愿学历史而不愿学地理,因为我可以从许多历史人物中学到很多东西。【点拨】would rather do sth. than do sth./ would do sth. rather than do sth宁可做某事也不做某事She would rather die than give a speech.(=She wo

24、uld die rather than give a speech.)她宁愿死也不愿意做演讲。I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。【拓展】rather than 而不是or rather 更确切的说would rather (not) do sth. 宁愿(不)做某事would rather sb. did sth. 宁愿某人做某事 (用一般过去时表示对现在和将来的虚拟)would rather sb. had done sth. 宁愿某人做过某事 (用过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟)注意:would

25、rather 后还可接动词的完成式,表示主语要做某事,而结果却事与愿违。Id rather have left a note on her desk.我本想留张纸条在她书桌上的。(事实上没有留)3. this/it is true of 这也适用于【原句回放】This is true of France, Germany, and Spain, where discipline and respect for the teachers is considered very important.法国、德国、西班牙就是这样,在这些国家里,遵守纪律和尊敬老师被认为是很重要的。【点拨】This is

26、true of.是一个常用句型,意为“这也适用于”。This/That/The same/It is true of. 也是如此,也适用于【拓展】表示“也是如此”的句型还有:1. so+动词/情态动词/be动词+ sb./sth.(用于肯定形式中)2. Neither/ Nor +动词/情态动词/be动词+ sb./sth. (用于否定形式中)3. It is the same with sb./ sth. (用于含有两个或两个以上动词的所有形式中,和the same is true of通用)4. So it is with sb./ sth. (用于含有两个或两个以上动词的所有形式中,和t

27、he same is true of通用)He has worked in the company for more than 10 years, and so have I.他在这家公司工作十多年了,我也是。Tom didnt mean to tell the secret. Neither did I.汤姆不是故意泄露秘密的,我也是如此。Jackson went to New York and would stay there for two weeks. It is the same with his boss.杰克逊去了纽约,准备在那儿待两周。他老板也是一样。* 巩固练习*Unit 2

28、 Exploring English 一、根据句意和汉语提示写出单词。1.The _(标题) of a passage gives readers very important information about the main idea of it.2.It is time for people with _(相对立的) ideas to unite and work towards a common goal.3.Do you get up immediately as soon as your _(闹钟) clock goes off in the early morning?4.Ea

29、ch of us is _(独一无二的,独特的) and there is no one else in the world who is the same with you.5.If you have any questions about it, you can_(联系) me either by e-mail or by WeChat.6.Can you guess the meaning of the word from the _(上下文,语境)?7.She was faced with a new job, in _(不熟悉的) surroundings with strange

30、people.8.You dont need to wear a suit; its an _(非正式的) meeting.9.Hurry up, Jane. All the guests are waiting for us _(在楼下).10.If the problem is not properly handled, it may have _(消极的) effects on them.二、单句语法填空,用所给单词或适当单词的正确形式填空。1.Neither my parents nor my younger sister _(be) at home today.2.You shoul

31、d reflect _ this problem carefully before you make a decision.3.Fred didnt have any money, so he decided to look _ a job to support himself.4.Hes more a talker than a doer. That is _ he never finishes anything.5.Im sure youll have no trouble _( find) the mistakes in your composition.6.I wonder wheth

32、er you have asked _( you) what you really want.7.It is well-known that the UN is short _ the United Nations.8.I know nothing about the incident so I refuse to comment _ it.9.We all want to know what _( actual) happened last night.10.The beautiful song you sang just now reminded me _ my childhood.三、语

33、段填词。用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The leader of the_ is a highly _ person and we all like the activities that he _ every week. All of us think him a excellent_(organise).2.They_ me by asking so many questions. I was totally _, standing there in_ ,not knowing what to do. (confuse)3.The child_ so well in class that

34、the teacher praised his good _ in front of his classmates. ( behave )4.You should know that hard work can_ wealth because you are the_ of your own life, but the_ of people also needs a _ mind. (create)5.Some people are_ of the importance of preserving wild animals. But we still try to raise the _ of

35、 the whole society. (aware)6.He had changed so much that I didnt_ him at first. As a matter of fact, illness and age changed him beyond_ ( recognise)7._ ,his income only meets expenses. So he only chooses a simple lifestyle_ on his limited salary. (base)四、根据所给的汉语用英语完成句子1._ anything about it.他父母和他对它都

36、毫无所知。2.His bike was broken and _ he was late for school yesterday.昨天他的自行车坏了,那就是他迟到的原因。3.Do you _ the work on time?你按时完成这项工作有困难吗?4.You should answer for _ just now.你应该对刚才你所说的话负责。5.She _ the breaststroke every day她每天花两小时练习蛙泳。五、书面表达假设你是李华,今天你和你的朋友王伟参加了“2022年北京外语节”( Beijing Foreign Language Festival 202

37、2),请根据下列要点介绍一下这个活动。要点如下:1.今天我和朋友王伟参加了“2022年北京外语节”。我们乘地铁去的。2.首先我们参加了一个主题为“如何学习英语”的讲座。3.演讲者回答了我们学习中一些令人困惑的问题。然后我们去了英语角,在那里我们和其他学生交流学习英语的方法。4.和以英语为母语的人交谈真是太棒了。5.我期待着参加更多这样的活动。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元的知识点:3.可适当增加细节。六、语法填空:Have you ever asked 1_ (you) why people often have trouble 2 _(study) English? I hadn

38、t, until one day my five-year-old son 3_(ask) me whether there was ham in a hamburger. This got me thinking how English can be a crazy language 4_ ( learn):For example , 5_ our free time we can sculpt a sculpture and paint a painting, but we take a photo. While we re doing all this traveling, we can

39、 get seasick at sea, airsick in the air and carsick in a car, 6_ we dont get homesick when we get back home. And speaking of home, why arent homework housework the same thing? Even the smallest of words can be 7_ (confuse). When you see the capitalized WHO in a medical report, do you read it as the who in Whos that? What about IT and US?English 8_(invent) by people, not computers, and it


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