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1、同等学力力人员申申请硕士士学位英英语水平平全国统统一考试试标准模模拟试题题二Partt I Diaaloggue commmunnicaatioon(110 mminuutess, ll0 poointts)Secttionn A Diaaloggue CommpleetioonDireectiionss: In thiis ssecttionn, yyou willl rreadd 5 shoort inccompplette ddialloguues bettweeen ttwosspeaakerrs, eacch ffollloweed bby 44 chhoicces marrkedd

2、 A, B, C andd D. Chhoosse tthe besst aanswwer thaatsuuitss thhe ssituuatiion to commpleete thee diialooguee byy maarkiing thee coorreespoondiing lettterr wiith a ssinggle barr accrosss tthe squuaree brrackketss onn yoour macchinne-sscorringg ANNSWEER SSHEEET.1.A: Issntt thhe ppinkk shhirtt prrettty?

3、B: _No, thee bllue onee iss prretttierr.Yeahh.butt thhe bbluee onne wwoulld llookk beetteer oon yyou.I thhinkk ottherrwisse.I doontt thhinkk I agrree witth yyou.2. AA: _B: TTrimm thhe bbackk, bbut leaave it lonng aat ssidees, pleeasee.How do wannt tto ddo wwithh thhe CChriistmmas treee?Do yyou wannt

4、 aa shhamppoo?How wouuld youu liike me to cutt itt?The fennce is madde oof wwoodden possts.3. AA: _ B: No. Im ttryiing to finnd aa grreenn swweatter in exttra larrge.Is aanybbodyy taakinng ccaree off yoou?Whatts youur ssizee?Whatt doo yoou wwantt?Is eeverrythhingg OKK?4. AA: CCan I gget youu soomett

5、hinng tto ddrinnk?B: _A. NNo, Imm noot tthirrstyy. BB. II doontt caare forr a driink.C. WWhatt drrinkk haave youu goot? D. Imm fiine. Thhankks aanywway.5. AA: AAre youu gooingg too yoour fammilyy reeuniion thiis CChriistmmas hollidaay?B: _As aa maatteer oof ffactt, II doontt miind it at alll.I doo.

6、IIvee beeen excciteed aabouut iit ffor a llongg tiime.Howeeverr, mmy ppareentss annd II arre ggoinng tto ttakee a triip tto HHawaaii.You bett. AAll my unccless annd aauntts wwilll taake theeir chiildrren aloong, tooo. Secctioon BB DDialloguue CCompprehhenssionn DDireectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion,

7、yoou wwilll reead 5 sshorrt cconvverssatiionss beetweeen a mman andd awwomaan. At thee ennd oof eeachh coonveersaatioon ttherre iis aa quuesttionn foolloowedd byy 4 chooicees mmarkkedAA, BB, CC annd DD. CChooose thee beest ansswerr too thhe qquesstioon ffromm thhe 44 chhoicces by marrkinng ttheccorr

8、respponddingg leetteer wwithh a sinnglee baar aacrooss thee sqquarre bbraccketts oon yyourr maachiine-scoorinngANSWWER SHEEET.6.Woomann: HHenrry, youur aartiiclee inn thhe ccamppus newws wwas exccelllentt.Man: I onlly wwishh thhey hadd puubliisheed tthe enttiree thhingg.Quesstioon: Whaat ddo wwe lle

9、arrn ffromm Heenryys ressponnse?The artticlle wwas acttuallly lonngerr.His pubblisshinng ccareeer hass juust beggun.The newwspaaperr haas pprinntedd hiis ootheer aartiiclees.The artticlle iis aabouut ssporrts.7.Maan: I tthouughtt thhe llibrrariian saiid wwe ccoulld cchecck oout as manny bbookks aas

10、wwe nneedd wiithoour libbrarry ccardds. WWomaan: Thaatss riightt, bbut nott thhosee reeferrencce bbookks.Quesstioon: Whaat ddoess thhe wwomaan mmeann?Studdentts wwithh a libbrarry ccardd caan cchecck aany boook oout.Refeerennce boooks aree noot aalloowedd too bee chheckked outt.Onlyy sttudeentss wii

11、th a llibrraryy caard cann chheckk ouut rrefeerennce boooks.The nummberr off boookss a stuudennt ccan cheeck outt iss unnlimmiteed. 8.Maan: Shaall I ccalll yoou tto llet youu knnow aboout ourr reeheaarsaal?Womaan: By alll meeanss.Quesstioon: Whaat ddo wwe llearrn ffromm thhe wwomaanss reespoonsee?Th

12、e mann shhoulld ttry hiss beest to telll hher aboout it.She doeesnt wwantt too giive thee maan ttoo mucch ttrouublee.She wouuld be happpy to leaarn dettaills oof tthe rehhearrsall.She preeferrs tthe mann too teell herr hiimseelf.9. MMan: Itt seeemss thhe rresttaurrantts hheree haave litttlee buusinn

13、esss thhesee daays.Womaan: Thaatss trrue, Buut oourss iss a sceenicc reesorrt. Andd thhis is nott thhe bbusyy seeasoon.WWhenn suummeer ccomees, youulll seee aarmiies of touurissts waiitinng iin llinee inn orrderr toogett a seaat. Quuesttionn: WWhatt doo wee leearnn frrom thee coonveersaatioon aabouu

14、t tthe resstauurannts in thee toown?Theyy sttay cloosedd unntill suummeer ccomees.Theyy caaterr chhieffly to touurissts.Theyy arre bbusyy alll tthe yeaar aarouund.Theyy prroviide quaalitty sservvicee too thheirr cuustoomerrs.10.WWomaan: I ddont aagreee wwithh Mrr. JJohnnsonn onn hiis vviewws aabouut

15、 ssociial wellfarre. He seeems tossugggestt thhat thee pooor aree roobbiing thee riich. Maan: He migght havve uusedd beetteer wwordds tto eexprresss hiis iideaas. Butt I finnd wwhatt hee saaidmmakees aa loot oof ssensse.Quesstioon: Whaat ddoess thhe mman meaan?Mr. Johhnsoonss iddeass arre nnonssenss

16、e.He qquitte aagreees witth MMr. Johhnsoonss viiewss.Mr. Johhnsoon iis ggoodd att exxpreessiing hiss iddeass.He ssharres thee woomanns vieews on socciall weelfaare.Partt Voccabuularry (20 minnutees, 10 poiintss)Secttionn AA DDireectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion theere aree 100 seenteencees, eacch wwi

17、thh onne wwordd orr phhrasse uundeerliinedd. CChooose thee onne ffromm thhe 44 chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C andd D thaat bbestt keeepss thhemeeaniing of thee seenteencee. TThenn maark thee coorreespoondiing lettterr wiith a ssinggle barr accrosss tthessquaare braackeets on youurmaachiine-scoorinng AAN

18、SWWER SHEEET.11. Obvviouuslyy thhesee arre aall facctorrs aaffeectiing smooothh opperaatioon, butt thhe uundeerlyyingg prrobllemiis sstilll tto bbe iidenntiffiedd.A. ooperratiionaal B. fuundaamenntall C. opeerattingg DD. uundeerneeathh12. If youu caan cconvvincce tthe inttervviewwer of youur sspecci

19、all quualiificcatiionss, yyourr chhancce oof bbeinngacccepptedd wiill be greeatlly eenhaanceed.A. aapprreciiateed B. enncouuragged C. fruustrrateed D. inccreaasedd13. Iniitiaallyy hiis bbookk diid nnot recceivve mmuchh atttenntioon, butt twwo wweekks aafteer tthe criiticcs revvieww apppeaaredd inn t

20、hhe nnewsspapperss, iit cclimmbedd too thhe bbestt seelleers liist.A. AAt ffirsst B.Firrst of alll C.Att fiirstt siightt DD. FFromm thhe ffirsst14. Groowinng eeconnomiic pprobblemms wweree hiighllighhtedd byy a sloowdoown in oill ouutpuut.A. aaccoountted forr B. woorkeed oout C. mmadee prromiinenntD

21、. taakenn foor ggranntedd15. Thee coommiitteee rrepoorteed iits finndinngs aftter a tthorrouggh iinveestiigattionn. A. thiingss thhat aree fooundd B. deecissionns C. ressultts oof aan eenquuiryy D. fiiless16. Thee crritiicss asssesssmeent of thee boook is thaat iit iis bbeauutiffullly wwritttenn. A.

22、 commpreehennsioon B. reccommmenddatiion C. addmirratiion D. juddgmeent17. Thee fooreiign minnistter wouuld revveall noothiing aboout hiss reecennt ttourr off thhe MMidddle Easstbeeyonnd wwhatt haad aalreeadyy beeen annnounncedd att thhe ppresss cconffereencee. A. as forr BB. iin aaddiitioon tto CC.

23、 aalonng wwithh D. inn reelattionn too18. Mr. Daane wennt tthrooughh hiis ddaugghteerss esssayy caareffullly, to eliiminnatee sllangg woordss frrom it. A. redducee BB. eexchhangge C. reemovve D. exhhibiit19. A ttripp too thhe AAntaarcttic is reaasonnablly ssafee iff yoou ttakee thhe nneceessaary pre

24、ecauutioons. A. witthinn reeasoon B. raatheer C. beyyondd dooubtt D. dooublly20. Witth hhis broows kniitteed, thee dooctoor cconttempplatted thee diiffiicullt ooperratiion he hadd too peerfoorm. A. suucceeedeed iin BB. ddeciidedd aggainnst C. weent on witth DD. tthouughtt deeeplly aabouutSecttionn B

25、 DDireectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion, thheree arre 110 iincoomplletee seenteencees. Forr eaach senntennce theereaare 4 cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC annd DD. CChooose thee onne tthatt beest commpleetess thhe ssenttencce. Theenmaark thee coorreespoondiing lettterr wiith a ssinggle barr accrosss tth

26、e squuaree brrackketss onn yoour macchinne-sscorringg ANNSWEER SSHEEET.21. Herr saadneess wass obbvioous, buut sshe bellievved thaat hher feeelinng oof ddeprresssionn waas _. A. torrrennt B. trranssiennt C. tennsille D. texxturred22. Nobbodyy knnew howw hee caame up witth tthiss _iideaa abboutt thhe

27、 ttripp. A. weaary B. twiiligght CC. uunannimoous D. weiird23. Thee flloweer uundeer tthe sunn woouldd _quuickkly witthouut aany prootecctioon. A. winnk B. witthhoold C. wiitheer D. widdoweer24. Thee _of gifftedd chhilddrenn innto accceleeratted claassees wwilll sttartt neext weeek aaccoordiingtto t

28、theiir aacaddemiic pperfformmancce. A. ssegrregaatioon B. speecifficaatioon C, sppecttrummD. subbscrripttionn25. He _hiimseelf bittterrly forr hiis mmiseerabble behhaviior thaat eevenningg.A. rrepeealeed B. reesennteddC. rellayeed D. repproaacheed26.WWritttenn att leeastt 1000 yyearrs aago, thhe hha

29、nddwriitinng ffadeed aand cerrtaiinlyy beecamme _. A. innfinnitee B. illlegiiblee C. inffecttiouus DD. iimmuune27. He cutt thhe sstriing andd heeld up thee twwo _too tiie tthe boxx.A. ssegmmentts B. seddimeentss CC. sseizzurees D. seccretts28. Alll thhe mmusiic iinsttrummentts iin tthe orcchesstraa

30、wiill be _bbeforee itt sttartts. A. ciivillizeed B. chaatteeredd CC. cchammberred D. choordeed29. Wheen tthe airr inn a cerrtaiin sspacce iis ssqueeezeed tto ooccuupy a ssmalllerr sppacee, tthe airr iss saaid tobbe _. A. coommeenceed B. commpreesseed C. coomprromiisedd DD. ccomppenssateed30. Shee ma

31、ade twoo coopiees oof tthiss pooem andd poosteed tthemm _to diffferrentt puubliisheers. A. seensaatioonallly B. simmulttaneeoussly CC. sstreenuoouslly D. siimpllyPartt RReaddingg Coomprreheensiion (455 miinuttes, 300 poointts) DDireectiionss: TTherre aare 5 ppasssagees iin tthiss paart. Eaach passsa

32、gge iis ffollloweed bby ssomee quuesttionns oor uunfiinisshedd sttateemennts. Foor eeachh off thhem theere aree 4 chooicees mmarkked A, B, C aandDD. CChooose thee beest ansswerr annd mmarkk thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer wwithh a sinnglee baar aacrooss theesquuaree brrackketss onn yoour macchinne-

33、sscorringg ANNSWEER SSHEEET.Passsagee Onne TThe wayy peeoplle hholdd too thhe bbeliief thaat aa fuun-ffillled, paainffreee liife equualss haappiinesss aactuuallly rreduucess thheirr chhancces of eveer aattaainiing reaal hhapppineess. Iff fuun aand pleeasuure aree eqquall toohapppinnesss thhen paiin

34、mmustt bee eqquall too unnhapppinnesss. BBut in facct, thee opppossitee iss trrue: mooreoofteen tthann noot thiingss thhat leaad tto hhapppineess invvolvve ssomee paain. AAs aa reesullt, manny ppeopple avooid thee veery atttemppts thaat aare thee soourcce oof ttruee haappiinesss. Theey ffearr thhe p

35、painn inneviitabbly brooughht bby ssuchh thhinggs aas mmarrriagge, raiisinng cchilldreen, proofesssioonall acchieevemmentt, rreliigioous commmittmennt (承担的的义务), sselff-immproovemmentt. AAsk a bbachheloor (单身汉汉) wwhy he ressistts mmarrriagge eevenn thhouggh hhe ffindds ddatiing to be lesss aand lesss

36、 ssatiisfyyingg. IIf hhe iis hhoneest he willl ttelll yoou tthatt hee iss affraiid oof mmakiing a ccommmitmmentt. FFor commmittmennt iis iin ffactt quuitee paainfful. Thhe ssinggle liffe iis ffillled witth ffun, addvennturre,eexciitemmentt. MMarrriagge hhas succh mmomeentss, bbut theey aare nott itt

37、s mmostt diistiinguuishhingg feeatuuress. CCouppless wiith inffantt chhilddrenn arre lluckky tto gget a wwholle nnighhtss slleepp orr a thrree-dayy vaacattionn. II doontt knnow anyy paarennt wwho wouuld chooosee thhe wwordd fuun tto ddesccribbe rraissingg chhilddrenn. BBut couuplees wwho deccidee no

38、ot tto hhavee chhilddrenn neeverr knnowtthe joyys oof wwatcchinng aa chhilddgroow uup oor oof pplayyingg wiith a ggranndchhildd. UUndeersttanddingg annd aacceeptiing thaat ttruee haappiinesss hhas notthinng tto ddo wwithh fuur, is onee offthee moost libberaatinng rreallizaatioons. Itt liiberratees t

39、timee: nnow we cann deevotte mmoree hoourss too acctivvitiies thaat ccan gennuinnelyy inncreeasee ouur hhapppineess. Itt liiberratees mmoneey: buyyingg thhat neww caar oorthhosee faancyy cllothhes thaat wwilll doo noothiing to inccreaase ourr haappiinesss nnow seeems poiintllesss. AAndiit llibeeratt

40、es us froom eenvyy: wwe nnow unddersstannd tthatt alll tthosse wwho aree allwayys hhaviing so mucchfuun aactuuallly mmay nott bee haappyy att alll.31. Acccorddingg too thhe aauthhor, a bacchellor ressistts mmarrriagge cchieeflyy beecauuse _. A. he is rellucttantt too taake on fammilyy reespoonsiibil

41、litiies B. he bellievves thaat llifee wiill be morre ccheeerfuul iif hhe rremaainss siinglle C. he finnds morre ffun in dattingg thhan in marrriaage D. he feaars it willl pput an endd too alll hhis funn addvennturre aand excciteemennt32. Raiisinng cchilldreen, in tille aauthhors oopinnionn, iis _. A

42、. a mmoraal ddutyy BB. aa thhankklesss jjob C. a rrewaardiing tassk DD. aa soourcce oof iinevvitaablee paain33. Froom tthe lasst pparaagraaph, wee leearnn thhat envvy ssomeetimmes steems froom _. A. hattredd BB. mmisuundeersttanddingg C. preejuddicee DD. iignoorannce34. To unddersstannd wwhatt trrue

43、 happpinnesss iss, oone musst _. A. havve aas mmuchh ruun aas pposssiblle dduriing onees liffetiime B. makke eeverry eeffoort to libberaate oneesellf ffromm paain C. putt upp wiith paiin uundeer aall cirrcummstaancees D. be ablle tto ddisttingguissh hhapppineess froom ffun35. Whaat iis tthe autthorr

44、 trryinng tto ttelll uss? A. Happpinnesss offtenn gooes hannd iin hhandd wiith paiin. B. Onee muust knoow hhow to atttainn haappiinesss. C. It is impporttantt too maake commmittmennts. D. It is paiin tthatt leeadss too haappiinesss.36. Acccorddingg too thhe aauthhors oopinnionn, _. A. happpinnesss i

45、ss diiffeerennt ffromm fuun B. funn allwayys lleadds tto hhapppineess C. happpinnesss iss allwayys oorigginaatedd frrom funnD. ppainn iss annothher kinnd oof hhapppineessPasssagee Twwo Its vveryy innterresttingg too noote wheere thee deebatte aabouut ddiveersiity (多样样化) is takkingg pllacee. IIt iis

46、ttakiing plaace priimarrilyy inn poolitticaal ccirccless. HHeree att thhe CColllegee Fuund, wee haave a llot of conntacct wwithh toop ccorpporaate (公司司的) leaaderrs; nonne oof tthemm iss taalkiing aboout getttinng rrid of thoose insstruumennts thaat pprodducee diiverrsitty. In facct, theey ssay thaat

47、 iif ttheiir ccomppaniies areeto commpette iin tthe glooball viillaage andd inn thhe gglobbal marrkett pllacee, ddiveersiity is an impperaativve.TTheyy allso sayy thhat thee neeed forr taalenntedd, sskillledd Ammeriicanns mmeanns wwe hhavee too exxpannd tthePPooll off pootenntiaal eemplloyeees. Annd

48、 iin llookkingg att whheree biirthh raatess grrowiing andd att whhereethee Poopullatiion is shiiftiing, coorpooratte AAmerricaa unnderrstaandss thhat exppanddingg thhe ppooll meeanssProomottingg poolicciess thhat hellp pprovvidee skkillls tto mmoree miinorritiies, moore wommen andd mooreiimmiigraant

49、ss. CCorpporaate leaaderrs kknoww thhat if thaat ddoessntt occcurr inn ouur ssociietyy, ttheyy wiill notthavve tthe enggineeerss, tthe sciienttistts, thee laawyeers, orr thhe bbusiinesss mmanaagerrsthhey willl nneedd. Liikewwisee, II doontt heear peooplee inn thhe aacaddemyy saayinng Letts go bacckw

50、aard. Leetss goo baack to thee goood oldd daays, whhen we hadd a merritoocraacy (不拘拘一格选选人才) (whhichh waas nneveer ttrueewe nevver hadd a merritoocraacy, allthooughh weevee coome clooserr too itt inn thhe llastt 300yeaars). II reecenntlyy viisitted a ggreaat llitttle colllegge iin NNew Yorrk wwherre

51、tthe cammpuss haas ddoubbledditss miinorrityy poopullatiion in thee laast sixx yeearss. II taalkeed wwithh ann Affriccan Ameericcan whoo haasbeeen a pproffesssor theere forr a lonng ttimee, aand shee reememmberrs tthatt whhen shee fiirstt jooineed ttheccommmuniity, thheree weere fewwer thaan aa haan

52、dfful of minnoriitiees oon ccamppus. Noow, alll off uss feeeltthe uniiverrsitty iis bbettter beccausse oof tthe divverssityy. SSo wwherre wwe hhearr thhis debbatee iss prrimaarilly iinpoolitticaal ccirccless annd iin tthe meddianott inn coorpooratte bboarrd rroomms oor oon ccolllegee caampuusess.37.

53、 Thee woord immperratiive (LLinee 5, Paara. 1) moost proobabbly refferss too soometthinng _. A. suuperrficciall B. remmarkkablle CC. ddebaatabble D. esssenntiaal38. Whiich of thee foolloowinng ggrouups of peooplee sttilll diiffeer iin ttheiir vviewws oon ddiveersiity? A. Miinorritiies. B. Pollitiici

54、aans. C. Prrofeessoors. D. Maanaggerss.39. Higgh-rrankkingg coorpooratte lleadderss seeem to be in favvor of proomottingg diiverrsitty sso aas tto A. loowerr thhe rratee off unnempployymennt B. wiin eequaal ppoliiticcal rigghtss foor mminoorittiess C. bee coompeetittivee inn thhe wworlld mmarkket D.

55、 saatissfy thee deemannds of a ggrowwingg poopullatiion40. It cann bee innferrredd frrom thee paassaage thaat _. A. meerittocrracyy caan nneveer bbe rreallizeed wwithhoutt diiverrsitty B. Ammeriicann poolitticaal ccirccless wiill nott accceppt ddiveersiity C. itt iss unnlikkelyy thhat divverssityy w

56、iill occcur in thee U. S. meediaa D. miinorritiies cann onnly entter thee fiieldds wwherre nno ddebaate is heaard aboout divverssityy41. Acccorddingg too thhe ppasssagee, ddiveersiity cann bee acchieevedd inn Ammeriicann soocieety by _. AA. eexpaandiing thee poool of pottenttiall emmplooyeees BB. pp

57、rommotiing polliciies thaat pprovvidee skkillls tto eemplloyeees CC. ttraiininng mmoree ennginneerrs, sciienttistts, lawwyerrs aand bussineess mannageers DD. pprovvidiing eduucattionn foor aall reggarddlesss oof rracee orr seex42. Thee auuthoorss atttittudee toowarrds divverssityy iss _. AA. pposiit

58、ivve BB. nneurral C. objjecttivee D. crritiicall Passsagge TThreee Pssychholoogisst GGeorrge Spiilicch aand collleaaguees aat WWashhinggtonnColllegge iin CChessterrtowwn,Marrylaand, deecidded to findd ouut wwhettherr, aas mmanyy smmokeers sayy, ssmokkingg heelpss thhem to thhinkk annd cconccenttratt

59、e. Sppiliich putt yooungg noon-ssmokkerss, aactiive smookerrs, acttivee smmokeers andd smmokeers depprivved (被剥剥夺) of ciggareettees tthrooughh a serriess off teestss. Inn thhe ffirsst ttestt, eeachh suubjeect (试验验对象) saat bbefoore a ccompputeer sscreeen andd prresssed a kkey as sooon aas hhe oor ssh

60、e reccognnizeed aa taargeet llettter amoong a ggrouupinng oof 996. In thiis ssimpplettestt, ssmokkerss, ddeprriveed ssmokkerss annd nnonssmokkerss peerfoormeed eequaallyy weell. Thee neext tesst wwas morre ccompplexx, rrequuiriing alll too sccan seqquenncess off 200 iddentticaal llettterssandd reesp


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